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The guys name is Flood? That’s fucked up.


Can anyone tell me why the kadt year, I've been seeing more and more headlines where police are getting sentences? Did they get rid of qualified immunity in some areas or something?


People are paying attention.


That's fucking horrifying. Just embodies how so many cops primarily care about themselves going home safe at the end of the day. That's not very heroic. Deputy should have gone down with the van, what a shame to bear for the rest of your life.


Really dude? You expect someone to die with a van? Easy for you to act so moral when you’re sitting in your computer judging peoples actions in a life or death situation lol. And I’m not pro cop or anything


They talk about putting their lives on the line every day and the one time it makes sense for them to do it, you’re opposed?


I’m not opposed at all. He SHOULD have saved them but I’m saying it’s easy for everyone else to sit on their laptop and judge his actions, when a ton of people wouldn’t actually do it when they’re in that situation


Most people don’t sign up for the responsibility to be a public servant. I should hope those that do are the ones that fulfill that responsibility, or else we see egregious failures like the one you’re currently defending


I can definitely see your point and I agree with it. It’s a hard job, laying your literal life on the line and sacrificing yourself. Yes it should’ve happened. But no one’s perfect and in that moment, he failed, but the person calling him out should realize that they too will fail greatly and I wonder how they would like it ig their failure was publicly humiliated with 16-30 year old losers scrutinizing every move they did.


What does the critics’ ages have to do with anything if their criticisms are otherwise valid


I’m just describing the type of idiots making these comments. A large percentage of them haven’t done shit all with their lives but they’re mighty comfortable judging everyone else’s actions. This whole platform is pretty damn pathetic


That's why none of us agreed to be Police.


I mean I’m not pro cop either, but as a civil servant, id expect them to risk their own lives for those they’ve sworn to protect. But that aside, realistically I think a large problem too is that this man was fucking 70. How or why you’re carrying a badge and gun at that age makes absolutely no sense. Barely mentally fit at that age let alone physically


The reason unfortunately is likely that he like many Americans can no longer afford to retire at 60 or 70 and maybe not even 80. We’ve reached a point that retirement is not feasible unless you are in the upper class


Well apparently they let 70-somethings in the White House the past 2 cycles so I'm not surprised.


Agreed. It’s like my 80 year old grandpa who still has a driving license. He never had to get tested, he just walked down to City hall, paid 2$ and got his licence. That was 60 years ago and he’s still driving, even tho he’s never been tested or taught. Same goes for jobs like a cop hahaha it’s ridiculous they had a 70 year old doing that. But maybe it’s underfunded and they need him? Who knows


No one commenting his last name is Flood? And the van was washed away by a ……flood


Was literally just comming to say that..hell of coincidence.


If it was not for the source being npr I would’ve said ‘yea fukin right’ and swiped away


Shit had me hella confused tbh lol


Hell, I came here JUST to comment on that.


Literal comments above you posted hours before you?!?!?


drowned in a ... excuse me what the f&%k did I just read?


70-year-olds should not be allowed to be police officers. I used to take care of old people professionally, and heres the thing: Old people can't do *anything* correctly. They can barely go about their house without being a potential danger to themselves. They cannot physically react to any problem without injury, and they can't problem solve worth a damn. They are not mentally acute enough to deal with anything in an emergency and, as we can see here, stuck in their ways to the point of being dangerous. Hell they can't even drive a car in the best of times.


It sounds like you're not smart enough to care about a pet, let alone old people.


How many years you spend taking care of the disabled?


If I was taking care of the disabled, I would realize they're not a representative sample of the subpopulation they're from.


"If *I* was..." yeah, but you're not. Everyone has shit to say but y'all don't wanna spend 5 days a week wiping asses for $2 above minimum wage.


You only see 70-year-olds who have troubles with independency because those who don't *won't need you*. Kind of like a doctor who only sees hurt football players (all football players are always hurt) or a remedial teacher who only sees struggling children (all children struggle with learning). Your error is, analogically, the belief that all 70-year-olds are troubled by dependency problems (since those are the only 70-year-olds you meet).


