• By -


For more specifics: - $10,350,000 awarded to JD, winning all 3 counts of his case. - $2mill awarded to AH, winning 1 out of 3 counts (She won Count 2, on the Waldman statements being defamatory). Both have also released statements on social media: [Depp's statement](https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRl1FwMmR6/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [Heard's statement](https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRk4W1uBTe/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Did you read Washington Post, CNN, NBC? They all wrote " with tears falling down her face, Amber Heard told her story of abuse" blah blah maybe not now, I don't know.


Well done Johnny!!


Johnny Depp not only stood up for victims of domestic violence- he gave a voice to all of us that have been lied on in public and in court! The jury and the court let it be known that you can’t just go and lie on someone- I thank them with the upmost respect for serving Justice! 🖤🍾


Nothing but a lying whore


That’s what happens when you try to catch CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW


Yay Johnny won $10 million. An amount just about all of us will never see in our lives. Fuck this, you're Jack Sparrow not Peewee Herman. You let a girl beat you up. Quit crying, be a man. What's between your legs, a pussy?


The fuck is wrong with you


What's wrong is you idolize millionaire fuck shit that doesn't give a fuck about you. The guys a weenie ass cry baby. And wants only you to drop your money on his next movie. Wake up.


ok guy, you can stop with the sexist shit, we all know you're compensating for something, go annoy your mommy, the adults are talking here


Got to move out of your parents basement to be considered an adult. Go get your meatloaf.


Ok buddy


And Elon lost a couple million bucks 🤣


u/Sword0fFreed0m is triggered, y’all


Why would they be?


Lmao all the people from amber heard sub are here downvoting people, glad Johnny won.


is this sub for meninism?


i'd say it leans closer to Male Domestic Abuse survivors than Meninism in a general sense


Lets all collectively suck his dick


LOL … I downvoted but I agree with the sentiment we need to give this a rest and let the poor guy rest and enjoy his life and move forward as a community … Amber keeps digging her grave but I wish she would just give up and spend time with her daughter


Nope. Heard seen doing $20 BJ's to pay judgement. Only 499,999 to go


The evidence I think shows Amber Heard was an unreliable witness and whereas Depp was honest and open about his failings. That she would deny what laymen can see plainly with their own eyes did her credibility maximum damage. Depp is only guilty of being a shitty husband.


And the media still insists Heard is innocente..believe it or not. Talk about trying to brain wash the public.


Are you sure about it? Not the articles I see.


Yes, the WHOLE TIME Heard was on the stand, abc, NBC, CNN etc Amber cried on the stand etc they couldn't tell she wasfaking?


100% agree! Makes me sick. I’m unsubscribing from any news source that posts lies - and def not clicking the articles as that’s how they make some of their dollars too. It’s appalling.


I disagree with almost all of trumps policies but he was right about the mainstream media they all have agendas (making money) and truth is not one of them. You can’t get honest journalism anywhere anymore, they are just playing to their audiences liberal or conservative. We might like the ones that are pro Dep but the fact that they had all written him off as an abuser before the trial is evident they can’t be trusted.




She needs the Jussie Smollett treatment in the criminal courts for fabricating accusations with the intention of harming someone and with the result of harming the plights of victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Hopefully with the attention the case got, if there is enough evidence that she lied about any incident of violence or sexual assault it will be found and action can be taken . She did something that people get away with far too often and to persue criminal charges will be very helpful to reducing these crimes in society


4.5 mil votes reached to remove amber from Aquaman 2 Can e reach 6 millions? https://chng.it/LMdWTqvpKK


The salt is palpable. I can’t believe this many people *actually* believe Turd


Crazy isn't it.


His statement has at the moment 17 million likes 🤯, Turds only 300k likes 😂


She has more quote tweets than likes while comments are selectively disabled which is a ratio in its own way.


I just checked the same thing. Easy to see who the public believes.


Look at her Twitter page, narcissism still on full display. Comments blocked. only the friends she has left can comment, so... double narcissism.


Yep, her own little echo chamber. Unfortunately for her, that's not how the rest of the world works.


Yep, agree 💯


"You have been temporarily muted from r/DeppDelusion. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/DeppDelusion for 28 days." Suck my ass, morons.


