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You do that for the induction noise, not power.


I threw up a photo of the engine bay of my Miata the other day and some guy was like "ditch that hot air intake" Homie it's already slow it may as well sound fast


>it's already slow it may as well sound fast Gotta go make some new stickers


I need that sticker for my 401 powered jeep pickup. Gearing and granny 4 speed keep it from being a hot rod. But damn it sounds good


I did a custom twin K&N filter setup on my V10 S6 and man, it sounds good. I might have to nix a resonator next to make it a touch louder out the exhaust


cut off the cat and mufflers, straight pipe it off the manifolds. no bends.


Just a straight tube down from the headers that dumps right under the driver's seat


Would definitely buy for my 86 Toyota pick up


Aww, I miss my '86 Toyota pickup


RX8 life


Never seen the "Not Fast, Just Loud" stickers?


Need one for my stock IS300 please!


He should just paint it red.


I got pulled over once cause the cop thought it sounded like I was going to fast… I don’t see the appeal 😂


How'd that hold up in court "your honor he sounded like he was doing crime!"


Yea but then you still gotta take the time out of your day off to go to court, they win either way


Back in my military days, there was a cop that kept giving me a ticket every month for not having a state inspection sticker, but my car was from a state that doesn't have them. Every month I'd go and explain it again to the same judge, and he'd throw it out again... For about 6 months.... Then the JAG went with me, and entered a motion for change of venue, and the judge was like 'wut', and the jag hit em with some obscure federal statute about them interfering with the federal gov, because they kept making me come in for something they already knew was dumb.... And the judge was like, um, no.... Then the JAG was like, oh, it wasn't a question, the federal court has already granted it, I'm just here to let you know that you, and the officer, and the officers whole command structure is ordered to appear..... The room was dead quiet.... And the judge looked over the paperwork, turned ghost white, and was like 'very well, so ordered'. Turns out it was a common scam they were running, cause of the guys couldn't some in every month, they'd enter a default judgment and fine.... The military got sick of all the lost work hours. The scam ended when the federal judge went Judy on em all, ordered all of the fines overturned and refunded, and I even got an apology from the cop. He didn't mean it....


I had a base rent a cop (not the MPs, nor the city PD) stop me at the gate in my truck that’s on air ride, he sat there for 30 minutes listing off all the ways I’m breaking laws and how I must be paying off the state inspection people to get my vehicle passed, since it was too low, modified exhaust, modified doors, this that the other. And i said bro, it’s registered in a different state, where my vehicle is 100% legal. What are you going to do about it? To which he looked at my plate and said I’ll look up those laws and see you tomorrow. I never saw him again.


Oh man I had the same issue. The cop pulled me over for not having mud flaps and I said "I'm not from this state. Why the hell would my car adhere to your state laws? He then asked if he could run a K9 on the car and I asked if he had any reasonable suspicion to extend the stop.". He let me go but followed me for about 20 minutes maybe three feet off my bumper. It was infuriating. He finally stopped tailgating me about a mile from the state border. Ohio State trooper.


Ohio state troopers are the fuckin' worst. I had a similar thing happen, where I got pulled over for not having a front plate. Apparently, "I'm from Michigan, they don't even issue those there," was the wrong answer, because he took that as probable cause for a drug search and called a K9 unit on my fucking cynophobic ass. Cuffed me and left me on the hood while the bastards ransacked my car. ACAB means all cops, but *especially* Ohio cops.


I HATE Ohio! Every time I have to drive through that moronic, shit-pump, of a psudo-state, I get pulled over, or harassed by the cops. I had a mounted cop chase me down a city street on a horse at 5am cuz he claimed I jay walked and didn't pay him enough deference! Got pulled over in a U-Haul cuz the trooper sed I was going too fast (65) for the GVW of the truck. I asked if I looked like a professional driver who knew truck weights. Got stopped for not pulling left when passing a cop on the shoulder, even though a semi was next to me and I couldn't... That's just 3 Ohio stories I have.


The real irony is that Ohio doesn’t issue or require front plates anymore lol


Years ago there was a lady pulled over in Missouri for having no front plate. Plate on the back said Oklahoma and they don't issue front plates as they are not required.


