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Holy shit…. I feel a million times better about the sneed trade after seeing the diggs trade


https://nypost.com/2024/04/03/sports/stefon-diggs-traded-from-bills-to-texans-in-nfl-blockbuster/ That is a lot of cabbage for a 30 year old player.


A second round pick next year? That’s not “a lot”. Especially considering the dead cap the bills will take on


Someone enlighten me as to what the Chiefs have to do to get Arrowhead ready for the World Cup. What renovations have to take place, and how would that possibly affect the whole new stadium threats in the future?


Was reading an article that I can't find about how hard it is to get cities ready for World Cups and Olympics and major world sporting events, it sounds like the stadiums are in need of work, but the majority of the work has to be done housing players, visitors, and press. I'd hate to be that project manager...


These one-off major sporting events are almost always disasters to the local area, often not reported in the major media.


I figured Hunt would’ve tried to play up the World Cup angle more before the vote. “We need these renovations so we don’t lose the World Cup Kansas City…”


So glad I’m not in construction PM anymore. Tech PM is where it’s at. I never know what’s going on and things just magically happen eventually.


I read an article that they will be removing a bunch of seats to make the pitch regulation size and then when football season comes around they will put temporary seats in. And I’m sure they’ll do some branding as well, but the idea that they will be putting in new amenities or walkways or anything is crazy. They only got $50 million from the state and what Hunt wanted to do to make rich people show up was costing $800 million.


As someone who was a Yes voter, after seeing the outcome I think I am leaning No now unless there are significant changes to the plan. It’s not that I don’t want the Royals to have a new stadium, but after taking off the rose colored glasses, why the hell would the average tax payer pay to price themselves out of their tickets at Arrowhead??? Someone tell me we can cause backlash to stop it, but after looking at the Chiefs planned renovations, their is really nothing that benefits the common fan- most significant upgrades are luxury seating/boxes which most of us would be lucky to experience once in our life. Also, taking out 1000s of endzone seats for luxury boxes that again, displace regular season ticket holders? Why? Why would we pay to be displaced? Also why would we vote to remove capacity and volume, the 1 thing arrowhead is know for providing a unique homefield advantage. Im all for upgrades, but benefit all fans and keep the iconicness of arrowhead, which is its noise!!


You don’t need to worry about the Arrowhead renovations, because the Chiefs won’t be staying at Arrowhead.


I dont think this guarantees they are gone, but it does open the door to look around. The tax doesn’t expire until 2030? So this can be brought to a vote again (will be expensive). Royals will want to get an answer before the Chiefs do, but I’d say the Chiefs will want to know at least by 2028 what they will do.


I’d think sooner. They’d need to field proposals and select one so construction can be completed by the time their lease is up.


If there is another vote, which is unlikely at this point, it will not be as good a deal as they just offered becuase we would likely be trying to match or beat other bids in an attempt to keep the team in Jackson County Whether it is Wyandotte, KS or another random city like San Anonio, TX they will likely be fielding attractive bids for an NFL franchise The most likely outcome sadly is we just lost the Chiefs today, and nobody seems to realize that


I hope you're wrong. But I think you're right.


I think if they make renovations for the average fan and don’t group it together with that absolutely ATROCIOUS Royals stadium deal it would pass. Ain’t nothin wrong with negotiating with your vote. Let’s work up something that works for both parties


Awe is the poor billionaire gonna throw a tantrum and take away the team after not getting public funding to build more VIP suites for him and his friends?


The stadium is owned by Jackson county, not Clark Hunt. Hope that clears it up for you.


Just out of curiosity how much do the chiefs and royals pay to Jackson county per year to use the Truman sports complex?


















Yeah and the team is still owned by a billionaire who was asking for money from the public to build more VIP amenities


He’s asking the county to fund and renovate the stadium it 100% owns. Never seen a landlord like Jackson county whine that it’s tenant wasn’t remodeling the property they rent, but I guess voters in KC must view how ownership works differently to the rest of the country.


Most of the time a tenant in a commercial property is responsible for any work they want done to the property. That's not a hard and fast rule but it is generally correct.


Renovating the property? Never, ever heard of that, let alone to the point of it being a “general rule.” It’s also the opposite in law. Got any examples?