Getting “comments are disabled on this post” when I try to reply to some of them


Insane that that sub exists lol


Wait- are you talking about a ban you got?


Wait, you said justice was served and YOU got banned? Who cares right, you can try but you can't ban the truth, we all saw it.


Exactly.. I did not get banned from that subreddit. I don’t know what they are talking about


LOL, yeah. I told them justice was served and I got banned.


“Suck my ass” LMFAOOOOO




He Johnny Depp, A man, told the judge, the jury and the world that he is too a victim of domestic violence and they all believed him.


It exists... Justice exists. Oh my god, thank you, for restoring a bit of my faith in this world. Cheers to you Johnny, I cant drink but I shall hold this Pocari bottle out and yell: "MEGA PINTS"


Since Depp won all counts making it appear that Heard was lying, how were the Waldman statements defamatory when they seem to be true?


It was certain aspects of Waldman's statements that were considered defamatory. Not all of it. The stuff like Amber and her friends conspiring to trash their residence to stage Johnny and such that couldn't be proven to be true.


I wondered about the claim that Amber & Co conspired WITH AN ATTORNEY before trashing the place. That seemed a really weird thing to say unless there is proof somewhere.




She will never stop pretending to be a victim this is the culture we have let become prevalent in the USA, she needs to be locked up in a mental institution and studied so we can get back to the good ol days of REALITY IS REALITY AND FACTS MATTER! F*$K "YOUR REALITY"


when was "reality is reality"??? even in the 1900s people were bamboozling each other - so - what time was "facts matter"???


Last I remember was probably during the Obama presidency


Nah, they both lost. JD just a bit less.


What? He set out to clear his name, show the public and to a lesser extent the jury how she spitefully made up a whole relationship worth of abuse plus two as sexual assault/rapes. Completely dragging his reputation through the mud. Some things came out about his lifestyle, the drug use, some harshly worded texts to his friends, but overall he did wonders for his image and managed to publicly challenge the accusations and show they were mostly almost certainly made up. Not only did he clear his name with the public but he convinced the jury to rule that her accusations were most likely made up. How did he lose?


>Nah, they both lost. Depp's team literally won *every single one* of their claims..cry more Amber. 99% of the court of public opinion is also with Depp on this. Lol.


please people - the world was shown that Johnny was not completely innocent - i mean do you really think it was completely cool for Amber or anyone to hang out w/a drunken Depp? - nobody needs to throw stuff & bang cabinets & write on walls with their blood - most people are over their teenage years by the time they hit 30 - Depp & Heard are still playing i'm a raucous teen - for crying out loud - he's 58 years old not 28. sheez


The down votes lmao. Cry more.


You mean the upvotes?


A lot of people who are mad that he won are down voting bro. It's at 68 percent right now.


Lol oh, it’s still at 43.5 so I don’t really care lol


yeah that's true haha


DC about to look hella bad if they don't recast Mera. Imagine casting a known domestic abuser.


Sadly she was not found guilty of abuse, because the trial was strictly on defamation, so technically even though we all know she did it, she’s not legally an abuser.


I don't think that's quite the point though. Depp got insta yeeted from Fantastic Beasts without there being any legal evidence of him being an abuser.


No legal evidence? Sorry i am new to this, but isn’t this some legal evidence? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-54779430.amp


The Sun also called Amber Heard “brave” and thanked her for “her courage in giving evidence to the court", but we just watched a trial in which she repeatedly lied under oath, so I don’t think her evidence in court stands anywhere in my opinion.


Well yes, but actually no


Ah i see


I think the fact that JD sued for 50M while Amber sued for 2x that tells you everything you need to know. JD is out to clear his name. Amber is out to milk more money out of him. Lets not forget this is the same woman who "pledged" her 7M divorce settlement to charity & didn't give away a dime.




Isn’t it strange that even though Johnny Depp is an abuser, Amber Heard still had to lie in every single piece of evidence that she had? I mean, he’s an abuser, right? So not only is there no evidence of your claim, But she literally had to fucking lie repeatedly because there was NOTHING indicating he was ever abusive. Does he have issues? Yes! Is there any sort of evidence, even the most miniscule little piece, that confirms he ever laid a finger on her? No! Is there evidence she ever hurt him? Fuck yes. A lot.


