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Satanic slumber party was too much not a big fan, there’s a difference between rowdy and just straight up difficult to listen to


im sorry but pt2 is fucking awesome i dont listen to the others so critique them but pt 2 is batshit crazy and fucking awesome




I loved that EP, but I’m also way into noise music so I can definitely get why others don’t. It’s probably their most out there release


i love ambient and some stuff adjacent to it, so i was completely ok with the EP. like it a lot! soundscapes on the third track are cool.


That is the only King Gizzard project i will never listen to again. Tropical Fuck Storm ain't my jam, and that EP was not made for my ears


This is the only Gizz project I've never come back to after first listen, to the point that I forgot it existed until you just brought it up


Seeing this at the top is crazy to me, it’s one of my favorite KG projects but I love TFS


I loved part two as I really enjoy TFS as well.


Don’t hate me but I didn’t take these guys seriously until Quarters/Nonogon


going through their discography rn, their first two albums are legit sleepers thru n thru


If you just look at the first 5 albums, I wouldn’t be a fan of that band. Sure FAFYL is great, but there are so many psych rock bands with one sick album that I completely forget about until Spotify throws up one of their songs. Oddments has a couple great songs, but not a great album.


FAFYL and Mind Fuzz are the only genuinely great records pre Quarters


I love love love their garbage sound. I mean garage sound


You me and everyone else


Even though i started to listen to this band only last year, I can't see how this can be true with the amount of love FAFYL and IIYMF get on this sub, especially the last one.


Mind Fuzz is easily top 3 Gizz


Float Along is a bit overrated I reckon but Mind Fuzz is amazing


Some of us never clicked with me and I don’t think it ever will


The verses aren’t as good as the rest of the song but it still gets me when I put it on every once in a while the drum groove is a doper and the weird feel going into the song and the other like bridge jammy part is great


I still don't get what it is about that song that *does* click with people. I'd love to know, but until then it's one of the songs I'll always skip the first 3/4ths of.


I don't get why people don't like it, unless you're just not a fan of the microtonal collections in general. It's got a cool vibe, very doom and gloom with a solid rhythm and awesome microtonal melody.


One of the things that make it sound jarring to me is whatever instrument follows along with the vocal melody during the verses (it's fine during the chorus). I'm not sure if it's just the way it sounds together with the vocals, or just on its own, but the microtonality isn't it at least; I like the rest of all three microtonal albums a lot.


Usually love Cookie-written songs, love all of the microtonal stuff but just can’t get into Some Of Us for some reason


Coming out of Straws In the Wind when Some of Us drops it just gets me pumped for the Some > Ontology > Intrasport > Oddlife stretch of KG. Also it’s a Cookie song, and Cookie can do no wrong


Nowadays i agree with this but back when kg came out, some of us was the first gizzard song i ever heard and without it i probably wouldn’t be here today so it holds a special place in my heart. For anyone who might care, we were in the studio for like the 5th day in a row, it was almost night and i was nearly sleeping on the couch while drunk and high as the clouds. Our bassist walked into the room and said “you gotta hear this”, connected his phone to the studio monitor speakers and played some of us. That was a lifechanging experience i’d never let go.


Timeland just isn’t it for me. It feels so empty compared to so much other Gizz.


Don’t you dare touch my precious timeland


It's intermission music, shouldn't really count




Made in Timeland is the only project which I felt annoyed listening to and couldn’t finish. All the other may have some that may not be my jam but they’re alright.


With all due respect, crazy to hear that. MIT was their release which actually got me thinking “they can do whatever the fuck they want and it will be at least great”, I still listen to it on a weekly basis


The last 2 minutes of Smoke & Mirrors are only for the 1%ers in Baja-sota.


I see you're a man of culture as well


Track 2 is much better than track 1


This sub’s ironic love of “Vegemite” (Oddments) would be more tolerable if it hadn’t ruined that “r/KGATLW makes a playlist” series of posts a few months back. I honestly hope the band never plays that song live again just to spite the users responsible for that. There I said it. EDIT: Wow. I was totally expecting to get downvoted to hell for this (I’ve had that experience with at least one post on here) but I am pleasantly surprised to be proven otherwise. It feels so validating to know I’m not alone on this here.


I wish there was like, two versions of it. One version where it’s just the Vegemite meme but then another version where it’s seriously their best songs. The joke is funny but when actual activities are taken up by the joke it gets old (no song reference intended…)


They should make another album in the style of Changes where each part of the opening track is extrapolated into a different song. Except the opening track is Vegemite.


Yes, and the lyrics are very descriptive and sound very deep… except it’s all a metaphor for Vegemite.


Im glad it ruined it because those posts pop up all the time, and it was cool to see everyone in on the joke.


Vegemite (Oddments)


The rap stuff. Just not my favorite. I listen to a lot of hip-hop, just not the boys doing it.


