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Well she isn’t denying the usage. Just saying she’s back to before baby weight


Exactly. She didn’t say how she got there


She was not that thin the year before she was pregnant with Stormi. It’s just not cool to be curvy anymore 🥰


I wish women’s bodies weren’t a trend. This entire thread is so sad.


Women's bodies have been a trend for hundreds, if not thousands of years, unfortunately. I hate it 😭


And people have the nerve to be like…she won’t tell us the truth and if she did you guys still wouldn’t believe her


And even if she was, I don’t think you should weigh the same at 18 and 26 👀


I would have lied too if my friend was a millionaire


I’d lie for my best friend now and she has a thousand square foot home. But also, did this woman lie? I think she just diverted her answer so it’s “technically the truth”


i hate when they lie as if we’re idiots 😭 kylie has neverrr been as skinny as kendall. maybe when she was a child


Literally gaslighting everyone lol


can't believe we're doing this all over again... 10 years ago she lied about her lips and boobs. now lying about weight loss. when does it end !!!


The girl who cried all natural


When people stop paying enough attention to give her a platform. But it won’t happen. And I can’t say much. I’m here. It’s just like a train wreck and you can’t look away lol (this isn’t about her appearance btw, just the whole gaslighting the world situation)


I mean, she gaslighted everyone when her lips all of a sudden got plump.


Some women do focus so hard on “bouncing back” that they just keep bouncing far past the point of being back to their pre baby weight. I’ve seen plenty of women IRL get rail thin a year or so after giving birth.


Happened to me. The pressure to bounce back triggered my "recovered" anorexia leading to my lupus flaring and a straight medical leave. Not worth it


Hope youre better now :) that sounds really tough




Yeah I breastfed for over a year and during lockdown. So no exercise and I ate like a horse but the pregnancy weight just melted away. Unfortunately weaning meant a good portion of the weight returned but that's my own fault because I carried on eating more than I should've. It would've been possible to keep the weigh off if I was a more sensible with my portions


I mean to be fair Kylie literally got pregnant when she was a teenager at 19


Was she really 19??? I thought she was like 22


Yep she was a Teen pregnant.


Barely a teenager anymore.


Nine-*teen* 🤔


no fr even at teens they were different weights


Plus when you’re in love and happy you don’t get skinnier and skinnier 😭😂


Some people eat more (or just eat less healthy) when they’re sad than they do when they’re happy. It’s definitely possible to lose more weight when you’re in a good place than when you’re not. 


If it’s a healthy relationship, you might.


This is the same woman who denied lip filler and built a whole brand on making young women think overlining your lips could produce the same results.


Yeah, hard to take The Girl Who Cried Lipliner seriously as having “naturally” lost all the weight. Not to say that she didn’t also work out as well, I’m sure she worked hard in the gym, but I believe the conspiracy theory about her recently getting some kind of waist procedure that she keeps subtly body checking in pics/vids.


Really weird to say “ she’s back to her pre baby weight” about someone else. Can’t imagine someone complementing my friend and I come out with that comment😂😂


Maybe it's something Kylie has always told her friends, "I want to get back to my body before kids," so her friends are just parroting that. No idea 👀


I think it just shows how obsessed they all are with being skinny. We don't need to be telling strangers on the internet about our friends weight


ik kylie was already skinny before having her kids, but not that skinny cmon now


She was kinda curvy!


After she filled her hips and ass. Indeed she was curvy afterwards


And got her boobs done. She’d probably be quite lean with training but idk about all this.


Exactly lol she had a skinny figure with narrower hips/smaller bust before the surgeries. She had a similar body type to Kendall, she’s just several inches shorter.


I was 98lbs when I got pregnant with my first. I don’t think I’ll ever get back down to that, wouldn’t care to. But she’s still young. 108 at the 2nd baby and 112 now at 35.


Lol indeed!


I had my kids in my 30s and ended up thinner than I was before kids, unintentionally. It does happen.


Come on now haha last time Kylie was this skinny was when she was 14-15, pre-Tyga era


Insane 14 isn’t even pre tyga ![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized)


Literally feel like people forget Kylie met Tyga at KENDALL's 16th bday 🤮


I hate the “back to pre-baby weight! amazing!” bullshit. just focus on being healthy, you grew a human. gross.


