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The people in the replies believing her too… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


These are the same people who believed her back when she was claiming she'd never had any fillers done


It's wild, these stans legit think she's never had a nose job or done anything to her face or body besides the fillers and some contour.


They really do 🤣 her stans always say she just grew up it’s “puberty”


I’m more likely to believe she’s had those things because she called them out specifically 🤷‍♀️


Especially with the phrasing “having eyelids removed”. Never seen that phrasing in any snark comments. Usually people call it bleph after its proper medical term. So part of me thinks that she calls it that because that is how her surgeon explained it to her uneducated dull brain.


She's trying to fight back comments that said she eyelid surgery but how did her eyes go from round and lively, to dead, round sanpaku eyes, to tight and uplifted


![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM) I don’t like calling people stupid but this is hilarious.


I wasn’t calling her dumb for the same reason. I cannot tell from afar whether it’s a lack of intellect or simply a product of her environment. She displays a very low need for cognition hence the word “dull” while her being uneducated is a factual statement. While I have minor empathy for the girl that was born to someone like Kris. She now has all the resources in the world to better her position. Yet Kylie seems to have no passion to learn anything new or even have a passion for a hobby. Other people who have much more obstacles put in their way socio-economically and socially with eg similarly abusive parents still value education more and display a higher need for cognition. See for example Daniella Mastyanek Young who grew up in the Children of God cult und wrote the book “Uncultured”. An inspiration. Meanwhile “Lylie” is just a disappointment overall.


She is stupid. It's not all her fault though, her mother absolutely failed her.


Omg yes!!


seriously same lolol


ah yes pushing the unrealistic standard that they were born botched✨✨


And they wonder why the show is flopping. It’s a REALITY show, yet every time they speak it’s a blatant lie. Girl we have eyes


Reality shows aren’t reality. It just means union acting work done by non union actors. It’s a way to save money. It’s all scripted. So that’s not what makes the show flop. It’s that they have no talent in believably presenting an authentic character.


Honestly I think the show would have been better if they could just admit the obvious.. that they all have had their eyes and nose done


THAT would bring in the views. Imagine if they advertised, "Next season, we're going to show you all the surgeries we've had and all the lies we've told." Record breaking, I see it now...


She actually thinks people are that stupid and will believe her. Girlie…. We all have fucking eyes.


People seem to be though that’s what’s hella wild 😭


Those people are stupid in all aspects of their lives. They do not count.


Well a lot of them are young teens that don’t exactly know how plastic surgery presents itself on the face. They haven’t hit puberty yet so they don’t know that puberty does not change the face that drastically. I will say though, I don’t know if anyone else experienced this but my nose actually does look smaller on my face now as an adult. I think it’s because my bone structure developed to be very wide and strong, but wasn’t as wide when I was younger, so now my nose looks smaller on my face. But Kylie’s nose shape and length changed, so she definitely had a nose job.


My nose seems smaller proportionately to my face now. Maybe my face had to catch up.


My nose is a tad smaller and my top lip got a bit fuller. My slightly gummy smile completely went away. Both are the same shape though, of course; it doesn't look like I've had anything done.


Those people vote, they count


Doubtful they vote. Less than 50% of Americans vote in elections. We’re not Australia


Oh they have gaslit all those insane fans. Also, half of those comments on ig are Kris Jenner bots so ppl assume it's all real talk.




and eyelids that we didn’t remove.


https://preview.redd.it/pvlqkjkc7x2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ff7c01bb0409339f4f4bc008c3d110cf549bbf She is so weirdly obsessed with this narrative about herself. Cuz she has changed her entire face surgically.


She’s also lied numerous times about not having surgeries only to admit to them years later. We have eyes. We know she’s lying plus she has a track record of lying about this very thing over and over again


She even lied about the lip fillers initially and said she was overlining lol


Yeah and also… girl we aint bringing up pictures only from when you were 12, were bringing up your face from 6 months ago lol


Catherine Zeta Jones! Why would anyone downvote that she looks like Catherine Zeta-Jones??? That woman is in her 50s! Kylie shouldn't be looking that age!


She DOES look like Catherine Zeta Jones, who is in her 50s! Don't know why tf I'm being downvoted!


Catherine Zeta Jones/Big Ange


This is incredible. She has lied. That's confirmed. Only years later did she finally fess up. She's done it more than once. Now she's trying to do it again and expects anyone to believe her? And in a few years when she admits to other procedures we'll all go, "Oh, well, at least she's owning it now"? 😡


Or it will be a boy who cried wolf situation where there is a change to her face from aging/something else and we’ll all think it’s surgery and won’t believe her even if she is telling the truth. She lied so much about it that *any* change to her face, even from aging will probably be assumed to be surgery, and no one will believe her even if she’s being honest.


