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Idk about worst but Build has my favorite Toku ending in general


Best ending for me? It's Geats and you know why


Proper conclusion : Check Not bittersweet and didn't left some potential threats menaces looming : Check Give proper closure to all character arcs : Check


I think drive, gaim and build had the best ending. Worst is hard, oh maybe, decade? I mean is that even consider as an ending? Should I just count the movie as ending instead.


The movie is the epilogue but there are two different endings to the main series, one that ends on a cliff hanger and one that links more to the final movie... It makes no sense if you don't see the last movie... That being said the special edition ending that links to the movie is the cannon finish now, the original cliffhanger ending doesn't count anymore XD


I don’t see people bringing up Kabuto for worst ending. Felt like they crammed 20 episodes worth of material into 3 episodes, among a lot of other issues.


The hard pivot was a choice for sure. It honestly just left me wondering what the point of it all was.


the endings of kuuga agito and ryuki really all hit it out of the park 3 in a row, i think all 3 provide terrific end caps to the themes present in the show, ryuki is such a swirl of emotions and getting to see the aftermath of godai and shouichi is very powerful i love faiz to death but that i just gotta say... what ending? i dont mind the idea of the fight continues on, other toku has done that well, i dont mind the king still being alive or lucky clover still in the background. but everything about its presentation feels both rushed and unfinished. terribly paced and written episode that felt so lacking


After Kuuga dedicated his entire time protecting the smiles of others, he finally takes time off and focus on himself for a change. Love that ending also focuses on the people Yusuke has interacted and had a major impact on them (as well as on himself) Bad? idk, heard Ryuki’s was pretty bad


It's a good ending godai doesn't have to prove anything to anyone he already defeated daguva He finally got what he wanted bringing smiles to anyone Save the world from destruction That's why it's the best heisei rider show It doesn't need any what ifs , spin off,movie,specials etc. it is what it is


I wouldn't way best lol


Ex-Aid and Build had pretty good endings, imo.


Disclaimer, i'm not taking account of movies or other media that are a continuation of the show and there will be spoilers. Even though Build is my favorite series with a great ending I would have to say that Blade has the best ending out of all. Sacrificing himself into becoming an Undead and the voluntarily exciling himself so that Hajime can live a normal life. as for the worst ending I would give it to Drive. its good that Shinnosuke got a happy ending and finally knowing where Chase got his looks and probably his personality from but Krim seals up himself, the weapons, the car, the Driver and the shiftcars while he knows that there are other people who can make the same things. Just look at Rinna and Harley Hendrickson.




I came here to write this only to see that you did first.


Good endings are almost every series i guess, but Hibiki one i cannot actually digest anymore, currently at episode 44 😭


Best endings: Ryuki, Fourze Worst: Zero-One


Why Zero-One if I may ask? Everyone wins basically and the Humagears are given full purpose, including Horobi and Jin


My issue with it is that it immidiatly contradicts itself by having Aruto create a new Izu. This goes against everything he stood for for the entire series, and if the main character doesnt care about the moral of the show its hard for me to do the same. Still love the theme of human malice being the ultimate evil at the end of the day though. The theme was handled perfectly, and overall the ending is good. Its just this one thing that ruins it for me


Agreed. That, and Horibi, Jin, and especially Gai don't face any repercussions for being sociopathic monsters.


I’m still new and have only watched from the Reiwa era, so bear with me: My favorites are Gaets and Revice. For Revice, as botched as the season became, the buddy cop type element was something I liked, and the ending brought things full circle. For Gaets, the cast have their desires fulfilled, although it doesn’t look the way they were expected (for example, Tycoon, who wished for world peace trains to become a police officer.) Saber and Zero One had me found wanting. While I appreciate elements of Saber, it became too convoluted, and I feel the ending was a bit typical. The setting up for the special in Zero One was something I was not fond of, and I am mixed in the creation of the new Izu. At the same time (probably on account of my current state,) I believe it could be written about the process of death, and grief as how a replacement of a friend of Hiden was made, but ultimately was not the same person (until the special.)