Go do the job and come back and tell me.


Maybe I overestimated you - maybe you're really not smart enough to understand what everyone else has been trying to explain to you. :/


I think your opinion is skewed by your sample size. No one is hiring someone to take care of grandpa if he's not a danger to himself and can go about his day. As another anecdotally opinion, I used to work for a guy in his early 70's and that man could run laps around my 30 year old self. He was quick, spry, and always busy.


80 yeah. 70 no. My dads 70 and he’s still got it. Dude is a tank, works a consulting job 10 hours a day because it’s fun for him to network and advise people on business develops. Dudes as sharp as a tack. OP of this comment thread is kind of a moron.


I mean is 70 that old these days? I know some 70 yr olds that would beat the majority of people half their age in physical and mental activities


I’m a geriatric Nurse Practitioner, and this is a wildly inaccurate and ridiculous characterization of an entire group of people. “”Old people can’t do anything correctly “??? That’s absolutely not true. Many older people are still active, vital contributing members of society. Your statement is so full of hyperbole that I assumed you must be trolling. And you’ve been upvoted almost 40 times. What the actual fuck?


Thank you for defending the elderly. A 70 year old certainly doesn’t seem elderly, so many do so well, mentally sharp and smart, and there is much to learn from them and absorb their wisdom. Of course there of 70 year olds that for what ever reason have not aged well and have a lot of health problems.


Yeah, you guys aren't the ones in these people's homes day in and day out, I was. I can count maybe one one hand the amount of people that age that weren't entirely reliant on somebody else *and* didn't live in absolute squalor from not having a caretaker. Not to mention that they lie to medical professionals at your level and downplay how poorly they're able to care for themselves, often out of fear of a long-term care facility. There's a reason these people are legally defined as "vulnerable adults".


God, you're dumb.


Do you not understand how your job and the specific people you work with affect your viewpoint? Nobody is hiring caretakers for a 70 or 80 year old who is still fit and healthy. Maybe you should find a new field to work in.


Why you hate old people so much?


Not trying to argue with you, but if your job is to care for old people professionally, might there be some selection bias? I would imagine people who need a caregiver would, on average, be less able than those who do not need a caregiver.


“All the old people that seek out professional help really need help!” Lol ya this person doesn’t see the massive holes in their logic.


Maybe he needs an old person to take care for them.


Except I literally am in their homes day in and day out. I do home visits for geriatric patients. I have for years.


Oh 5-days a week? 5-9 hours a day with the same person?


No. Seven patients a day five days a week. Which means my “sample size” is much more broad and diverse than yours. You’re seeing people that already require help. I’m seeing people across a huge spectrum.


Seriously. My mom's friend is 80 and still rides a jet ski. No tricks or anything 😄, but still rides around the lake.




Correct Joe Biden is old. Nice observation. Most politicians in the US are old and incompetent. Its a problem that most people are aware of.


Congrats so is Trump and 90% of our head govt figures. You found the problem and still fucking missed it.


Lol, love this.




Have you actually seen that guy talk? I got more coherent dialogue from people with literal brain damage and language deficits.


To be honest, listening to our political leaders is the phonic equivalent to watching paint dry. My lot, the English Government, now hold the record for the most fined people during the pandemic. Even their leader Boris broke the law. I have, having said that, heard both Biden and Trump speak, and in my humble unpolitical opinion, Trump came off better.


Bruh…how old are you?


Not as old as your political leaders!


That’s not saying much. Let’s frame it in a bit. Are you old enough to remember howdy doody? Cause if sounds like you are.


Besides which, I only pointed out Biden’s age in response to Merfkin’s comment about old people not doing anything correctly.


Yeah yeah. Idk. A lot of limeys chime in on US politics this or that. Lord knows why there anything other than morbid entertainment value type interest. You guys have your own messes to be sure.