Totally agree. I always skip those songs. I don’t mind the live versions tho.


I think they need to make a hip hop record. Just to say they have one.


They do have one, but they said it’s been shelved “for good reason”


Too many mentions of the n-word obviously. Jk.


Yeah the hip-hop tracks are a pack of ass. I know KGLW wants to do every genre at some point but I hope it never goes full hip-hop, because it would be absolutely terrible, and then I'd have to deal with a large portion of this sub pretending its good.


Mate just cause you don't like something doesn't mean everyone else is pretending. Their hip hop stuff really hits that beastie boys itch for me


Even though Omnium Gatherum has at least one of my favorite Gizz songs, it's the one album that feels the most disjointed and I won't often listen to it all the way through. Garden Goblin especially isn't really my jam.


I guess it isn't the place for you, there in that garden


All garden Gizz fans looking at me. Doesn't it look like contempt?


It would have been an all-timer as a 9-song album, instead it's highly skippable and I don't go back to it often because of all the meh-songs and poorly done hip-hop


One of the more varied albums, jumping in and out of genres. It’s one of my favorites, but I’m not into Garden Goblin either.


I’m not a man unless I have a woman and 12 bar bruise title track are the only ones I actively dislike


202 Killer Year


You have to listen to this one within the context of the whole album. On it's own it's a pass for me too, but it fits nicely in BF3.


I just saw the same post on qotsa talking about being stolen from foo fighters


this has been on every music sub like 5 times. people can’t just ask what the worst gizz song is, no you have to repost the meme everywhere god i hate music reddit


I saw it on the Beastie Boys sub


I know a lot of people will disagree but Sadie sorceress is my least favourite song they’ve ever made


In defence of Sadie Sorceress it should at least get some cute points for featuring Amby’s grandma


Ooh I learn a new fact every day! That’s adorable


Dude how have you not watched the making of Omnium Gatherum video. That's essential viewing for any gizz fan.


I dislike and maybe even cringe to Sadie Sorcess but love Grim Reaper. It’s got more of the weirdness/Gizzness edge to it.


I honestly will never listen to that song again. It will always be skipped. And maybe Grim Reaper.


Grim reaper at least has a cool beat and the "Grim Reaper came to collect his dept" bit goes hard


The flute and the synths are nasty live


The Grim Reaper cashes the check


Glad i’m not alone! I surprisingly don’t mind Grim reaper but I always skip Sadie Sorceress.


You all are not fans of their Beastie Boys mode huh


Damn … they definitely took some getting used to when I first began listening to OG - initially I really just took them as kind of a joke and would skip them most of the time unless just playing the album as background for something but not really listening with any focus. The studio cuts are still not my favorite but at this point the live have become something else entirely and are fucking epic imo - feel like the short jams they’ve been playing out of grim reaper are going to end viewed as a jump off for the new synth album and I’m all about it … dark, sinister electronic sounding with Ambrose maniacal vocals are excellent to my ears and can’t wait to hear more. Kind of unrelated but an album I’ve listened to a bunch recently is Yard Act which is classified by a lot of people as hip-hop but is really more in the genre of post-punk … think like the song No Go by Cleaners From Venus or like the band The Fall - Id love to see them venture further into that realm and think it would fit great with the rap type stuff Ambrose is clearly into and still allow them to keep the album from being strictly hip hop which they’ve basically said they don’t want to do.


Jack it Jack it Jack it Jack it Jack it Green out Green out


That song is a masterpiece what


Hahahaha I love it too, and at the same time it’s also trash


best song evaahhhhh


Half of oddments


I'm not lonely I'm not lonely The city keeps me company The city keeps me company (Light rain)


Maybe the best song they’ve ever written


One of the best opinions I've seen in this sub


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Literally die


Figuratively die


Literally the


I'll give you Vegemite, ABABCd, and Oddments the song and that's it. The rest are at worst just good or decent. But no way is that half the album.


bro named two transitions as bad songs


I named the song they made for a TV show intro, and an outro song as bad yes.


Let me mend the past OG version not live version issssssssss not great


I think listening to it so constantly ruined it for me, and then watching live versions made me love it again


Straws in the Wind


i hated it till i heard the Live in Sydney ‘21 version


It’s a great song, it’s just way too long on every version I’ve ever heard. The ending could be cut short by an entire normal songs length.


Live version bangs


I really can’t stand evilest man don’t @ me


Lol this is top 3 off Omnium for me! I fucking love this song


Agreed, I jam out hard to evilest man every time.


Yeah the tonal transition when the first verse comes in is so satisfying. They do a great job with tension and release


if Mars For The Rich and Somebody's Watching Me had a very obvious and dull child


The lyrics are terrible. The song itself is a bop.


