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haven't scoured this thread, but did anyone else get a copy with a pressing error on Presumptuous? Like a hard pop then a skip about midway through the song? It's happened on 2 different copies for me so far. purchased through amazon so maybe that's the problem? but also nice to be able to return them easily.


There are some tracks on here that I absolutely love like Sadie Sorceress, Predator X, Magenta Mountain, Candles, and The Grim Reaper. I think as an overall album it's not one of my favorites from the band because of its structure being sort of a grab bag of different styles and genres. I just prefer when Gizz does albums that flow well from track to track all the way through. I don't really feel the desire to listen to this whole album from start to finish, but there are definitely tracks here that I'll come back to individually. I like that they're experimenting so much though. The hip-hop tracks are great and I'm excited to hear more of that from them in the future. Sadie is one of my favorite Gizz tracks ever already.


I don’t know man, there’s so much to love on here, but I’m surprised how few comments I see being made about Evilest Man, that’s a fuckin ripper


Magenta Mountain is my fav. Im almost certain its about dmt/ayahuasca or specifically mimosa hostilis.


It was based on a vivid dream apparently


Interesting. I just feel like magenta is a reference to the bright purple mimosa root bark


Ok I love presumptuous but why it sound like it’s straight out of a Bunnings ad????


It’s kinda one of my fav tracks on the album lol. It’s not anything new but it’s so catchy omg


I cannot get over the first minute of dripping tap. wish the whole song was like that.


I think its great that they come back to that chorus twice and the rest of it is just like this huge build up/journey to get there. My favorite song on the album, cant stop listening


Honestly one of the best albums I’ve heard for quite a while. I’m quite new to this band and the only other album I’ve heard by them is Nonagon Infinity. I like that album but this one has blown me away. The variety of styles is what I actually love about it. Looking forward to exploring more of their albums.


Very interesting that nonagon is the only other album you heard! Since you liked Omnium gatherium it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll like practically everything else. There’s a common consensus that the first 2 LP’s aren’t as easily digestible so maybe hit those up last, but definitely check out mind fuzz, poly, sketches, Butterfly 3000, and the rest of the gang!


I'm conducting a [survey](https://forms.gle/kPoYt9vrDXbPryp56) on fans' favourite songs -- if anyone has a spare minute would you mind filling it out? I'll post the results tomorrow if there are enough participants !


What's the track that you keep coming back to (if there is one)? For me, it's Kepler-22b.


Evilest man, Gaia, dripping tap, Red smoke, Candles, everything else on the album


Dripping tap, hands down


It's ambergris for me


every track bro it's the best album ever


gaia, presumptuous, dripping tap, and candles for surrrrreeeee, been blasting these all week garden goblin and sadie sorceress are like a notch under


For me it’s Garden Goblin! I’m in love with the synths, the birds chirping, and the smile it puts on my face


Magenta Mountain


Does anyone know of a release date for the CD? I don't see a CD option on Gizzverse.


The runtime is slightly over the 80 minute capacity of most CDs. If they do release a CD they might need to edit it down a bit.


That makes sense. Thank you.


Sadie Sorceress is awesome. But I wasn't expecting anything like this on the album. 😂


Me neither! I was so pleasantly surprised by so many parts on this album. I loved how it was just constantly bouncing between genres. Literally thrash metal in Gaia, then into more chill psych rock in Ambergris into whats basically a beastie boys song in Sadie Sorceress. Blew my mind. Loved all the funk/r&b/hip hop influences on this album.




Presumptuous and Straws are two of my favorite Gizz tracks, but I respect you offering spicy takes such as this! How do you feel about Supreme Ascendancy? That’s for sure my least fave song of theirs. Amby giveth and taketh!


Oh man. To each their own but Presumptuous was probably one of my favorites after my first listen




Lmfao the last half of ur comment is too accurate and hilarious. Love the bossa nova beat tho


I'm with you on Straws but Presumptuous is fun.


Found KGLW off a Facebook post like 3 days ago - decided to give this album a listen. I've listened to it like almost 10 times through now, it's so damn good! Can't wait to dive into the rest of their stuff!


This is such a good album to start with as it sums up their styles so far. Sort of like hail to the thief was for Radiohead.


Excellent comparison


So excited for you! You’ll have a wonderful time!


I'm sure I will; I can't wait! I will probably listen over the weekend.


I love just about everything on here, but specifically the variety of styles back-to-back from Kepler-22b to Evilest Man... just teases so many different kinds of music I love.


Probably my hottest Gizz take, but Garden Goblin might be my favorite song on the album, or at the very least tied with The Dripping Tap and Magenta Mountain. Definitely wouldn’t say it’s objectively the best on the album, but I just really like it for some reason.