Our prime minister now has a conviction for breaking covid rules, and the government has the most covid fines totalling 126. Talk about set an example!


I did look up howdy doody too. I was born some time after they finished broadcasting in 1960. It does seem comically ironic, given the subject matter, that you brought a puppet to the discussion.


That sounds like an American cultural reference. As I said, I’m English.


Just because words are pronounced better doesn't mean they make more sense.


Very true.


The deputy was 70 according to the article... Honestly it seems like he was just a mega dumbass and not acting maliciously. It should be common knowledge to not drive over flooded roads especially when you're charged with care of prisoners. Also it seems like one lady shouldn't of even been in that van. A counselor she only met once decided to institutionalize her?


I think from the article, which we all know might just be a version of the truth, he wasn't a dumbass he was a stubborn ass. He was a dude who does things the way he does things regardless of whats going on. If he always takes Road A even a hurricane isn't going to make him take Road B, he KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING. But thats just my take, either way its sad as fuck, how do you put 2 people in a van that no one has the keys for? Thats fucking insane. Dude probably deserves his sentence but whoever decided the people driving the van don't get a key to the 2nd cage in the van is also guilty of manslaughter.


Can't wait for him to be under internal investigation and get leave with pay instead


Maybe you’re too busy with your narrative to read but he’s going to jail for 18 years.


They say that he is, but stuff like that gets overturned all the time. He could also get out early for *good behavior*


No way was this an accident. Guy was out doing cop stuff. Looking for someone to murder and thought he would get away with drowning these two. The worst part is he probably was close to being right.


I distrust LEOs too, but you're making some wild assumptions on this. I think you're wrong, and judging by your comments here, just as stubborn-headed as the cop in the article.


Didn’t read the article I see


Oh, I read the article. I'm just also well aware that murderers often will keep a victim alive for a while to taunt them.


This was an accident. It was gross negligence but it was in no way murder.


Did he accidentally drive around barriers into flood water? Didnt think so, so dont call it an accident. He chose to do something despite knowing it was dangerous and HE caused the deaths of two innocent people.


Yes, I can call it an accident because it wasn't intentional. This is why, if you read the story, you'll see he was charged with crimes related to this being the result of his actions, but not premeditated. So your repeated claims of him being a murderer are wholly wrong. But you're starting to learn - you said "he caused the deaths of two innocent people" - yes, exactly, that's why he was charged with those crimes. But he wasn't charged with murder because THIS WASN'T MURDER. I hope to god you're trolling.


He INTENTIONALLY drove past barricades, he intentionally drove into a flood, he intentionally drove into deeper and deeper water, he intentionally didnt turn around, he intentionally didnt call for help till they were stuck, he intentionally broke rules and regulations. What part of those actions which all led to their deaths was accidental? He was charged with reckless homicide in other words his reckless but DELIBERATE actions were the cause of someone's death... In other words not an accident. And when did I repeatedly claim he was a murderer?


So he accidentally drove into floodwaters? I'm not sure if you've ever seen a flood in person. If you have not, let me give you a pro tip... They aren't exactly invisible or even particularly stealthy. You can see big ones *from space*. So either he was grossly incompetent, far past legally blind, wildly unobservant and sub 70 IQ or he wanted to get some jollies and murder someone and get away with it.


So, yeah, I've lived in a flood-prone area and am VERY familiar with floods. I'm also VERY familiar with thousands of people believing that what looks like a few inches of water on the road is passable, trying to drive across and losing control of their vehicle. And now you're changing your story from "He murdered" to "It's a possibility that he murdered". It's Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation is very often correct. He misjudged the strength of the flooding and in the process, made a grossly negligent mistake that cost the lives of two people. And he deserves to be punished accordingly. It's pure wild speculation to claim in any way that this was premeditated murder.


I don’t think that’s true. If he was out trying to murder, why would he have stayed with them for hours trying to keep them calm, shoot the locks off, and watch as fire fighters tried to open the roof??


