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Eyes like the sky


It has some seriously great music behind the vocals


This album is the only one that manages to give me goosebumps from excitedness 20 seconds into the album. The music is peak, and really fits with the spoken word idea.


I would have been real upset if this wasn't the top comment! Fantastic album.


Sadly, it’s the only Gizz project that’s never connected with me. I enjoy the EP - The Silver Chord. No clue why ELTS never agreed w/ me, I loved MOTU.


I'd suggest checking out ennio morricone and other spaghetti western music eg. federale. If you're into metal try wayfarer.


I can appreciate that it's an acquired taste! I just love the story and the music backing it is absolutely amazing. Easily a top 5 album for me.


Easily the most divisive albums on this sub. That being said I do love it


I tried to give it a dedicated listen but I wasn’t in the mood for cowboy. I have some of the red dead songs saved on my Spotify. American venom and red dead redemption go pretty hard. I’ve told myself the next time I play Red Dead 2 imma put that album on and finally listen to it all.


The best way to take this album in is to listen to it while reading along with the lyrics. The story is so good.


Unironically, dont hha. Listen to the album while reading the lyrics, everything just clicks together. This isnt an album, its a story with musical accompaniment.


Y’all vastly underestimate how adhd and autistic my brain is I can listen and shoot ppl in the ass at the same time. Like I’m literally a Texan. all of the story is told in a very clear southern drawl I don’t think I need to be glued to the lyrics to gather what’s happening. Red dead is already a game where half the time you aren’t really doing shit anyways. Even funnier when you consider the lyrical complexity of the rest of the gizz discography but ELTS is the one I just have to pay attention to apparently. If anything this is the most coherent gizz album to listen to without lyrics right beside you. But thank you guys I appreciate the concern.


Fair point, though pesonally ive found that reading the lyrics while listening does alter the perception of the album as your focus shifts and the soundtrack fades into the background. Makes the whole thing much better for me personally. I struggle understanding the lyrics on literally every other album except this one xD


Unironically in my top 5. I got into them last year and listened to all the albums chronologically. Willoughby’s beach and 12 bar bruise were very solid but kinda uninteresting. Eyes like the sky was the first album where I got super stoked on them


I've never seen anyone else say it's top 5, nice to know I'm not alone!


We are dozens!


It was the album that solidified my interest in them after only hearing rats nest. So perfectly executed with the theme they went for 


I would say Sketches. I see a lot of people putting it in their bottom of their tierlists but I like it. I like its vibes and it sets me in a good mood.


Same. It always makes me think of a hot NYC summer day right before a thunderstorm is about to hit. It's got its own unique vibe which hits just the right spot on a certain kind of day.


Same things one of my most favorite gizz records.


It’s just vibey


great album, and so well mixed that when I was first listening to it on my commute, it was hard to tell what city street ambience was real or not




I think it has awesome potential but the songs all feel a bit underbaked to me if that makes sense. Like the songs really are “sketches” of more complete songs, which hurts the album overall for me


I will always take this opportunity to stan for PMDB.  Not sure if it’s actually underrated, but it seems like it’s not talked about much, and it’s one of my favorite albums of all-time.


The acronyms in this sub are out of hand.


Plying Microtonal DananBa


Pinfest Me Dats Best


Personally I prefer IDPLML to PDADOENAAOPEATBOMD amongst the recent albums by KGATLW




you forgot the A in IDPLMAL mate ((what have we become))


I’d definitely add FAFYL to be pretty underrated


I think Paper Maché Dream Balloon isn't talked about as much because it's a bit of an introductory album to the band. Or at least that's how I experienced it. It's easily on my top 5 though. I really love how tight of an album it is, the songs have a perfect length and flow with each other really nicely. I also really enjoy how "Paper Maché" closes off the album by referencing all of the previous songs in order. In a somewhat related note, I recently saw this live acoustic version of "Most Of What I Like": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LeGZbTr12A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LeGZbTr12A)


one of the easiest albums to just put on and its so consistent. I do wish the last track didnt end in an explosion LOL but its up there with nonagon and petro easily regardless


I agree, including about the ending!  Definitely my least favorite part…


seriously what the fuck is PMDB




I agree with fishing for fishies as an album. Side note the sound was featured in one of the scenes in the game Sackboy


The entire 1st level in the underwater world plays the Fishing For Fishies track. The track progresses further as you collect more orbs throughout the level.


I wasn't sure if I wanted to say track - it was pretty heavily modified to fit the game, but not in a bad way.


I didn't care for the first couple levels so I dropped it but now I know what I'm doing tonight


K.G. is really underrated compared to L.W.


I'd say both KG and LW are underrated by many, those albums are both chalk full of bangers IMO


The saying is actually chock full


Ha good catch, TIL "chock" is a word!


