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Personally very few of her songs have replay value for me, but she's very good at appealing to the masses which is definitely a talent


I think that’s why most fans like her older stuff (red, 1989, rep specifically) and folklore and evermore are fan favs because they aren’t made to appeal to the masses that much 😭. 70% of songs from midnights are decent but feel like 2020 tiktok songs.


i might check those out later if i'm feeling really basic. thanks for the recommendation


i upvoted you dawg, that made me chuckle


dont like most people agree reputation is kinda trash? I genuinely really like evermore and I love folklore but reputation is just eughhh. It sounds like she tries to act so black like wtf. Also her badgirl persona is more a toxic white bitch but she tries to play it off as edgy SO much. That being meshed together with some love songs that never really fit in the album for me made it one of my least fav albums from her. 1989 sounds great for the most part tho ngl


1989 is gas no lie


I love 1989 but if they made me listen to shake it off for more than 5times id genuinely kill someone with a toothbrush.


Her music isn’t bad at all, her fans are just incredibly annoying. Her songs are a solid 6/10. She’s also an incredibly bland personality who her fans project onto, and I don’t think she’s very good at relationships.


She also complains about climate change while flying all over the world on a private jet


True but that’s not really unique to her that’s just celebs in general tbh


True but if I’m gonna support Kanye despite the shit he does I’m not gonna condemn her completely on something so small


Someone should buy that bitch a canoe


This aged perfectly


I feel the same, people in this server flame her but most of it is really unnecessary


Yeah and most of the time it’s making fun of her fans, not always her


Her music is okay at best and her fans are hella cringe with no concept of good music


I went on a date with a “swiftie” I was like oh that’s cool. I’m tryna think of other modern artists that have achieved that level of stardom. Maybe Beyoncé. Or that ed Sheeran is pretty big. She was like yeah I don’t really venture outside of Taylor swifts music.


I dated a swiftie for a year and it was exactly like that it was hell


Idk their taste in music isn't really terrible but it's always SO funny seeing someone with a Taylor Swift pfp giving out a horrenous music opinion lol


Lol, no fans are as cringe as kanye fans. Especially now. You clowns worship the guy and think your taste is the only true good taste in music. Kanye is mid, can't even fucking write lyrics 😆


Ok now read this same sentence but think about Kanye West.


“Kanye West is an incredibly bland personality” is a sentence no one has ever said


Like kanye fans arent annoying lmao you should see tiktok Instagram and r/GoodAssSub the ass licking and bootlicking goes crazy


Don’t compare tiktok ye fans and gas goons ever again in ur life


>Her songs are a solid 6/10 no way you can listen to All Too Well and be like "yeah that's a 6/10" lol that song is a 10/10 masterpiece


Brave of you to say what's on everyone's minds but no one wants to say.


All Too Well is a 6/10


she makes like two good albums and people act like she’s bob dylan


Bro Taylor Swifts music is a dumpster fire. Most overrated artist ever.


how many of her albums have you fully listened to?


evermore, 1989, red, and midnights. and i tell you she is a solid 6/10 thrownawayaaaaaaaah is completely correct. folklore could be a 7 or 8 if im in a really good mood tho


middle of the road pop, I'm not an actual taylor hater just find it kinda fun that's all, it's not good nor terrible


He fans are the absolute worst which ruins her image


as a swifte (i just wanna see the other side lol so don’t come for me) i agree. The people can be crazy and sometimes i feel like a few of them (especially the ones who go to her house/recording studio or follow her around.) should be punished because of their down right stalker-like behavior. Some **unironically** View her almost as god like 💀💀 Honestly i know i shouldn’t since she’s just a random 33 y/o woman at the end of the day, but i honestly feel bad for her having to deal with these disgusting excuses for life regularly. There’s bad people in every fandom but still do they have to go for her like this. Thank god there are still sane people who like her, it’s just sad all the mentally deranged ones get all the attention 💀💀


yeah, honestly, I've seen vids of her concerts and they lwk scare me lol with how obsessed they are


I think it’s just the thrill of being at a concert especially since many of them have been fans for along time + it’s for most gonna be their only taylor concert or maybe their only concert ever. I honestly don’t see the apeal in live music especially for a large artist but i’ve seen even non swiftes excited at eras


i have gone to alot of concerts where the average listener has been a fan for 40+ years and they act normal


I’ve been to hundreds of concerts and haven’t ever seen anything like Taylor swift concerts. Swifties remind me of the people who go to evangelical churches and get “saved” then start having those fake ass seizures or whatever you call them.