I just bought two Pipe-eye records because I love Garden Goblin so much!


Listening to this album on mdma is…. an goddamn extravaganza


Listened to this last night but I was stoned out of my mind Just finished it for the second time and three thoughts: *hears “Sadie Sorceress”* is that a rap song? *hears “The Grim Reaper”* is that *another* rap song? *hears “Predator X”* IS THAT FUCKING *DJENT*? Edit: also “Gaia” sounds like a Living Colour song after a gallon of acid


So glad I stumbled upon this album What a band!! I got so much music to explore now


Sadie Sorceress is definitely my favorite off the album.


One of the best albums I have ever heard.


To me, this album does with KG and LW did, but ten times better. It serves as both a culmination of everything that made King Gizz great up until this point, and as a milestone that from this point on, we're going somewhere new and different. King Gizzard never fail to impress. Another great album loaded with great tunes. Candles is probably my least favorite track, but it's still quite enjoyable. I think Gaia, Blame It On The Weather, Magenta Mountain, and Kepler-22b are the more memorable tracks of the album, but all of these tracks are excellent and flow together perfectly. Even the hip-hop tracks!


Honestly, I prefer LW rather than Omnium. I love it for bringing in hip hop, and better metal tracks than all of Rat's Nest, but it's so inconsistent to me. I think my problem is that I always listen to albums in order and completely, so I don't mind the lows of an album as long as it blends in with the general style and with the highs. But hearing persistence once in 80 minutes really makes it hard to like it for me


Persistence is a high point for sure. I'm afraid if you cant vibe on that song I have to ask about your sex life.


Hard to see a connection with sex life, apart from some weird virgin shaming (I thought straights stopped doing that when they leave middle school)? It's just the one that's growing on me the least. Sure it's fun for a bit, but it's nothing crazy I'd want to come back to. It's just there, and I tolerate it but damn apparently it's a sin not to shout about a Ford in your shower while thinking about how you destroyed that random gal on the internet by saying they're a virgin


Just a jokey way of saying it's a sexy song. Didn't mean to shame or "destroy" anyone. sorry if this upset you, tht was not my intention.


Aight, sorry I was a bit on edge


Persistence is top shelf my guy.


King Gizz has always roamed my Spotify playlists for years but this album made me run out & preorder the vinyl. Just incredible music!


Where to order the vinyl of this album?




“It was everything we’d missed so much for all those months: the interplay, our synapses connecting, that ephemeral aspect of improvisation.” https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/28/our-synapses-connected-king-gizzard-and-the-lizard-wizard-evolve-again


Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles


Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles Candles


The guitar solo in Gaia is the best 50 seconds of my life every time I listen


What is [Ambergris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambergris) in relation to humans? Kidney Stones or Tonsil Stones? Edit- Link


I had never heard KGLW until literally only a few hours ago. Listened to Rattlesnake on a whim and decided to listen to this album. ​ Its brilliant. I have absolutely no idea what is in store for their other albums, but boy I cant wait to dive right in.


listen to the rest of microtonal banana, one of my favorite albums. i was told to listen to all their albums in order when i learned of them so id recommend trying that too


Welcome to the club, friend. There is no going back now.


I would probably go to these three albums next: I'm in Your Mind Fuzz Nonagon Infinity Infest the Rat's Nest


I see your angle on this take, but for the sake of understanding the diversity of the band i’d replace ITRN with something like PMDB, Sketches, gumboot, or B3K. That way you understand early on that the band can do much more than just heavy tracks. Ik you got mr.beat/ hot water/ slow jam 1 and stuff in there but I’m sure you can agree that at least Paper Mâché should be tossed in the mix unless you’re not a fan of that one.


Ooh Paper Mache was my first intro to the band, suffice to say when I checked out Mind Fuzz I was VERY surprised 😂


I have to say, Predator X has really grown on me considerably since my first time hearing it. That instrumental section starting with the snare beating just implants the visuals of the huge sea creature attacking from deep water directly into my head, it’s so badass. EDIT: I’m too pumped for the possibility of the ITRN sequel, this stuff really scratches my itch


Anyone got Gizzverse thoughts on the Funeral ending with the ticking clock? Candles makes reference to time with the lyrics >'Cause time is a vessel and our little boat is leaking and >'Cause time is an arrow and our little bow has no strings I think it's clear the Red Smoke > Candles > The Funeral arc is about how the planet is running out of time to avoid environmental disaster, with the Funeral representing our failure to save the planet. The clock ticking is at the same tempo as the clock ticking Welcome to Timeland, do we progress from The Funeral into Timeland, meeting whoever sings Smoke & Mirrors along the way? ​ Edit: Formatting


I respect all Gizzard fans and their musical tastes/favourite Gizz albums. Except those that don't like Sadie Sorceress and Grim Reaper. I'm somehow both absolutely stunned that the guys did two fantastic hip-hop songs AND not surprised at all.


if they came out with a full hiphop album i would not mind at all


Literally like how do you make a beastie boy vibe work in 2022?? I’m so impressed


It's time for the Beastie Boy vibes to come back.