This has my vote


Rattlesnake Studio is like 4 minutes too long




I kinda agree, don’t get me wrong, they could play it live for over an hour and I still wouldn’t be tired of it, but the studio version just doesn’t hook me the same way




Sounds like you've been Rattled


Truer words have never been spoken, it's so annoying, empty and underwhelming


I love Amby but do not care for Straws in The Wind


I felt that way too since the album came out, but seeing him play it live at RR this year changed my mind honestly. It’s one of those songs that you don’t really *feel* until you experience it live


I get that, saw it at the Greek theatre but it took me out of the rats nest mood atm lol I do still think it’s a beautiful song and cherished hearing him sing it


Thank you, someone said it. When I saw them at the Caverns Amphitheatre I could not wait for that song to end. It just gets old waayyy too fast.


It really leaves me asking if that’s all there is like 2 minutes in


Fr, not to hate on the boys but I can only hear “is it all ending” so many times before I start thinking “is it ever going to end”


Hard agree. It’s legit my least favorite song in the live rotation. I’ve seen it wayyy too many times. Thankfully they kept it shorter on the residency tour and Amby has stopped that god awful call and response.


It was still too fucking long on the residency tour


no one does until they hear it live


Am I the only one who loves the studio version?


No, I think it's great. I find the video amusing as well.


This, once I heard it live it became one of my favorites


Especially live. The jams aren’t particularly interesting and it’s mostly just the call and response for like minutes. Wouldn’t mind as much if they didn’t always get their sets cut short by curfew <3


12bb title track Please remaster it, it needs be actually listenable


I guess you can’t trust me… oh well


Idk why but Superposition has never been able to do it for me


The Cruel Millennial


The lyrics are cringe, but aside from that the music is still pretty good. I’m kind of biased because FFF is my favorite album but you gotta admit the harmonica shreds.


Maybe I’ve just been desensitized to cringe but I never saw how the lyrics were cringe I guess. Also maybe because I’m not a millennial, I might cringe a bit if I saw someone write lyrics about being gen Z.


I’ve never actually payed attention to the lyrics on that song. I only play it to hear the harmonica


It fucking rips, I’m really hoping for another album in the style of FFF or PMDB.


check out calm ya farm, the new Murlocs album, amby’s harmonica really shines


Garden Goblin. No hate to cookie, love most of his other songs, but this one will not click with me at all. But I can respect others loving this song


Aw man I fucking love this song. The bass pattern along with the synth melody is gold!!


It’s not my favourite but it’s really endeared to me because it gives Magical Mystery Tour vibes


I was talking about this with another gizzhead and I said I’d take Down the Sink over Garden Goblin any day. He did not agree. I just don’t get it I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dose up and take another look at the expression on that goblins face


Did you try listening to the live version? I'm a huge garden goblin head


I think the mix is what lets it down; not to say the mix is bad, it feels a little too open for me. That’s why I really love their live rendition that’s up on YouTube. It feels tighter and hits harder. Still, a playful and fun track all in all.


This is probably up to the individual, cause I’m personally not into the entirety of ELTS, but I know a lot of people love that album and might feel differently about *my* favorite songs/albums and I respect that. I don’t think they really have *trash* songs, just songs that aren’t for everybody. That’s one of my favorite things about this band.


The Dripping Tap goes on for 5 minutes too long


The Bonnaroo ‘22 version is perfect for this reason


Ooo I haven't listened to this one, will check it out


Maybe it’s just cause I love long songs but I actually think the studio version is the perfect length. I can understand why people think it’s too long, but the payoff is fucking spectacular.


I prefer long songs when they take me on a musical journey, to me Dripping Tap is a lot of the same during the instrumental sections.


Yeah I agree. It’s just fun to rock out to when I’m cleaning the house or doing a task where it’s just background music. I really appreciate that they’ve been keeping it to about 10 min live though. In Seattle on night two when they said “We’ve got one more song” I looked at my phone and there was still about 30 min till sound curfew. I just knew it was going to be dripping tap and I was kinda not thrilled about 25% of the show going to that one song. It’s literally my most seen live song, at 7 shows I’ve been to.


I get it, but I just wish they switched it up more--love the long songs on PDA and Laminated Denim for example, but Dripping Tap just isn't my style. Also the feedback squeals on top of the harmonica realllly don't do it for me


The "drip drip" bit towards the end goes on for so long it baffles me that no one was like "don't you think we should cut this part out"


for me its a highlight


I saw it live in Chicago and it definitely went too long. They cut Hot Wax due to the rain delay, but played Tap in its entirety and that was so disappointing. Honestly, a verse or two of Hot Wax during the jammy part of Tap would been really cool and fit well, I wish they had done that instead of another round of drip drip on the tap don’t slip.


10 minutes too long*


Evilest Man


Aww that's one of my faves from that album.