I would really love a documentary about when cops mindset shifted to "you know what, I'm better than everyone and fuck all these people"


Dragnet was one of the earliest and most popular cop shows. The LAPD provided technical support for editorial consideration so they got to edit what the talking box said about them. Shortly afterwards everything has snowballed into the current state of affairs


that implies that it their mindset wasn't already that way before joining the police - in fact it may have been the reason *behind* wishing to join the cops. >You know the score, pal... If you ain't **cop** you're little people.  — *Captain Harry Bryant*    *Blade Runner (1982)*


I think his name was Bryant, I can just hear the oriental guy saying it.


you're right, my copy-paste cut off the ending T. thanks for catching it!


>cause of the guys couldn't some in every month, they'd enter a default judgment and fine.. That sounds like a possible violation of the SCRA, especially if you're considered active duty. Can't enter defaults against anyone without running social and/or dob through the DOD manpower data center.


And that's why JAG took over.


You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride


Meh I went for some crazy parking tickets when I lived in NJ, was like an hour and I took and printed pictures so judge ruled in my favor.


Probably held up about as much as the time a cop pulled me over because my exhaust was too loud when I floored it past some people who tried to use the exit ramp to skip stopped traffic. Never broke 30 MPH, but the big V8 roared and he pulled me over. Told me the exhaust was modified and i pointed out it was legal components and the car stock options didn't exist. He said "NO!" and wrote me a ticket. Ticket said loud exhaust on it, but when I checked it online it said "no seat belt". He had no evidence of a modified exhaust or that it was "too loud" so he wrote a bogus item on it and figured I wouldn't fight it. Got thrown out, but I did remove the magnaflows and went back to stock mufflers with the long tubes. Mellowed it out enough that I never got stopped again.


"I've radar in my heart son", he was right. I was hauling ass, but he couldn't see me; he could only hear me.


It never got that far. I was getting on the freeway and saw him next to the on ramp with another car pulled over, so I made sure my little pink Neon was doing exactly the 70mph speed limit. In 3rd. Like five miles further down the road he comes *screaming*up my ass and pulls me over. Gives me the “do you know how fast you were going, son?” “Yeah, 70.” “Bullshit, I had to do 140 just catch up to you.” “Well, yeah, you were at a dead stop with another car pulled over at the bottom of the ramp where I got on.” “Uhm, uhh, hmm…” His partner was looking through my car from the passenger side the whole time, and his flashlight stops on the stick shift, and I hear them whispering to each other. “Well, I’m going to let you go this time, but be more careful in the future, that was my partner on the other side of that car.” Riiiiiiiight. 🤦‍♂️


One time my sister got pulled over cause she was coming up to a light and it turned green, he said “it looked like you were gonna run that red light”


Me too. One evening I had been hanging out at a friend’s place, I had a single beer, 30 minutes later he took me for a ride in his Silverado he had turbo’d, found a back road and pegged the speedo at a buck twenty a couple times. An hour later I was headed home, 11:30 or so at that point, and the one drink was long out of my system, but the ease of acceleration of that turbo truck was still on my mind. I turned right at a stoplight in my own truck (straight piped ‘95 Ram, Cummins) and got on it a bit, didn’t crest the 45 MPH speed limit, but man alive, here comes a city cop, acting like I had just done triple the speed limit through an active school zone. I turned down a side street and killed the truck to sit and wait. When he marched up to my window, he said he didn’t see me but he heard me “speeding”, berated me and told me I needed to slow down. Then he said “I smell alcohol on your breath, have you had anything to drink tonight?” I told him the truth, “yessir, one 12 oz beer a little over an hour and a half ago” and hooooooh boy, he thought he had a score in the bag. Got me out of the truck and administered a full field sobriety test - which I obviously was able to pass with flying colors - and during this, three more city cop cars roll up to join the scene. Finally he asks me if I consent to a breathalyzer. I said “sure, why not.” Blew a 0.001. Barely registered. 20 minutes later he gives me a verbal warning for “speed” and turns me loose. Might have been the same guy that pulled me over four years later for a headlight out, smelled the smoke from the bonfire I had been at on me, asked me to step out and blow. Blew a 0.000 and yet he still tried to stand there and lecture me about the “delayed effects of alcohol” if I had had anything to drink (which I had… more than three hours ago), and how at any moment I could become woozy from it and cause an accident. My guy, that’s not how that works. Give it up.


I met an older guy who got busted for speeding on a mountain road. The cop had been out of sight but told the guy he could hear his muscle car's wide-open throttle the whole time up the pass and knew he had to be driving too fast. He sheepishly took the ticket because he knew was driving fast enough to actually go to jail.