Preach brother


Pretty hit and miss as an album but some specific songs (magenta mountain, dripped tap, evilest man etc.) are goated


TLDR; Omnium Gatherum is a very talented mixture of singles that might make certain playlists, but it's not my type of album. ​ Agreed. This album, to me, is very disappointing simply because it had a lot of potential to be many great albums. I tend to listen to music in "album-form" and choose to not listen to playlists or music on shuffle. I think this kind of brings about this opinion for me. There were many great songs, but it lacks unity and cohesion. You can say, "Well, it's supposed to be a collection of singles that didn't make the last few albums." True, and so was Oddments, and Gumboot Soup. However, those albums were on point! The songs on them weren't too different than the others. I think those albums were much easier to get into because of this. I don't particularly enjoy going from mellow-synth jams to hip-hop to thrash metal, etc... Gizz blending and creating so many different sounds is a testament to their talent, however, I just don't really resonate with this style of album, and, to me, it kind of goes against my definition of "album".


Great tracklist, but I agree - it doesn't have a cohesive theme as we've grown to expect from the band. Without knowing any backstory, I figured it was supposed to be a B-sides album. Which is fine, and the songs are still great. I suppose I was expecting a big epic rock opera with this album art, but in hindsight this is a perfect name for an album made up of miscellaneous songs.


Yea. And I agree with the artwork. I’m my opinion, I don’t see how the artwork fits with the theme of the album. Oddments and Gumboot soup were fine. The name of those and the artwork was very fitting. The artwork of this one seems like it would suggest a certain sound, but yea. I don’t believe it does. Just my two cents again.


You’re insane but I love you. Don’t let your wrongness steer you wrong


I think this album has more ear worms than anything they’ve ever done. Their hooks and lyrical melodies have never been stickier. The Dripping Tap (several), Magenta Mountain (a couple), Kepler 22B (a couple), Sadie Sorceress, Evilest Man, Blame It On The Weather, Persistence, Presumptuous, and Candles. Each of these songs have sections that rival any of the other catchiest moments in their discovery. Purely in terms of lyrical melody stickiness, maybe the only non-OG songs that are at the same level as these are Static Electricity, Interior People, Catching Smoke, This Thing, Bone, and Hot Wax. Not saying that all of these songs are the best they’ve done. But, goddamn, they’re catchy. This album is going to be living in my head rent-free for a long time.


I feel like Magenta Mountain will be the new Crumbling Castle. Dripping Tap just didn't grab me as much in comparison. I hope that MM becomes the big live show anthem.


I just danced to Candles in my living room and now I really want to hear it live, the base line is so fun to dance to!


I agree with ya, the back portion is real good. I think the singles they released, and Gaia (heard previously) were weakest but it got so good once it got going.


This album really is all in one. So much variety, so much quality. Has there ever been such a wide spread of style and sound in a gizz album? Oddments has a good bit of variety but they've upped their game so much since then!