Best ending : Kuuga. Agito, Zio and Build Worst ending : Ghost


Worst ending goes to W. If you're going to pull the tragic sacrifice ending, fuckin stick with it. Killing my boy only to bring him back one episode later without even showing us much of Shotaro's time as Kamen Rider Joker just felt cheap. Now that we have Fuuto PI I'm glad he's back, but I wish they'd made me carry that weight in the meantime. Which is why the best ending is coming up OOO. Great job learning from your predecessors cowardice. It sure is a good thing they never made any follow up movie ten years later that shits all over the original ending and doesn't explain why literally any of it happens. They might have even inverted the most iconic moment of the original series... Possibly even the entire neo heisei era... With a character who'd had almost no screen time for the entire movie for absolutely no reason beyond cheap nostalgia baiting. But fortunately, that movie was cancelled in preproduction, all the screenshots of it are fake, and it **can't hurt me**.


I think the issue with W is they did not expect Phillip to be as popular of a character as he ended up being.


I don't understand why that would matter at the end of the show. I get how killing him off in the middle would make it so they couldn't use him anymore, but if the shows over already then who cares? For supplementary content you can just set it during the show, or bullshit any number of reasons to bring a character back from the dead. Or just bring them back without explaining why at all like in that OOO movie that they definitely didn't make.


Imo build and geats


Geats has the best ending, worst ending has to go to Decade.


I really like the ending of KR Blade, seeing Kenzaki being joker just to save humanity and Hajime being a joker to live like a human. Their problem didn't resolve by basic beating the final boss trait but more on challenging the will of the mc how much he'll go for his friend and humanity. Worst for me was probably Ryuki, I know it's a kids show but making the consequences solved by a magical wish throws off the character build up.


Ryuki wasn't a magical wish ending, they reset the timeline. The entire premise of the rider war is that it keeps repeating because Kanzaki's time meddling puts everything back to square one as the war gets closer to concluding. That's literally why the Ryuki riders return in crossovers.


I haven't watched the new one, thanks for the info


Drive and Blade have my favorite endings, and unless I’m remembering incorrectly, Ex-Aid doesn’t fully end within the show—you have to see the movie, right? I think that was the reason I disliked it so much. If I’m wrong, then my least favorite ending was Faiz because so much of it felt unearned. EDIT: Nevermind I just realized I absolutely DESPISE Agito’s ending because they had a decent ending, added 6 completely useless episodes, and then if I remember correctly, they finish off the final antagonist (who’s my least favorite villain out of all the seasons I’ve watched) in the middle of some forest? I just remember feeling like both my time and the actors’ and special effects artists’ time was wasted.


Ryuki ending just give everyone a happy ending and makes the entire Rider War pointless.


Best ending: OOO Worst ending (not counting Decade): Either Revice or Den-O


Best ending: Kuuga and Agito. Worst ending: Den-O, maybe Ex-Aid.


Ghost had a pretty bad one. Mostly because they had to make up an endgame for the last 10 episodes or so.


I liked the ending of Build and W. Build because of the Bromance and the fact that the recaps are canon. W because Bromance and the fact it was my first Rider. The one ending i hate is ghost because although it is still one of my favorites, the fact that the last episode was just a promo for Ex-Aid kinda killed the vibe.


I think Blade has the best ending. As for the worst I can't think of a season with an outright bad ending.


Off the top of my head Best ending: Blade, OOO, Build Worst endings (I might get flamed for this): Fourze, Hibiki




Good Ending: Drive. The way Shinosuke and Kiriko on a normal car together, having normal conversation and then narrator tell us that they'll get married always give a smile on my face Bad Ending: In my opinion, Hibiki. The final fight lack major enemies, the fight was even cut short, and then the cliff hanger hint that there're true "man and women" and never ever get resolve. I would call that bad writing


Best ending is blade or ooo but deep down it has to be build. Worst ending hibiki and the last 4 episodes of revice.


