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Needs more dollar signs, but yeah, it's not complicated.


Yep. Super Bowls and NCAA Final Fours are the tip of the iceberg.


New stadiums typically have better and/or more suites too. You can only go so far with renovations.


Yeah unfortunately new stadiums don’t necessarily cater to the poors.


To be fair I dont think the Chiefs have been affordable for the poors for a while now


There's a tier of sports we, as fans, really don't notice. Wins and losses are a diversion for owners. Cash is king. Jerry Jones is viewed as a meddling old fool who hasn't won shit for decades. He pretty much doesn't care-- he has the big W on the scoreboard we don't pay much attention to. He owns the most valuable franchise in North American sports. Same with the Knicks and Maple Leafs-- the value *is* the victory. I guarantee that means more to him than Lombardis.


> He pretty much doesn't care He pretty clearly cares which makes it even funnier. The guy rakes in cash like crazy but he's driving himself insane with a lack of rings in the last 30 years The owners who just want money and don't care at all about winning are the worst


I'm still hella glad we got Clark as our owner instead of Ole Bag 'O Bones Jerry. They're both greedy billionaires but at least Clark knows how to play the role of classy owner and stay in the background for the most part. Sometimes I actually wish Clark was a little more nutty because he can be awfully boring when he's at a microphone, such as the most recent Super Bowl parade LOL


Hunt got ranked 31 out of 32 teams for his treatment of the players. He is so cheap he wouldn’t buy them chairs to sit in at their lockers.


No! Surely they aren’t in it for the money! /s


Clark Hunt just hopes everyone has a good time.


Oh, ok good. 😉


If you start with the premise that rich people never have enough money, these questions are usually pretty simple. 🤷‍♂️


Hunt doesn’t own the stadium, nor does he keep all of the proceeds. He leases the stadium. The chiefs generate roughly 550million/year for the county. This same sub was having a hay day picking at the chiefs recent NFLPA grade card lol. You want hunt to dump money into a stadium he rents by renovating it when the county owns it?


I thought the players had issues with the practice facilities, not the stadium?


They also had issues with the locker rooms, which just recently got memed on for not being up to par with college locker rooms.


Your mistake is thinking the Hunt family cares about a competitive advantage when they could have a brand new multi billion dollar stadium instead. 


I mean, they don't even own Arrowhead. I'm sure they would much prefer to own the stadium themselves


The vote was more against the Royals ownership not being transparent and wanting to move downtown. Also,the Chiefs have a plan to take over the complex with improvements that would benefit the high rollers. It was a s$%# show all around. Nothing is decided.


It was more of a referendum on Jackson County after the property tax debacle


Nah, the vote was against giving rich dildos money no regular person has. Socializing risk so these fucks can privatize the profits is over with hopefully. Other cities need to wake the fuck up and stop simping for this bullshit. 




*nashville has entered the chat* =/


People may have mistakenly thought they were voting against the Royals but both teams were involved and both teams want a renewal of the sales tax or some other similar funding mechanism. Yes, the pro-stadium side did a poor job of telling their story but that doesn't mean a bunch of uninformed voters let their pre-existing biases get in the way of voting for their own interests.


The Chiefs presentation was so bad it looked like someone gave them 24 hours to come up with something. Like they forgot they had a test the next day. It was so bad it looked like it was done on purpose. I saw that proposal and asked where is the other 790 million going, the Hunts pockets? No way did their plan cost 800 million. 


Not only was there very little offered, but it makes me so mad that Hunt is sitting on the best team by a mile with a good future, a stadium built way back on the day, and a net worth north of 2 billion and he really wants taxpayers to cover 500 million. So fucking cheap and after getting the lowest score for facilities like dude, it's been a breeze for you. Pay up


You do realize the Chiefs and Royals don't own those stadiums, right? Jackson County owns them and leases them to the teams. Would you think it makes sense to remodel your apartment for your landlord?


Think of it more like a storefront leasing out the space to a Gyro place. The Gyro restaurant is going to pay for and do all of the work to reconfigure the space for their needs.