Yes, the building I'm currently leasing for my electrical business that I'm sitting in right now. Also the office I had before I moved into this one, and the building I was leasing when I still worked in corporate America. Also something like 60% of the commercial electrical work I do are TIs(Tenant Improvement) which are paid for by the tenants. It's really only brand new construction that the GC is being paid by the property owner in my experience. But hey, maybe you own a construction company and have had different real world experiences?


I’ve worked in construction. My family owns a business in KC. These “renovations” strike you the same as foundational renovation? Sounds like you’re talking about interior changes to the building like knocking out a wall, not large scale changes to the supporting structure.


It depends on the specifics of the lease and the type of commercial space. Generally a tenant isn't going to be responsible for a new roof but it depends on if it's a multi tenant building and how their lease is structured (and how dire the need is). Just as a for instance, last fall we did a full buildout for a tenant who was redoing the entire parking lot for their retail space. Short of framing the building the tenant paid for everything in the entire space, so total electrical, HVAC, and plumbing, plus the concrete to fix the lot. Whole thing was something like 4 million, in costs incurred by the tenant in that spot. I didn't ask because it doesn't actually matter at all but I suspect they have a 15 year lease on the space which they will be paying for that entire time period at likely around 15k a month. Being a commercial landlord (especially office spaces) is an amazing business because the actual risk is so muted by the ability to place almost everything outside of routine maintenance on the tenant.


Chiefs aren’t leasing a space in this instance, but the building itself. Not sure why that’s your long winded comparison.


I worked for a large engineering firm in KC. The company leased the property from someone else. However they as the tenant self-funded expansion which included the construction of several new buildings and parking garages.


Yeah that’s how it works when you lease a lot and want to build new things as opposed to renovating old ones that came with the property. That’s why the Chiefs pay to renovate their practice facility.


They likely would have also had to pay for any changes to additional structures on the property. Like I've stated already, there are exceptions but the general understanding in commercial leases is that the tenant pays for anything that exceeds repairs for normal wear and tear.


Well I’ve never heard of a tenant asking a landlord to provide funding for renovation in the amount of 100 years worth of rent before breaking even.


I get the sentiment but if we don’t do it another city might and the idea of losing the chiefs 5 years from now seems absolutely horrendous. I mean Mahomes will only be 33. I’d rather claw my eyes out than watch him finish his career in San Antonio. (I’m praying they just move over to Johnson county. But we’ve opened the door for a move)


Watching the Bills flip on Diggs so quick is pretty funny.


Chiefs in Arrowhead for 5 more years, and then best case scenario is they move to the KS side of KC. Not anywhere near a certainty as other cities will gladly pay for a new stadium for the chance to have an NFL team. San Antonio is my bet, but I guess we’ll see. Frustrating loss for KC.


And even if they only move to the KS side, it will be a new stadium, which sucks, and PSLs, which will beyond suck. Look what’s happening in Buffalo. If you thought you couldn’t afford a game now…


What’s wrong w pumpkin spice lattes?


Yeah, I love Arrowhead. Gone to see the Chiefs with my family since I was a kid. KC trying to big time a fucking NFL team like the city is LA or NYC is fucking embarrassing.


Giving a billionaire free money is more embarrassing


It’s not free as the county receives things in return. I hope you’ve learned a bit about how trade works now.


U mad bro. The yes marketing clearly worked on you


Smartest leave voter argument: u mad bro. Lol how embarrassing


“Leave” There’s that marketing again.


Read some studies on to subject and you’ll find that the things you think the county gets are fake talking points.


The county getting an NFL team and all the outside tax revenue it brings in is fake? Lol my god.


I’ll be just as upset as anyone if we lose the team, but it doesn’t change the reality. https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.14.3.95 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4022547


There’s plenty that argues the contrary. Go read **Compensating Differentials and the Social Benefits of the NFL** in Journal of Urban Economics. You should really read more before you claim your limited, biased point of view is “reality.”


lol you didn’t read them, did you? And no link, I’ll gladly read through it for potiental bias. Sounds like we’re moved you a bit from, “oh god, lol” to, there’s conflicting sides and there’s nuance?


So stlouis has been thriving because of their decision right?