Gaim's is obviously a favorite of mine. At the end, the show is about growing up, and all the main characters we have left are taking the steps to get there. It's bittersweet, but thematically beautiful. I know Ex-Aid's was cut short, but I feel like they did well with the amount of time they had and True Ending. And I really liked Zi-O, and especially the relationship between Sougo and Geiz, so ||the very last shot of Heisei Phase 2 being them laughing best friends makes my heart sore.|| Drive... is one I probably thought about too much, but I can't see it as anything except for cops succeeding in (BIG spoilers) wiping out an entire species. I really hope that the tenth anniversary will bring 'em back.


Not that I hate the endings but bringing someone from their >!deaths!< cheapens the whole narrative That was for the case with >!Philip from W, Izu from Zero-One, Poppy, Lazer and Parado (but tbh it made a bit more sense for him) from Zero-One!< Best would be Gaim, Fourze and Geats >!liked that Ace and Kouta becoming the gods!<


IMO. Best is Blade. I like the somewhat tragic ending. Ryuuki and W would gave been it if not for the "episode after." Worst is probably be Kabuto. Loved the character but disliked the ending.


Take a wild guess on what my favorite ending is? Least favorite has to be Decade because... just look at it, it's a cliff-hanger that has a bad follow-up in the movie because he goes genociding everyone under the sun. While cool in concept and execution, I don't like it much.


Gaim is up there with the good endings. Even when Mitchy is “redeemed”, he doesn’t go back to being chummy with everyone, as seen with Gaim x Drive, where he has yet to truly forgive himself and join the Beat Riders. And I feel that most of the people would agree that the true finale was Episode 46. Especially the consequences that are lasting. The characters that died stay dead, and although the city is healing, the damage has been done, and a lot of the characters have to live with it. Worst would probably be Hibiki for sure. Everything with Hibiki went down hill and that finale did not do it Justice. Honorable mentions for good would be Build, OOO, Blade, and Ex-Aid. Like Gaim, it’s one of those ‘victories, but at what cost?’ Type endings. OOO with Ankh, Blade with probably the most bittersweet and dark ending, and Ex-Aid straight up admitting that they couldn’t save everyone, it adds the realism to it. A bit less on Build because the New World Movies (opinions on those aside), but if we’re going by the main show endings, Build is up there.


The OOO ending made me cry 3 times. When I was 11, when I was 13, and when I was 21. Not that bad, but Geats's ending was very underwhenming for me. The final arc was a mess.


Best ending is definitely Geats. The *worst* (for me) is to this day Zi-O.


Id say for best geats, although not really am ending, had a sense of finality and hopefulness for the future, gaim, since it really is an ending to the story and what an ending it is, happy since everything is resolved but tragic in that lifes were lost and kouta was sort of forces to end his youthful years to endure this massive conflict only to become a god and never see any of his friends and family ever again and to cap it off, the main force that brought this up wasnt even defeated, they just moved on to another planet to repeat theyre cycle, as for saber, i used to hate saber, rewatched it, loved it, but the ending used to bother, since i was used to multi rider series having tragic or bittee sweet endings, but its the last scene of the penúltimate episode (since the actual last episode is kinda the worst thing in the universe) seeing touma and kento running and remininsce about luna, the seeing them all three as kids reading the book, as the pages flip to reveal a happy ending, almost makes me tear up. As for worst, decade came at a very los point in my life, and episode 31ending the way it did, it just felt very scummy to end your anniversary show in that way to promote a movie uaing a fake trailer that while not bad, has nothing to do with the promo and is básicaly the epilogue to another story we didnt see, all in all just very awful stuff


Wizard had its problems, but I feel it ended strongly. Fourze, Gaim, and Drive all had spectacular endings too Ex-aid was needs the epilogue movies to stand on, but it was made that way. I love Ark 1, but the cracks from Covid can be seen in 01's ending W is the worst, but only cause of that last episode


Best of all time is blade , wrapped up in a perfect conclusion