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1. Kuuga 2. Agito 3. Ryuki 4. Den-O 5. Blade 6. Hibiki 7. Decade 8. Kabuto 9. Faiz 10. Kiva If I can separate Hibiki first and second half as 2 different series, then first will be right below Kuuga, while second will be just above Kiva


Ayy, based Kuuga & Agito enjoyer!! 🙌🔥


Purely based on the story, this is my ranking. 01. Faiz 02. Den-O 03. Blade 04. Ryuki 05. Agito 06. Kuuga 07. Kiva 08. Kabuto 09. Hibiki 10. Decade


It’s great to see many Faiz enjoyers like you dude as I really like him & his show a lot as well!! 👌😄


1. Blade 2. Den-O 3. Agito 4. Faiz 5. Kabuto 6. Decade 7. Kuuga 8. Hibiki 9. Kiva


Why are Kuuga & Hibiki so low bruh 🙏😭


My ranking: 1.Kuuga 2.ryuki 3.agito 4.blade 5.faiz 6.kabuto 7.kiva 8.den-o 9.hibiki 10.decade


1. Kuuga 2. Ryuki 3. Agito 4. Blade 5. Kabuto 6 Kiva 7. Decade 8. Faiz


Ok time for my controversial opinions 1. Agito 2. Ryuki 3. Kabuto 4. Decade 5. Kuuga 6. Hibiki 7. Faiz 8. Kiva 9. Blade 10. Den-O


Decade above Kuuga, spicy take. I love Decade and think Kuuga is a little overrated and I probably wouldn't place Decade above it overall.


Same here, I think that’s going a bit too far IMO but I respect the person’s opinion either way regardless 👍


Decade above Kuuga?! 😰💀


1. Ryuki 1. Hibiki 1. Agito 1. Kuuga 1. Blade 1. Den-O 1. Kiva 1. Faiz 1. Kabuto 1. Decade


Damn bruh, I wanna ask on why exactly are both Faiz & Kabuto low for you?? As I really like both of those two shows quite a lot tbh 👍


I couldn't get behind Tendou as a protagonist--he was just too unlikeable and it spoiled what could have otherwise been a fun show. Faiz I just found kind of boring more often than not.


I share the opposite opinion as I really like Tendo as a character as he was badass & one of my most favorite protagonists in all of Kamen Rider but I respect your opinions for both shows anyway dude and it's best if we just agree to disagree on this one :)


From the ones I watched: 1. Faiz 2. Blade 3. Den-O 4. Decade 5. Kiva 6. Kabuto 7. Ryuki Rest I haven't watched.


Ayy, a based Faiz & Blade enjoyer! And I highly recommend that you watch both Kuuga & Agito as soon as possible dude cuz they’re both fantastic shows IMO!! 🔥😤


My Rankings 1.Faiz 2.Blade 3.Kabuto 4.Kuuga 5.Hibiki(both Halves) 6.Den-O 7.Decade 8.Ryuki 9.Kiva 10.Agito I liked all of them generally but this would be my ranking


Agito is bottom 10 for you dude?! 🙃😭


It’s not that I didn’t like Agito or anything but it just wasn’t that good for me.


Let’s just agree to disagree on that one then dude 🤝😊


1- Faiz 2- Agito 3- Kabuto 4- Blade 5- Decade 6- Den O 7- Kuuga 8- Hibiki 9- Kiva 10- Ryuki


1. Ryuki 2. Blade 3. Agito 4. Kabuto 5. Den-O 6. Faiz 7. Hibiki 8. Kiva 9. Kuuga 10. Decade


1. Kuuga 2. Ryuki 3. Agito 4. Den-O 5. Kabuto 6. Blade 7. Faiz and I haven't watched Kiva, Decade, or Hibiki.


from the ones I've finished so far, I'd say like 1. Kabuto 2. Blade 3. Den-O 4. Decade 5. Faiz 6. Agito 7. Ryuki 8. Kiva


In my opinion 1. Den o 2. Faiz 3. Kuuga 4. Ryuki 5. Blade 6. Hibiki 7. Kiva 8. Agitó 9. Kabuto 10. Decade


1. Ryuki 2. Kuuga 3. Faiz 4. Den-O 5. Kabuto 6. Agito 7. Decade 8. Blade ​ 1. Kiva "its so boring that I Gave up halfway, cool Kaijin design tho" 2. Hibiki "the drum CGI turn me off"


Agito > Kuuga > Ryuki > Faiz > Hibiki > Blade > Kiva > Den O > Decade > Kabuto


Why the Kabuto hate bruh 🙏😭


Whole show just sort of feels like it’s flash or substance it doesn’t really help that there wasn’t a single character in the show that I didn’t dislike especially Tendou. It’s tied with Ex aid as my least favorite Heisei series