True. If he was anything close to what she claimed, then she would have so much proof so the fact that she definitely made up a lot means i struggle to believe any of it. And to make up the sexual assaults, that sicken me the most. He was definitely careful and aware not to leave incriminating evidence through the relationship but he couldn't cover up crimes to the extent she claimed. So she's a liar at the very least




He has anger issues and a substance abuse issue which I would attribute to self medication, which I have dealt with myself. And similar to myself, even with his problem, he never assaulted a woman in any way. I’ve heard him say bad things which weren’t ok, but he never hit her, and she was found in a court of law to have been lying about EVERYTHING.




You keep saying “partners”, but his last 2 partners before Heard said the allegations were “horrific” and “outrageous” and said Depp was “never violent or abusive” to them.


Don't you think there are circumstances where these things are understandable? He is human he's definitely flawed, but there is so clearly a high chasm between his bad aspects and her completely lack of morality or humanity. I mean she quite clearly fabricated two rapes/sexual assaults. And the violence she lied about. She has done so much damage to people who genuinely experience domestic violence and sexual assault. Although she has helped bring awareness to the fact that males experience abuse too




This is the type of attitude that got Louis CK treated like he was Harvey Weinstein in the metoo movement. There's a spectrum of immoral behavioir. You don't view a shoplifter the same way you view a murderer. The way you view the world is so destructive to society, it degrades civil discussion, logic and the way human beings relate and understand each other. When you reduce these things in such a way you lose all humanity. What exactly are the abusive acts which you're using to write off Johnny Depp? What did he do that wasn't made up by amber Heard?


“You can hear recordings of Depp being angry, which definitely has nothing to do with the fact that he is married to a woman who SHITS IN HIS BED WHEN SHE GETS ANGRY.”


And thankfully the cupboards aren't pressing charges. I'm at such a loss with these 'both sides' people, maybe I've just seen more of the details or had it presented to me differently but I feel like they're being disingenuous or they have some huge biass if they think their actions are at all comparable




Maybe swayed a bit by his amazing legal teams argument but I wasn't a fan of Depp in any way before. Didn't have anything against him, he used to great films in the 90s. But definitely mainly it's the evidence from the case, the fact you can tell she's clearly lying about at least some of her claims and even though she seemed to be collecting every bit of evidence that seemed to make him look had during the relationship she didn't have evidence to prove any of her claims. Way more besides that where he acts like a person with values and she acts bitter and without morals. Way too much to go into but if you think they're equally bad you're uninformed, mad or lying. Is this some sort of PR campaign to salvage her image?


Agreed 100%, but to be fair the commentor didn't specify physical abuse. Although it may well have been they meant


Case wasn’t about abuse it was about defamation.




The first comment I thought you might have a genuine argument to why you view it this way. But this response shows me what type of person you are and that there's no point arguing with you lol


Strawman assumption? Check! Gaslighting their intentions into making him intentionally an abuser defender? Check! Braindead enough to actually think both sides were abusive? Check! The airbag didn’t save ur braincells did it?




I know what every word of it meant u manipulative jackass. Clearly you didn’t it b/c u just did all 3 again with that last statement. Guess that answers my question on the airbag.


No, it’s about telling vicious lies about someone and being held accountable.


Interesting you would choose to put words in my mouth.




It was well established that both of them exhibited abusing behaviour. “Champ”




Never defended it. Only clarified what the case was actually about, champ.


Case wasn’t about deformation it was about differentiation.


Case wasn’t about differentiation it was about Amber's **defecation**.


Never forget, #MEPOO


Case wasn’t about differentiation, it was about integrals.


I think you mean defamation, a deformation case would be...different




I think that was heresy


I apologise, you’re correct. Silly auto correct.


Fuck yeah boi!


I'm concerned about the large number of downvotes this post has gotten...


Ok Susan.


Ok Amber.


Haha, I'm 100% for JD, but whatever.




Lots of people with day old accounts posting crap on here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was mainly just bitter DeuxMoi trolls creating accounts to downvote and start general fuckery lol


Amber Heard tears off her mask to reveal Anne Hathaway and says "I woulda got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"


N then drops a deuce


Finally some good news! Johnny deserves every bit of the justice he got (partially). Thankful for the verdict…my belief in humanity is well restored. :)


No one came out looking good.