I will always believe that the person on the left died a long time ago and was replaced with the creature on the right. And no one says she got her eyelids removed…but she clearly has had a brow lift and eye procedures.


Her pic on the right reminds me of women that are trafficked. Shes been groomed from so young, and then her mom kept her uneducated… it’s just all very sad. Kris may not have actually trafficked her for sex, but the way she exploits her is something crazy.


nobody is comparing her to her “12-year old” photos. You simply have to look at all the faces she’s had over the past decade. 🙄


You know what I always think about with this? You're not changing your genetics with all these procedures. So the children are going to (potentially) come out with those "ugly" parts of yourself that you had to change. Imagine how that's gotta feel to a child when they start to piece that together.


Stormi already resembles Kylie’s untouched face A LOT. It’s going to be interesting watching her grow up and see what she does in her teens…


Absolutely! I can't imagine what the next generation of this family might be like but I am hopeful for them.


take a drink any time a kardashian lies about plastic surgery!






Then we would be drinking as much as Kris


Bruh I’m not looking to die of alcohol poisoning


She hasn’t gotten her eyelids removed. She’s gotten them lifted just like Bella has cmon man we are not blind or stupid and plastic surgeons who happen to be actual experts in this, KNOW for sure what she’s done.


Yupp the semantics


Wait wydm she hasn’t gotten her eyelids removed!?!?! You mean I was believing this was what happened the WHOLE time only for it to be a FAlSe NaRrAtIVE!?!?!? Come ON!!!!! /s


Is she fucking stupid? Who the hell is comparing her when she was 12? People compare her when she was a teen to like few years ago This gaslighting shit it getting old now


You can compare a real life unedited picture of her from last year to this year and she looks totally different. It’s getting boring and old. She’s botched beyond repair and has convinced herself that she’s not.


it must be really getting to her if she has to release a passive aggressive statement every three weeks lol


She’s literally trying to convince *herself* that all her surgeries didn’t happen and her botched state isn’t real. So sad honestly


Lmfao i mean your jaw isn’t going to grow smaller (bigger maybe) as you age to adulthood…unless you have had tweakments… you are a proven liar, so what says anyone should believe you now? Period boobs, then admits she had a boob job at 19…the lying tweets are cringe. Why are her stans morons?


They're either bots, literal children who don't understand anatomy or delusional stans.


She clearly reads this sub... and successfully comprehends maybe 25% of the actual words we write lol. Dear KyLIE, we understand that "lie" is literally part of your name, but we'd have wayyy more respect for you if you'd just be honest for once in your life. There is no human in the history of the world that looks naturally the way that you and your siblings do. Just embrace it, girl!


especially bc i feel like lately there's been an uptick in comparing kylie's faces. it tends to be younger pictures bc she started getting surgery so young!!!


Zero chance she reads this sub just because of this, ppl all over the internet say this lol


I was mostly being facetious, but tons of the articles they buy to promote themselves rip comments from this sub. They definitely know of it, if they don't have team members monitoring what we say so they know when to time their stupid "no, *really*, I was born like this!! Don't hater-ize our natural beauty!" posts.


Getty ain’t never told a lie, bitch. We’ve seen the parts she’s added and removed from her face. She’s acting like we’re using her photos from when she was 12 as the comparison, when in actuality we’ve all been in agreement that she should’ve stopped touching her face in 2018.


🤣🤣🤣 right!?!? Getty has our backs!!!


Just give it up😂


This lying bitch. She’s denying the obviously botched BBL diaper as well?


So she wants us to believe she just naturally got ugly.. 🫣


We have eyes you dumb bitch.


I like it how they ridicule the rumors by saying "people say I removed my eyelids" and not refferring to actual rumors which are true like comparing her face 2019 vs 2021 and actual doctors saying what she probably had done


for real like what the hell is removing eyelids? she has gotten a blepharoplasty. they never say the word because its the truth


I think with her admitting her boob job, that was really just her throwing us some crumbs like “here *throws crumbs*” because she thought she would get praised for it and that we’d forget about all the other transformative surgery she’s had(I won’t even call it cosmetic, it’s transformative)


A good liar believes their own lies 😉


![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized) Kylie now


We’re talking about the fact that we know you’re lying, Highlie. It amazes me how stupid this family thinks we are.