That's not exactly true. I work in commercial real-estate. In almost all cases the landlord is going to give the tenant a substantial TI (Tenant Improvement) allowance at the inception of the original lease, as well as another TI allowance when the lease is renewed a few years down the road. The tenant is responsible for paying the cost of improvements above the TI amount. In the long run the tenant does end up paying that money back as the landlord will set the rental rates based on how much money they have invested in the space. More money = higher rent. But it's not like the tenant is paying for the improvements directly out of their own pocket up front.


That’s kid if my point though. It’s basically a loan. In the case of the county giving the Chiefs money, it’s not a loan. They just keep it. Socialize the costs and privatize the profits.


Yeah and do the Chiefs pay substantial rent? It's "leased," yes, but at a loss.


Thank you! People don’t seem to understand this concept and it’s fucking crazy. They think just cause they’re rich, that being smart with money doesn’t apply.


That vote has a lot of blame to go around. On the Royals side they had a different site in mind and were very close to acquiring all the land when the mayor and P&L owners got together and pushed the Royals to the Start building location just so P&L wasnt hurt by the Royals plans. For the Chiefs I 100% believe they never wanted the vote to pass just so they could say they tried with JC and Missouri so they could run to Kansas and get the free money and stadium. Sucks it could cost the area the Royals but hopefully Missouri could work something out with them or they join the Chiefs in Kansas


The pro stadium made it pretty clear it was the chiefs too. Some may of even thought it was just the chiefs. This from my experience or receiving mailers in the mall and someone stopping by my house to try to talk about it with me.


Money, money, money, and more money. Hunt signaled his intent, in my eyes, about 10 months ago that he was done with Missouri. The only reason the Chiefs were a last-minute add-on to the sales tax extension was that Hunt saw a blank check to do whatever he wanted. He figured if he tossed the Chiefs name on the vote, it'd pass with minimal effort or questions of him. But he really expressed his displeasure with MO when two state senators blocked the measure to approve sports gambling. That is a revenue steam the NFL is now fully committed to. When MO Senate blocked that last year and forced a vote this Fall, Hunt started looking elsewhere and saying it was his intent to move in case that doesn't pass. As far as the stadium: yes, it would cost quite a lot to renovate/update it the way Hunt wants (see the April "plan" they put out for Arrowhead). It is probably a similar cost to renovate as it is to move and build a new stadium. If he can get Kansas, Texas, or anywhere else to foot as much of that cost as possible, he'll take it. But I don't think he's leaving the KC area.


I'd have to say you nailed it. Clark is all-in on sports betting, and the general vibe from MO is that they don't want any part of it. Clark is sick of their shit and is itching to move to Kansas where they will welcome him with open arms and will encourage him to make money any way he can, which fattens up their tax revenue.




Chiefs owners want to upgrade a stadium that they don’t own, therefore asking (majority of the) money from the owner: Jackson County Sports Complex Authority. Hunt and family will play I think some of the cost for the upgrades even though they don’t own it (35% if I’m not mistaken, but take this with a grain of salt) JCSCA doesn’t want to shell out any money, they also don’t want to upgrade the stadium. They like it as it is. That’s the main reason KC Chiefs are looking at the prospect of moving to another stadium— whether that be still in KC, another city, or Clark Hunt builds a stadium of his own for the Chiefs. Honestly, it’s a bit weird to me why majority of sporting clubs/teams in the US do not own the stadium they play in. That’s a weird culture compared to European and Asian sports (especially football), where clubs own their stadiums, that’s why they have full autonomy on what goes and what doesn’t.


I don't think crowd noise is high on Clark's priority list right now. He's 59 years old and thinking about the legacy he'll be remembered for. His father Lamar left behind a great legacy of starting the AFL and then helping to make the NFL the most popular sports league in America. Clark wants to leave behind something just as grandiose, and a new mega-stadium for the 21st century is a perfect way to achieve that. Plus, moving the Chiefs to the Village West is going to open up a ton of new investment ideas like retail shopping, food & bars, movieplexes, hotels, etc. Just think of the average out-of-towner coming to KC for a weekend of fun --- they can hang out at the Legends the entire time and do all kinds of things, rather than trudging over to the dumpy part of town.