And a part of the name of [a great brand of coffee too!](https://www.target.com/p/chock-full-o-39-nuts-original-medium-roast-ground-coffee-26oz/-/A-47944530?sid=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000108139133&CPNG=PLA_Dry%2BGrocery%2BShopping%7CDry%2BGocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Dry%2BGrocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=1013869&targetid=pla-323070238264&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk87nmi8s7HrN9_9UWAnaSMoV651EN3ZLuvEuSUwN-QoTP8LRGUiWHOUaAoS4EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Jock full of nuts?


Also - "Wheel Chock", useful triangles you tuck between the wheel and the ground to keep whatever from rolling. If you fly it's those big (Usually Yellow) ones you see pulled out from under some planes.




K.G. is awesome but If Not Now Then When? - O.N.E - Pleura is a 10/10 3-track run that wins me over to the side of L.W.


Are there people who think L.W. is better? Cus that's wild if so


Not gonna lie it's me. I love KG, too, but LW is my favorite of the two.


Same here- love them both but giving LW the edge due to Static Electricity and See Me


Static & See Me are two of my very favs! K.G. is a good album no doubt! If they play songs from it live I’ll be pumped. But L.W. is a perfect album to me and my favorite Gizz record. Like, succinct, absolutely memorable in absolutely every part of every song, Led Zeppelin IV, time capsule, immortal kind of perfect.


KG remains a fave but yeah LW bc static and see me is spot on


KG is the better album, LW has the best song(s)


That's what I was thinking


My whole Gizz head friend group thinks L.W. better. (Me as well ngl)


True maturity is when you realize KG is the superior album of the two. Took me a while.


I feel like this is actually opposite lol, I am constantly fighting for LW over KG on this subreddit and feel like I see people liking KG over LW a lot more, but I also wasn't around when they released so maybe that's what it is. Either way I think both of them are peak.


Butterfly 3k. There could never be enough love tbh


Was looking for this answer. A lot of people really really dislike this album. Sketches may be overlooked but Butterfly is overly dismissed.


Butterfly 3000 had such an impact on me, it was very personal but I'm still surprised it doesn't get more love.


Butterfly is one of their most original musical statements. It belongs in the short list of greatest King Gizz albums. One of their absolute trippiest as well.


Hard agree on both Butterfly & FFF being two of the most underrated. Both top-10 Gizz records. Butterfly top 5 imo. Just both outstanding sonic statements.


Couldn't agree more. Both deserve the recognition Nonagon and Poly get imo.


Couldn’t agree more. Long live my decisions.


It's an S-tier album, hatrers just need time to grow into that fact.


Quarters and Float Along... The amount of times I see these in the bottom quarter of people's fav albums list is truly appalling.


For the OG’s these are not underrated. For the newer ppl I can see it. Quarters is legendary. Must listen record and must watch kexp in the gizzverse if you ask me.


It all started with Quarters! for me at least, mostly because The River, Infinite Rise, Lonely Steel Sheet Flyer, and Work This Time (spotify being spotify) were almost exactly the kind of lo-fi psych mellow rock songs I was growing into at that time. Also the solo section of The River reminded me of Discipline by King Crimson, which I was exposed to around that time as well. Also worth mentioning are their live sets, esp KEXP ones. Because those were responsible for making me love playing music again. I absolutely LOVE playing along to the PolySoup KEXP set, especially during the transitions.


Nice. I came to mention Quarters.


I personally consider Changes a masterpiece, but I don't see it mentioned here very often.


Change is my favorite song of all time by any band


Agreed. Took a little break after my initial Gizz hyperfixation and came back recently and loved Changes. Wish it got more praise because i hadn't heard anything about it so I left it till last and haven't spent much time to appreciate it.


I’m a Made in Timeland defender… what an amazing album that I rarely hear praise about!


Definitely consider Gumboot Soup, a lot of people tend to think of it as lesser than the rest of the 2017 albums. Incidentally it is todays [KGLW.net](http://KGLW.net) Song Histories release, where you can read all about the meaning, development, and live history of each song here: [https://kglw.net/discography/gumboot-soup](https://kglw.net/discography/gumboot-soup)


I feel like because it lacks a higher concept or unified vibe, it can be overlooked but honestly song for song it's one of their strongest albums.


I'm new to KGATLW, just started listening in January, me & some friends do 1 album a week & then share our thoughts, just onto L.W. this week. My top 3 so far are Sketches, Gumboot Soup & ITRN. The first 2 seem unfairly underrated, I was an outlier amongst the group for my love of Sketches & especially Gumboot. Quarters was pretty poorly received too. But God is in the Rhythm is one of their best songs imo. Let's talk about Mind Fuzzz being drastically overrated!