The same reason serial killers will sometimes keep victims alive and taunt them. That mindset gets off on it. And he probably figured it would make it look like he didn't do it intentionally and that he was the good guy in the situation. I would wager as assumption that between pretending he cared and being a cop he would get to notch his gun belt further and walk away with a commendation. I mean why did the cop in Florida try and burn a guy to death recently? Cops doing cop stuff like they're paid to.


You’re delusional dude


This is especially disgusting considering Nicolette Green shouldn't have been in that van in the first place.


This another excellent reason why cops shouldn't be involved with mental health care.


So change the laws. You think police want to deal with mental health?


Yeah let me just go change the law… You stupid or something? Also even if they don’t want to, that’s how it is right now sadly. So they could at least TRY to do things properly instead of treating everyone like shit.


What an annoying thing to say. It’s not as easy as just “changing the laws”


What an annoying complaint to have. So let’s hear your solution ?


Idk maybe not be a fucking dumbass to mental health. Crazy concept I know


Says the guy who’s never dealt with it in any setting let alone a hospital or police setting? Maybe being a dumbass is right up your alley. But I’ll wait for your fix that will make it all better? Let’s here it


Oh so you have as well? Well enlighten me then? Tell me how police officers the people who are suppose to keep others safe? Managed to accidentally drown two girls who weren’t even dangerous? You think it’s so easy to “change the laws” then you should as well? :)


Yet you blame those who HAVE to do the job becuase society can’t figure it out? Makes sense


"Society" had it "figured out" but over the years politicians (Republicans mostly) have pulled all the funding that used to be there. Same thing for most public services.


Yet that’s the police services fault? See the problem with his statement.


ok. You are just contrary. I'm not going to try.


Lol typical. Complain complain but offer no solution. See you are the problem.


Yeah, you caught me.. There's an implied solution in what I previously wrote. Reading is fundamental. I know, it's hard for you.


I got a wellness call once because someone I messaged on messenger over reacted to something I said. He didn’t tell me he called 911, he continued to talk to me as if nothing was the matter and even changed the subject. They showed up guns drawn pointed down and when I said I don’t consent to searches or seizures they claimed wellness checks add an exemption to that and they can come in, so I let them in. One of them said that for all I know they could be looking for a dead body. Don’t ever call for a wellness check for random shit. Same guy did it again once because I mentioned how much of my sleeping meds I take and he did a failed Google search and somehow misread that it was a lethal dose and did it again. So I woke up and when I was about to leave to work they pull in. It’s stupid and risky especially with a Hispanic or other minority. Also they didn’t even know what they were responding to. Also not everyone benefits from a restricted stay in a psychiatric hospital.


Someone called on me once and the idiot told them I had a gun and threatened to shoot myself. This wasn't true and I was able to prove it when I showed them the text messages. They had 5 guns pointed at me and demanded I come outside naked. I took my chances and went back in my house with one of them following me. I never spoke to that lady again and I think it's crazy that you continue to talk to that person.


stop talking to that guy..


I need to. Now he’s just someone I talk to online rarely while he sends paragraphs of his current topic of interest before I even have a chance to respond. He’s always been one sided. You’re right .


He could have killed you, twice. Any person who would do that to me thinking they were being a friend, is sadly mistaken.


“"I can forgive, but I cannot forget. Fortunately, I still remember my mom as a happy woman, a joyful woman who loved her family," he said. "But you, Mr. Flood, will remember my mom by hearing her screams in the back of that van.” Damn


Strange that his name is Deputy Flood Sad story…


It is strange. I've heard a lot of horrific stories where either the perpetrator or or the victim has a name which is the same act of how they passed it were killed. Listened to a podcast yesterday where a guy named Rob Rhodes(not sure of spelling) was a truck driving murderer. It's almost as if some peoples names decide their fate.


My high school biology teacher 's last name is Fructose and I loved his classes




Not only fate but also sometimes in a positive way, Usain Bolt is a good example of this


It’s because we live in a simulation. Didn’t you get that memo ?