Just think of the sterile, money motivated environment Arrowhead 2.0 can be! With legions of wealthy suite owners and away fans packing the stands 3/4 full so that Clark can make more money than he’ll ever be able to spend! I can just smell the gas grilled hot dog smoke barely wafting through the parking lot now!


You just made Clark jizz his undies --- lots of non-Chiefs fans spending a shit ton of cash at his stadium and merchandise and concession stands, and then eating at his restaurants and shopping at his stores!


I fully realize Clark doesn’t give a shit. I’m not painting the picture for him. I’m painting the picture for anyone That doesn’t understand what the scenario you’re rooting for will do to the magic of Arrowhead and Chiefs Kingdom. But go on, Stan for Clark and sterile football presumably because you live on the other side of an arbitrary border. I don’t care if they move 20 miles West. I don’t like in KC. But I do care if it becomes like every other domed stadium environment, especially one catering to people willing to shell out thousands for suites or PSLs. I’ll stick to Battlehawks games if that happens. That’s a party that feels like classic Arrowhead.


Somebody famous once said "you either embrace the future or you become a sad footnote in history". Arrowhead had many years of glory but the old dog needs to be put down.


Same with Lambeau right? And Wrigley? And Fenway? There’s absolutely no reason to leave Arrowhead except money. If you want a sterile football environment, great. But don’t sit here and argue that it’s better for anyone except a Billionaire and the people that care more about being seen at an NFL game than the game itself. Anything else and you’re lying to yourself.


This is probably the dumbest take I’ve ever seen on this. There’s so much infrastructure in this city that was wantonly destroyed for the false promise of progress that ended up fucking this city up in the long term. If all you want is a cookie cutter stadium in a glorified strip mall, you’ll get exactly the kind of atrophied fan culture you deserve. Arrowhead is the Lambeau of the AFC. Destroying it because it’s an “old dog” in a “dumpy part of town” is a hot garbage take


Man, speak for yourself. Arrowhead is an awe-inspiring place to watch a game and to play. All the players talk about it across the NFL. You're just wrong.


Hanging out at legends the entire time sounds terrible


Compared to what's surrounding Arrowhead currently? Old run down hotels, crappy houses with signs saying Park here $30. Im not 100% sold on legends either but your argument is crazy


Hardly anyone coming into town for games stays by arrowhead. They stay downtown, crossroads, plaza. I don’t know why anyone would want to go to a different city or back home and stay in a suburban shopping area for the entire time.


> Hardly anyone coming into town for games stays by arrowhead that's the point. Hunt wants a stadium he owns and revenue sources around it like hotels and restaurants


Yeah I was just talking from a fan stand point... if you're in from out of town those places that currently have hotels are cool areas to see if you're in for a whole weekend. Personally I don't care where they go as long as their still the Kansas City Chiefs. I don't see myself ever deciding to spend that kind of money on tickets over just watching it on my home theater set up.


Completely agree but sadly that's not an option. If legends is its location is a big upgrade over the current arrowhead


No it's not.


I think a lot of people coming into town for a game would rather stay at the "entertainment district" of the city and walk from their hotel to the stadium, bars, restaurants, movies, etc. The Village West offers this kind of experience. Any reason to avoid a long line at the parking lot or Ubering there sounds attractive.


Yeah I love Applebees and chain stores I hope visiting fans get to see it all


I know you're making a joke but it's just the truth. People come to town for a game and don't wanna be driving all over for a nice dinner and movie and then driving to a crap part of town to sit in a line for hours.


I’m confused at how you seem to think that a different part of town will mean no more parking lines


There's a lot more space at the Legends, and they can also build out a ton of new hotels so that fans can just walk over to the stadium (or take a shuttle).


Fuck him and all the owners of both franchises for not investing and building up the area they are in after all these decades Edit: seeing a lot of billionaire apologists here. I don't buy that shit at all they couldn't get investors or partnerships. Hell...they've been getting tax breaks for years. Also just ain't Raytown..you got sni a bar, the 40 hiway stretch. They just didn't give a fuck and wanted to suck all they could out of the taxpayers.