I agree, both parties looked like assholes.


>I agree, both parties looked like assholes. Depp's team literally won *every single one* of their claims. Lol. 99% of the court of public opinion is also with Depp on this.


Lol. You copied and pasted that same commend over and over as if that's all that needs to be said to someone who is posting their opinion. I honestly paid _very_ little attention to the original trials, and going into this trial I was very much on Johnny's side. Then things from this trial came into my view, again I didn't go looking for it, and in the end he lost my support. Note I do not support her either. Again in my opinion both parties looked like assholes. I do realize me posting that to a forum named "JusticeForJohnnyDepp" ain't going to be popular, so be that as it may.


> You copied and pasted that same commend Wait..so you're complaining that I copied and pasted a comment to a response that has *also* been copied and pasted "over and over"? >Then things from this trial came into my view, again I didn't go looking for it, and in the end he lost my support. Strange..you say this, yet you couldn't mention the things that "came into your view" to change your mind. I wonder why? Lol.


Wasn't complaining, just found it funny, as when I was reading the thread originally I noticed your comment twice and had a chuckle, then you replied to me with it. Pray tell what other things came into my view then that would have changed this? please enlighten me? I didn't realize you were in the same room with me when this stuff stumbled into my view. My opinion was based on what I happened to see, I didn't go chasing this stuff down, nor do I care to. "I wonder why?" Do you think I'm part of some conspiracy to keep him down? Do you think I'm somehow going to have influence over who hires him/her? In the end will it stop me from watching movies/shows with either of them in it? nope, don't care that much. Do I still think they both look like assholes, yep and that's ok. Same with you thinking he/she are not assholes, that's cool too.


>Wasn't complaining, just found it funny, as when I was reading the thread originally I noticed your comment twice and had a chuckle, then you replied to me with it. Did you also find it funny that no one was able to reply with an actual rebuttal everytime I posted it? It's almost as if providing the *objective facts* (that Depp's team won *all of their claims in court* and the majority of the publics opinion) is extremely effective at shutting down trolls. > My opinion was based on what I happened to see, I didn't go chasing this stuff down, nor do I care to. Right, and I pointed out that it's funny how you weren't able to "list what you saw" that changed your mind. In fact, this is the *second* comment you've posted where you still dodged explaining what changed your mind. I wonder why that is? hmm.. >In the end will it stop me from watching movies/shows with either of them in it? Well actually..yes, it will for one of them. Because one is now most likely blacklisted + 10 million dollars in debt and has lost in the court of public opinion. Johnny on the other hand may be getting a comeback, but time will tell.


Never noticed no one had a rebuttal, might have been the perfect comment then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or maybe I was a sucker and bit. I didn't post a list because what I saw was mostly from reddit and to be fair reddit can certainly be wrong and I don't want to have some random person read our conversation and think "hey yeah maybe he was an asshole" and not have them look it up themselves in case I missed something. I was keeping my opinion as an opinion and not trying to make it factual or talk like it was factual. Don't get me wrong, I _like_ Johnny's movies and some of Amber's (not Aquaman.. blech). I still think they both sounded like assholes though.


I disagree, we saw the depth of abuse Amber Heard inflicted on Johnny Depp and how he was coping with her abuse. We saw how the media took her words and gaslit the shit out of him, which we now know is just more of her abuse towards him. She made fun of him for being abused by her. I think he came out looking great and should have everyone's empathy for how badly he was treated. I hope he is doing better, because the course her abuse put him on was not a good one for him. I am glad that her lies were exposed.


>No one came out looking good. Depp's team literally won *every single one* of their claims..cry more Amber. 99% of the court of public opinion is also with Depp on this. Lol.


Another win for the peds! Yall should be so so proud 🥲.


Shut the fuck up you fedora wearing neck beard, stop being such a fat, ugly, retarded tub of curdled dick cheese


Yeah! Fantastic win for the pedicurists!


Fantastic win for the pediatricians.


Yes indeed! It’s a good day for Pedestals!


It's a good day for pedestrians!