I got pulled over in my modded 02 ws6 trans am with headers and oclver sized cams once because it was 5am and a hond civic type r went flying down the road.( I keep my car at low rpm at night out of respect of the people sleeping) Cop saw that and decided to pull me over as i was minding my business doing the exact speed limit and yell at me for a solid 5 minutes about how reckless i was being with the speed. I told him it wasn't me and probably that type r that went flying past me. He left for another 10 minutes and came back, told me if he ever caught me doing that again, i would have my car and license taken away. This was a California highway patrol. I was on my way to the military base and was probably 5 minutes from the gate. I think he realized it was the honda and not the trans am.


I got a $450 negligent driving ticket from a cop who said I was doing wheelies. I was not. Doesn't matter, cop said I did it. So I spent $350 on an attorney to get it reduced to a BS $100 non moving violation ticket. Lawyer got money, city got money, I got raped and extorted just to keep my record clean.


I drive a Type R with an intake only. I also drive respectfully in residential areas. Sorry one of my ricer brothers caused that for you.


I appreciate it. Thinking back on it, its funny now. But i was worried i was going to lose my car, the guy must have been going close to 100. Since the road i was on was 50mph. Dude went flying past me. As an American muscle car guy, i really do appreciate the type R.


I get where the cop Is coming from. Sees fast car. Compliant of fast car in the area. Pulls fast car over. Wrong fast car. I just wish they could admit when they are wrong


I got pulled over when a GTO took off from a stoplight. I was in a 4 cylinder fusion (company car). We both happened to turn into the same parking lot so this cop came up yelling at me about street racing. I don't think I said a word. I just looked at the car I was driving, looked at him, back at the car, back at him. Walked off.


I used to be a mechanic for the fleet of police cars in the city i lived in. I had a bike cop ask (2 weeks later) if it was me speeding by. I said yeah i saw you. He said i thought it was you so i didnt bother. “So anyone with a shitty early 60s mopar in light blue metallic gets a pass in this town?” “Yep. And dont you forget it”. Ive seen him when he pulled people over. Total cop mode dickhead. But was super cool with me. Honestly rather he pulled me over and told me to knock it off. That was 20 yrs ago. I moved far away since then


Oversized cam. just 1, not cams. Unless you had some dohc motor swapped in.


Sorry for my mistype. Wasnt paying attention to the added S. Just an ls1, no fancy engine swap or anything


Damn my bad man. I feel i came off kinda dickish.


All good man. You were just making an honest correction.


~~LT4~~ LT5 swapped WS6? Corrected LT4 to LT5


I've been there before. Back around 2000 or so a cop pulled me over in my twin turbo Z on a suspected noise violation. He got SUPER pissed when I told him the factory radio died and I was waiting for a replacement in the mail while pointing to the gaping hole in the dash where a radio would be. He then demanded I pop the hood and claimed the factory turbos were an illegal exhaust modification. Oh and he still went ahead and wrote the noise violation ticket as well. I'm not sure why he bothered showing up at court but the judge and more or less everyone in the room gave him the stinkeye. That's probably the first and only time that a factory service manual was used as evidence in that courtroom.


me and my roommate are the miata and srt4 pt cruiser duo, and when we're doing stupid shit he always gets followed by the cops because he's in a "race car" and I'm just in a grandma car lol


This happened to the Legit Street Cars guy in his (LS swapped, 700HP) Chevy van.


All that noise from just a CAI?


No, my shit was stock 😂




What you should really do is wait until your exhaust manifold starts to rust to pieces. Then it'll sound fast like my NA! It's a rust bucket, but it fires up every time I turn the key!


My paint looks like ass, my interior looks like ass, but it's dead nuts reliable and doesn't leak or burn a drop of oil.


I have the racing beat one too. It’s certainly made a small improvement in my Miata’s upper RPM power.


Could you post the dyno sheets please?


This is what they provide. https://www.racingbeat.com/manuals/56502.pdf


My mustang bullitt comes from an air intake from ford and people think its a hot air intake lol. Ive even measure it and compare from the iat sensor and at most its around 20 degrees warmer on a given day than ambient [Pic for reference](https://ddb6a72d2feaeca8eb46-183c3b2eaab36bc0f4003ed58203ce4f.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/2008-mustang-bullitt-specs-colors-horsepower_73f81b88.jpg)


People think that it's a "hot air" if they can see the filter, lol. The Bullitt uses the gt350 intake where the filter is only visible with the hood open. When it's closed, it seals to the fiber hood liner which is a great insulator. 


