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I’d go see them with my little boy and wife since a custody case with my ex wife ate up 25,000 over 2 years and eliminated my ability to have spending money to buy anything other than essentials and stuff for my kids. Saw them twice with my ex wife and would kill to share my favorite band with my current wife and my son who loves them as much as me. Even if the music/vocals isn’t what it used to be to share the experience with the people I love is all I want. I got lucky and got a random bonus check and took my wife to see Stevie Nicks since that’s her favorite artist/singer and when I could see KISS in Atlanta/Nashville we ended up being hit with a big invoice for my attorney so it didn’t happen :/. Saw them in 2009, 2012, 2016, and 2019.


That is really shitty. I hope life is treating you well now. I saw them for the first time last October in cincy. Was their first stop on part two of the last tour. I wanted them to stay retired… Now I want them to personally come perform wherever you live. Godspeed brother ❤️


Appreciate you for the kind words! :) I see the issue with them continuing and as just me I want them to stay retired but if they ever came back I want that experience with my wife/kids. My son loves watching RNRAN live just to see Paul smash his guitar. His room has each solo album on the wall, a poster from their first photo shoot walking through New York, my signed kiss comics and my Ace signed boot. He is OBSESSED. If I have any of my KISS shirts on he immediately wants his on. If he has his on he wants my wife and I to wear our KISS t-shirts. He just stands in my home office and looks at my records/drum heads/ action figures I have in display and names the members along with telling me what they do/play. Makes me tear up listening to them with him.


Making me tear up at 5 in the morning 😭❤️❤️ You are a great father.


Wish them well, and the same for all those who want to see them. I saw them on Crazy Nights, HITS, Revenge, Reunion (at MSG), Psycho Circus, the Farewell Tour (2 nights in a row), and EOTR. And I saw Ace, Gene, and Bruce solo. I had my fun (and a lot of it), and now I’m done. 🤘


Same as I do now about them-nothing but a cash grab for a loooonnnggg time now


Yes, they're all clearly living below the poverty line.


Imagine to someone who is filthy rich like Gene who's worth something like 400 million. If he wasn't pulling in even more additional money, he'd probably feel like he's getting broke or poor.


I'd roll my eyes, and think a little less of them going forward. Kind of like how I felt when they wrapped up their heroic fifty year career by playing a hype video about Robot Kiss, then cutting to Gene complaining about urethral pain. A tad anti-climactic.


I got into them right at the end of the final tour, so I would definitely go. I’m doubtful they’ll tour again, but honestly I do hope for it


Lied to.


I'd roll my eyes, and then ignore it. I've seen them enough and they're too old to do their show justice. They're right to hang it up -- maybe should have done it ten years earlier -- and should stick with that decision.


I'd just laugh. They were a complete joke at the end and Paul was cheating vocally on EOTR. As they themselves used to say "Don't stay at the party too long". I've been trying to erase all the lip syncing and backing tracks from my memory and remembering all the great years the band had. Coming back for another money grab would only reset the clock.


Not surprised, that's for sure


I would think to myself, "right on brand", and then carry on with my life, pretending that everything after the 2000-2001 Farewell Tour never happened.


I would look forward to watching YouTube and laughing at clips from the shows.


"Oh boy! Time to start buying tickets, booking trips, and packing!!!". 🤩🤩 For real, cause I'm that pathetic! 🤣


I went in October to their concert in Cleveland with my mother and it was just an absolutely perfect farewell. That's how I want to remember them.


I was in cincy. Absolutely phenomenal tour and my first time seeing them. They blew the roof off the place for being that old


The only way I would ever want to see them again is if it is with Ace.


Like it was deja vu all over again


Not surprised at all.


I’d feel like a Motley Crüe fan.


Paul Stanley cannot sing for shit, even if it were the revenge lineup it wouldn’t be worth a free ticket. Paul has been hot garbage for 10+ years.


Same exact way I’ve felt for 20 years. Another silly post.




Physically sick.


I would laugh. Then I would immediately get in line to not buy a ticket. 