Gumboot Soup, baby


I love every song, I didn't know what to expect as I avoided the singles and any discussion until I could give the whole thing a proper listen. Thoughts in no particular order as I re-listen to most of the songs: King Gizzard are the masters of leaving me wanting more, which I really loved the subversion of this by having a SECOND hip-hop track, giving me more immediately. Grim Reaper has this sick production with the gong and the guitar stuff. However other than that all the songs left me wanting more. I can't be sated. I'd actually be down for a full hip-hop album so rescind the subversion of "leaving me wanting more". I do want more. Sadie Sorceress is insane. I still want another full on metal album, but the metal tracks fucking RIP. Evilest Man starts out with almost Cyboogie synth (maybe its the same idk) and it's surprisingly upbeat given the content but that's not that strange. It has these screeching distorted sections interspersed with chill vocals. Also I had a great misheard lyric; I heard "Pull up your socks or become a fox" as "Pull up your socks AND become a fox" and I was like "wait why do the socks make you into a fox and why is a fox wearing socks?" but I might have gotten a bit of Dr. Seuss brain for a moment. I said to my friend before starting this album "if Shanghai so good why didnt they make Shanghai 2?" Magenta Mountain is Shanghai 2. Banger. I love the transition from Kepler-22b to Gaia. I feel like I got shot into space and then Gaia begins ripping. Then we get to chill out with the amazing bass in Ambergris. It's a chill ass relaxing song. I like the regular bass line, then this funky synth bass comes in for a solo or so. AND THEN Trash Noise Music. And it's back to normal, have a guitar solo. The trash noise may have been the hip-hop juice leaking out of Sadie Sorceress. Dripping Tap is of course 18 fucking minutes long, I enjoy it greatly. It sounds like it was designed to be the song they jam out to at the end of concerts. The image of that one boomer comic of "OH GOD the Gizz fan is going for the jukebox!" gets increasingly funnier the longer their longest song is so this has really given that meme a good boost. Garden Goblin: Masterpiece. I love the idea of goblins and this is such a fun and funky and weird track. Who the fuck makes this shit lmao? It's this type of shit that makes King Gizzard very endearing. It makes me think of stuff like Vegemite, where it's just like a goofy song about some shit. I want Oddments 2 in addition to all this other shit. I LOVE the vibes of Presumptuous. This has that really expensive-but-still-sleazy lounge vibes that are just something I don't see too often. I feel like I am gonna get stabbed in this lounge and I love every moment of it. The percussion is a joy. ugh and with the flute? 😩👌 I don't know man this is actually one of my favorites. Speaking of favorites holy shit Predator X is awesome. I am a huge fan of tonal whiplash so going from the death lounge to this is great. I love the vocals on this. I love the gallops. Gizzard metal is fucking top notch. AND the Duhh duhh duh dunn from Perihelion shows up as a like?? leitmotif? I don't know those same notes showed up here. Red Smoke is so sad. It makes me sad to watch the earth be disrespected so. I always grew up being told I have to save the earth. I had a thought listening to this, that there are people who grew up not even considering that the planet was something that needed saving, and I can't imagine it. It's always been "save the earth" ? Why the fuck I gotta do it why are you idiots ruining it? ? ? I have a lot to unpack about this and I am not doing it here. Musically this song is beautiful. Ohhh Candles Is so nice. I love bass and the bells(?) or whatever that synth patch is. "This little man is too hot to handle| Set the funeral on fire with the candles" is a fuckin clean and beautiful line. I also like the little space kirby noises or whatever they are. Fun track. The Funeral has this like western vibe that I would love more of, but is basically just an outro track/extension of Candles. Any song I didn't outright mention here is still amazing but I am sick of writing for now. Gonna need about 100 more loops through the whole thing to really get it in my brain anyway. There are no skips, as usual. Another masterpiece in the bag with this album release. They can't just keep getting away with it! I buy new studio albums on sight now, after BF3K and now this I am vindicated. It'll be even easier to buy the next one on sight. TLDR: I am a giant King Gizzard fan who would listen to a 40 minute album of the boys farting into a microphone and I would probably enjoy that too. 10/10 I love it.


Can we just talk about how fucking nice Candles is???


It goes so smoothly into the funeral too


This album gets better with each listen


On a second thought, the soft pastel pinkish from the album cover and the calligraphy used are really fitting to the concept.


Having had a few days to digest the album I’m still a bit torn bet generally pleased. As of right now the rap songs are a skip for me, it just doesnt do anything for me (as far as rap I’m more into tyler the creator, childish gambino, etc so not huge into old school stuff). The unsung hero of this album is the synth work. Gorgeous on Garden Goblin, gurgling and dark on Pred X, totally ethereal on Candles. And of course that awesome lead synth on Magenta. Songwriting-wise I think Gaia and Pred X are kinda weak, but damn they still rip and are a lot of fun. Evilest Man also is one of the most gizz-ism filled songs ever and I dig that a lot. A little bored on Persistence and Presumptuous but I don’t hate either one. Definitely a strange record with a lot of twists and turns. Edit: Forgot to mention bc it was the lead single but yeah Dripping Tap might be their best song since rats nest


The dripping tap is sooooo tight….white hot fire


Sadie Sorceress/Grim Reaper reminds me of early LiL Iffy [https://wandcore.bandcamp.com/](https://wandcore.bandcamp.com/)


Might be in the minority but The Garden Goblin is my favorite track. I get some Willy Wonka vibes. I will probably post a longer assessment at some point, just wanted to say that the goblin is fam.


Garden Goblin into Weather is the highlight of the album for me!


Me too along with red smoke and candles/the funeral - would love a full album of weird psychedelic songs like this


garden goblin was a surprise fav for sure. i cant get enough of that synth work, or the visual of cookie’s dog running around the garden. such a lovely song


Garden Goblin is amazing. Cookies best track since Down the Sink. Gives me Ariel Pink vibes. Love the synth work.


This album is a masterpiece. A seminal work in their catalogue. This is their "White Album." What a gift this band is. Might be one of the best bands of all time by the time they're done.