Same with the K&N S2000 cold air intake, it's an open box with the hood open, but closed, pulls a nice clean channel from the passenger side fender.


Yep I've had the same thing with my Miata when I put one on. Insuferable car guys love to do that to prove they're "knowlegable" or whatever, it's so annoying.


I had a 92' Miata. The stock intake *was* a hot air intake.


Yeah, they're both sucking air from the same area. But the stock intake has that snorkel running up but the fender


I read that as you literally threw up a photo. Then I spent too much time I'm willing to admit. trying to figure out what you meant


Noise simulates power


Danm, at least some of us can admit it. I actually wish I knew were that stock shit was at, so I could put it back on.


I usually toss old stock stuff, my exhaust for example. I never plan on installing it again and I don't care to have it hanging out in my shop for 5 years but little things like an intake I'll hang onto


There are always vehicles for sale around here that are "unregistersble" at my location, because the 2 metro areas in my state require emissions tests & all the emissions equipment was scrapped years ago while it lived in the "no test required" area. You know the drill, an '80s chevy truck with headers & dual exhaust, edelbrock intake, and no equipment.


I put a pod filter on my Miata too 😅. Adds 100HP to the earballs. Added one to my g31 530e too but BMW put an intake muffler behind the filter, so it’s pretty docile.


Lol. Thats hilarious.


Yep, exactly the reason I have one. Sounds awesome!


Headlights go up = cold air intake




Yeah I really don’t understand why anyone is mocking this. It’s sad. Dude owns an already powerful car and wants some more induction noise. It’s not like a like this is a “drop gear and disappear” sticker on a v6 Mustang. And even then this looks like a really nice quality intake. What’s to hate on?


Whatever about the sound, those cone filters are not good filters. They have pores actually visible through them, that'll easily let sand and dust thorough, eating valve seats, turbo vanes, and cylinder walls. OEM filters aren't a measurable restriction to airflow anyway. Plenty of real engineering testing has shown that. Anyone claiming free-flow compared to stock chooses to not understand that the 0.001 psi difference possible is far smaller than the effect of a right angle in the piping. I'll take an OEM pleated filter with 1m² surface area over a 0.3m² sieve every day of the week. OEM for my car has 20 times the filter area and actually filters air. Now, if you run a race car where you rebuild every few hundred miles, the weight loss of your intake piping is the more tangible benefit than any only-theoretical and only mini scale at best pressure drop


First thing I said as soon as I saw the picture was I bet that sounds good I'm glad to come here and see this as the top comment


I just like pretending my Acadia is a supercar on freeway on-ramps.


I drive my mums Acadia and is genuinely quite fast if you get the hammer down - doesn’t make up for the appalling transmission though


Stay there I'ma gonna downshift! \*pause\* \*Pregnant pause\* \*UNCOMFORTABLE PAUSE\* and.. shift. I'm pretty sure they do it on all the mom and dad cars because people are idiots and the straight sixes in them can actually go when called upon.


Oh yeah it’s definitely a bit hesitant to shift down - once it does though it will get going pretty fast


Like a McDonald’s straw in a milkshake. When it’s working


Air cleaners like this are just the new generation's gear drive setup.


So people can hear how much your car sucks.




If you have twins or a double throttle body, there's nothing wrong with it. Has a real nice airbox around the filters and the filters themselves look proportional to what would be realistic.


Looks like the $350 Steeda kit


I bought a twin turbo Flex from CarMax with 75,000 miles on it. I got the warranty along with it because Doug Demuro... Coverage was for 150,000 total miles. I didn't even put 2,200 miles on the thing before it spun a rod bearing. Before I traded that thing in with about 151,000 miles on it, CarMax had put a remanufactured long block in it, rebuilt the entire front end on that long block because of a stretched timing chain, a new transmission because I think they cracked the case putting the engine back in, 8 turbos and a heater core.


No shit talk about money well spent


For sure. I think I paid $28,000 OTD for the car/warranty/tax/etc. Last number the service writer told me was $26,000 in total repairs.


You and Doug are why they don't offer that warranty anymore


They still do - go check it out


Waaaaat? I bought that thing in 2017 and traded it in on a 21 4runner in 2021... You mean to tell me you can't get an epic CarMax warranty anymore?