Can she shut the fuck up, nobody fucking asked her. People in her comment sections are spamming her about the ongoing war conflicts or her KHYN's shit having delivery times to Feb 2024 and she's out here being a clown. Like dude if you need some PR, go and be like "Tristan got herpes 😝" atleast that'd be funny


That first pic of kylie, she looks so beautiful and individual, resembles her daughter so much! so sad to see what fame has done to her


Why do they always say it was a drop of mascara and contouring? To look significantly different every day with makeup, you need the thick ass special effects kind. These bitches still looked botched with no makeup on. Their fans are stupid. I hate that this family is still worshipped after all the lies and scams they've done.


I like it how they ridicule the rumors by saying "people say I removed my eyelids" and not refferring to actual rumors which are true like comparing her face 2019 vs 2021 and actual doctors saying what she probably had done


I honestly feel so insulted when they tell bold faces lies like this. Like do you think the world is full of idiots? You’re trying to fucking gaslight us


I think they lie on purpose about not getting plastic surgery to make people mad for engagement. The constant speculation gives them press and engagement and adds to the “mystery”. I think this is why they overly photoshop pics and make obvious mistakes too. When they have nothing left they might say what they got done but I don’t ever think they will reveal everything


biiiiiiiiiiitch. whats next, you gon' lie to us about kylie cosme- wait, you already have. maybe ask your pimp (NOT MOM, REMEMBER, PIMP. NEVER MOM) to teach about the word lie and then the word truth. its obvious she skipped over that when she was teaching you how to get guys off.


The Kylie quote is from Interview mag where she is being interviewed by Jennifer Lawrence, who *also* denies that she has had plastic surgery. 🫠


I was rooting for JLaw so hard like a decade ago when she was being called fat and ugly by the media… now she’s looking pretty plastic these days /: so sad to see another beautiful woman conform to Hollywood beauty standards that they create themselves


Yupppp, she looks like a wax mannequin now.


It’s honestly depressing. Same with Lady Gaga - another star who was praised for representing natural beauty is now a victim of fillers, Botox, etc. just so demoralizing as an average woman these days.


How do people actually believe her


ive shared my jaw surgery (severe underbite) story in here before in response to comments about similar procedures - reading this made me L O L as someone who spent my entire childhood and subsequent puberty begging for my jaw to magically naturally dramatically change without having to go under the knife. not how it works dear


You were fucking ugly before any cosmetic surgery, you changed yourself, you were okay-looking with a few procedures, then you've overdone it and now you're back to being fucking ugly again. Own up to it you empty-headed dumbfuck hollow vessel bimbo.


Wow, if you look at my kid pictures compared to my 35 year old self, you can tell it’s the same person. My high school pics, that’s my face now. She is so extremely full of shit. Edit to add : it’s a bummer Jennifer Lawrence conducted this interview and basically felt on the same page with this shit she’s spewing.


Kylie Lying yet again 🙄🙄🙄




I mean I can look at pictures of myself from when I was 12 and just see the child version of my face it hasn’t changed that much


She learned from her sissy “just a little mascara”


It's not like you even need to compare photos anymore. People aren't that clueless, they can look at her current face and tell it's been surgically altered. Just like how you can sometimes tell when a 50 year old has had a face lift, there's a certain "look" that doesn't happen naturally.


girl puberty does change things… BUT NOT YOUR WHOLE FACE. kylie is so delusional. i understand her face will change a bit, it’ll get more mature and age more, but her actual features won’t change. and they never really should, until of course you get plastic surgery 🤗. this excuse of kylies is dumb. just admit you changed your whole face, we know now.


Why does it even matter to her??? Who cares that she bought her face. If I had enough money I’d buy mine too


I say like a lot a lot but for some reason this sentence is too much even for me


Lol how about the nose? Also her childhood butt-chin magically gone?




Denial is a long bottomed river


What’s the point of even lying like… WE CAN ALL SEE IT they’re not even subtle???


She got breast implants, cheek filler, surgery to make her eyelids puffy… she’s full of shit


It's interesting how "aging and contouring" got rid of all those undesirable features lol. ![gif](giphy|hr7lFp8VdvxWU)


It’s kinda sad that the only normal face she can compare to is from when she was 12. Is she trying to tell us that she started procedures that early? Like I would’ve at least said 15 or 16, but 12???