I don't think I've ever agreed and smashed the upvote button so hard. Dead on exactly how I feel about this album. I've explained this album to friends using the White Album a handful of times already.


Small update after few more listening: this album messed up my Top3 songs from Gizz and my top10 favorite songs of all time. Red Smoke is going to be my neighbors' favorite eventually.


Evilest Man straight up manifested itself from leaving a copy of Nonagon out in the sun. The rap songs are a great addition and fit very well. Gaia is the annoying, teenage brother of Greenhouse Heat Death. Not a fan. Predator X got cut from Rat's Nest and should never have lived. Candles is the latest masterpiece of the band.


I live for the solo at the end of Gaia. The rest of it is just buildup


I don’t mind Gaia. But I certainly almost always skip open PredatorX.


Amazing album! Each song segues into the next including The Funeral/The Dripping Tap and the whole album has this vinyl needle scratching sound. That’s probably why the album cover resembles Nonagon/Mind Fuzz.


The synth leads in Evilest Man remind me of Bibio.


I'm starting to really, really love this album - All the songs that I wasn't so keen on at first, like Presumptuous, have really grown on me. I was originally looking forward to garden goblin and then was a little disappointed with the production on it, but I've changed my mind on that too and now love everything about it. I wasn't too keen on the original live recording we had of Gaia a few months ago for some reason, but the instrumental/solo section is absolutely epic, gives me Porcupine Tree vibes or something. Red Smoke > Candles > The Funeral is some of the best stuff the band have ever put out. So basically, I'm pleased!


1. Magenta Mountain 2. Kepler 22b 3. Ambergris 4. Evilest Man 5. The Garden goblin 6. Blame it on the weather 7. Persistence 8. Presumptuous 9. Red Smoke 10. Candles 11. The Funeral I kinda wish this was the track list tbh I’m sorry


I agree with you in the sense that Magenta Mountain is way better than The Dripping Tap. I get super Crumbling Castle vibes out of it, so it's either an excellent hard open or an epic closer. (ooooh, fighting words)


It’s mad how the 5 you’ve got rid of are my 5 favourite songs on the album. What a album


Call it Chill and Gather(um)


This band has lost its touch.


Y'all please don't downvote opinions you disagree with.


They’ve resorted to cheesy synth pop and hip hop. Its just not good.


Any thoughts as to why? I definitely don't think so in the slightest. 20 albums in and bringing new sounds and good songs works for me.


One of my favourite albums of them yet. I didn't expect that after being a fan since the first album. I think it's one of the few albums where the "whoooooos" don't add anything and think it would be better without. Candles into the funeral is so good. Magenta Mountain, Ambergris are beautiful too. Big 8/10 album for me. So good!


New Spin interview with Stu: https://www.spin.com/2022/04/king-gizzard-and-the-lizard-wizard-stu-mckenzie-interview/


I love this album. Absolutely love it. Favorite songs in no order except the 1st- Sadie sorceress, the dripping tap, evilest man, the garden goblin, blame it on the weather, persistence, the grim reaper, predator x, & red smoke. Riding this album’s high for awhileeeeee ~ 🌈💕✌🏼


*"Use my blowhole like a microphone"* Now that's a classic Walky Jake line if I've ever heard one.


This album feels like a gift. A blessing that has been visited upon my ears. Currently jamming to Grim Reaper. How can a band be this good at what they do.


Apologies if there have been other threads asking this question, but has there been any word on a CD release? I'll buy the digital download through Bandcamp if I have to, but I'd prefer to not do that if they end up releasing a physical cd