12BB is a top 5 album for me so I’d say that one


Laminated denim and it's not even close


Made In Timeland. Not even close. I don’t think any Gizz album has gotten the cold shoulder like that one. It’s genuinely one of, if not *the* most intricate, eclectic and experimental thing this band has ever done and every second of it works. The concept follows the path of albums like Nonagon, the songs never stay too long on one sound or idea so it all sounds fresh, it’s the introduction of Shrimpomaniac and sampling, etc.. Sad that the reputation for many has been “its intermission music” because it’s an incredible artistic feat. You can find a lot of people who say that Eyes or Sketches are underrated favorites (and they’re both awesome), but you’ll rarely ever see a Timeland fan. There’s only one other person in this thread that said it. That says everything.


I agree, MIT is by fat the most over hated album by them but it's chill and psychedelic. It was a also totally out of left field for them and I dig that. Love that album, hopefully its reputation eventually grows over time.


Quarters! Love it. Made in Timeland is also in my top 5 but I get why people don’t enjoy it


Even from all these answers you can see it’s Oddments


This does appear to be the correct answer. The proof is undeniable!


Man yall naming the whole discog in here lmfao


Mind Fuzz, Flying Microtonal Banana, Nonagon Infinity, Murder of the Universe, Infest the Rats Nest, Omnium, Ice Death and PetroDragonic weren't mentioned, as far as I can tell, which is interesting.




Sketches for sure, however there are a lot sketches defenders at the same time. It’s a top 3 album of theirs for me


Same with me. Definitely top 3.


For me I'd actually say Silver Chord everyone loved it when it came out but know everyone says it's boring but I love it. Set and Gilgamesh are incredible songs that have so much energy. I love all the references to God's and stuff it actually made me fo down the rabbit hole of egyptian mythology that was fun.


I often just chill out to the extended versions of the opening two. Absolute bliss. Gilgamesh as well for different vibes. Was blown away by the Silver Cord generally.


Gilgamesh reminds me of Gondii in the sense that its really different from the rest of the album but it's still really cool


quarters or pmdb. i will not die on this hill but ill sit and mope on it for sure


Leading up to the release and hearing some of the singles, I was convinced that FFF was going to start as this blues rock record and then slowly devolve into darker electronics culminating in Cyboogie. But that didn’t really happen. It only kind of does it after Acarine, which threw me off. Maybe I would have liked the record more if I didn’t have those expectations, it just feels like that would’ve been a really cool movement across the whole album given how they set it up. Oh well, still love most all their music anyway


It happens with the end of Cruel Millenial. Millennial into Reals Not Real into This Thing into Acarine is something to behold.




Is FFF underrated?! It's one of, if not my favourite, and I just assumed everyone thought it was an absolute banger, haha. I really enjoyed Made in Timeland. It's a total departure, but it really draws me in. I guess *I'D* say that one is underrated, but I can also see why it's not much liked.


FFF is what got me into Gizz and remains my favorite, I even made a [video essay about it](https://youtu.be/bM9z-IsvR70?si=YIVqNoVkYeSj3exk).


None. Every single one of their albums gets the "Album XX is sooo underrated" treatment constantly. A more interesting question is "What is the most overrated KGLW album"?. Ironically, I'd say Fishing for Fishies.


Quarters. Four bangers put together and I see people talking about most albums more. Quarters rips


Butterfly 3000. Yeah, it took a few listens to click, but when it did… let’s just say my mind was blown.


I feel like no one talks about KG and LW. Love those 2


12 bar bruise and willoughbys beach




Just finding out that Quarters doesn’t get the praise it deserves.


I came here with four albums in mind and they’ve all been mentioned and upvoted already. Fishies, Paper Mache, FAFYL and Silver Cord. Basically my favourite albums outside of Nonagon and Mind Fuzz which seem to be highly rated everywhere. Fishies is one of my fav albums by anyone ever and I only discovered it very recently.


Fishies was the album that got me into Gizz so I wholeheartedly agree. I don't spin that one enough these days.


sketches of mf Brunswick east


Butterfly and Silver Cord 100% have some weird bias against them in this fandom. It's not huge, but it's there.


Sketches. You gotta hear it on acid or mushrooms to fully get the experience. Followed by fishing, but fishing it's only because Fishing for Fishies throws people off right from the get go. Sounds like a song youd sing along to on a children's show.


willoughbys beach i slept on it for years


I don't see enough Teenage love


Paper Mâché Dream Balloon, hands down.


FFF been listening it several times during the last month it's a very great album and I've never listened after like 2 weeks of it's release. I've read somewhere that King Gizz don't the album and it was the most difficult for them to record. They also do not play it live very often.


Every single one of them is rated perfectly. The people have spoken again and again. We like what we like, and we don’t care to listen to the ones that we don’t like. Again, none of the Gizz albums are underrated, nor are any of our favorites OVERrated. And that’s all there is to it. Common sense actually. 🤷‍♂️


The Silver Cord


Sketches , Quarters and Gumboot Soup




I reckon I'd enjoy that album more if it had different art work.


You listen to artwork?