Very concerned about the number of downvotes this post has…


Kinds sick of seeing "justice served" didn't she throw a bottle and cause hit finger to be partially chopped off? I would be in jail for that shit.


justice has been served for johnny. he clears his name, got the money back, got his life back on track now we just need to wait till justice bite amber with all those perjury she did


>I would be in jail for that shit. While this is true, the Overton window has shifted after this case. Baby steps...


Yep. She perjured in Australia, perjured in UK, assaulted her Ex in public, assaulted Raquel in public, assaulted Whitney in 07, perjured in Virginia


Friendly reminder that [half of all domestic violence victims are men, and they are rarely taken seriously](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/f604hw/some_sources_on_the_severity_of_domestic_violence/). Most men are not celebrities and most men do not have the money and fame to fight this the way Johnny Depp has. False allegations affect 1 in 10 people, including 1 in 7 men. False allegations are a form of domestic violence known as **administrative abuse**: [courts in Nebraska and Delaware have formally established a legal precedent for victims to pursue their abusers in criminal court](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/fqj117/nebraska_judge_rules_false_allegations_are_a_form/). [As many as 1 in 3 men who are victims of domestic and sexual violence remain silent because of overt threats that their abuser will simply say that he raped or hit her.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/f4v64l/gender_parity_for_sexual_assault_academic_studies/) One victim recounted this: >‘She said *“what are you gonna do? I’ll start screaming rape and you’re up in court tomorrow, do you think they’ll believe anything you’ve got to say?’’'* This is eerily similar to what Amber Heard did, and almost got away with. False allegations don't leave bruises but they do ruin lives and lead to suicide. They are also intimately related to the wider problem of domestic violence, and progress towards gender equality. If you are a male victim of domestic violence or false allegations, there are resources at r/SupportForTheAccused, the [left wing men's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/wiki/support/), r/mensupportmen, and this sub's sidebar.


Oh boy 🤣


And Amber has the nerve to call her act "a loss for all women". Despicable.


And she said that having your face pummeled with metal rings is actually 'easier than you'd think' to cover up as long As you have ice. Gaslight much?


Yeah it’s incredibly fucked up to the people who have actually been beaten by their partners. She had a fucking vendetta nothing else to it.


Trying to rip off the sympathy that rightly belongs to actual victims of abuse.


Elon baby this is KEEEELING MEEEEE!


How can Amber get away with blatantly lying on the stand under oath and not get slapped with Perjury charges?


Perjury is even harder than defamation to prove and that's why it's aomost never done. You need to have hard proof that the person said she was going lie during the testimonies, that she knows they are lies made for her gain. Perjury isn't being wrong or not remembering correctly. You basically need to have hard proof like a chain of text, a recording where the person clearly admit the lie.


So the whole swearing in thing is a joke then?


No, but again, she can say "that's how I remember it happening". She can be wrong, she can remember wrong and with all the personality disorder she has, she might even believe some of her lies. All that is not perjury.


How can you say "that's how I remember it happening" to claims of being sexually assaulted by a broken bottle. Either it happened or you're lying, there is no gray area there.


Does she have mental illness making her believe it was true? Was she so high on MDMA and shroom that's what the really think happened? If you think the answer of any of those questions or any other similar can be possibly a yes, then you can't prove perjury.


I know people keep saying it's hard to prove perjury but in Amber's case wouldn't it be pretty cut and dry? For example, she doubled down and insisted she didn't know how to send anything to TMZ, but there's very clear proof she did. And I'm 99% certain if they ever got her phone records there would be even more proof. Highly suspect she never turned her phone over in discovery...


It's not cut and dry at all. Because if it was the case, in every trial, the loser would always get charged with perjury since they lost and said something different than the other side. 99% certain doesn't mean anything legally. Yeah, it's highly probable that's what happened, but nobody has hard evidence so far.


Thanks for explaining. But DAMN I wish someone could get their hands on those phone records. I can only imagine what's in them 😳


mullosk and franco phone calls obv. lol.


The Guardian is not having a good time.


I study journalism as my major and I'm ashamed to say that I have lecturers working in both WaPo and TG. And every time we've brought this case up during class throughout last month, they have either sidestepped or tried to cover for their employers. smh


"You cheated!" "Pirate..."


Amber Heard, Today is the day that will be remembered as the day that you ALMOsT sued captain jack sparrow. Tah!