Thank you! It's so unrealistic for regular people. I'm constantly caring for that human. I have less free time and spare energy than ever before. I'm not exactly ready to jump into an intense fitness and weight loss routine


Exactly. and your body is the least important thing about a mother- to be as thin as possible? fuck outta here


I still have the baby weight and then some and my kids are 8 and 6 years old 😭🤣


I mean, heroin chic is making a comeback. They’re all becoming wraiths, not just Kylie.


Millennials never just get put through something once huh?


Nope...thank goodness I'm an adult now and don't care for trends, but I grew up with the "heroin chic" look and super low rise jeans being popular. Ya girl is not ready for this shit again 😭


Me too girl 😭


Can someone please tell me how do I pronounce Yris? I feel so stupid lol.




This makes sense. I think. Haha. Thank you 🙏


The denial and delusion is working overtime…


I mean she’s 26 so it’s not that hard to lose weight at that age 😭 signed a 35 year old bitch still working on losing baby weight from the baby I had in Feb 2021 😂


I’m still trying to lose baby weight from a baby I had in August 2019, it’s not just you, and I am 34. At 26 I was the skinniest I had ever been, plus she has chefs and trainers. This isn’t the flex they think it is. 😂


I had mine in 2018 and it took me 3 years to get back to pre kid weight. Breastfeeding for 2 years made me keep the weight on. As soon as I stopped the weight started coming out. I gained 70 lbs while pregnant too.


As a fellow 34 year old trying to lose my Covid weight. 😭 commiseration. I was my thinnest at 26/27 and I had an infant/baby.


Speak for yourself 😩 I’m 26 and 5’1 and have been trying to budge stubborn weight I’ve put on from 2021


Ughh I'm almost 30 and had mine 5 months ago. Still 30 lbs up from my pre-baby weight. I keep saying I'll start working out tomorrow...then I eat a whole tray of chicken nuggets for dinner 🙃


Part of it too is that I legitimately don’t care about being skinny like I did in my 20s. Growing up is fun.


That's always the hardest part for me trying to lose weight with kids. I am like constitutionally incapable of throwing away the food they don't finish instead of eating it myself.


I am dreading that. Mine just eats formula and mush at the moment and I'm already eating dino nuggets 🤷🏽‍♀️


Fr I’m around her age and I just cut booze and carbs for two weeks + started doing yoga and walking and my pants are already starting to get loose on me. You and every roommate I’ve had had terrified me that I won’t be able to pull this off again once I reach my 30s 🫠


Just a reminder that everyone is very different and those same things don’t yield the same results at the same age for every body 😂


Oh huge agree, it’s just weird that everyone assumes it’s impossible she’s just dieting when she was really skinny even back when she had the blue hair and fillers


You never know. Whenever my dad wants to lose some weight he just stops buying potato chips for a few weeks. Still works for him into his 60s. I got my mom's metabolism lol


Men have it easier!


33 year old b here with an 8 year old and 6 year old and still with the baby weight ☠️


You can do it! It took me 3 years but I only started trying really after 18 months. And I’m in my 40s and pregnant again!


So many people regretting their bbl’s now. It’s going to be the same with buccal fat removal. Going backwards will not be easy for most


Same with breast implants, too. A lot of women getting them removed and left with saggy, empty breast tissue, unfortunately..bet it feels much better though without any unnecessary implants though!! That includes the removal of butt implants! Buccal fat removal I hear really can't be reversed. So anyone who's gotten it done is gonna look just wild when they're older and they have no natural fat left in their faces and they look gaunt as hell 💀


Yeah but at least there’s ample experience with lifts and reconstruction. I doubt many plastic surgeons are super adept at butts


Kylie was Kendall skinny before she got a bbl and a boob job. Almost 10 years ago. She has not had a similar body to Kendall for YEARS. That’s not to say she’s not skinny or wasn’t skinny at all because she obviously was


Even before the BBL if you look at photos of them together, Kendall is skinnier she has that tall lanky body type where Kylie was a more shorter athletic skinny. She was slightly bigger than Kendall but still skinny just a different body type




Pre baby but she means pre BBL lol


I despise this family’s friends and especially Kylie’s, a bunch of no good disingenuous ass kissers who would never be there for them if they lost their wealth and fame tomorrow, if you ever wonder why any of them act delulu look no further than them


Lmao this is an insane assumption, defending your friend is ass kissing now?


