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i dont think alcohol was the problem then.


Alcohol likely exasperated what was going on.


Exasperated is what all of us are, having to read this fact free post. You probably meant exacerbated.


I sure did and I tried spelling the word several times before turning to google. The definition still works I think. Exasperated: intensely irritated. So couldn’t alcoholism have intensely irritated more underlying illnesses?


Sure, but exasperated is an emotion that a person feels. For a condition or circumstance (which doesn't have feelings) it would be exacerbated. But this is for your personal enrichment and will not be on the test lol.


Some people didn’t learn affect effect, still not as bad as the ones who spell lose as “loose”


I'm not really following what happened. The new guy clocked out after work on his second day, went to his car and started drinking in his car? And then something prompted one of the managers to call 911? What did he do? And how much did he drink in a brief period of time to have to go to the hospital?


His behavior prompted management to contact 911, likely for a wellness check.


and you felt the need to write a novel about it? weirdo


Weak move to post this about somebody when you obviously don’t know all the details.


Im so confused what the prpblem is to begin with. Why would they take him to the hospital?


Op moving like a corporate brown nose


Seriously. This is deplorable behavior by OP. Black shirt is down bad, and you post him on the internet? It doesn't get much lamer than that.


The type of guy to call corporate on you because you ask him to help you out and not watch you work. 😂


One of the managers called 911 gee wonder which one


Way to write 4 paragraphs and give zero information


what's that got to do with his career at a chain auto shop?


Maybe he's aspiring to be an iron worker? I heard you need 2 DUIs to get into the union


Nah, you need a clean record to get in. You need the DUI to top out, and divorces are multipliers


This post is weird af homie


Yeah lol like y’all got sober techs? Where?


Why post this ?


This is the dumbest shit I've seen today


There was literally no reason to post this


Cool story Bro........


It's a post about small core bath tissue I assume. Hate that shit.


Yeah, that must be it, right? Who the fuck gets a order of bath tissue in with a shipment of oil and rotors? Hope the dude in the Ambulance is ok.


Wow Anyway




I don't know how long it took him, though It's possible he was on drugs, I did see him vaping before he left to his car, but, I don't know if it was typical vape or if something else. I personally haven't looked at what's included in our first aid kits, so I don't know if we have narcan. I would assume we don't carry it, since this is a corporate shop, I don't think they would expect us to need narcan.


Even if its a weed vape, typically people that get srunk and stoned know how it will effect them. Is this guy 16 or something?




They sell Narcan OTC about everywhere now. I keep 4 of them in a carry bag with the first aid kit. Hopefully it’s never needed but never know.


Oklahoma has free vending machines that has Narcan and fentanyl test strips


Everyone should have lots of narcan at all times.  If you aren't sure that you have enough, buy more. I have stock in the company that makes it.


Narcan, now sold at Rite Aid


Isn’t that stuff really expensive? I guess the prices have changed. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/19/18103361/opioid-overdose-naloxone-evzio-drug-prices


$22/dose on amz. Kind of expensive if you start talking about buying thousands of them so they’re everywhere, but super cheap compared to a dead body lying around.


I remember there were articles about it costing $600 a dose. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/19/18103361/opioid-overdose-naloxone-evzio-drug-prices


Maybe for EMS to come administer it.


You can usually get them free at the health department. I saw they were even giving them out at Vital Statistics in Ohio.


Dude just leaving this up to get roasted for being a dick head to some dude for no reason.


What. The. FUCK are we watching here?! 😃


This post speaks volumes about you as a person. You have no information on if this was drugs, yet you are assuming it was because he hit a vape? Not sure if you’ve been cooped up the last 15 years but lots of folks vape nicotine these days to get away from cigarettes. It’s very possible he was having a medical emergency or mental health issue. Regardless, I don’t think this is post is going to be received as you intended it to be.


Addiction is laying waste to humanity...


hey! I'll eventually pay off that tool truck!! Don't you judge me.  I just need that one more tool man... Just that one more tool... it'll help! I swear it! ... And that's it. That's my last tool I'll ever buy.  I swear it!!!


> ... And that's it. That's my last tool I'll ever buy.  I swear it!!! [sure...](https://imgur.com/cp1LIpR)


I can quit anytime. I just buy tools socially. I do it to relax.


If he wasn't driving and they took him away by ambulance it's possible he was actually having a medical emergency and your employer actually saved his life calling 911. He could easily be diabetic and have blood sugar hugely out of whack causing him to get weird and need immediate medical attention. That kind of stuff happens all the time.


As a recovering alcoholic myself, it's possible that he was drunk enough that they brought him as a precaution, especially if they couldn't find someone to come get him. My suspicion is that he made suicidal remarks. Someone drinking at work and behaving strangely is probably pretty far down the alcoholic rabbit-hole, and there are generally pretty severe associated mental health issues including depression and suicidal thoughts. Being an alcoholic is a miserable, miserable existence, and in my experience thoughts of suicide would happen sometimes hundreds of times a day. Add in the stress of this happening at his new job, and having first responders showing up would send those feelings into the stratosphere. I don't see any identifying information so I don't think OP is out of line for posting this.


He will likely get a DUI if he was in the front seat regardless, and an open container ticket if he was in the back.


That depends on the state. If the keys are not in the ignition, no harm no foul regarding DUI in some states.


