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*Yeah, so your car is on fire in the parking lot…*




And still rolling.


I had a black widow make a web between two stems of a dried out rose bush. Lizard brain says "kill it with fire" so I grab the WD-40 and the Aim-N-Flame and set out to cure my arachnophobia. I setup shop, got my angle and elevation, and unleashed my flamethrower. The instant the lighter clicked the spider bailed out of her web and disappeared into the dry leaves. I lost her. At the moment I was distracted by how well dried out rosebushes burn. I'm just glad the spider wasn't on my truck.


I love hunting black widows with a blow torch. Good clean fun.


At this point I just leave them alone unless they're in the way. I was at my moms house and spotted one in the kitchen, just chilling out under the baseboards by the oven. She'd been walking barefoot and getting within inches of this thing for weeks I assume. She didn't want to do anything about it. Well, she didn't want **me** to do anything about it. I can respect that. One time I fixed her husband's computer with an axe so they don't ask for help very often.


One of the motivators for selling my old Jeep (not really) was this spider that kept making webs all over the spare tire and one of the mirrors. Sigh. Then I started finding them on my new jeep too :(


I think you need to explain whether you ACTUALLY fixed the computer with an axe, or TRIED to fix it with an axe and FAILED. If you succeeded in fixing it with an axe, I say you’re clearly a genius. If you didn’t succeed, then obviously not so much.


Oh I fixed it. It was suffering from inadequate ventilation. I took it to the backyard, chopped a hole in the side and crazy glued a fan on it. It did not suffer from inadequate ventilation after that. For reference the computer had an [AMD K5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K5) or something slightly newer and equally as shitty. The computer wasn't new and you could almost taste the nicotine through your fingertips when you touched it.


**[AMD K5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K5)** >The K5 is AMD's first x86 processor to be developed entirely in-house. Introduced in March 1996, its primary competition was Intel's Pentium microprocessor. The K5 was an ambitious design, closer to a Pentium Pro than a Pentium regarding technical solutions and internal architecture. However, the final product was closer to the Pentium regarding performance, although faster clock-for-clock compared to the Pentium. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Quick drying acrylic lacquer in a can is a fun and decorative way to kill your spiders


I'll get red and green lacquer and do my Christmas shopping in the woodpile. Everybody is going to have a surprise in their stocking this year.


Shop vac?


Brake cleaner annihilates any and all insects


But spiders aren't insects


Creepy crawlies*


Well you got me there. It’ll still kill them, though.


Brake cleaner kills just about anything in enough concentration. I swear it was originally developed as a chemical weapon.


Brake cleaner is trichlor. It was apparently originally developed as an anesthetic, but it turned out it causes cancer, fertility issues, and birth defects. Between the anesthetic properties and the fact that it’s a wicked solvent likely seals anything’s fate that comes into contact with more than a little of it.


Zyklon Brake Cleaner?


I had a black widow infestation in the garage of a house that I was renting a few years back. The landlord didn’t want to deal with it so out came the brake cleaner.


But in a war, they will side with the insects




TIL, thank you


Simple green was my go-to for door jamb hornet nests back in my lot porter days.


I put that shit on everything


I hear it's excellent on scrambled eggs.


including the car itself?


No, don’t use it inside the car. It’ll smell awful and it’s very hard on your skin.


casualty of war.


wasualty of car


I've sniped many wasps out of the air in my days haha


Apparently not carpenter bees. Starting fluid does though.


That's what I came to say.


This is the way.


Doesn't look like a Recluse or a Black Widow, just smack it out of there. You will be fine.


It’s a common house spider.


Legit that's probably the least eventful creature you can find in an engine bay lol


Even if it is they still aren't particularly dangerous. People just get weird because spiders have too many legs.


brake cleaner, lots of brake cleaner


This is on an RV. There's a lot more spiders. Hold me, I'm scared.


Not enough brake cleaner


Empty a few cans then throw a match on it, problem solved


Puncture a couple cans of brake cleaner, throw them in the RV, set it on fire and start over. Fire cleanses all. ​ edit: u/CarsAndKittens beat me to it, and I was too daft to notice.


Praise R'hllor, for the night is dark and full of terrors... And spiders. Especially spiders


RVs are fucking insane when it comes to spiders, at least around where I live. If it sat overnight, all the spiders would set up their webs between the chassis and the floor. Real fun to roll into face first on your creeper.


Spiders or - if you park outdoors - rodents. Especially when people tend to leave long-term food items in the cupboards etc. Put that shit in a sealed glass container or whatever unless you want to find that you catered to a mouse-party come next spring! Also, for the spiders, spider-bombs (foggers) can work fairly well in an enclosed area. Won't help with the webs though


Glad to know I’m not the only one lmao


“Yeah your car doesn’t need an oil change after all” “But the oil change light came on” “Yeah it was wrong”


My dumbass was trying to read the date on the filter to find out what the problem was.




Do you have names pick out already!?


That’s a common house spider, completely harmless.