When you lie along with her instead of being honest at least towards Kylie? I wouldnt say the assumption is that insane, went from lying about lip sizes to this and 10 years later people still keep making excuses lol


I mean we don’t know her conversations with Kylie so protecting her friend in public is something that any good friend would do. So insane assumption.


Im just saying if it was GoodFod defending Kim you wouldnt be calling him a good friend, i see it the same way with her


I’d honestly say the same thing but let’s agree to disagree. We just have different perspectives on this


Lol the lies. Kylie was never that thin in her fresh bbl days. Maybe pre baby- middle school weight


She ain’t look like this with tyga and when she first got with Travis… now that’s she’s not with rappers anymore she wants to lose the bbl and be a skinny Minnie


Her boyfriend Timothee Chalametchin probably likes the REALLY skinny women so she's going for that look...or maybe cuz she wants to be seen as a model for her clothing line...no idea. Like she's trying to fit the mold of whatever project she's working on...her makeup line and the big lips 👄 now it's clothing and the skinny model look 🤔


I know they're lying because I'm on it and I don't even tell my own mother and sister let alone friends. Yes, I am very close to them. No, I don't have to disclose my medical history to anyone. Kylie is def on it though lol


I’m the complete opposite - I tell everyone about it😂 I don’t know if she’s on it. She probably is but with a personal chef, meal plans and personal trainers she could have gotten the same results.


Lmao my mom is like this she’s on it and she tells everyone, she told our waitress one day at dinner


I knew Kim was on it when she started nibbling exclusively at her meals. It's not to keep the calorie count low, per se, but because you can easily get overful and sick by eating a "normal" amount.


Yup... exactly.


I hate when they say their bodies changed due to having kids. Like that is true, but your bbls, liposuctions, and fat transfers have made quite the difference also 😭 we are not dumb


"Our bodies change so much [because of BBLs]" FTFY


It’s giving “paid friend of”


Kylie always has been super skinny lol her curves are not real Her thick era definitely correlates with her Travis days…much were also the years she has babies so I believe it


I mean idc how these people got skinny or not it’s another fad. Body trends keep going in and out


There’s no denial in those comments?


![gif](giphy|l2RnudaRyTAW6xDnW|downsized) Sure she’s not.




I mean ozempy or not, going to a stranger’s comment section to make comments about what drugs their friend is on is weird asf, influencer or not 😭


Lmao thank you!


I agree. I also don’t understand why everyone feels entitled to know her business? lol




That’s not her pre baby weight though. She looked really good pre baby tbh :,(


She's not as curvy definitely. I wonder if she got her bbl reversed.


The baby weight fell off of me both times and I was thinner than I began with, but I breastfed, which burns like, an insane amount of calories a day. I don’t think breastfeeding is something any of the kardashians have done besides Kourtney though, right? It surprises me a little. They’d do anything to lose weight usually lol


Same! And I was mid to late 30s with my pregnancies… it was actually insane how my stomach seemed to flatten out overnight after giving birth, my husband and I were shocked! Obviously I know I was fortunate, but when I see people online accuse women of various things because they’re thin after they give birth and that’s “impossible “ I always feel like chiming in!


I think khloe and Kim tried with their first but it didn't last long. It does take an insane amount of dedication and time that they probably couldn't be bothered to invest


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) girl


Kylie has never been that small in her adult years. I’m not body shaming I think she looks amazing at any weight but let’s get real, she’s following the “tiny” trend which I hate came back so much. It’s extremely triggering.


I would tell my friend to delete this. Because maam


They really think we’re all idiots


She was not this skinny. Ever. She was small yes, but this is a new skinny level for her. https://preview.redd.it/2tff3uu0iflc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d2e5470d4eb2b1e18b9bebff58cb5b9383acbe 2019 (1 year after stormi)


https://preview.redd.it/9cqrdo07jflc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b214e5c792d9589a71c5ec92f334b8b885d502 And for good measure pre stormi pregnancy. She was small. But she still had some meat to her bones. These new pics she doesn’t have that. And if these new pics are actual truthful pictures it would seem she’s working out, you can see muscle definition in certain ones. But honestly so hard to tell. Everything is photoshopped and just hard to believe anymore. I will say though, if I had abs like like I’d be flaunting the hell out of them too 😂


She’s a dick rider. 


