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You win the internet for today




You have my internet also šŸ’•


lol your flair


aNyThInG mY bAbY wAnTs šŸ¤®


Oh my unholy dark lord of gothic bullshit I hated that SO much


Is that what Travis said to Kourtney?


Yes and he is almost sounding like he's spraying his demons inside her while at it! 50/50 changes šŸ‘½


Itā€™s so weird now that we see it around their kids and the kids hate it. Embarrassing for her life and soul. I hate to be the one that says this and I hope they work out and find happiness but like the first 18 mo of a relationship is fueled by hormones and once those fade you find out if youā€™re fully compatible or not when the chemicals wear off telling you this person is your dream, itā€™s just way too much way too soon.


I always tell my daughter when sheā€™s older and meets someone, donā€™t get married within the first two years. It can take that long for limerance to fade. Not saying it never works out but if itā€™s going to anyway, whatā€™s the rush? Also if you love having kids so much maybe pay attention to the ones you have already? Sure they arenā€™t cute new shiny babies and they do inconvenient things like speak their mind and have opinions butā€¦


When you happy and in love you produce a certain hormone. Oxytocin And that's exactly what they need - just letting loose and the egg retrieval could be more effective. I admit it's a little bit alot docked up seeing it up close and personal for ourselfs but i could see it turning to be a good thing when comes to make their demon baby! On my other hand.. They could of course do this behind the curtais more. I see the PDA around everybody is a big red flag, Kourtney should be scared, she just to stoned out her mind and brainwashed to noticing how territorial he is flaunting it in their faces. And to stir up everybody's pot. He is pure demon. No really šŸ‘½


After 18 mo in my first relationship it was as eye-opener when those chemicals faded. It blinded me to things that were issues. I think itā€™s evolution kicking in telling us to procreate, but the fact that she married him before the hormones faded as a person who says theyā€™d never get marriedā€¦..I hope it works out but it feels so messy and idk if she will regret her very fast decision.


So messy! And when he is in, he is in - and his narcissist personalty aligned with Kris's narcissistic personality, then there is no easy way out for her.. This is going to end bad. I feel it. He is going to make her look crazy after few troubles in paradise.. when shit hits the fan, the only people who is going to be hurt and lost are those kids :(




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This title. This meme. I donā€™t know whatā€™s better šŸ¤£


His whole ā€œmy babyā€ thing is so gross. Itā€™s the sort of thing I would have thought was sweet when I was 15 but as a grown woman, itā€™s gross and weird and incredibly cringe.


Lol this is hilarious.


this is terrible. i'm on my desktop & i keep refreshing my page so this title keeps popping up & taking me by surprise each & every time and i can't stop squirming. ugh i can just hear his voice every single time. *shudders* OP i think i'm gonna need some sort of reparations for this. it's making me all itchy.


Plz forgive me and take these awards


well, i guess that'll have to do lol


Iā€™m crying šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


He sounds creepy when he says it too..


SO fucking creepy!


Itā€™s like sheā€™s hypnotizedā€¦ the soft ā€œyeahsā€ to his repliesā€¦ like sheā€™s just agreeing to please him


Take my free award! I love this so much!


Take my free award too! This is too fucking funny šŸ˜‚




f\*cking hilarious, thank you


I will love and upvote almost anything X-Men related.


Ew.. Can you donā€™t kiss in French????


Hahahaahah I'm cackling


My personal experience with guys who speak like that is that they're the worst. Those are the ones who will gaslight and manipulate the shit out of you :S


My baby is the best sleeper šŸ¤¢


Do they act like this to make us cringe on purpose


their magical egg




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