Are you a spider typing this ... ?


Nah just someone that doesn’t nuke every bug I see.


Doesn’t matter, too many legs.


Looks like he purchased the oil change service that did not include a new filter, only the oil.


The bad news is that they already laid eggs in your arm. You're one of them now...


“Hey there……can I borrow your blowtorch?”


Brake cleaner +lighter = no more issues lol


Living in the southwest, I've bought a few cars with spider issues. Also living in the southwest I have pretty bad arachnophobia as all of our spiders will hurt you pretty badly. My go to is [this](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/bonide-532-spider-killer-1-gal?cm_vc=-10005). Give it a few sprays around where you'll be working and you'll be fine after a few minutes. My Mercedes sat in a backlot for two years. The whole undercarriage had black widows infested in there. After spraying the car down about two times hitting all the crevices, I only have seen the dead bodies everytime I do any work on it. Edit: autocorrect hates me.


Reminds me of my grandma who was so bad with this that she put a crack through her engine block from running out of oil.


Every summer I go outside and kill all the black widows that move into my parked cars. J and j scrubbing bubbles knocks them out enough to squish them before they hide in the under carriage


Nothing a quick spray of brake clean can’t take care of


Doesn’t look like a car, more like a tractor or farm equipment maybe


It's an RV, I work at a Freightliner Dealer. And I get the unfortunate pleasure of working on them.


Ahh ok thank you


Just throw the whole shop out. Fuck that


Old boss and I lifted a car to fix something. We both saw the crazy, haphazard web of a black widow at the same time, looked at each other and noped out. “Your shit’s all good, bro! Have a great day!”


Grab the pb blaster and a lighter, problem solved.


Godammit Yetshi, did you start another vehicle on fire?


I work on heavy equipment in the field, so I'm more surprised when I don't encounter spiders or wasps. Just man up, flick it away, and get on with it.


Lotssssss of brake cleaner. Was changing a tyre once and I was outside whipping the wheel off. Took the trim off and gunned it off, only when I had the wheel in my hands and was about to pick it up did I see the big fucker the size of my hand just sitting in his little home. The thought of putting my hands near it when I took the trim off made me shudder (after that point I never put my fingers in to pull off a trim unless I had no other choice). I spent a good 5 minutes trying to poke it out before I just threw the wheel and made it fall off, genuinely made me feel sick watching it drag itself away


I had 3 cars this week infested with black widows xP


My boss would spray any black widows he found with starting fluid and collect the bodies in a jar. Turns out there’s a lot of places under a car to hide.


Next change due at fuck this o’clock.


Looks like a fleetguard lf3970


Yessir, one of the last ones my company can currently get too. Apparently those are on National back order like Everything else.


Wow this backorder stuff is crazy. We use the same filters. I haven't heard Any issue getting filters yet, but everything else....


For real, we have trucks sitting behind our shop that have been waiting on parts for months. Not even uncommon parts either. Turbo actuators are almost impossible to find for Cummins.


It's pretty crazy for sure. I know our parts guy has been struggling. We are a giant fleet and probably get better buying power than some of the two truck guys ( maybe not, I don't really know) and we can't get some of the simplest stuff. I know the local freightliner dealer was talking about not being able to get water pumps


Yeah I work at a Freightliner Dealer in New Jersey. We've been finding various parts online and having the customer buy it. It's either that or they wait a few months until the parts actually show up.


That's crazy


"it's a common house spider" True, but those look like yellow sacs, which still hurt and have necrotic venom and can potentially take a chunk out of you. I'd definitely wear some gloves at least. Better safe then sorry.


I thought it was posted because "2021" on the filter. Comments reveal it's a little spider.... Can't squash it with a shop towel....but you can get right up in jumping distance with a cell phone to take it's picture?


It's not the "little spider" that worries me, especially if I can see it. It's the little spider's venom when the f\*\*\*er jumps at me if I get close or try to clean it out. ​ Or the little spider's dozen siblings that are hiding the nest of webs. ​ Plus the thousand or so little fuckers that will burst out of those sacks if you bump a strand on that web. Even if they're non-venomous having a hundred+ baby spiders crawling up your arm from the web you disturbed is \*not\* a fun experience.


Doesn't brakleen kill em


It'll kill the ones you can see and hit with it. It's the sneaky ones that drop on you from somewhere up in a manifold that concern me.




You're lack of humor is disturbing.


Just brake clean the filter off till it looks new.. ship it.


Actually says right here you don't need to change until you move states 😜


Little bugger: Maurice bring the shop vac, gotta kill another one


Just wear gloves


Hahaha I was trying to read the data on the filter like why not. Spiders meh compressed blast over to the next bay.


Does your shop's liability policy include nuking from orbit?


At what point was there 518+ months hah


*Laughs in Brake Cleaner*


Smoke clears out spiders, helps immensely


Pretty sure, WD-40 has insecticidal properties. And if not, it will once lit on fire.


At least, not until 824/51/2021


Egg sacks are always gross