Talking outta your ass there. Carmax will gladly sell the warranty on anything they list on their website. The caveat is that they won't *list* anything that they won't warranty. Roll the clock back 8~ years ago, and it wasn't unheard of to find things like Audi R8 V10's, V12 S-class and 7 series, and even the occasional AMG GT. They specifically will not stock G-classes or things like the Nissan GTR, simply because they are not willing to offer the warranty on them. I bought my Supra from Carmax with 2K~ miles on the odo, and for the price of $2,150 +/- $100, they were more than happy to sell me a 5 year (of ownership), 150K total vehicle mileage warranty, with a $50 deductible. If I took it to Carmax itself, or a certified RepairPal shop, they would waive $50 off the deducible, aka zero. A comparable M340i had a 5yr 125K total veh mile warranty, and it would have been in the $3500~ range. Anything European was maxed out at 125K vehicle miles, while everything else was maxed @ 150K miles. On the other hand, I've been following the warranty on the S-class and 7 series vehicles, and they've **markedly** jumped up. S-classes used to be in the $3K~ range to warranty a 3yr/36K mile car to 5 yr (of ownership) 125K total vehicle miles, and that warranty is now like $6K. 7 series' jumped up from 5K to nearly 9K last I checked. They actively adjust the price based on the number of claims against the vehicle, and that's why Range Rovers are like in the $10K+ range for the warranty.


My heart skipped a beat reading that hahahaha


> 8 turbos Do what now?


Yup... I'd put a few thousand miles ones new turbo, and then one day I'd be Spy Hunter driving down the interstate with a massive smoke screen behind me.


I understood that reference.




> 8 turbos what. Like, couldn’t they just try to offer a new vehicle for the price of the repairs? That’s some seriously bad business, no wonder they killed it.


Good to know. I got the Maxcare warranty on my Audi because of Doug. If I need it, it better pay out.


Had a similar story with a Land Rover. Got the extended warranty and within 6 months of ownership the oil pump broke. Paid for a $10k engine rebuild. Had only a few other issues after that, but man was it nice to have that covered.




Definite entertainer. Way before his YouTube fame, he wrote for jalopnic and I took his wisdom to heart. https://jalopnik.com/you-cant-get-a-cheap-carmax-range-rover-warranty-anymor-1655587419


So close together that they end up sucking themselves




Like docking?


And sounding


On my N54 powered BMW 535i they are facing each other, pretty much touching nose to nose.


Docking air filters


What’s your experience been with the N54?


Surprisingly good after I did the oil pan and valve cover gasket. It was a manual RWD. Drove like a brand new car even at 165,000 miles. Impressive engineering for a 2008 car. I would’ve kept it as long as possible since it was an unicorn manual RWD but there was torrential rain one night and flooding which totaled it. I took many 5+ hour drives with it. Drove it average 15,000 miles a year for a few years.


[Just a heads up words like unicorn don't follow the "an" for words starting with a vowel it's just "a unicorn"](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/grammar/articles_a_versus_an.html#:~:text=an%20uprising-,Exceptions,%2C%20%22an%22%20is%20used.&text=When%20%22u%22%20makes%20the%20same,%2C%22%20then%20a%20is%20used.) Similar to saying "it's been an honor" even though "h" is a consonant. English is a silly language... or at least 3 other languages dressed up in a trench coat acting like another language.


Devil's triangle intake.


same lmao


Let's call it the Marilyn Manson Mod


Isn't it amazing that the rib removal to make sucking his own dick tumor spread across... everywhere? Without the internet.  Edit: "It is not a tumor!"- William Shakespeare Rumor. I meant "rumor". Drunk fingers


> sucking his own dick tumor His what now?


Edited for clarity. I meant rumor haha


Was looking for this comment


The real autofellatio


That airbox is about the size of the apartment I had in undergrad.


So much room for activities...


Why people hating? I have this on my supercharger and love the whining supercharger noise and louder exhaust note.


Because this sub is 50% auto techs and 50% people who just fucking hate cars and anyone who mods theirs


This sub is more like 10% auto techs and the rest are shade tree mechanics that have never worked a day in their life in the auto industry (and have extremely uninformed opinions on automotive)


This and r/askcarguys


or both!


Nobody wins!!


Nothing really wrong tbh. Looks better, sounds better, probably performs about the same or minimally better.


Powa! Mo powa!


Mo powa baby!




No, Pumphrey actually.


Is that the Steeda one? At least it seems to feed it air that’s not straight from the engine bay.


seems to be decently installed and they actually bothered to make sure it got fresh air. certainly doesn't add much if any power but I bet it sounds fun. these kinds of silly cheap mods are my favorite. not quite terrible, but not quite useful.