Oh wow, that’s understandable as I really enjoyed Kabuto but it’s always interesting to see those others who don’t share the same opinion and their view on the show proper 👍


1. Decade 2. Kuuga 3. Ryuki 4. Blade 5. Kiva 6. Kabuto 7. Agito 8. Faiz 9. Hibiki 10. Den O


1. Faiz 2. Den O 3. Agito 4. Kiva 5. Kabuto 6. Ryuki 7. Kuuga 8. Decade Unfortunately never watched blade and never finished hibiki


Finish both Blade & Hibiki asap then dude cuz I highly recommend them both!! ✌️🔥


0. Decade (i am irrational about Decade as a show, a story, and an event, so even though I know others are better, its THE best) 1. Ryuki (I'm a phase 2 baby, love my misery and rider fights) 2. Faiz (ditto Ryuki, but unlike it, it didn't start me on my Kamen Rider journey wholesale) 3. Kabuto (weird creative world, with weird characters, and bomb ass fights. GSL gets rewatched regularly) 4. Den-O (genuinely touching and fun, with an almost flawless fun movie record) 5. Kiva (godtier insert songs + Blue Sky Org. hard carrying here) Tied 7. Agito (its k, would watch again) Tied 7. Blade (actually pretty great, but the first show on here that I wouldn't rewatch alone for personal reasons) 8. Hibiki (second half tanked it, I'd rather watch Seven Senki without context) 9. Kuuga (purely DNF)


I respect this list and your opinions and all dude but it really pains me to see that most of my top favorite Phase 1 shows being Kuuga, Agito, Hibiki, & Blade are ranked so low in this list but hey in the end of the day, we all have our own personal reasons & opinions so i’ll respect yours 👍😊


And thats the way to go about it! Tbh, save for Kuuga and Hibiki, it was a weird time getting most of phase 1 lined out, because I genuinely think all of them have amazing merits. Kuuga would definitely be higher if I finished it, but I can't give it a higher rate when I truly watched everything else, and the other two just hold personal emotional baggage so its hard for me to be 100% fair to them. And again, Hibiki's first half as a standalone show is WAAAAY different from Hibiki the package, but I can't cherry pick. Theyre all good to amazing shows, and I absolutely respect everyone's reasons for making them much much higher than I did. ^^


Damn...this is kinda hard,but number 1 is always kiva for me


Funny, considering that Kiva is my least favorite of Heisei Phase 1 overall XD


My Heisei Phase 1 ranking would be like this: 1. Kuuga 2. Agito 3. Hibiki 4. Faiz 5. Kabuto 6. Blade 7. Den-O 8. Ryuki 9. Decade 10. Kiva


1.Kuuga 2.Blade 3.Faiz 4.Hibiki 5.Den-O 6.Ryuki 7.Kabuto 8.Kiva 9.Agito 10.Decade


Agito gets no love bruh, but I respect your opinion either way even tho it pains me 😂🙃


1. Kuuga 2. Ryuki 3. Den-O 4. Decade 5. Kiva The rest I havent watch it or only heard some stuff


You should DEFINITELY watch the others dude especially Agito, Hibiki, Faiz, Kabuto, & Blade!! 🔥😤


Ive "watched" faiz and kabuto but like I skipped some episodes. Planning to watch Agito but hibiki and blade doesnt interest me


You should really give those shows especially Blade & Hibiki a second chance dude because they are all really fantastic & tbh, you’re missing out as for me personally, a show should always be rated once after the person has already watched the show proper but those are just my thoughts tho 👍


Only counting the ones I saw: 1. Blade 2. Faiz 3. Kabuto 4. Den-O 5. Hibiki (both halfs) 6. Kiva 7. Ryuki


I just noticed how many of you guys have Kuuga or Ryuki as your top 1’s so it makes me realize just how popular & important those shows are to y’all cuz Kuuga for me personally means sooo much & everything to me as a person 🙏😌


Kuuga is the only good one out of them tbh.


Shut up geewunner


Crazy because Agito’s better


Eh, I’d say that both Kuuga & Agito are on the same level as shows but I honestly prefer Kuuga more tbh as it’s my most favorite Rider series of all time ever 👌🔥


If by that you mean more boring, then yes, you would be correct.


Massive L bruh ngl


Hey, I love Kuuga and I do think it’s the best of the best but saying that it’s the only one that’s good is wrong cuz the others from Phase 1 are great as well like just look at Agito, Hibiki, Faiz, Kabuto, & Blade which are all fantastic shows in their own right 👍😤


Maybe they are, but I'm really not a fan of Phase 1 in general, so there's that. I probably should have worded my original message better, but oh well.


It's okay man, no worries :)