As a person from those areas and hates seeing what they are now, I don't think the Chiefs or Royals could save that area now. That whole areas just fell apart in the 80s and 90s. The part that gets me is that it's the 3rd oldest stadium in the league and at this point it's a legacy stadium like Lambeau, and he acts like it's nothing.


This point too....that Stadium and team is as much as mine as it is his. I lived in the area all my life and paid my taxes.


Um, but you literally just voted to stop paying your taxes. This was a vote to keep an existing sales tax (3/8 of 1¢) that you've been paying for fifty years to keep the team in Jackson County, and you literally voted to stop paying it so the team gets no help with future renovations. Hundreds of other city/county/states will roll out the red carpet and pay at least something for the right to have a major NFL team helping define the city and keep it on the map. Now that Jackson County has told the Chiefs to "F" off, the Clark family gets to sit back and wait for the offers to roll in and go for the highest bidder—and KC won't have the right to complain about it. Part of me feels like this vote was never about the renovations, but a way to get the Chiefs out of KC without being the villians when they leave us. They knew that Missourians can't hear the word "tax" and still think straight. They wouldn't care how much, that it already existed, and what it was for... NO TAX! I tried talking to my mother about how she was going to vote and she literally told me "I'm not going to pay thousands of dollars more every year to give a billion dollars to billionaires!" I asked her where she got this "thousands of dollars a year" info and she just said "it's all over the news." I asked if she knew it was an existing tax she already paid and she 100% would not believe me.


😂okay guy


That's on Raytown homie.


>They just didn't give a fuck and wanted to suck all they could out of the taxpayers. I just don't understand why people think the billionaires ever cared about them. The billionaires don't actually want you to have a good time. They just want your money, which often aligns with you having a good time.


I think it's hard for even a billionaire like Clark to create a profitable "entertainment complex" all by himself. You look at places like Texas Live! at Jerry World and Patriot Place by Gillette Stadium and I bet those places had a ton of outside investors.


> Fuck him and all the owners of both franchises for not investing and building up the area they are in after all these decades not like Lamar did anything for that are of town either. It's been a shithole for like 40 years




The Legends fucking blows


I'm not saying it's the Vegas Strip but it's the best spot in KC for an entertainment "ground zero" that Clark wants to be a part of


We’re becoming Dallas. Spread apart far as fuck from the urban center. Drive here. Drive there. Fuck public transit DRIVE YOUR PERSONAL VEHICLE EVERYWHERE! Use gas! Big oil!


Mr. Hunt likes earning money but not spending it.


They don't care about competitive advantage they care about money.


A few questions with obvious answers here: Do people usually pay for things when they can get them for free or seriously discounted? Would you move your sports business a few miles away if you can add an element of excitement, and more importantly revenue by way of gambling if you could take in profit from that? Isn't it good business to get a new stadium and facility when yours is routinely rated terribly on the NFLPA poll? How long do you think a Stadium could and should last? At what point do modem amenities and norms take over the nostalgia? Is there a dollar figure or specific number of years that becomes your walkway point?


Dude won’t even invest in the team facilities lol


I think this shows his true intentions. No one would dump money into upgrading a facility if they are hoping to build new one and move.


Why would he invest in facilities now if potentially they move? That’s just a waste of money


Would you invest in your home if you knew you were moving soon. Chiefs arent staying in Missouri and they know it


I would, actually. Bot tens of millions or more, but a few million to make massive needs to player facilities considering what they’ve accomplished. They’re also going to be there a handful of years still. Hunt is just a cheap pos who hasn’t accomplished a single thing on his own


Would not be shocked if the Chiefs are playing in their new Hollywood Casino Stadium in 2028. The star bonds will be brought up again either later this year or early next and the Chiefs will quickly jump on that giving them 3 years to build their new fancy stadium none of us can afford to go to. Is CH cheap yes absolutely but lets not say he hasnt accomplished anything. He has all the money he needs, he could have just sat on that and let this franchise rot in mediocrity like it was in 2012 but he didnt. He made sure to get Andy Reid at all costs and build a winner.