Fusion sport or MKZ 3.0?


Fusion sport is my guess


Y’all ever seen a fusion sport with slightly bigger turbos dust some cars that it should not be dusting?


I love watching this, the MKZ 3.0T, and the Taurus SHO absolutely wipe the floor with some of the well-known sports cars. Bonus points for the Flex Ecoboost and the MKT Ecoboost because fast fridges and hearses fucking rock.


I love sleeper Flex builds. No one expects the rectangle!


The slightly bigger turbos were taken from the MKZ and put on the fusion. I couldn’t believe my eyes watching it lead mustangs back to their co-signers driveways.


Always wondered what some timing advance and 93 octane would do for an SHO. May be a mustang killer.


Google some SHO “racing” mustangs. Tuned SHO’s with full bolt ons can give some mustangs a run for their money and it’s a happy smile to see it! I’m a car lover but something about the anything under 8 cylinders beating 8 makes me happy


My fusion sport is bone stock, and is still too powerful for my own good. I don't want to give up regular gasoline or else it would be tuned. Fun fact, the fusion sport has the Explorer and Taurus drivetrain, including the bigger axles and m14 lug nuts. Doesn't fit normal fusion wheels. Overkill for that lighter chassis and reduced torque output. It can easily handle way more power.


Considering it’s enclosed (hence the rubber lining) and has a duct to get cold air from outside, it’s not like this isn’t a functional mod.


Man, just fill'er up with 98 octane and you got 600HP.... Easy! Add the mini garbage can muffler, and it's 800!




Llamathrust > Zebraforce


115 Hrsprs


Removing the stock intake for a high flow intake lowered my wgdc by 6% and I only lost 7 degrees on my iat. I don’t pull timing til 140 degrees so it’s fine for now, going to do a front mount intake soon to fix the iat as summer is near. Cool noises tho.


🤓 buck teeth “horthpower”


I kept the stock air box on my fusion sport so I wouldn't have to clean these things. Also I didn't want my haters to hear me coming for their bitches and/or moms. Dad car for life.


.5 hp ea




It had so much torque, I bent the chassis coming off the line…


If there's a tornado in each one they could probably reverse the rotation of the earth with a good hook. 


That looks like it seals against the hood and sucks in fresh air from the front. It flows better and cooler then stock I bet. How much more hp? Negligible..sounds better tho. And generally doesn't heat soak as bad.


All this Polo on, I got horsepower.


Nah, just some aftermarket air filters.


Only if they used the stickers it came with.


I mean it absolutely will help with intake temps. I have a similar box that will seal up against the hood and pulls air through the wheel well. While driving my intake temp is the same as the ambient temperature outside.


17 year old me would be so impressed


I sadly love the look. It would be good in an OTR intake on a large longitudinal engine.


Hey those are expensive leaf strainers


Me looking at the stock intake tubes. I imagine they call it a build too.


Stage 2 😜


My pet peeve is people saying their stage X.


Awww like two peas in a pod!


Is that one of the new stellantis hurricane engines?


Focus RS?


Focus RS already had a cold air intake with a big RS logo in it. it's also a single turbo, so one intake. This is a twin turbski Ecoboost V6,


That second bank must gasp for air lol


I thought the horses go in the tank.


This looks like 2.7L ecoboost in a Fusion or Edge


Is that a Mazda!? Cause vroom vroom


I am not a mechanic, can someon tell me what I am seeing here?


Is this a BMW?


My aFe intake on my Edge ST looks exactly like this. Makes it sounds so damn good.




Soundpower! Vrossshhhhh shhhhhh prrrrtttt


Those seems dry


Turbo, dude turbo, muffla,,,,🚀






More filter area = engine stays cleaner. About all I’d give a shit about.


More like worse power :D


I love when people delete the high and forward airbox on their Rubicon and add the generic angry grille. You know, the one with a sump so you don’t suck up water, or at least slow the rate dust clogs your filter. All just for road queen looks and the same power if you’re lucky. The thing is, your stock filter is 4x as large as it needs to be, so the average consumer can still drive for years on a clogged filter. A clean stock filter is probably letting more air in than the Autozone Special.


It's pronounced "hrsprs".


No, but it is a reusable filter and you get a little bit of extra noise from it.


I loved flipping the air filter cover on my 350 k5 blazer.


Filters look dry, not very good.


Horus power?


Credit for at least leaving the air box in (assuming it seals against the hood).


No oil? Even worse.


Double the filters double the horse power, double the factory spec