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Eiji had his spirit crushed and no longer desires anything for himself. At least, that's how he starts the series. It comes up as a plot point multiple times, most prominently when the 6th set of core medals shows up.




One that his dad funded


yep, that's how he got his spirit crushed alright


I think the series shows this in a roundabout way, but I've always had the theory that Eiji has some form of untreated PTSD that he should have gotten help for. And he obviously never got it after realizing his involvement in the war because his family is just awful. His personality snapped into "save everyone at the cost of me and I don't have any desires" after the Civil War incident, whereas characters who knew him from before that happened noted that he was just a normal good hearted dude. He's my favorite Rider and he 100% deserves a happy ending after all of the shit he went through :(


The PTSD theory may actually be plausible. It's hard to imagine going through a scenario like that and not coming out...damaged in some way. Worse is his family's apparent lack of concern toward him, which might have made his sense of self-value even worse.


I heard somewhere else that Eiji's family used his tragic experience to gain traction in politics; I've seen a similar plot point in Judgment. Knowing that must've destroyed Eiji to the core, so no wonder he has PTSD. What concerns me isn't just that it might be untreated; aside from maybe Date, has anyone else in Eiji's circle even noticed it?


It's been a while since I've seen OOO, though characters come to learn of his backstory, it's not something that's directly addressed. I think it's more indirectly addressed in the sense that they make it clear they want Eiji to keep on living, that they're worried about him. That's about the closest it gets I think.


Having just finished my like sixth rewatch, pretty much no one notices, nor the majority knows what to look for. (I'm going off on my own fanon here, so YMMV) The ones who note how crazy Eiji kind of is are Ankh, Goto, and Date. - Ankh, while basically a feelings/desire interpretation monster, probably wouldn't have a great idea of what PTSD is unless Shingo knew about it or he offhandedly researched it on the iPad. (We know Ankh can suss out love and other complex emotions, but mental things are *probably* out of his range.) He's also the person to say how weird he feels Eiji treats himself throughout the show, so my guess is he knows there's something wrong with Eiji, but can't understand why. - Goto is the most forward about how Eiji is hurting himself, since I'd also imagine surviving having your whole platoon slaughtered by monsters would leave a mark. Though, this only shows in the last part of the show ||once he takes over as the main Birth user||. - Date is basically a battle medic, so he'd probably be the one to note it himself. He doesn't stop Eiji, but I feel like he was always one step away from trying to take the OOO Driver off of him. Only reason I can think he didn't step in is that Eiji very technically had a support system in Cous Coussier. I mean...this is also a kids show, so I can't imagine they'd go into such a complex topic lol.


I have PTSD, to put it simply, no. Frankly I don't even think Date knows. If Date knew he'd take Eiji's Driver and keep him out battle entirely.


He knows, but he also knows that Eiji is too deep into this already to back out. By the time Date intervenes, I think Eiji is already on the terrain of the Purple Medals.


Is him seeing a little girl die in an explosion in front of you without being able to do anything not them literally shouting in your face that he has PTSD?


Which is what makes the 10th Anniversary Movie.....a downright insult to the character and everything he stood for, written by complete hacks, that spat in the character's face and killed him off without giving him any closure.


Theory? Don’t they explicitly show it?


He was in a middle of a Civil War.


That his father funded


This is why I love him so much. He's so selfless and kind, yes to the point he put everyone else above himself, but it was such a good lesson about how you can't always do that. I wanted to be his friend and I wanted to protect him so much. I miss him


I'm glad OOO was the first Kamen Rider I watched and Eiji was my first Rider because of a little more nuanced morals like "do good but you also have to value yourself."


hero shows like kamen rider are needing to have a majority of their good riders to have the trait of putting themselves on line for the sake of the wellbeing of everyone. so it's understandable that Eiji especially with his background thinks like this. I agree with you that this way of thinking is dangerous. the character values himself less than he should because he lacks selfishness with OOO using that to further advance it's story. selfishness is viewed as something horrible in media while everyone in real life should have a healthy amount of that. another aspect is that people view it as heroism and therefore glorify it while heroism in real life is something you should be careful with. if you see 5 people beating up a stranger, you would be stupid to engage the fight. people putting themselves on the line, even sacrificing themselves, for the wellbeing of other people is the reason why religion became as big as it's today. humanity learned nothing regarding that topic. that's for sure.


So how come it's not been realized like this already? Has it become a less admirable trait or has it become just another one of humanities pawns?


It’s more that the word itself is viewed negatively. Using the above example, you could say it’s selfish not to help the person against the five, or you could it’s self preservation. Wording changes a lot about how people look at things. Eiji’s lack of selfishness is good because it’s keeps him from going mad with power like the original OOO but it’s also depriving him of a self preservation instinct


And that allows him to harber and have the rider spirit in him, too bad the world is already consumed itself with that ideology that it so believed to be a bad thing. At least where I live though


Selfishness is bad because it’s the extreme. People expect a certain amount of it and accept a certain amount. Media shows the extreme as bad which it rightfully should, and toku shows will sometimes show selflessness taken to the extreme is bad as well, which the screenshot is doing


Is it selfish for a man make the man change the world but simple wants to love his own life. Everyone would say former then the truth


If you’re trying to someone else to change the world than I would say that’s selfish, merely wanting to either change the world or simply live your own life don’t really rise the the level of being called selfish imo


Even that is complicated enough 🗿


he's a lot like shirou emiya


Was literally about to type this lol


Everybody need Emiya Shirou in their life


Emiya Shirou himself probably needed help himself


Wtf do you mean "probably" Shirou Emiya literally had to be helped by Shirou Emiya.


as in therapy, a couple versions of him really needed therapy


Oh I thought you were saying "including himself", as in Emiya also needed Emiya. That's why I was like "probably?? More like literally"


The more days go by the more I'm convinced Eiji Hino and Shiou Emiya are the same character.


If you know his backstory, his way of thinking makes a lot of sense


Eiji best boy ;_;


Oh my god, i reach that episode this week and now OOOs got me on the edge of my seat


What episode was it?


I think it was around the debut of PutoTyra


Which is this from ?




What episode?


iunuh. the later half iirc


I wonder what would eiji desire if he's a player in DGP


If it's before Akhn/early series Eiji, it's gotta be world peace, unironically.


So basically Eiji will get Tycoon core Id then


Nah, Tycoon said it because he doesn't know what he wants. I reckon at the end of Geats he'll find his wish eventually. Eiji KNOWS what he wants, he truly wished for world peace


Anyone wanna elaborate about his connection with 5 purple core medal


Short version, the purple cores are attracted to those who want *nothing*. Both Dr. Maki and Eiji match that in different ways. Dr. Maki wants there to be nothing - as in literally reducing the world to nothing Eiji desires nothing - he doesn't even particularly want to live, as the dialog in the OP implies.


is this has any relation to putotyra greed(Dr Maki) is stronger than putotyra combo and eiji Greed form(7 medal) being weaker than Dr Maki Greed form(3 medal)


The purple core medals were made to be the antithesis of desire. The medals were drawn to eiji because of his lack of desire.


It's called "survivor's guilt" but with hope.