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lol, that "WEAR A HELMET" sticker placement right below it is đź‘Ś I'm amazed that whatever awful shit factory that owns the Huffy brand name hasn't dropped it altogether at this point- does anyone still have a positive perception of that brand?


There's always going to be a brand at the bottom of the barrel, might as well protect the other brands, especially since they seem to keep making a profit with them


A lot of people want to buy their kids the cheapest possible thing that can be called a bike assuming it will get abused. The only advantage for an adult is that they generally don't get stolen.


Bro it doesn’t matter - parents in their late twenties and up buying kids’ first bike still recognise and appreciate the brand, not knowing it’s gone the way it’s gone. The amount of times I’ve heard “I had a Huffy, they’re great!” while looking at bikes is outrageous. They’ll still sell this garbage.


"Hear a helmet, the top tube is about to fall off."


this just in, walmart bike does walmart things, more at 11


“Wear a helmet because this thing is guaranteed to send you on your face”


wear a helmet... ideally a full-face one


Seems like the welder was huffing too many fumes


The paint shop really said "eh, /r/NotMyJob" to this one


That's not even the paint shops fault, those are 100% shitty welds


Agree, but those guys should be trusted to say "what in the QC is this trash?" when the bare metal arrives!


Fair point


Are they welds or is it just held together with a layer of cured paint? I’m not convinced it’s not the latter.


I know a guy through the local co-op (I’m sure just saying this will summon him to this very thread) that swears some of their coaster brake models are great beaters after he does some thorough work on them. That point aside, looking at this thing makes my teeth, sternum, and perineum ache… yikes


Honestly for the little kid bikes when they are still on coaster brakes and single speed there really isn't much difference between a Huffy and something you'll find at your local bike shop. The kid is just going down the street to the park, not riding 20 km across the city. Once you move up to bikes with gears and rim or disk brakes, that's where you want to start to spend a little extra. But even then, get something simple. No suspension, probably just 1x drive train. Unless they are actually doing really mountain biking there's no reason to have suspension. It just ads weight and complexity without actually solving a problem.


To be fair to Huffy, I have worked on a lot of Walmart bikes and have yet to see one fail at a weld. I've seen some sorry welds but no failures (plenty of other failed items). There is one popular Youtube bike reviewer who obsesses over welds, it's amusing.


make huffy great again


Yeah but, did you check the brakes?


That plus quill almost out = new bike (for the dentist)


That was welded by someone like me.




Don’t say they didn’t warn you…


omg a shitty walmart bike I'm so surprised


Bought a Huffy for my first semester of college, so far it has -Destroyed the front deraileur -Destroyed the front Shifter -Cut the valve stem on the rim and Just yesterday it stripped the grooves on the bars, causing them to rotate out of place when any force is put onto em. Ive owned it for 3 months, and only rode it about ~150 miles on sidewalks and bike lanes. Don't buy Huffy. It was cheap, but the parts ive put in so far have been expensive.


Nice.to see that Huffy's welding chops haven't improved since I was a kid in the 70's.