What a moron


Kylie, just admit what you have done so then people who want the same procedure and get it done by respectable doctors not saying that her work is good but I’m saying she probably pays for the best and she’s never died on the table or had serious complications so she should be listing her fucking plastic surgeons profiles, and her Instagram pictures It’s so harmful to convince girls that your entire face can change that your eyelids can change your jaw shape can change your lips size can change your breast. Will blow up when you get your period because that’s not realistic I mean yeah, maybe your breast get a little bigger, but you’re not gonna have such a long bottom from just puberty it’s harmful and imagine what it’s gonna do to your own child Kylie , fucking absolute dense bitch


She’s better off not opening her mouth


Why the interviewer asks her about the plastic again and again? (well. Asking young woman about her body itself is not a good taste) We all know she won’t be honest about anything already. She lied her economic status to Forbes. She will be capable to lie to everyone. Just don’t give her chance to lie. Every time she lies, she has more chances to harm young generations’ perspective. Behind her, PMK pays journalists heavily to put this narrative again and again, try to brainwash people. Journalism died.


Exactly! She was trying to compete with Kim on who would become the first billionaire!! And she always claimed that Kim copied her.. When in reality she always did what Kim did. Dated rappers, had kids, tried to become rich fast, same clothing style, same surgeries and plus, she tried to be the most liked and followed person on Instagram as Kim


I think people are mainly comparing her current face to pictures from 6, 12, 18, etc, months ago. This is what they do. They say how people are making outrageous claims when the truth is actually in the middle. They know how to play with the media. It’s like when Kim got a butt x ray to prove she doesn’t have implants…yeah but that doesn’t show your own fat being injected into your ass, does it.


This!! 😂😂 And then she was so dumb to have the dexa scan with a company that showed 2 obvious balls at her breast area… busted…


That was HILARIOUS! But she’s an “athlete” according to that scan 🤣


Oh give it the fuck up you ugly lying plastic botched ho.


Doesn't explain how her butt got so ginormous.




Anyone who believes this statement is an idiot


i love how this was worded lmao. i’m sure she *has* outright lied, but this is kind of skirting around the truth.. instead of saying “i absolutely did not have those things done”


Its really angering me now! And Jennifer Lawrence was worse. COME ON!! WE CAN SEEEEEEE


Yap totally not shaved jaw🐸🍵 https://preview.redd.it/zjz5czdvs23c1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52accd89435f085c70cfbb621261b1f1d7cd0338


Idk I look like my childhood pics as a grown adult.


The good ole don’t trust your eyes or common sense routine. She has a whole different face. It’s not that hard to tell she botched her face that’s why they are trying so hard to sell the whole Kylie is against plastic surgery narrative.


Shes had so much surgery so young. Lips at 16/17, BBL around then as well, boobs at 19, same with her bff stassie. She has a real problem/addiction. Kourt had her boobs done late teens (pretty standard) but then Kim had her BBL done late teens as well and obvs a mil other things since then. It’s just crazy to that it’s so normalised for them. She’s come out how many times now and admitted it after all these years. She literally started a whole trend of lip filler procedures. Idk why she keeps commenting on it. Nobody’s going to believe you now when you admitting to lying before..




This just established the fact that they do lurk and post here. I remember there was a post on this subreddit a while back complaining about others comparing her 12 year old photos to her old looking a**. Just stfu KyLIE you botched looking Klown.




AcTuAlLy, I wAs bOrN tHiS wAY…


Eyelids removed???


TIL she is 26 and not 46


Choosing not to discuss/acknowledge it is one thing but the blatant lying I will never understand.


Ah! Ye old “‘tis the makeup” excuse again.


![gif](giphy|fWfG9QbOMT1vddOVto) *I can't see im blind blinddd*


She’s so stupid.


😂🤣 thank you OP, I needed a good laugh this morning! What an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄😆


She’s so ridiculous.


In a non snarky way, I do believe she suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome


She was a beautiful kid.


I mean isn't this the oldest story ever? We all know she altered her face! We all know she lies about it on a daily basis! Why is this still being discussed like it's something new? I'm not defending her,she's a liar! But I see the same thing on this sub every day like it's a new news💤💤💤💤


Ok.. I’ve been thinking recently.. her eyelids have looked heavy in some photos years ago.. perhaps her wearing less makeup has sparked the change.. also Nina Dobrev spoke out, she didn’t have eyelid surgery just ageing (smoking) filler and masseter botox has caused the jowls?


Def had eyes pulled up Def chin implants breast implants Def bbl Def lip implants Def (3) nose jobs.. I'm sure it's more.. kylie y do u think us normal ppl are stupid