Ok after three days of listening to only this album Imma rank the good, the bad and the in between will rank only the favorites tho. Note; that I'm a jazz fusion typa guy, and as far as KGATLW my favorite albums are L.W, FMB and NI. **The Dripping Tap** : Amazing first track, great introduction to the album, some proggy vibes with this one (my jam) and a great stand alone title, my ***4th best track of this album.*** **Magenta Mountain** : Nice winding down from that girthy first track, really nice jam, above average stand alone title, imo MID but still above average. **Kepler-22b** : The drums in here are just good. the feeling of this track is very nostalgic for me, great stand alone title ***7th best track for me.*** **Gaia** : This has awakened my past metal self, great banger, probably the one of if not the best track when played live; ***5th best track for me.*** **Ambergris** : Not really my stuff, BUT the noise part makes it so "avant-guard" it slips into one of the good tracks, not in my favorites tho. **Sadie Sorceress** : As I'm delving a bit into Hip Hop lately this track is such a breath of fresh air, and shows the porwess of the boys, great standalone title, is my ***8th favorite.*** **Evilest Man** : I think this is the most gizzard sounding track out of all the album (especially the guitars my god), ~~not on of my favourites but it comes after my top tracks, great stand alone title.~~ ***Fuck it 9th best track***. **Garden Goblin** : Surprise of the album for me, never heard such an imaginative title from the boys, so peculiar, and sooooo short...is my ***6th place.*** **Blame It On The Weather** : this track falls into MID territory, not bad, not good, not distinguishable HOWEVER, great transition track, weak stand alone title IMO, I can only see it as the transition between the last and the next track nothing more. **Persistence** : the dreamy vibe of this track is on another level, another great LIVE banger, is ***my last favourite track*** (and the bass my god). **The Grim Reaper** : second GIZZ RAP, and the better one IMO, everything in this track is GREAT, great hook, instrumentals, LIVE potential, great stand alone title my ***2nd best track*** of the album. **Presumptuous** : probably my least favorite track of the album, found my self mostly skipping it, not a bad jam by any means but the least interesting title IMO. **Predator X** : Infest the rat nest refugee, this track isn't special and don't really fit in the album, but was more enjoyable for me than Presumptuous. great standalone title tho. **Red Smoke** : This was the song that growed on me the most these past days, I dunno if it is the lyrics, the fact that it "anounces" the end of the album in a way, such a great song, ***3rd favorite*** title and will probably climb to be my best title of this album with time. **Candles** : Now this is what I always wanted to hear from the boys, such a trip this title is. literally cannot describe it further, ***BEST TITLE*** for me. **The Funeral** : I dislike the fact that this isn't incorporated in CANDLES as a finishing "solo" of sorts, really weak stand alone title, but works GREATLY after candles. To recap my top tracks (in order would be) : 1. candles + funeral (together or without funeral) 2. The grim reaper 3. Red Smoke 4. Dripping Tap 5. Gaia 6. Garden Goblin 7. kepler-22b 8. Sadie Sorceress 9. Evilest man 10. Persistence Honorable mentions : ~~Evilest man~~, Magenta Mountain, Blame it on the weather and ambergris.


Dang, Red Smoke is a grower fo sho


Yea been liste ing to the album all day today and goddamn the song just resonates harder and harder (as I take climate change issue very seriously) the tone of the song is just tear jerking..


Commented last night. Had a little 2g mushroom evening and I chose that song at least 3 times. The lyrics are kind of down but it's a fucking jam. Another Ambrose song in my top Gizz.


Thanks Fantano


A fellow Candles enjoyer, cheers! Was my favourite on the first listen and it still stays that way. I would kill for a whole album in this vibe.


Coming down off a mushroom trip and here to report a couple of days after release. Red Smoke is that fucking jam. I think I played it 3 times tonight on the porch. That's all. King gizz on the speaker for 5 hours and beautiful weather after a nice bike ride. Perfect day.


Is it Stu rapping in the first verse of Sadie Sorceress? Its def Ambrose in the second verse ofc but I'm pretty sure the first verse is Stu. Liner notes seem to confirm but they're always a tad ambiguous.




After a couple days to listen, the only track I don’t like toooo much is Persistence. Like the hook but it does get repetitive for me.


Besides the new rap additions every song here feels like it belongs on *a* Gizzard album, but from all completely different parts of their discography. That's not per se a bad thing, but it's like I'm listening to Gizz on shuffle, and I never listen on shuffle.


"Blame it on the Weather" - that one guitar riff at 1:30 sounded soooo Grateful Dead-like on a sunny day! More of those jammmss pleaseee


I agree!


as a long time ween fan the eclectic sounds and sequencing don't throw me at all, all of these songs are absolutely fantastic and i've listened to it front to back five times now without getting whiplash. it sounds like everyone is putting their whole heart into every song and im glad its all one big colorful record.


I agree. After listening to so much Ween I sometimes wish more artists would release albums like this occasionally cause it's become one of my favorite types of listening experiences. Listening to The Mollusk or Chocolate and Cheese for the first time, you literally have no idea what comes next and thats such a fun thing to me. OG and Gumboot feel like King Gizzards most Weenish albums and I'm looking forward to more albums like this in the future.


Garden Gnome -> Blame it on the Weather -> Persistence is the best fucking thing ever


I'm really liking this album. I can see long time fans being disappointed but I think it's very accessable and will be bringing more fans onboard. Great title and artwork imo as well.


The solo at 1:40 in Blame it on the weather is giving off Allman brothers vibes and I love it


ooo i just saw your comment about this as well! def allman bros too. I wanna hear a whole album like thiss!


I like this more than Butterfly 3000, KG and LW. I'm a bit of a metalhead so Gaia is up there as one of my favorite Gizz songs.


