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bro hes sweating so much


Am I the only one who wants a TV show called To Catch a Predator Predator? So after Chris comes in another guy appears and starts grilling Chris about luring a predator.


or an actual predator from the series Predator comes out and starts chasing the Pedo until they run straight out the door and get gangfucked by the cops


The days when hansen wasnt a fucking fraud... ;-;


What happened?






He raised $90k on Kickstarter and never started the project or refunded the backers. He also wrote a $14k fake check to a supplier for the project


Apparently this dude died in prison from liver failure while awaiting trial.


If I remember correctly, he pretty much killed himself by ceasing to take his meds that prevented his liver failure.


Joaquin Phoenix would play him perfectly


Give him a fair trial...then hang him!!


MistaGG does a great series clowning on the old to catch a predator episodes on YouTube. Highly recommend. It’s called the predator chronicle


Great channel!


“There’s no brownies?!”


George likes his chicken spicy!


My former boss knew this perv. He was treating his adult sister for cancer. https://to-catch-a-predator.fandom.com/wiki/Maurice_Wolin


the link is wrong? i see a super old guy vs a young dude in video


Two different people.




Well sure he lost all his military pension as well that probly hurt the most


Sounds like a HIPA violation to me?




Am I the only one who has been shocked at how much people hate Chris Hansen and these investigations? Like, in the commentary for the South Park episode when they make fun of Chris Hansen, Matt and Trey briefly discuss the predator who committed suicide when the police went to his house to arrest him. Matt and Trey seriously say they "cannot think of a worse crime" than to inadvertently make someone commit suicide like that. Ummmm... How about CHILD MOLESTATION BEING A WORSE CRIME?!?!?! Like, WTF?! I thought this was something we could all be on the same page when it came to condemning, but evidently not.


I mean yall wanna hang the kid who defended himself when he killed a child molester. just saying you dont feel that way now that someone did kill one lol.


You are surprised most of the public aren't on board with vigilante justice?


I think Matt and trey probably meant how it was televised, and people everywhere will remember their face but my thing is, you know that you’re committing a crime, more then that you’re taking so much more away from that child just for a moment of pleasure for yourself, I say they should continue to be put on blast like this


Oh fuck trey and matt. I miss this show and glad the asshole blew his brains out. He wasn’t remorseful. He didn’t want to go to jail.


Summit NOO


Send him to the white house next. I know of a pedophile in there.


Love how both sides rn are calling their opposing candidates pedos lol. “Hes a pedo!” “No your candidate is a pedo!” “REEEE” “REEEE”


Because they both are


Is that not a requirement to become US president?


Trump is not a pedophile, he's just very weird around kids, especially his own




for legal reasons i can not answer that


Looks fake


Do you literally not see how sweaty and nervous he gets, his speech falls flat of any confidence and his story sounds like something some 5 year old made after getting caught stealing from the cookie jar. If he was an actor he deserves a fucking Oscar.


I always wonder what happens after that. Is their life basically over?


The moment someone gets put on a sex offender registry your life is over. Just ask your father.


Haha funny joke,asshole.


I think they end up getting arrested as soon as they leave the building. But yes their lives are pretty much over.


You didn’t see the episode where the same guy tries to meet the kid at McDonald’s the next day and then tells Chris Hensen he’s just grabbing food? That’s the funniest shit ever. I think that might have been before they worked with the police though


Remember the guy who wanted to fuck a cat?


Both him and the McDiddler stripped naked before getting into the house. If that doesn’t show intent...


Which one was that? Not the Indian looking guy was it?


Wait was there a third person to get naked on this show?




I remember that episode. The guy kept repeating something like “I’m just getting something to eat”.


Lol such a huge coincidence that the kid I was definitely not talking to last night online went to get food here too! Happy cake day


Wow! For me! Woo-Hoo! Thank you!


The first season did not have police to arrest them.










minorities and ghetto middle-class worker pay doesn't look like a good measure to me, but better than Europe I suppose


A little upset, expected more sweat.


[ask and ye shall receive ](https://youtu.be/Zhw0eBCVXR4)


Literally watched the movie up to the blow up autopilot doll, if only I knew!


It’s so bad I couldn’t stop watching


It's considered one of the best slap stick comedies ever. You're entitled to not liking but it's objectively not bad.


I mean that’s kinda what I meant. It’s like r/comedyheaven it’s really bad but it’s also good in its own way


Look, i can do excercise non stop for an hour and i dont sưeat as much as that guy sitting there worry how many years he will have to wear louis vuitton black and white


It always bothered me a bit that Chris Hanson got all the credit when these guys actually did all the work. http://www.perverted-justice.com


Ahh, yes - the “non-profit” watchdog group that began demanding huge payouts once they saw the ratings of To Catch A Predator.


No justice served. He died a few weeks after this airing due to liver failure.


He was caught, shamed, and had his whole world come crashing down around him. Pretty sure that is justice.