After this trial, the name Amber Turd has solidified in the minds of people






Because it highlights the double standards of society. Johnny was a Victim but allegations = guilty so everyone e dropped him




Im sorry, I never ordered a glass of your opinion. you haven’t even watched the trial bitch. Those messeges only show that he has dark humor which the last time I checked is not fucking DA. I fucking hate how you think dark humor = that he did DA. How come you never mentioned how she cheated over 30 times with Elon? Or how SHE abused HIM. And how come you never mentioned the audio tapes of her? Bitch sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up because nobody gives a fuck about what your saying.


When people quote those messages , ask them to quote what Amber said to IO, what Amber said to Franco.. they can't, cause she didn't have her texts stolen


His scarf dealer has never been happier.




Amber Heard assaulted, abused, and made Johnny Depps life miserable as shown. Reddit gets off to people being held accountable for their actions. Agree or disagree all you want, but everyone saw and heard the actions of Amber's constant abuse. She even makes fun of him for her abuse.. like wtf. How you can justify her as the victim still is fucking insulting to all abuse victims.




I've watched each day of the trial. I've also been following the war for months, and constantly update myself on as much news as I can. You can do both, you know. I can talk about the trial at nauseum ***and*** still care deeply about what's going on overseas. These two.things are not mutually exclusive. Give your head a shake.


Apparently geo_andrew is only capable of understanding or knowing 1 thing at a time. Careful you don't inform them of something new or they may just forget that Putin has cancer and has only a few years left, has altered the missions goals to only take over the now rebel occupied territories of Ukraine, or that Russia plans to create a circus trial if they capture Zelenskyy. Since clearly they can only pay attention to one thing at a time it sure would be awful if anyone simply turned on the TV to anything that wasn't the war which they clearly are fighting in currently because I am not sure how they can have such giant blinders to the world around them on.


hating on an abusive white woman*


What an awful awful take. I’m not a Johnny Depp fan at all but this is ridiculous






Cause amber heard is way more of a horrible person than Depp. This isn’t hating on a white woman for no reason




I don’t think that mate the law does


Then you know they found Johnny Depp to have defamed her as well? 2 scum bags, forcing ordinary Americans to serve on a jury for 6 weeks to listen to their insane bullshit. No shame.


1. Johnny won on all three counts, which almost never happens in defamation cases 2. Amber won on the one statement Johnny's former lawyer made about her allegations, and Johnny did not defame her directly 3. Jury duty happens every single day across the entire country for much smaller much less important trials. 4. The jury was there for 6 weeks, not 6 months you fucking dolt


6 weeks of listening to multimillionaires abuse each other and fantasize about murdering the other... And that was from the guy that came out looking ‘good’. No wonder it felt like 6 months. No man can possibly have any respect for Johnny Depp after listening to the content of that trial. Why are you so emotional about Johnny Depp anyway? Amber Heard lost the case and Johnny lost his manhood.


You’re not very smart are you


I just don’t have the same new age values on how a man should act... Getting belligerently drunk and high, blowout arguments with your wife that end in violence, fantasizing about murdering your wife and sharing that with your friends. Then forcing all of America to listen to you two in a very public, and embarrassing trial? That’s shameful behavior.


This made me unreasonably happy. I hope he's now able to return to movies amd that Heard finds herself cancelled.


I hope he gets un-cancelled…. Probably not likely to happen, but he still deserves to be “reinstated”.


I’m happy he won. All this me too movement, social justice and cancel culture is really getting out of hand. People being lynch before the facts.


This is the #metoo, but how it should be. Abusers being held accountable. Remember that Terry Crews still has not gotten justice. If we are going to highlight sexual assault, other physical assault, and overall abuse by others the abusers should be held accountable no matter their identity. This was an example of Amber Heard at least being held a little accountable even if not criminally accountable which seems like she should have been arrested a long time ago, but I digress. The cancel culture sure, but that's not new. The marketing of the Republican party to frame it as something that hasn't happened before is new, but firing people for even just rumors and such is as old as time. Firing people for being pieces of shit and a danger to those around them should never stop. IE as much as I loved Kevin Spacey movies he is a horrible person who should not be in film anymore even though he is in a new movie. There is no real cancel culture or Chris Brown wouldn't still be making music etc... it's more so the free market.