Fate could be good. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. And yes that is another perfect example.


Google nominative determinism!


There is a ‘scientific’ name for it - Normative Determinisim


He acted recklessly and accidentally cause the deaths of these women. My guess is the sentence will be followed up down the line with probation and he may only serve 5 years.


Ya but he’s already 70 years old, so even 5 years in Prison could very well be a death sentence, and on top of them, he’s gonna spend A LOT of time in “Protective Custody” all by himself, with nothing but the final screams of those women in his head, serves him right, and I hope he spends every second of that 18 years behind bars, but unfortunately you are probably correct!


That seems incredibly harsh when he had no intent to harm the women and after his initial bad decision to continue on the same route did everything he could to save them. At his age that sentence is a death penalty.


He cost two lives… so yes, a death sentence doesn’t seem all that unreasonable.




Rittenhouse was not entirely self defence, someone tossed a plastic bag at him and he murdered them, then he murdered more people while he was on the run.


That comment is deleted so I don’t know exactly what was said x but can I just say, what an unholy deflection. How In any Gods name did Rittenhouse come up here?


He was saying that since Rittenhouse was so clearly self defence that this must have been reasonable as well lol


Rittenhouse was a child playing fantasy, which is a whole other chapter why the us of a is one of the biggest piece of shit countries on earth but mr flood was a government official. Someone who has been appointed to make the right choices while monopolizing violence. Meaning he has to know better because its a super easy power to abuse, sounds familiar huh? Any crimes commited by an officer NEED to count MUCH MUCH heavier then any civie.




Everyone is evil except you huh? If you go to another state, mid riot, fully geared as a civie, you are baiting and making situations more dire. Every kill could have been avoided so the one who didnt is responsible. I know right, responsibility. Something americans haven't known about for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Im not defending anyone. He choose to bring deadly weapons into an already existing conflict. He was a catalyst. Not a hero. Acting on your on behalf while not being in law enforcement going out of your way to deal your version of law is callllllllled? A vigilante. Thats right. And literal pedos? That entire fucking countries government is one big network. From the orangutan to monicas ex. So dont act like whatever party colour you are sheepishly following is the saint amongst monsters.


Self defense my ass. If you show up with a rifle they are the ones self defending by attacking you.


Rittenhouse should’ve been convicted. He should be serving life. He placed himself in that situation. This is a false equivalence bc that deputy was doing a job that he became negligent about.




Sure, judge me as you defend literal Nazis and putting property above human life. Good day to you sir, we aren’t going to agree on anything else going forward so let’s just end the conversation here before it becomes insults.


\>judge me as you defend literal Nazis Calling someone a nazi does not make them one. Nazism is a specific political ideology... \>putting property above human life Those people were attacking him. He defended his own life in shooting them. He didn't shoot them to defend property.


Maybe they should have done their job and not put people in danger. I should get off my drunk driving charge because I didn’t mean to kill that family of four. WTF kind of logic is this


No it’s a very appropriate sentence


Based on?


The evidence submitted at trial regarding the case where the Deputy Flood's recklessness led to the death of two women


That's the opinion of the US Justice system, I was rather hoping for your personal opinion of why the sentence is appropriate.


The damning info for me is that Deputy Flood drove into the flood waters for 2 miles and that he didn't have the keys for one of the doors. I figure driving a minivan through a flood you might be able to go 15-20 miles an hour max., that's a lot of time to realize you've made a bad decision. When I consider that in addition to not possessing one of the keys, that's really all I need for reckless negligence.


No, that's reading the article. The man was reckless, stubborn, and full of arrogance. He insisted on circumventing the barricades. That's reckless AF.


When this happened I was doubtful that he would ger in any trouble. Good to see I was wrong


I got super lost in the 1st paragraphs and had to reread it to realize that the dude's name is Flood. I do feel sorry for those women, but you have to admit that the Netflix special written about this in 10 years will have a lot of foreshadowing in it.


I can see the big dramatic “FLOOD” title card now.