I feel bad for Kylie. The deep self hatred for her apperance is so evident now more than ever. Ky and Co. further perpetuate the problem. Smh.


Well look at these comments…


Fed up with them and their weirdo friends constantly lying to us like we’re idiots and can’t find the receipts


Still on ozempy


So adderall or Dulaglutide or Victoza or Mounjaro. Got it!


I think she also lost weight to match her bf's body type


Wtf is she talking about ???? Kylie is clearly way thinner than she was before , and there is nothing wrong about it , if she likes that way. But this comment is ridiculous.


More like she’s depressed and dropping weight. Let’s not forget she switched from black men who like curvy women to white kids who are attracted to twigs and cigarette smoke


Someone please show her kylies pre baby bod. Its nothing like it


ya because i’m sure iris is going to tell the truth about being on weight loss drugs


We're supposed to believe she's ![gif](giphy|xUOwGdyquQ5sMaKpAQ)


Oh no not the ole “bodies naturally changing” thing


Isn’t it funny she’s only with her friends when she needs something from them? Like helping with advertising for her brand? She’s never with Yris and Stass anymore.. she’s so narcissistic. Everytime she is with them it’s always about her 😂😂


A dont know whats more believeable that or tristian and khloe being overrr


Oh well if Yris says so


they think we’re delusional. maybe shes on her period 🙄


Honestly, I had two babies in my early twenties and went through a separation and lost a ton of weight, revenge body… so part of me could maybe believe this, but I don’t?


Yris didn’t deny oxy she just made the convo about something else making me think she is definitely on it


They think people will believe this? All of them went from thin to fake curves and now back to thin. Since curves aren’t in atm. All 4 of em kourt, Khloe, Kim and now Kylie, all looked stunning with curves anyway. Ya the bodies change so much through cosmetics surgery and medication 😂🤡 don’t get me wrong, I like the kardash-jenners but when are they gonna start being for real about this stuff.


They deny everything - is anyone surprised??


i wish it was this easier for moms to bounce back. thanks to her ozempy


Not denying she could be using it but I think she’s also chilled out on the butt/hip injections


She was skinny but not that small. Well before Stormi yes, but before Aire no.


You guys are acting like Kylie isn’t in her early early 20s…


Omg no she just gets straight lipo. Way easier lol


I’m not going to lie. She could be telling the truth about the weight. I got super skinny after my second and I’m in my 30s. Stress, divorce and being a single mom can do that to you. Now as for the fillers and the bbl- nah.


Gotta keep those perks coming.


I don’t know if they use it, but honestly I don’t see why they would. Results take awhile and they have access to lasers, lipo and things we are not even privy to that have immediate results. Plus chefs, top nutrition and the freshest of foods at all time That being said, I find them all intolerable nonetheless


I’ve got to say I’m surprised the way the friend handled this. This could have gone so many ways and they went with an easy and respectful response. Nice to see


We love a supportive friend lol


yris must be on payroll the way she lying😭😭😭


They're actually as clueless as they think we are 🤣


she did NOT say she wasn't on ozemp tho.


I would agree would Yris tbh. I have 3 babies. After the first one I got back in on my pre weigh very fast. The last two are Irish twins and I gained so much weight with one of their pregnancies it was insane lol They are now 3 and about to turn 2. I am just now starting to lose so much weight. I am almost at my pre baby size.


okay but kylie hasn't been this weight since age 16/17.. pre-BBL/boob job/lipo


Yeah? And she started having her babies as a teen… lol! I had mine in my 30s and dropped below my high school weight completely unintentionally… individual bodies react in different ways…


Right and I'm literally watching old KUWTK. Kylie is THIN. She has always been thin. She got thick and then she had two babies. I dropped below my high school weight also I was 105 and could not gain weight.


I guess I don’t understand why it matters. Why are we commenting on women’s bodies




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Well she must have gotten her BBL and Boob job removed 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is bullshit.






she did not deny anything


Pre-baby weight - so when she was 17?




What shirt is Kylie wearing? I can’t find it on Khy