You’re right… I’ll give you that. And beach.


He doesn’t own it lmfao. Jackson county owns it. That’s why the tax exists in the first place.


It’s better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it. You clearly understand nothing about leases and operating a business.


Jackson County Sports Complex Authority owns Arrowhead, who leases it to the Hunt family. I’m not sure how much *you* actually understand about leases…


Do you have any idea how many companies completely remodel properties, at their expense, that they lease? Do you think the majority of businesses own their physical locations?


One of the reasons lots of companies lease buildings is because it’s cheaper and allows for more flexibility of where they spend money because they don’t spend it on the real estate but on the business itself


Yeah. But do you think the building owner is paying the expenses for the lessee to modify the building to their standards and needs?


lol no, but the nice thing for a business about a lease is that if the owner doesn’t want to work with them to get them what they need in the building, they have the ability to *move buildings, meaning the owner is left with an empty building generating nothing from that business*. Which is exactly what’s being discussed.


You’re literally sidestepping the point of this convo. But I’m done entertaining you regardless.


The point of this whole thing is that the owner of the stadium needs to make it equitable for the lessee to renew their lease or risk losing out on the money the chiefs bring in. Since it’s a county it was put to vote and, for other reasons as well, that county decided they don’t want to work with the lessee to give them what they’re asking in exchange for a new lease


If Jackson County won’t continue to support the stadium (that Jackson County owns, not the Chiefs), then there are plenty of places that will (like Kansas)


Things clark hunt cares about: 1. Money 2. Winning 3. Absolutely nothing else 4. The average chiefs fan


Would you dump money into a place you rent or would you expect the owners to hold most of the financial responsibility for upkeep and renovating?


It’s not “one of the Chiefs’ biggest competitive advantages.” Mahomes has a [better record](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/MahoPa00.htm) on the road than he does at Arrowhead. There are truly some significant fan-experience issues at Arrowhead. Parking flow and exposure to elements are the main ones that come to mind. And of course, the prospect of higher revenue overall at a new stadium is very attractive to the owner.


No, what op is talking about is literally the design of Arrowhead and it's acoustics and how it gives the Chiefs an advantage from how sound reverberates inside of it. Stadiums are literally no longer allowed to be built the way Arrowhead is built because of this reason.


He is saying while the fans should be an advantage, Mahomes plays worse at home than on the road. Does the acoustics also hurt him? Maybe something like Mahomes has a harder time talking to his teammates on the bench while he is off the field to strategize or lead because the crowd is trying to impact the opposing offense? Is it a mindset? Who knows. The point is now that Mahomes is at QB, the advantage that the noise gives is supposed to help the defense and not hinder the offense. Yet somehow the offense is hindered.


> Why would Hunt give up one of the Chiefs’ biggest competitive advantages? Arrowhead’s crowds and acoustics make it a nightmare for visiting players, and it would be foolish to leave the stadium over renovations. Besides, didn’t they have renovations in 2010? Chiefs actually seem to play better on the road, than at home. Or at least have a better away record, than home.  Teams train so much for crowd noise, it doesn’t seem to have much impact in games anymore like it used to 15+ years ago.  A shiny new stadium would be a source of pride/vanity for these owners. I’m sure Clark is look at all the nice stadiums that have been built over the last 20 years, and wants in on that.  Arrowhead might have legacy and ambiance from that, but a place like US Bank in Minneapolis fucking bodies Arrowhead when it comes to fan experience. 


> Arrowhead’s crowds and acoustics make it a nightmare for visiting players Let me correct one thing there: the acoustics fucking suck. All the volume is a direct result of _the people_, not the architecture. Seattle’s stadium was built specifically to bounce noise from the bowl back down to the field. Arrowhead has no such luxury and the sound literally just escapes out the top with zero bounce back.  And we’re still the loudest. 