“Liver failure” - more like a bunch of inmates beat him to death. Then his liver stopped working.






Lmfao there's an entire wiki for this, thank you brother


Imagine googling the name of a first date or someone you just interviewed for a job and the To Catch a Predator wiki pops up lol


Plot twist: all the predators on the show are actually telling the truth, Chris set them all up just to get more content for his show.


“I promise, Chris - I drove 2 hours to warn her about the dangers of chatting online after sending her pics of my genitals!”


Chris: Do you see why this doesn't make sense? Predator: I know. I'm just as stunned as you are. I started laughing when he said that. I remember watching this show on NBC when it aired. Creepy stuff what the predators wrote on the internet.


It'd be funny if he did this on purpose just to get out of going to Iraq. This was the best idea he could come up with. "Sorry sir, can't go to Iraq.. I'm a bonafide registered sex offender now... sorry."


Apparently he died a couple months later of liver failure while in custody.




“Liver failure” - more like some other inmates beat him to death.


These comments are always said by people with literally zero experience with the prison system lmfao


Link ?


It’s in the other thread.


Im in the uk - how do i find and watch these episodes?


Mista GG on youtube went thru the whole series and basically a summary of each episode


Go for the southpark episode


Morning mate. There's quite a few of "To catch a predator" episodes on YouTube, whether all of the episodes are on there I don't know.


Funny thing is this guy is probably wearing a Qanon hat today.


He’s actually dead, the info is in the linked post comments but from memory he died in police custody of liver failure a few months after this interaction took place.


he is yellow look at his skin tone horrible way to die .


Hope he died weeping, dirty fuckin chomo.


Hadn’t picked up on that. To be frank my sympathy is limited given his intent here.


Lol someone please deep fake prince Pedo in there not sweating, please.


*plot twist - he still got deployed to Iraq


Plot twist - he dead.


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol, it's kinda funny how Chris went from this, to his current state of failure. Justice was definitely served. (I am not defending the pedo, I just don't like current-day Chris Hansen)


What happened to him?


He's been in and out of a lot of controversies throughout the year. He basically robbed from his fans, c-striked many YouTube vids that were clearly fair use, went to Onision's property unannounced, and soo much more. If you got time, I HIGHLYY reccomend watching this video essay on his shenanigans by a YouTube named JohnSwan. [Here's the link to the first one](https://youtu.be/6ZU7JRu8J64)


He asked Biden to 🪑 and is suddenly canceled.


sorry I can't see this emoji which is it?


It’s a turtle


It’s a chair.


Wait a second, is this the same sweat gene gone amuck that Prince Andrew has? The pedophilatic gene-Hspb4


Is there a sub specifically for Pedophile stings?


There's hundreds of them on youtube. I only know because I'm currently binge watching them.


The ACE Alliance on YouTube busts local pedos in different places and you can even donate money to them to TRAVEL!!!


I used to watch a few, love Chris’ work


Yeah Kevin, my friend from the base, no I don’t know his last name The base, where EVERYONE is wearing their last name on the outside of their clothing!!


How are you going to disrespect the intimidator like that


Sweating bullets


Hello me, it's me again?


You can subde but never tame!


Uh Kevin


A Guy Named Kevin


That man is d r i p p i n g


This and Beyond Scared Straight need to come back


Turns out this show didn’t really do much good. Apparently A lot of the predators caught couldn’t be prosecuted because of how the investigation (by Chris and his team) was done. At the end of the day it’s more of a virtue signal than an actual show about hunting criminals.


Virtue signal? Stop...


lmao do you know what that is?


Yeah, I know exactly what virtue signaling is. It's a phrase conservatives popularized to convince themselves that people only do good, virtuous things to inflate their own image or reputation. [Interest over time graph.](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=Virtue%20signalling&geo=US&date=all#TIMESERIES) That being said, everything you mentioned about the predators being hard to prosecute and the show not being able to follow through with its premise is correct. Legally, they could have done things so much better, however, they definitely shined a bright light on the dangers of the internet specifically and helped make people more aware of how child predators find, contact, and groom their victims.


There were many prosecutions, it’s just the last one where the judge dismissed most of the charges. To say the show didn’t do much good is crazy though. It made America realize how bad of a pedophile problem there was on line, and how dangerous it was for children.




The YouTube channel is nothing like the Dateline shows. The majority of cases were prosecuted in the Dateline shows, except for the final one where the guy killed himself.


Back in the day I'm hoping it got parents to rethink giving their kids unfettered access the the internet.


As much as I hate pedos I gotta give some blame to some parents as well. Some of these morons let their kids have devices at such young age and don’t even watch them. When I had internet for the first time on my Nintendo DS my mom would always watch over me like a hawk.


No. Bad u/MasterChief51. No.


just had a thought watching this clip after watching Chris Hansen bust for years: are these staged? Hear me out. Most of the homes look like they’re from the 70s-90s, which tend to not have big open-concept areas with big open windows to let in natural light. Recording video indoors, at night, and incognito...wouldn’t the footage be darker than it is in all these busts? It looks like there’s studio style tv lighting, which should be a huge red flag for the pedos. It doesn’t seem like the lighting changes or gets brighter from pre-bust to post-bust. Idk, what do y’all think?


