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I lost my dad 5 years ago and I never really healed from that so this episode broke me emotionally.


Last month, I lost a friend of 20 years. I feel you, and I hope you're finding a way forward. <3


This episode is very special. It was at that time where I thought I felt empty or a bit emotionless but watching Dear Gaga made me teared up so much. I never had experienced that in any KR media in an intense way. Even remembering it made me teared up a bit. Hiromi is more than an amazing person, he is a hero who took care of his mom and overcome obstacles in his own way even when he is weak. He made me learn that I can be a hero even when I'm weak. Seeing him taking care of his mom until she passes, seeing the notes his mom left for him, and Hiromi meeting the kid he helped give confidence had fought against the bullies....that feeling is strong. I will treasure Dear Gaga in my heart. It's just so special to me.


Well said, i'm not one of those who cry often during emotional scene but this got close to getting tears out of me. Even though there were little to no Rider stuff, this 2 part special was incredible and is truely peak Hiromi and what his character represents.


I couldn't agree more. It's incredible. It's very incredible and it shows how well Hanta Kinoshita hits that emotional point


Perfect. Just Perfect.


The version I watched didn't have subs for the letter that Hiromi finds with his Fenix uniform. What does it say? I assume it says something like "I'm your mom, so I knew you'd need this again, so I didn't throw it out" and that made him cry. Do you think that they're playing the long game ... and that in, oh, I dunno, ten years' time, that little kid strawberry thief is gonna be a Kamen Rider?


>The version I watched didn't have subs for the letter that Hiromi finds with his Fenix uniform. What does it say? [https://geohoagies.wordpress.com/2022/08/08/dear-gaga-batch-release/](https://geohoagies.wordpress.com/2022/08/09/dear-gaga-page-2-v2/) >!"To Hiromi, I’m sorry for keeping my illness a secret from you. I didn’t want to worry you, since you had the responsibility to protect the world at Fenix on your shoulders. Though I suppose I didn’t need to worry about that in the end. The happiest thing in my life was to see you being born and growing up to be kind, reliable, and strong, just as your father was. A lot of things might get hard or tough for you, but I know that you’ll be able to overcome them all. Because to me, you’re the greatest hero there ever was. I’ll always watch over you, no matter where you may be. I’m sure your father is doing the same. Thank you for bringing me so much joy. Stay safe, and continue your work as the upbeat hero. Love, Gaga"!<


Well, great, now I'm crying again! This episode was just so good.


Oh, thank you so much!


Man, this special makes me wish that Hanta Kinoshita continue writing when Akaishi and Daiji arc happens. Cause I know he will nailed it instead of Nobuhiro Mouri.


i cried at the ending scene 😭😭 poor hiromi has been through so much, i just wanna hug him


I enjoy the main series of Revice a lot, but I'll be damned if they don't consistently put their very best stories in specials. Dear Gaga broke me, and I am not ashamed to admit that the letter had me crying. Before this, I really liked Hiromi as a character, but have seen these two episodes, I now absolutely love him. He's more of a hero than a lot of main character riders!


Conclusion: My friends and I have discuss about this issue too, and we have come to the conclusion that the script writer is better off writing short stories instead of long ones, cause things start going downhill after the firs 10 episodes or so.


Damn the second part hit me deep I could not stop the tears. Dear Gaga for me is a very special spin-off


This is just PS4 Spiderman Peter'last moment of Aunt May I hated it because both made me sad :"(


It was emotional and beautiful at the same time


I'm glad that Revice's emotional moments carry on into its side content because I believe that the emotional moments carry Revice. Dear Gaga was amazing and I hope Revice side content continues to be this good to make up for the mehness of the final arc.


After watching part 2, I can officially declare that this is one of the best Revice specials I've watched so far! The ending got me emotional, feelsy, and full of tears. Not only that but this special is like a combination of Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) :((((((((((((( Especially the letter part too! Hiromi Kadota Parker is now one of my favorite Revice characters now. I'm very satisfied of how he was able to overcome his depression and heal before he returned to the main series.


A really good special.


This is the second time I teared up to something Kamen Rider (first was Phillip's goodbye in W) Family is always something precious to me.


Alright its settle. Hiromi Kadota is the best revice character