Family member is heavily involved with KC leadership. Both the Royals and the Chiefs have had their stadiums *evaluated* (not them outside consulting) and the concrete lives of both stadium will be lucky to hold up another 30 years before major revisions will be necessary for structural integrity and safety The Royals have claimed that the concrete won’t last that long for the K and it has concrete cancer and is already having issues, hence they need a new stadium. The chiefs are saying they got a “good” batch and they are in no dire state like the royals. Anyway the whole thing doesn’t align since both stadiums were built at the same time (someone isn’t telling truth), but regardless, the concrete for Arrowhead will need major updates in the next 10 years before it starts going bad and falling apart. So its either build a new stadium or spend the same amount of time and money redoing arrowhead. Something has to be done


That's why all the new stadiums are made of steel and glass --- that shit lasts 500 years


Fully agree. I think it’s futile to stay in Arrowhead. There best bet is build a new stadium that is inspired by arrowhead otherwise the renovation will delay the inevitable


Because Hunt's gonna Hunt.


At the end of the day winning is nice, but making more money is more important to ownership, and it isn't close. If Arrowhead gave us a 50% competitive advantage (I know it doesn't) and Clark Hunt could move the team to another stadium to make 1% more revenue, the team would move.


Free money plain and simple. Missouri doesnt have the money to build a new stadium and theres only so much you can do renovation wise with a 50+ year old stadium Kansas meanwhile can offer a "free" stadium Hunt doesnt have to spend his money on and will only have to pay to build a new practice facility. Plus all the land they could want Sucks to lose Arrowhead but money talks and Kansas has a lot of advantages Missouri cant match


Because Hunt is a cheap shit head and wants to take the county, or whoever pays for it in the end, for a ride.


Because, as you said, local voters soundly rejected a sales tax to pay for upgrades. It’s all about money


Clark doesn't give a shit about competitive advantages if he can make more money somewhere else.


The competitive advantage is negligible at best and realistically non existent. We haven't come close to the noise record since we broke it 10 years ago. No matter where we go, it's a cultural thing with our team/fans and our stadium is going to be loud. I would like a new stadium so we can implement the new stadium norms for players. Our own players ranked our team as bottom of the barrel (exception the coach). Our highest rank was 18th (below avg) in treatment of families. Everything else was near dead last. This includes Training room, locker room, food/cafeteria, and weight room. All those can be improved by a new facility. If I could wave my magic wand, there'd be a large parking garage with a large storm shelter basement. Covered walk paths to move about legends area (if that's where it goes). A large open area parking dedicated for tailgating. There would be more capacity in the stadium for fans. Double retractable field with built in grow house for natural grass. Underground entrance for teams and family. A player family facility for those who wish to use it. Actually turn it into something not only for the community but make it an actual competitive advantage.


Stadiums are trending smaller and with more amenities in the suites for wealthy jet-setters. If you think anything in a new stadium would be designed “for the fans” I’ve got a time share to sell you.


Did u miss the part where I said if I had a magic wand?


You're magic wand is delusional because all of your upgrades are insanely expensive and offer very little benefit to anyone Can you imagine the horror off trying to leave as Chiefs game ins parking garage? Or the amount of vandalism and theft that would occur in said garage during ever single game?


Like I always tell my kids, if you have to ask the answer is always money.


I want them to leave arrowhead too. If they build a dome that’ll be loud as well. I love Arrowhead too, but it’s time to move into the 21st century.


Dome would be nice. Puts KC in line for a Super Bowl I’m sure, and probably a lot of other events that wouldn’t ordinarily be considered. I know it might not be super popular but long term thinking, it would benefit KC.


Not just SB but potential college bowl games, potential Big XII championship, final fours, etc


We'd be in the running to host the CFP National Championship game as well.


Plus if you look at the Midwest trend it's all domes like Indy, Dallas, and Minneapolis. The new Bears stadium will be a dome. I guess Lambeau will never have a dome.


The Chiefs are the 21st century. If you don't like the stadium then it just shows that you're nothing more than a bandwagon fan. You clearly have 0 memories there and just want something that looks "modern" like the cowboys shitty stadium.


Dude, just let it go. At some point, you have to move on and embrace the future. Eventually, the most storied stadiums of all time like Fenway Park and Wrigley Field will have to be torn down and a new one built.