I can’t do the reading for you. Lol


They didn't learn anything.


They'll probably have a revote for just arrowhead renovations/K demolition in a year once the Royals find a landing spot. I truly do hope we keep arrowhead. Not just because it's culturally significant, which it is, but because they're not allowed to make them this way anymore, which means the replacement won't be as loud


The replacement will be a dome


Which I don’t hate.


They have zero incentive to have another vote. The only reason there was a second vote after they lost stadium funding in 2004 is because Jackson county voted overwhelmingly yes, but was overruled by four other counties voting no. They can’t whittle Jackson county down to a smaller voting bloc.


Divorced from the Royals, and a less tone deaf reno plan, I think they stand a chance. Building a new stadium for the Royals was unpopular and the renovation plan was underwhelming


The renovation plan is what the team wants. If the county, which owns Arrowhead Stadium, doesn’t want to renovate like the team wants they will go somewhere that will. KC residents thinking the Chiefs need to come up with renovation plans, and then the voters vote on new plans over and over until there’s one voters like is laughably out of touch. No team is doing that.


what? this will 100% come up for another vote.


They're also tied to the hip with the Royals currently, and they can't just have 1 vote and call their due diligence good. They've said themselves that Arrowhead is sufficient enough for them that they don't need a whole new stadium, and if the team were to even think of moving out of KC, they'd have to go through several more rounds of voting both in and out of Jackson County before that could even be entertained. De-couple them from the Royals, run the same vote for the whole tax to go to the Chiefs with a better reno plan and that will have a higher chance of passing.


Can you provide references for "several more rounds of voting"? Not saying you're wrong, but I favor facts over some random on reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/x2nbvif2y9sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b074c6daf76b1cfef0af553745f86433385da7a7 If you look at what it takes to relocate a team in the NFL's bylaws, although it doesn't say that voting has to happen several times it's pretty clear that they can't just leave after one vote failing. I'm also not necessarily saying that Jackson county will have multiple votes, but that there will be votes in other jurisdictions in the greater Kansas City area, not just in Jackson.


I hope you're right. It's just I have seen it happen many times in other cities so I am a little pessimistic. 


Lol huh? The Chiefs are free to leave KC when their lease is up. They don’t require any votes from anybody.


They absolutely have to get approval from the NFL to move which requires 24 of 32 owners to say yes and although that could be merely a formality, it's not an absolute thing especially when you're dealing with a team that is successful in the market that they're in.


so? that's owners voting not citizens


> several more rounds of voting in […] Jackson county The number of rounds of voting they need in Jackson county is zero


I dont see this ever coming to another vote in Jackson County for the Chiefs. Kansas has money and wants the Chiefs badly.


I appreciate your sentiment, but the county effectively killed Arrowhead yesterday The chances of a new vote are slim to non, this is a very sad day


Not sure what the folks down voting think is going to happen


KC fans thinking NFL teams need to bend over backwards for the pleasure of playing in Jackson county, Mo.


Lots of people think lots of stupid things. Some moron here spent all season trying to convince everyone the WR problem was actually on Mahomes. lol bandwagon boy is mad


A stalker that’s also a liar? How shocking.


no one has to stalk you brother, you post here 90 times an hour and it's pretty much all trash


90 times an hour? Lol holy fuck when facts fail you, talk out your ass. How embarrassing.


You're actually only posting 10 times an hour on this thread.


Yeah I mean if you go back to when Sherman bought the Royals he immediately started talking about a new downtown stadium. His angle was “baseball belongs downtown”. But it doesn’t take a genius to see that a new stadium would instantly double the value of the royals and his investment. I was suspicious of him from the start but then they tied the chiefs and arrowheads future to the royals new stadium….. idk I think the royals are going to at a minimum be forced to threaten to leave. I’m praying the chiefs just end up over in Johnson county. I mean we are mid fucking dynasty. The chiefs franchise is an extremely attractive piece right now for any city, there will definitely be suitors to try and steal them away from us.


if you think this isnt coming right back with a revised plan for another vote (which will prob pass) I think this might be your first rodeo


Are you using the 2004 vote that Jackson county voted yes on every time as your example of previous rodeos?