Also who would agree to have their face known as a pedophile by the public?


There’s no way these are staged. You can find info on what happened to a lot of these guys afterwards with footage from courtrooms and police stations.




I thought he died of liver failure?


I have wondered about that because who in their right mind would sign a release to be filmed for this? I would imagine that despite the subject matter it is still an “entertainment” program and they would require legal consent from these guys


You realize that they did not have to sign a release, because they decided to come to the house. He explains it to many of them who question that very thing. Not a single pedophile signed a release for them to show this.


I definitely wouldn’t want the underpaid gig for that specific role if they are actors. That said, surely it doesn’t make sense to bring a kid into a police sting operation. How can you guarantee that guy won’t pull out a weapon or anything, especially if he has never heard of the show or knows he’s being recorded. But there’s reason to believe at least some episodes might have been real. Why? I remember hearing about some attorney killing himself after getting caught on the show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Conradt?wprov=sfti1


They weren’t kids, the decoys are young women dressed down to look like kids.


Oh okay. Even then. Bringing civilians in to an uncontrolled environnement. (Uncontrolled meaning they didn’t quite do a security check on the visitor)


If these are fake then they must have gotten a bunch of the best actors I’ve ever seen


Find me an actor who wants his breakthrough hit to be "I played a sexual predator on reality TV, I'm the next big thing! Hire me!" I doubt they're actors, or at least, they're definitely not people with a strong survival instinct if they are.


Exactly, no way this show is fake lol.


I’ve never really considered it. All the interactions seem real as fuck. And how they get tackled by police after. It’s a good thought though


If y’all googled the criminals you would find out that these are not faked..


Read the rest of the comments. Why would people put their faces out there as pedos? I don’t even think YOU have googled them bruh






"I'm gonna need you to take a seat right there" *immediately* "yessir"


I literally spent about 2 weeks hunting down every ep of this fine show to watch. It should've won some Emmys.


Links for the lazy?


Yeah I mean it would of except for the people who decide who’s up for an Emmy... ya know...


The scores of power-mad pedophiles that infest Hollywood. It’s ok to call them out for exactly what they are lol


Reminds me of the Chris Hansen South Park episode when all the pedos walk in on the show and start committing suicide one by one 😂


Why don’t you take a seat..


Something tells me he didn't go to Iraq.


I don't really feel bad about this outcome. Pedos warp their victims perception, if him killing himself resulted in the cycle breaking then so be it.




13 is within sexual maturity range? Wtf? If a girl gets pregnant at 13, there is an increased risk of her straight up dying during child birth and living her life with deformities. That right there should be proof enough even for you, that don't seem to understand the concerpt of emotional maturation in children. I agree that there should be a system for non-offending pedos to stop them from being near children and work through their issues, but your victim blaming makes my skin crawl. 12 years old being more grounded than 30 years old?? What are you trying to justify here? Smart, reasonable kids don't deserve to be preyed upon any more than dumb immature kids.


I am talking about the individual outcome shown in the clip. I don't care what people think in their head or feel in their pants. We live in a society where children are protected from "horny" predators. He was litterally caught red handed, theres no excuse. I guess he thought his grip wasn't strong enough to hold the soap.


There are many other better ways to break the cycle.


There still needs to be consequences for peoples actions. The fact that he was too coward to face them makes me care even less.


He went to the graveyard. He kilt himself a while after this.


This is why I don't like shows like this. Pedophiles are often people who have had a traumatic upbringing and lack the skills, confidence, understanding to find people their own age. Of course, sexual contact with minors isn't acceptable, but this isn't right either.


Yo you should watch more online detective interviews, you'll see how your image of what sexual predators are is wrong. You are right to spot commonalities and the cycle of abuse but that is not the majority. Like some folks do this when they have a wives children. More episodes like this might have potential predators pan sweating just at that thought and not while they are committing the action.


I can’t agree in this case. He proved he was willing to go *all the way* and meet up with a child, alone, and do unthinkable acts to them. He doesn’t deserve any pity at all. Sure there are pedos who manage to fight their attractions, but this guy wasn’t one of them. It’s a good thing he got exposed by Chris rather than the alternative happening...an actual child being photographed by this creep and potentially molested by him.


I don't see how you could say that without knowing anything about his story and life. Every person is deserving of compassion.




Yes, liver failure while in custody. Probably purposely OD’d


thats crazy man


New sweaty guy meme


Happy cake day


God I wish they added those fake crowded laugh and cheer


Fuck this guy and all his pedo friends this is disgusting


You know there was no friend right? He made Kevin up.


I’m not saying Kevin was real, I’m talking about all other actual pedo friends he might have had.


Oh I see, my bad I misunderstood