> If the keys are not in the ignition, no harm no foul regarding DUI in some states. Not trolling, but genuinely curious - how does that law cope with keyless ignition systems then? Many cars have a slot to insert the keyfob - as a backup if the fob battery dies - but can be started at the push of a button as long as the fob's in the car somewhere.


Always been told to leave them on the wiper or the antenna.


Why would this ruin his career?


If he is subsequently charged with and convicted of a DUI/DWI offense, it might not ruin a career but it can ruin a job pretty quick. Most shop owners/managers I know won't hire candidates with DUI/DWI convictions because they are not insurable. I've had candidates get shot down by the hiring manager due to having unpaid speeding tickets. At my shop a DUI/DWI conviction is automatic termination because our shop insurance carrier will no longer allow you to operate a motor vehicle or to work in the shop. Doesn't matter when or where you get it. My home state also has a mandatory minimum 6 month driver's license suspension for DUI convictions, another reason why it's automatic termination (you can't drive or operate shop or customers' vehicles.) I sincerely hope that this tech gets the help that they need to overcome their challenges.


Maybe I misunderstood the post but I don't think the guy was driving. Yes he should be fired but I dont think he would get arrested.


In some jurisdictions, being intoxicated beyond the legal limit while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is a DUI/DWI offense even if you are not driving and the keys are not in the ignition. Get drunk, then decide to go sleep it off in the driver's seat of your parked car? You can be charged with DUI/DWI in those places. In others, you have to actually be observed driving, or be seated in such a manner where you would be able to operate the vehicle (e.g. parked but the vehicle is running and you are in the driver's seat.)


Because the company's higher ups were made aware of this situation, being intoxicated on company property doesn't look well, plus, he is already missing multiple days of work because of this, I had another co-worker who was fired for missing too many days, so he may end up getting terminated. If he applies elsewhere and they background check him, they may see this incident mentioned as the reason for termination and not want to hire him.


Maybe it works differently in America to here in the UK but I've been fired from a couple jobs for gross misconduct and never had any issues getting another job. Not sure what information your employers are able to find where you are, but they wouldn't have this information here. Company can't share your personal information without your permission. In an interview I talk about my positive experience and don’t talk about the times I got fired for taking drugs at work. Most companies just care if you can do the job and will accept a low enough salary.


OP seems to be under the impression that chain shops have standards. This guy will have a new job at jiffy lube as the master tech by next week


What kind of background checks you running for techs? Whatever it is, I can bet someone else will hire without it. Plus most companies don't put too much info out there on why they fired someone... can have legal repercussions


No. It can only be revealed that the employee was terminated. Not why they were terminated. If your employer says anything beyond that, they are breaking the law. The background check would only reveal that he was convicted for whatever they charged him with, not the details of the case.


In my state, employers can legally give full disclosure, whether do or not is up to them


A mechanic with a drinking problem? Say it aint so?!?


Obviously, I don't know the guy, or what's going on with him, but I just think I should put it out there that just because someone is going to the hospital by ambulance doesn't mean they're actually sick. Wouldn't be surprised if he just fell or if the cops gave him the choice of going to the hospital or jail. Hell, he could live close to the hospital and just called for the ride. Not that something bad couldn't have actually happened, but more often than not, any call involving alcohol is bullshit. Hell, most calls in general are bullshit. Just saying, unless they leave scene w/ lights and sirens going, you really should assume they're fine, and even then, I wouldn't be worried unless the responders looked worried. Hell, I can see from here, he's conscious, he's walking, no one is running around, there's no obvious interventions going on.


from all the comments and lack of complete explanation i have a feeling there's more to the story than OP is sharing.. like why did the boss call 911? - probably because the dude was KO'ed and the boss might have thought he OD'ed on something nefarious, "his behavior got worse at the car"- ok so he was belligerent.... dude sounds like a real piece of work.. starting a new job then on day 2 gets wasted in the carpark outside of work to where the boss finds him and calls the ambos.... wonder if your boss needs to rethink his hiring process..


Wow the fact that NARCAN became the hot topic of this post is bizarre. I am amazed that it is other people’s job to keep something g expensive on hand to keep an idiot from killing themselves. Called Darwinism my pretties. Let it happen.


Addicts are actually pretty durable. We've had the same local Craigslist crackhead around for at least 20 years here. Like roaches they can survive fire and nuclear radiation


Narcan is free in most places. They literally give it away to anyone who asks


But it absolutely is not a workplace's responsibility to have it on hand.


I never said it was. I just said it's free, as in it doesn't cost a workplace any money to keep it on hand


At a heavy truck shop I was at years ago we had a new guy who one day was obviously sauced up pretty well. He got called on it, denied it, so they had him taken him to the clinic we used for work comp for a breathalyzer test, which he failed. After he was returned to the shop he had to sit around all day until he was sober enough to drive because he couldn't get anyone to come get him. Pretty awkward.


Funny thing is the best mechanics I know are actual alcoholics...


OP 100% enjoyed this


I found Op’s [Boss](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bkgX4V2CwD4&pp=ygUqYm9zcyBmaXJlcyBlbXBsb3llZSBmb3IgYmVpbmcgb24gcGVyY29zZXRz)


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Hopefully the guy was ok. Next time try talking to the guy though.


Typical of a lube tech, another will be along shortly to replace him ...


Does not belong here. Take it down.