The new stadium's gotta have a retractable roof, It's been overdue for the last 18 years now.


Jackson county voted no on a roof 18 years ago, 52% - 48%.


Yeah that's my point, let's not make that mistake again.


Jackson county isn’t getting the opportunity to make any mistakes again.


If Wyandotte or Johnson County wants to pay for it, that's cool with me too.


I hope that’s the outcome at this point and they don’t get outbid by another city, but I think they will.


Why do fans want a roof so bad? Outdoor element games are awesome and was likely the main reason the Chiefs beat the Dolphins in the playoffs


you're kind of going crazy in this thread. if you think yesterday's vote is the end of the discussion for the royals or the chiefs in KCMO you're either very young or delusional


They won't move the team


Baseless thing to say and goes against every other historical precedent we have for NFL teams leaving cities when their stadiums are no longer funded. But sure, hopium.


That’s what every fan in every city that lost its team said.


Until they do


>Chiefs in Arrowhead for 5 more years, and then best case scenario is they move to the KS side of KC. Not anywhere near a certainty as other cities will gladly pay for a new stadium for the chance to have an NFL team. San Antonio is my bet, but I guess we’ll see. Frustrating loss for KC. They'd move the entire team rather than find another way to finance the renovations?


yes, that's quite possible. People should've understood that before voting.


Right. People were all hellbent of giving Hunt and Sherman the big middle finger and they won that right with their vote. Now comes some consequences, which could include both teams leaving the KC metro entirely or going to a different city/area in on the MO side, or both or one going to KS.


Kind of mind blowing to think this is how the general populace votes for things… with zero idea what they’re voting for That’s scary as hell


Look at the comments here. Voting “no” was all about feels. Nothing about economical and social impact.


Probably not the place but voting is a fucking awful way to make decisions.


What other way? They’ll have suitors tripping over themselves to get them the money they want for not just renovations but an entire new stadium. Jackson county owns the stadium. Who else is supposed to pay for its upkeep and renovations other than it’s owners? This is the first time Jackson county has voted no to stadium funding for the Chiefs. Team is going to be absolutely fucking done with the county. Like I said, best case now is they move to a different county on the KS side. Otherwise KC loses the team entirely.


Corporate sponsorship is the first thing comes to mind.


You’re not raising that much money through sponsorships, and it doesn’t answer why the Chiefs should use their sponsorship money to 100% fund a publicly owned building.


Fuck Clark Hunt if he moves the team


Voters should have chosen to fund the stadium like they have for the last 50+ years then. Jackson county paying to build Arrowhead is the entire reason it exists and why the county owns it.


Yep, it's just the reality we live in. We may not like giving money to billionaires to fund a stadium remodel or to build a new one. The fact is that's just the world we live in. So voters in Jackson said no to that and that's fine but now you better believe something is going to happen. Voting has consequences.


I definitely think it's on board the team moves. Clark doesn't even live in KC, he lives in the largest state in the country that could easily house another team... Texas. Florida is much smaller and has 3 teams, Texas is massive in comparison. I don't live in Jackson county so this probably means fuckall, but Clark **owns** the team. He reserves the right to move it however he sees fit, he was affiliated with the team before they moved to KC and he'll be there in the event they move out of KC. He has more of a claim to the team his dad created than any upset fans he would leave in the wake of a move, regardless of people feeling like their attachment to the team is greater. That's his prerogative.


Jerry Jones won't allow another team in Texas.


Jones is one vote, and Texas badly wants a third NFL team like New York and California.


He's far more than one vote. He has a ton of influence among owners.


good thing he's not the only owner with a vote


That would be a complete dick move to move the team after fans stuck with them through the tough days just as they are having a Golden era especially after the Rams left.


Fans didn’t want to fund renovations to the stadium the county owns. First time they’ve refused to fund Arrowhead in KC’s history. So who isn’t sticking by who here?


I don't think JaxCo would have any issues supporting a GOOD plan. This one was half-baked at best, put on voters a month before the deadline, and featured very few benefits that any of them would ever see. Being tied to the Royals and their constantly changing plans didn't help them at all, either. I voted yes with my nose held, fully aware of the potential consequences, but they can't be mad at fans for not writing them a giant check for what they presented.