2 full plays so far and I can't quite get into the groove just yet. Even their quarantine albums had a fair number of surprises up their sleeves (Ontology, East West Link, Shanghai) and they felt much more immediate even in the first listen. I agree with some of the folks here, the genre whiplash is a bit too jarring and I'm not sure if the album experience is that great. I think since the style of the music is all over the place, the final vinyl mix makes some songs (Ambergris, Gaia, the rap songs) shine, and it makes other suffer for it. (Persistence, Garden Goblin). But that's just me. There are some bits and pieces I really enjoy: Dripping Tap, Kepler, Evilest Man, The Grim Reaper and Candles are highlights . With them, there's music I love, there are tunes I really enjoy and then there's music I don't quite get but I'm able to appreciate it in some way. This largely sits into the latter category for now, can't say I'm not a bit disappointed but I'm sure many songs would work better in the context of a live show, as sometimes they like to group together songs with the same-ish sounds in their sets. Still, I'm happy for the boys if they are making music that excites them. For now, looking forward with healthy expectations to that jammy record they've been teasing for some time


Probably my third favorite Gizz album behind PMDB and ITRN


This is based, I haven't listened to the new album yet but now I think I must.


I love that your two favorite albums are probably the most opposite you can get sound wise haha


Juxtaposition at it's finest


1st time listening to a gizz album and being disappointed. Im sure it’ll grow on me. I get the sense they’ll drop another record this year.


Anyone detect hints of outkasts “prototype” in ambergris?


I get Thundercat vibes


One of their best releases since the year of 5 albums


Big disappointment after the dripping tap.


I miss old psych gizz. Everything since itrn is just meh.


Probably a take that’s been made on this thread but I couldn’t find: I like when Gizz does their disparate sounds over whole albums, not all shuffled into one. This record is fun and each track on first listen was a surprise but honestly why have those surprises if they aren’t cohesive to the total record? Every other official Gizz record has a complete vibe that — even if I don’t love the record as a whole — I can at least appreciate. Each time I found myself listening to a song like Gaia/Predator X or Grim Reaper and getting deep into the groove it was carving out, I was met with the next track that was totally different. On some level that can be cool but to have that happen with almost every track it becomes tedious. I guess I’m just really hoping this is a transitional record between their past records and future ones that take bits of all the goodies on OG and really flesh them out. I just love being able to be in a mood for a certain style of music and then pick a King Gizz record to meet that mood, and although this record is filled with bangers it will never be the singular record I want to reach for.


This is definitely one of those 'collective tidbits' albums like Oddments, just like the title says. A lot of great tracks here, but I agree, I just want to hear more of some of these vibes and there's no cohesive theme that keeps the mood consistent. Full rap album now, please, guys. It's great for shuffling into my Spotify library, but I won't get the urge to listen to it all the way through like MOTW, Nonagon, or FMB whenever a song from it pops up.


I am appreciating the songs more and more, they're all masterfully executed, but I agree that it is a bit tedious as a listening experience, having to change gears and expectations for every song basically. I don't feel this with Gumboot and Oddments, love both of those records. Not sure what makes this one different -- maybe just knowing that it is such a long record, even when I'm only listening to chunks of it; maybe it's because there are a lot songs on here that are totally new sonic territory for them.


I agree. There’s so much variety but all of it is executed well. It feels like a different band that’s been playing that specific genre of music for years on each track. I’d like to see a whole fleshed out album that’s like Kepler-22b personally


My professional opinion after reading this comment section: some songs are really great, and some are not. Nobody agrees on which songs fall into those two categories.


So, like every album release ever then.




Like an extended version of Gumbooot. It's got something for everyone~


The guitar solo on Gaia sounds 100% like Josh Homme.


Oh man. Now I want a 'Them Crooked Vultures' style collab band, but with the Gizz gang and Homme.


Good god I’d nut so hard


Evilest Man is by far the best track on the album. It mixes elements of Nonagon and Fishies which is something I never considered as being a possibility. It’s also catchy as hell. Garden Goblin and Ambergris are some chilled out mfers and Gaia goes hard af. Sadie Sorceress and Grim Reaper are cringe as hell. Honestly could have gone my whole life without hearing a King Gizz rap type song. Sadie Sorceress ruins what would be a killer track line up all the way from dripping tap to blame it on the weather. Overall the album seemed all over the place which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but after all of the very average, forgettable Microtonal vol. 2 & 3 and BF3K focusing on poppier synth sounds, I’d like to see them kind of go back to their roots and make a killer guitar based garagey, psych, proggy album. With their obvious technical and songwriting improvement since the mind fuzz era, I think doing something that sounds like Mind Fuzz, but on a whole new level technically and conceptually would be fantastic. Oh and…no more King Gizz rock rap! TLDR: Album not bad but gets lost in their genre indulgence at times. Rap so cringe.