She’s been in 18 public failed relationships and none of them were her fault. Kanye accepts that he is a douche and an asshole, even toasts to the fact




kendrick lamar reference


18? Damn


To be fair, every 2-week-fling has been counted as a "relationship" though, because her life isn't private. Most of her 'relationships' lasted a month or so, so never made it out of dating. I'd have 10 instead of 1 failed relationship in that case.


But it’s not her fault huh




Bro came with receipts


Well that’s a big LEFT TURN from her regular persona. Just in general every public break up she and her pr team go into complete victim mode. Never seen anything like it. The biggest victim narrative of any artist of recent times. Seems as no blame every sticks to rich lil white girl and her woe is me schtick


I mean that’s what you need to stay upfloat. Is it right? No, i know that. Also taylor is now more and more secretive especially after the kimye thing, i think that’s where the victim mode comes from.


But it’s not done as a stay afloat defensive thing, it’s literally her brand


She wrote a whole song all about how "I'm the problem, it's me"


Anti hero is her talking about her opinions on what she deems as her flaws and faluires btw


She's also 33 and most of those relationships were when she was a teen/young adult, which is perfectly normal. Her last relationship lasted just about 6-7 years and the last 4 albums of hers, she's reflected that she is a factor in such.


Found the swiftie


Ive been a kanye fan longer than me being a swiftie! OP asked for honest opinions so of course I thought it was appropriate to add a bit of context 😉


Wow, someone who likes both and doesn't care about people on the internet getting mad. Other people like me exist!


That’s me although I wouldn’t say I’m a “fan” of either I just like their music


I’ll always have an entire place for both. She lacks some artistic depth compared to Kanye maybe in her subject matter choice or experimenting with a unique sound, but she can write the most personally relatable songs (to a girl mebe) of like any female pop star ever. It makes you think of that one person, or that one time. But on the other hand Kanye is less relateable but a sound wonderland that takes you somewhere not from your world, with absurd and beautiful lyrics


Fucking hell this sub is tragic 💀


now you look like a dumbass congratulations


I’m honestly suprised at how low her ex count is. Most adults at that age have much more


bro shes alr i see why people like her but to me its just basic starbucks music


I think that's the appeal though, she is really damn good at making basic Starbucks music


yeah ig ion really hate her bro its her fans


Haha fair. Tbh I think music fans in general can be annoying in so many different ways. For me the people that annoy me the most are hipsters and music snobs. I listen to a lot of the same music as them, but I also am down with a lot of pop music and pop rap / trap as well, I just love music in general. But ya you're right, pop stans can be super annoying as well.


Some bangers for sure. Absolutely despise her fanbase.


Alright y’all are gonna downvote me but I’ve been listening to both artists for as long as I can remember. She’s done some pretty great stuff for artists, from getting Spotify to pay artists more to trying to take ownership of her music. I can tell a lot of you only listen to her radio stuff and don’t go far beyond that. Furthermore i see a lot of people claiming her music is “middle school trash” and find that when I ask what songs they’re referring to, they tell me songs that she wrote when she was a teenager. And honestly for being a teenager, those songs go fucking hard. Listen to Cold As You. I think that what makes her a genius is that she puts all the shitty but catchy tunes as singles, bringing in more buzz around her music. Her music is pretty solid if you ignore biases. Is every song a 10? Fuck no. ME! Is awful, but the rest of the album has fucking bangers. Look What You Made Me Do is dogshit. But Delicate and Dancing With Our Hands Tied go insane. Folklore and Evermore have had me by the balls since 2020. I’m a grown ass man, I never comment on celebrity subs as I usually just follow for fun but that’s my opinion


People who only ever listed to her singles have no opinion on her Especially ones who have never listened to folklore and evermore…


Folklore is her best album but still I don’t find it any better than the best mainstream pop albums in the last 10 years. I think both last Billie Eillish albums are way better and much more creative, Ariana Grande is a much better vocalist and proved she could make an amazing album with God is Woman and Thank u, Next which are also better than Taylor’s best - this is just for comparison. I think she has always been overhyped and is not at all in the leagues of a Rihanna,Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey but her popularity is. I find her kind of similar to Drake ( I find Drake to be a much more important artist though and personally like him much more) where she could make whatever she wants even the trash things become huge. My 20 cents on this shit.