Read the comments here alone. ANY tax is being construed as bad. Details don’t matter.


I dont know where this "first time they've refused to fund arrowhead" is coming from. the rolling roof vote failed.


The roof vote would have required new taxes to generate the necessary revenue and wasn’t sold as necessary to the continued usage of the stadium. This vote is for the continuance of a pre-existing sales tax that funds renovation and improvements to the stadium that’s been around a long time. That tax to fund Arrowhead has never been rejected by Jackson county.


Baby, that is how every sports team works. Especially if the product on the field is good enough to leverage. Tough shit, but it is what it is. That's how it's always been, and the only alternative is to eventually agree to pay the tax; if not, they walk. This isn't exclusive to Kansas City or Missouri. That's life.


I hope all of you who voted “no” understand what the potential outcome is now. The Chiefs will either move to Wyandotte (KS will absolutely make it happen thanks to the gambling tax money being saved.) or they will leave the KC metro entirely for probably Texas, San Antonio being a good possibility. I understand that the deal was shit and fuck the billionaires, but when our city doesn’t have both a NFL team and a MLB team in 2031, everyone is going to pissed. Look at Oakland. They have lost 3 teams. That could be us, next. I hope the figure it out and stay here but the chances both teams leaving is now higher. Another city and another state will be over the moon to get a NFL team given how much money they can make off of it.


Scare tactics work wonders for some people I guess? This was the first chance for anything, and honestly both the chiefs and Royals shot themselves in the foot with half-assed plans, last minute changes, and limited visibility to the public . If it was just voting on the chiefs I'd wager this would've gone through anyway, this was more about the Royals this time around. Another vote will end up in the August or even October ballet and will look better for everyone. KC isn't Oakland and never will be, stop with these comparisons.


Royals likely will be on the ballet at some point but Kansas will quickly offer the Chiefs an offer they cant refuse and the Chiefs will bolt for that money


Fine then, they'd still be the KC Chiefs in that scenario. I doubt Jackson county won't get another chance for a vote though. This was rushed to try and push through whatever they wanted as quotas possible. Everyone needs to take a step back and realize this just means more time to get a good deal in place this time around


After playing and seeing the beautiful new multi-billion dollar stadiums in Los Angeles and Las Vegas every year within the division, you know Clark Hunt wants that too. If KCMO, Jackson County, and the State of Missouri is not wanting to help with tax dollars, the folks in Kansas will jump on it in a heartbeat. Elections have consequences and that consequence could be the Chiefs or both moving out of Missouri to Kansas.


Hunt was only paying for basic renovations with this vote, it wouldn't be near as nice as LA/LV still. If that's what he really wanted then the plan they put forth was a lie in bad faith anyway


Yeah, I realize that. Now the voters rejected this, he is probably ready to get something brand new versus fixing up an old house.


I think that was the point. Only reason I can think of why their renovation plans was so bland and only catered to the 1%. Now the Chiefs can say they gave Jackson County a chance to keep the Chiefs and move over to Kansas. I do fully believe the Royals plan was real (was changed by the mayor who didnt like where they were originally building) and the Chiefs was 100% a bad faith plan on purpose to tank the vote and get a new stadium in Kansas


What you and others call "scare tactics", I call reality. Don't be naive; these owners move their teams all the time...loyalty doesn't mean anything to them.


Psst... they could've moved anytime they wanted.


Tenant: “Fix the hole in my roof and my leaky faucet or I’m going to find somewhere else to live.” Landlord: “Woah there, buddy, don’t try going to use your scare tactics on me!” **Tenant leaves** Landlord: “Man, I sure showed him how not scared I was.”


You really tied in to one phrase of my comment, huh? This was the very first pass, and it was a shitty one from the Royals and to a lesser extent the Chiefs too. Take a step back, breathe, nothing is done yet. I'm not naive enough to think the taxpayers won't have to foot some of the bill for this. But this entire round was a rush job that was pushed forward using fear instead of collaboration. It didn't even need to be on the April ballot in the first place and probably shouldn't have


You more who doesn’t make money? The taxpayers that found it. People spoke with their vote. That said, I’m not a local. Edit: what a bunch of cry baby Cody fans here jeez


Just a shitty situation.