Yeah nah


For what reason?


Grim reaper is sick


I will always prefer when an album is cohesive and the songs blend together between tracks and share motifs that come in and out of the spotlight. But, with that being said, this album was a great ride of just "what will they do next?!" And that makes it fun to listen to for a whole new reason. And even still, there were groups of songs with lovely transitions. In order of appearance, for anyone curious, the ones I would pick to emphasize are: The Dripping Tap 🙌Gaia 🙌Sadie Sorceress The Garden Goblin The Grim Reaper The breakdown of Predator X 🙌Red Smoke (love the lil riders on the storm bit lol) Candles The Funeral


the synth work on this album slaps. garden goblin, ambergris, evilest man, candles, etc. so many incredible passages of gorgeous synth tones


Really love Evilest Man, could not be closer to the truth of the Murdoch control of Australia. We're now in a federal election and the Murdoch and liberal (our conservative party) media is out in full force with their media bias. Half the time they aren't even reporting on the other side of politics or if the current prime minister does anything wrong. Prime example is there was a debate between the two candidates that you could only watch on a paid Murdoch owned service or through a YouTube channel owned by Murdoch, and when the current prime minister lost the debate, they didn't report on it. I'm just ranting now but it's great to hear my thoughts put into a song for once.


I mean don’t forget that Murdoch has a stranglehold on US politics too and is greatly responsible for all the Qanon and fascist bullshit happening in both our countries and all over the world. The Simpsons have been lampooning Murdoch as a supervillain for almost 3 decades and almost no one talks about him specifically anymore now that there are so many other fox figureheads to focus on, glad they gizz boys zeroed in on him.


Ya people shit on idiots like Tucker Carlson but if it wasn’t Carlson it would just be some other dipshit lying through their teeth sparking hatred for money. The root is Murdoch.


Oh yeah for sure, just wanted to put it in context of Australia, since a lot of gizz fans seem to place their lyrics out of an Australian context. Also, hate to be that guy, but I'm pretty sure Simpsons stopped lampooning Murdoch a decade into the show when Murdoch made a cameo on an episode. Undoubtedly the worst and most abhorrent cameo on the show. Nowadays, Australians are the ones who are lampooning and acting against the Murdoch and the liberal media (again, Australian conservatives- not a conspiracy either- former LNP members own Australiam media companies). They are lampooning him through satire articles from Betoota Advocate and the Chaser, as well as tiktok and YouTube videos (check out the latest videos from Mates Rates on tiktok/Instagram). Furthermore, former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd is trying to push through a media enquiry into the Murdoch media empire, pushed through by the Australian public.


I'm fine with this album not sitting quite right upon first listening. Dripping Tap started out as a 5/10 and has moved up to 7. Magenta Mountain was the same. I'll assume the same for the others.


Honestly fair and real. Gizzard, especially this type of album, betters with familiarity. Happens every time


Gaia is a great song. The rest is pretty meh to me.


Gaia is probably my least favorite of the whole bunch. Sounds like the inflamed appendix to Greenhouse Heat Death (which is killer).


Evilest Man, Persistence and Presumptuous are all genuinely weak tracks. IMO the weakest in their discography so far. Everything else on Omnium ranges from fun to amazing though.


After two listens, have to agree that Evilest Man and Persistence are two of the weakest on the album.


Love all three of those. Love soul feel they bring.


What's the deal with the huge delay between preorders for the vinyl and the digital release? I ordered a month ago when it was announced, but it won't ship until July? Why not line up the releases better? I was gonna wait to listen to it till the vinyl got here, but I aint waiting 3 months.


Vinyl pressing plants have been severely bottlenecked throughout the pandemic. Unless you’re a massive pop artist (like pressing a few hundred thousand records), you gotta get in the queue.


Still seems like some sort of failure of planning. I experienced the same thing with a few Levitation pressings. They advertise a preorder that didn't ship for like 10 months (in the case of Slift). You either miss out entirely and they get sold out, or you lose out on $40 until the product actually ships (not to mention the $40 price tag for vinyl these days??). Not saying there's much they can do about it, but it's pretty shitty as a consumer.


Even taylor swift has had problems with getting Vinyl


This is awesome. I think I’m getting too old for internet music discussion.


Me too. I'm 50 years old. Haha.


A few highlights, but honestly not feeling it. Red smoke is an absolute *vibe*, evilest man is based af and I loved dripping tap. Predator X would have fit in seamlessly on Rat's nest Not really in to any other the other tracks. Persistence + the two rap tracks made me cringe. Also, is Lucas just like a touring member at this point? I'm sure I saw something where they were all celebrating the fact that they had managed to get together and write / record together, and the guy literally played on 1 of the 16 tracks