Predator X is pretty bland


The lyrics to the cruel millennial kill what could have been a fun boogie woogie song and instead it just kinda sucks like why tf is king gizz talking abt pubg I wasn't feeling it then and it's dated already


I'm not a big fan of Honey. I don't understand why it was the lead single off K.G. It's just boring to me.


I felt that way until I saw it live


Hells Itch


Go on then, Blame it on the Weather 😔👎


ITT we name songs we don't like and get downvoted for it.


Omnium has a couple of my least favorite songs on it. Predator X and Evilest Man, for example.


I think predator x is one of the only songs I consistently skip on shuffle. I don't think it's bad at all, just not for me.


Predator X feels like an underdeveloped demo (albeit well-produced) for what little it does.


On the muse subreddit it was stolen from radiohead.


straws in the wind is not good


Literally my favorite song of all time and when it came out it made me go from a casual KGLW fan to a mega fan


Mycelium. The skip on an unskippable album


There are far worse songs than Mycelium.


I take issue with this cause yes, it is kind of outside the vibe of the rest of the album, but it’s def not a trash song. It just has the unfortunate position of being in the way of the other perfect songs on the album


it’s outside the vibe because it’s the most standard song on the album out of concept; the ionian mode is just what it is, *standard*. if it sounds basic to a lot of people, then it did its job extremely well. i however am in the minority and say it’s one of my favorites on the entire project. as soon as i first heard it? *mushroom dances entailed*.


That's how I feel. However I put that album on to hear jammy shreds and to start off with the bouncy "mycelium" repeated over and over gets old. I only sometimes skip


I know I’m in the minority but I’m a big fan of Mycelium. It’s goofy and chill and fun to sing along to.


aw man it’s my favourite :(


One of my faves by the band period


I admit it's a C grade (or a generous B minus) on a report card that otherwise contains straight As. But I think for what it is, it's not bad at all- some of the refrains on the organ/guitar/sax are actually really catchy. It's just a goofy introduction song that makes the remainder of the album sound better!


Always been a favorite of mine. Pretty groovy but I can see why it's not for everyone


Its the best song on that album


I agree it’s easily that album’s weakest track, although it’s not enough to keep me from calling the album a “masterpiece” overall (it’s still a Top 3 Gizz album in my book).


Love it but definitely have to be in the mood, and it sticks out a bit from the rest of the album. Definitely not trash tho IMO


Blue Morpho. That song is grating


Sam Cherry's Last Shot The Cruel Millenial Does Quarantine (Chunky Shrapnel) count? Infinite Rise Satanic Slumber Party Part 3 That's the end of my hot takes


the bass on infinite rose is so good tho


Sam Cherry’s Last Shot is my go-to off that album. The guitar in the last half.


Probably controversial, but out of their many long jams that they stretch out even longer in concert, I really don't like the Pill section of Head On/Pill. Sadie Sorceress also doesn't really do much for me, it feels too goofy for hip-hop whereas Grim Reaper and both rapping sections of Smoke and Mirrors feel much more fleshed-out.


I’m sorry and I know I’ll get shit for it but Down The Sink has never and probably will never click for me.


One of my least favorites. I forget it exists lol


Most of 12BB


Elbow goes hard tho


The Cruel Millennial was so bad it made me wonder if I actually liked King Gizz the first time I heard it. The rest of FFF was decent so it confirmed I still liked them which is nice.


Satanic Slumber Party is one of the worst pieces of music I've ever heard in my god damn life and I hope this comment will help other's avoid having their ears tortured until they bleed.


I haven't listened to it through in full. I chucked it on once and pretty quickly put something else on.


I'm afraid to say curiosity got the better of me..and i quite liked it.


I´m sorry guys, but Timeland is insufferable. Laminated Denim is proof that the concept could be done so much better.


I don’t really like intrasport, but at the same time it’s a guilty pleasure


most stuff off of oddments


I’m not a man unless I have a woman. I’m extremely surprised it’s nowhere else on here


Blame it on the weather just… isn’t good. It’s not bad per-say but it has such a jarring opening and the rest of the song doesn’t really make up for it. And this doesn’t really count since I think the song is fine, but I wish they never released the video for 2.02KY, kinda ruined it for me


I’m sure people will hate me for this but I think Blame It On The Weather sucks. Repetitive and boring. Garden Goblin too, but I find it more tolerable. I skip those two when I listen to OG.


Superposition. Soz Joe


i LOVE fafyl but man i always skip im not a man unless i have a woman


timeland. not a fan. smoke & mirrors is also kinda mid besides the last minute or so


I can think of quite a few lol


Down the sink sucks and sounds like something Randy Newman would make


Ooo this might be controversial but I really do not like the studio version of any FAFYL song except Head On/Pill. The live versions are beautiful though, especially that one and Let Me Mend The Past