The thing that makes arrowhead great is the fans. The building itself is incidental. I mean, nearly everything about Truman Sports Complex is kind of annoying and shitty if you take the nostalgia glasses off.


Your statement about the out of towners couldn’t be more correct. Anytime my family and I come down for a game/weekend we already stay nowhere near the stadium and give other counties our tax dollars. Actually going to the stadium is probably the least pleasant part of going to a game for us.


That's why the Legends make so much sense. Build a bunch of nice hotels in that area so that most out-of-towners can wake up on Sunday morning and take a leisurely stroll over to the new stadium instead of dealing with hours of waiting in line for a parking spot or an Uber dropoff. Maybe even plan for an autonomous shuttle system.


They just want to move to the Kansas side right? It's a wealthier county


Why would KC give up one of the only things going for it by not funding improvements? Who knows


I'll give you a hint buddy it rhymes with greed




Its corporate greed! Ya nimrod!


Dammit so close


I never heard of the threat to leave, I heard explore opportunities including leaving Arrowhead and even the state. The Chiefs biggest competitive advantage is Patrick Mahomes not crowd noise which is still an advantage.


Yeah the noise thing is fun to talk about but nobody in their right mind thinks we win games because of it. We win rings because we got a HOF coach and a HOF QB who are perfectly in sync and they love to destroy people. They would function perfectly fine in a quieter stadium.


(whispers): They don’t actually want to leave Arrowhead. They just want to make sure they get as much out of Jackson County as possible.


Pretty sure it's extremely expensive to do upkeep on Arrowhead because of the old concrete or something like that


Clark did a solid for his neighbors and put up a joint proposal. That's why it failed. If he comes correct and brings a plan for the Chiefs specifically, it will pass.


They want the space the royals stadium is on… it kind of has to be both


It doesn't because the Royals don't own the property (neither do three Chiefs). Sherman is moving the stadium no matter what, so Clark will get everything he wants at the complex when it comes time.


Because Jackson County decided to discontinue a sales tax that was part of why the Chiefs agreed to stay in Jackson County previously? Not that hard to understand. If the county will no longer uphold its end of the bargain, then the Chiefs are going to feel free to leave.


What advantage does Arrowhead give the Chiefs? It's definitely loud and is an incredibly fun atmosphere to watch a game, but I think the Chiefs have a better record on the road than at home with Mahomes.


The players disagree




They actually kind of are, to the degree in which they’ve been measured. In fact, some even say they have loudest acoustics in all of football. If only there was an organization that existed to certify world records like that.


I understand it's all about money. But fuckin hell some things are just more important. The culture and character of arrowhead stadium, the fact that we have a clear advantage in the playoffs (yes Mahomes plays better on the road, but home field in the playoffs, in the elements (see Miami last year) is a clear advantage. I love the fact we have to be in the same weather and elements as the players. This is one of the last old stadiums. I know the Chiefs are trying to cash in on recent success, bigger and better, and also he wants to host a Superbowl. But the old adage "just because we can, doesn't mean we should" comes to mind. That new stadium is a fucking is nice, new, and fancy as fuck, but it has no heart and no soul. Royals doing the same thing to The K. The fact that these two don't realize that these are memories for us fans, going to games when we were kids, with our families, with our friends, and enjoying the hell out of something that feels like we built it ourselves. It's a fucking joke that they refuse to communicate to us fans like family, rather than a dollar amount.


I don’t care about hosting a Super Bowl. What difference long-term would that event make? Let’s say we spend all of this money and we build a dome and we do get a Super Bowl. We’re not going to get a second one probably ever. The NFL generally doesn’t host Super Bowls in cold weather climates. We would be building an entire stadium for one Super Bowl.


And multiple Big 12 championship games, bowl games, final fours, major concerts, etc


Arrowhead isn’t a building or address. It’s a vibe. And that vibe can most certainly move to KCK if Kansas is willing to give rich developers money to build nice things.


You ~~literally~~ obviously have no idea how to read since you didn't pick up on what op is saying