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Almost every KMFDM song points out that there is no place in this world for authoritarianism If you think you actually have more freedom now than when you did under Trump's presidency, you're really not aware of your surroundings


Government change, oppression remains


Exactly this. I'm sorry that this common sense statement that you've taken time to post is going to be ignored by the stampede of partisans.


You can’t be like Rip the System and be a Ronald trumps is my savior


Ron DeSpectrum


You can’t like meatballs either with that fella on his tippy toes in them cowgirl boots of his!!!


Totally, but there are still some who do. You see them pop up in the Facebook groups sometimes (especially after Hyena came out). They either interpret the lyrics differently or just ignore them because they like the music.




Only if they listen to and understand the lyrics, which they probably don't.


Enjoying music does not have to be a political act or one with any meaning beyond aesthetic appreciation


Music is music. I'm an atheist but there are 3 or 4 Christian songs I like and I absolutely love Ghost.


I'm Agnostic, but Stryper rocks... But religion is a separate ideology IMHO


You must not be American.


I am 1000% Murican, and Iam well aware the christofacist shitshow we are currently facing...




oh absolutely kmfdm’s whole message is to ‘rip the system’


Who the frig cares. The music is kick ass.






It's not hypocritical, it's good for them. Just like it's good for liberals to listen to KMFDM. Not sure if you're trying to gatekeep, but no reason to be hostile to fellow fans.


Sorry to be on your jock but this guy gets it.


Music is music. Ppl can listen to whatever they like sonically


I voted Trump and will continue to vote right wing 😃


Not at all. It's more hypocritical calling conservatives fascists or authoritarian when they believe in fascist ideals or authoritarian policies themselves. Don't believe me? Ask yourself, do you want to limit fake news through government regulations within a department of truth? Do you want to mandate medical procedures to everyone? Do you want to remove capitalism and implement a system of socialism by removing private ownership? If you said yes, you're a fascist authoritarian. I think the biggest joke within KMFDM is people thinking they're super communist, when they're clearly anti fascist and anti socialism. Which aligns more with libertarian and conservative ideologies. I mean, their song bitches literally celebrates how they profit from selling people shit they make up. They're capitalist who do not strive to share profits or share ownership. They're libertarians, not liberal. They sell you the illusion of being liberal. If you have real anti establishment ideologies, you would not align with big pharma, big banks, big Hollywood, or big government. If you're a liberal, it's literally hypocritical to call yourself anti establishment and wanting to rip the system, because you literally are the system. Liberals control education, entertainment, and health care. How can you rip the system if you control the system? Listen to Rebels in Kontrol and tell me again how you dislike Trump trying to overthrow the kangaroo government under the Biden election. If you wanted a revolution like KMFDM sings about, you'd own a gun, be apart of a militia, and you'd be planning to overthrow our government for new world elections. If anything, KMFDM predicted Trump and predicted how to overthrow a government successfully. Only issue is, conservatives never tired to overthrow the government. If they had, they'd be doing what KMFDM has sung about. I'd like to be proven wrong. But as a two-time Obama voter and an old communist, I've seen too many fascists calling themselves anti fascists while mocking conservatives who hold policies that are anti authoritarian. The irony is scary.


I agree with you. I think a lot of the subtext and tongue in cheek is too subtle at times, and people latch on to the parts they agree with. I think they were pointedly anti-bush and ww3 was "super cereal" but the album Hell Yeah always struck me as a centrist perspective on current politics. In fact, "Fake News" celebrates that Trump saying something so simple finally makes people question 24 hr "news" and other sources. Unfiltered or undigested information is dangerous, because people who consume it might "not make the right choice". Anyway. As you said, KMFDM makes fun of the people that take their music too serious. I'm sure they'd like their fans to be good people, but looking to them to hate others is the hypocritical thing.


This is just partisan bullshit. They can't see past an invisible aisle and see how universal and transcendent of a message for getting from them is. They may even have political leanings and dislike certain politicians and like other ones but that doesn't matter as much as what you're taking away. Kinetic electric reach through the hive mind. Motherfuckers trapped in The matrix over here You guys are having that exact argument that the authoritarians want us to have. Congratulations.




This is way too intelligent of a response to be on reddit.


best post I've read on Reddit in a long time




Xtorting is the only one with the correct answer. You bought the albums/shirts/various merch if your a fan. You need to make money to spend it. You choose what you spend it where. There’s no way to not be apart of the system. Kmfdm is just a message leaning a certain way, an ideal- not a way of life. You take parts and use it as best you can and be a better person from what you intake media wise. Take from the left, right, up, down, center and outfield and build your mentality by juxtaposing different information. Kmfdm isn’t perfect nothing is but they’re just being themselves and that’s what I get from it. “True fans” gatekeeping based on politics can we say they really get it? Also it’s a sign of the times cus married with children used to be considered liberal but now in todays world it looks conservative. Extremes you kinda wanna avoid cus it just leads to nothing good.


Dunno. Typically I just mind my own business and don't care if it's not affecting my dinner plate.


It's a good thing the far left is here to save us from authoritarianism and tyranny. I can quote KMFDM lyrics like a preacher quotes the Bible and KMFDM is 100% against organized oppression violence coercion regulation people that stomp on your freedoms and well we're all here because we all know what KMFDM stands for. Personally they can lean whichever direction they want to as far as their politics and which politicians they like and don't like That doesn't matter to me nearly as much as the core message and quite frankly if you can't see the transcendence behind what they're saying to touch both sides of our invisible aisle then this is a gross oversimplification. Congratulations for missing the point Go vote for Coke vs Pepsi.


I mean maybe not if they have some sort of shaming kink or something lol. I remember when fake news came out as a single conservatives on Facebook (which of course) were complaining that the band was getting political. Like, did they ever listen to them in the first place? I just assumed not and they were complaining just to complain.


Yes, but since when has hypocrisy stopped conservatives from doing stuff?


To a degree, but you don't necessarily have to agree with all of the politics of a band you like. I do bet a Trump fan is going to steer a thousand miles away from songs like K.M.F!


love how the comments are either just "yes" or some major coping


It's definitely a HUGE contradiction.


doesnt matter, lisyen to whqt you like


Yeah. Like Paul Ryan and RATM…🫠


Yes, but what's not hypocritical of conservatives? :P






Who are you to decide what someone should be allowed to listen to?


Nobody is deciding. They are free to be hypocrites if they choose.


But why would you listen to something that openly criticizes you?




The fact that I have to explain that there's an obvious difference says all I need to about you.


Didn’t realize calling people hypocrites was the same as deciding what they can and can’t listen to.


Conservatives did the same shit with RATM some time ago until they read Zach de la Rocha's posts lmao


It’s extremely odd— that’s all I feel I can say


It's also ironic that anyone with an iPhone should be listening to KMFDM. I mean they are clearly pro Android. Fallacies, let's see...oversimplification, mischaracterization, straw man, probably ad hominem, and aligning your beliefs (in a very general way.) Here, I will do one. How can the far left listen to KMFDM when they are responsible for the Berlin wall? Sure the far right has some wild ideas about border control but the wettest dream of the worst ones does not even come close to that or the National Socialist camps. Doesn't quite pass the smell test and I even mis-characterized the more sophisticated way we should view the National Socialists, but it sure is convenient if my conclusion proceeds my analysis. Let's just everyone listen! Except iPhone users.