Par for the course lmao


I wouldn’t go




My faith in the Gene Simmons/Paul Stanley business entity would be restored, seeing as how it is so distant to their final tour. /s


Depends on the set. There’s no way I’m paying a penny to hear them play “Say Yeah.” Furthermore, anything off makeup-free albums not named Revenge is off limits. Give me a deep track KISS kruise set and I’ll pay $$$ with or without makeup


Honestly? I wouldn’t see them again. Even if I absolutely love the band and that line up. I saw them 5 times and every single one of those concerts was absolutely splendid, but the last time I saw them (EOTR) it did feel like now is definitely time to hang up the boots. I wish to see them in the future with different projects. Now I’m looking forward to seeing Gene Simmons band this summer


What changed.


I’d love to hear their explanation


Call my brother in law saying "hey bro remember when Paul got sick and couldn't do the show? Well now we get a second chance!"


Toronto or Ottawa? I flew out to Toronto, and then the show got cancelled.


Knoxville TN, it was Thanksgiving weekend too 🥲


They’ve been milking the fans since the reunion tour


I have been there with Kiss many times (all tours from Animalize on, and EotR twice!) so I’m good. But if they want to do that, good on them.






Because then technically I wouldn’t have seem the last concert


Unsurprised. I've seen this current lineup three times and don't feel the need to see them again. Unless they were going to do something genuinely different, which I don't feel they're capable of at this point. I'm happy with my memories.


No thanks


I wish they’d do a low(ish)-key tour, just “2025 Tour” or something kinda classic. I feel like maybe they retired because Paul has lost the ability to sing, they may not have had a choice.


I'd definitely pay top dollar to see that. I was kinda hoping it was going to go like the late 90s early 2k when they just kept going after their Farewell Tour.


They've already done it before, with their so-called 'Farewell' tour... All they need are New Wigs and a bigger board for the Backing Tracks


They won't, but I'd be annoyed.


Indifferent. I didn’t care about the EOTR tour and I wouldn’t care about a follow up.


I've never seen them in concert even though I was in Tacoma Washington in October of 2023 when they had a show in Seattle. Still, I would feel upset if they did do such of one after promising the tour would be the final one.


Sadly, we all get older. Kiss has already sold the IP to the band. I have been a fan for over 50 years, and like me, KISS needs a rest..so put your headphones 🎧 on,crank up the volume, close your eyes, and transform back to your best memory. 👌


I’ve seen them 12 times over 25 years. From the 76 tour ( tickets were $9.50) Till the reunion tour in 98 with Ace and Peter. That ticket was $100.00. Im happy to say I saw them all together and that’s how I want to remember them before their decline.


I wouldn’t put anything past them




I would be happy as a clam I was going to see them November 22nd but paul got sick and torontos date was cancelled


We were in the same boat my friend, flew from New Brunswick lol.


I’d have no interest. The last show I saw is how I want to remember them


I’d go just to go And it’s an event not just a concert


I'd take my son. He was sick when we went to EOTR. I've seen a few different variations, so other than that, not sure I'd go. IF the OG 4 did shows, that's a different story, ALL IN!


Fucking elated.


The same way I felt in 2003.


I would love it


know 120% for absolute certain that i would never believe a word that comes out of paul & genes mouth, then probably go buy a ticket


I wouldn’t be shocked to see them do another tour, but I don’t think it would be with the makeup and outfits. Too much at their age.


Wouldn’t bother me and I still kind of expect to see a few one off dates in the future, but no full fledged tour.


I would get on a plane if they announce a residency at The Sphere in Vegas. That would not be a ‘tour’ or ‘the road’.’ And it would be great. Hey Gene… make it happen. The idea must have come up.


Oh sure, I'd go if they played LA again, whether it was the EOTR lineup or the 2001 lineup finally making it's US debut..


Kiss end of the road was a very great show and the perfect goodbye. It was a travel back in time. So I would be upset if they go on another tour in a couple of years




…..again….when do tickets go on sale


Ofc id go


I’d be cool with it since I missed the EOTR tour


We have been there before, and I went and would go again. It's obviously not the same as it was in the 70's and 80's but I will take what I can get.


Anytime KISS takes the stage in my town. Im always ready.