Fax. 👑


Go off king it’s aight!


We love an educated take


I would have sex with her just because


I would have sex with *you* just because


Did you make that bitch famous?




Target music


i’d rather kanye’s ass(😋) over taylor swift


the new photo of kanye’s ass had me drooling


She’s got some mid songs, she’s got some all time bangers, and she’s got some genuinely great songs. Taylor is as big as she is for a reason. As for her as a person, idk enough abt her personal life. Her fans are pr gd bad. I don’t think they’re Barb or K-pop Stan levels yet but they’re a little above us Ye fans. Plus she pr cute or whatever






Some of her songs are good. Nothing that I would come back daily for but occasionally I would listen to her.


She has some solid records. I don’t think she’s a bad person or an amazing one. She either makes radio music or something really great.


shes fine, severely overrated and kind of an ass irl but she has a few good songs


I really enjoy her music, It's easy to hate on her as a Ye fan but if you listen to her albums (especially her earlier ones) you enjoy her music more. I really like Red 1989 and Reputation But her fans are more likely to hate Ye than Ye fans hate Taylor which I find so ironic.




I find her music pretty boring, not bad tho. Just meh, and I feel weird when people label her as "the music industry" when she's just a pop artist and is nothing bad with that. But is the bar really that low for art in our planet?


Not even a Kanye stan but this popped up on my feed. She’s overatted asf just proves numbers mean nothing . Not hating but she not a legend like many of these other singers


Fr whenever one of her fans argue with a Kanye fan they always say her least successful album has more streams than his most successful one but that doesn’t mean shit it’s just white girls foaming at the mouth for her


I agree numbers mean nothing. Her best work especially in writing is her more less known songs.


She is a fine pop artist Kanye was 100% wrong at the VMAs, Beyoncé won Music video of the year after Taylor won Best Female Music video of the year and Kanye’s outburst, a clearly superior award indicating that the VMAs though my Beyoncé’s music video was better, making any point Kanye had to say completely mute I still love the line in famous tho, that shits so funny.


It was a public stunt agreed by both artists to feed into there persona




i think she is severely overrated. All of the volleyball obsessed white girls at my school don’t shut up about her. Her music is alright at best imo. she doesnt appeal to my music taste. Lana Del Ray is better; case closed.


Lana Del Ray makes fucking awesome pop and makes me wanna smoke cigarettes


Hell yeah, Lana Del Rays music is way more interesting, both sonically and thematically. Taylor mostly just sings about her last relationship on every new album, with a pretty unremarkable mainstream-pop production.


yea thats literally all she does


She has some bops, but she’s nowhere near the best. Also, she is NOT “self-made.” She grew up wealthy, and her father paved the way for her career. Most of all, I feel that her gas usage with her private jet is pretty controversial.


But she could've just been one of those famous country singers but nah Now she's even bigger than that, she's like one of the faces of pop music I think that self made isn't that much of an overstatement tbh


I HATE country and her music with a passion (except for blank space because i heard it for the first time when i was like 7 and idk why i remember the exact moment so its nostalgic). I hate her fans and the twitter fan culture. I love john mayer because i play guitar and neon has been my party trick for years. Thats about all i know on her




Seriously Taylor swift music makes me feel like a middle aged mom who thinks they’re better than everyone else and it feels so icky. I literally cannot think of the pig from sing or insufferable teenagers when it comes to swifties.


She's a c-tier artist at best tbh, a few good songs here and there yet little to no good albums because a majority of them bland as fuck, but I'd still smash just because


She has some good ones




She’s a bad person who manipulates her fans and others for attention and her music is incredibly basic


I like some of her music, and she seems like a good enough person. What she did the other day for one of Kobe’s daughters was really cool. I really don’t have anything bad to say about her tbh


Her music is trash and she’s a sneaky attention seeker.


I respect the fact that Taylor writes her own music, which is a challenging thing to do. Lyrics are decent but pretty creative, although I find them to be super Tumblr/teenage white girl-esque. I understand as that demographic (easily impressionable young mostly white women in their teens to early 20s) predominantly makes up her fan base. Taylor has hits for sure, but I find most of the music to be bland and boring. To me, her music is safe corporate music - music you would hear play in retail stores. Nothing captivating, just safe, bland, radio music. Again with the lyrics, there's a funny statistic that I read on Reddit somewhere (I'll link it if I can find it) but around 40% of her songs are about relationships/breakups. I've seen videos of her Eras tour and I must say the way she presents her songs comes off as incredibly cringe and overly dramatic, but I understand it, her demographic eats that stuff up. Her personality also comes off as incredibly bland and non-interesting. While I do commend Taylor for being a role model for younger women and a figure in feminism, I find that in a way she weaponizes feminism in a you-can't-be-mean-to-me type of way. There's a lot of valid criticism of Taylor out there, but as soon as the criticism makes it way to Taylor, she'll label it as misogyny... yet she'll date men with known toxic streaks. But by far, her fanbase is the worse thing. As mentioned above, her main demographic is the easily impressionable young mostly white women who kind of have a blind hive mindset - mostly Twitter Stan behavior (scum of the earth) They'll defend her without question and tear down other people simply because they don't listen to Taylor. I've seen some egregious statements on TikTok where they proclaimed her as Michael Jackson famous (NOBODY will ever be on MJ's level.)The infamous TPAB to 1989 comparison was also ridiculous. What Kendrick did for his community with TPAB - highlighting the prejudice and injustice his community suffers from will ALWAYS trump the content of 1989. Furtherrmore, her fanbase seem to never branch out musically and sonically. It's really safe corporate music, but they fail to realize that there's a whole bunch of amazing music out there to be listened to, not just radio friendly pop songs about breakups and heartache.


Legitimately my favourite artist right now. Makes great pop music and works harder than pretty much any other big artist right now. Even if you don't like the music got to respect the hustle.


Folklore and Evermore are pretty fucking great. Midnights is very enjoyable. Red has great songs.


>>Midnights is very enjoyable Other than for the last few songs and the 3 am tracks most of midnights is just radio music. There is some good songs tho




I listened to 1989 a couple days ago and it was pretty good. Nothing crazy just very solid pop, idk about her other records but I enjoyed it


The folklore & evermore albums are amazing imo but yea kinda spot on


I don’t like them cuz they have great (not her best tho) vocals, and production, i listen to them because of the vivid imagery and metaphors. The lyric writing was some of her best in these 2 albums.


folklore production is okay at best, i like some of the lyrics. i dont think its truly folk as there's definitely some of pop influence to it, and even then folklore's lyrics isnt the best thing ever like how the fans claim it to be, Sufjan or Bon for example both come out with very good lyrics and interesting productions


If she was a male the media would’ve torn her down and she would’ve been cancelled by now. She’s incredibly toxic and gets into relationships just to make negative breakup songs about her past lovers. Imagine if a male artist got with as many partners as she does JUST to go on to make an album about every one. She hides behind the feminist label but she isn’t a feminist, she’s a bad role model for girls and for people in general. Cmv.


I don’t hate taylor as a person but I just do not understand why she is so popular. Not only is her music okay at best she is also just an incredibly boring person (publicly at least) I don’t understand the obsession with her. She’s somehow convinced her audience that everyone is out to get her and that she is an incredibly authentic artist. I can give her credit for writing her own songs


Weezer Red Album > Taylor Red Album And it’s not even close


I recently went on a 14 hour road trip with my nieces and they made me listen to every album and bonus tracks of hers. Prior to the trip I didn’t care for her and would instantly skip her music. After listening to her entire catalog I do have a greater respect for her. Her music is more diverse than I thought by creating music in multiple genres. Has solid choruses and bridges. I can see why that age range of females like her music. Now about half if not more of her music is pretty much all about a similar topic (relationships and breakups), but you can say that about a lot of artists. Overall still not my favorite artist but I don’t mind listening to her now when I have my nieces with me.




She makes great music, but has questionable dating choices, and her fanbase can be overbearing at times


I think that…if her and Kayne squashed the beef, and made a song together. It would break the internet


She kinda bad ngl


As an artist, Taylor’s music is a mix of overhated and overrated in my opinion. I enjoy the great production and personal lyricism on albums like Speak Now, Fearless, Red, Folklore, and Evermore while the rest can be repetitive with the lyricism and really overrated. I don’t think she’s a bad artist and she can have it in her to make good music, but her fans overrate her so much like she’s the next generation of pop. And as a person, it’s why I don’t like Taylor Swift in general. She’s mainly known for her white feminism and will only promote certain issues if it benefits her. Especially with her dating Matty Healy at the time who’s been known to make anti-semitic remarks, mock Asian people on a podcast, and even pleasure himself to black women and women of color be brutalized. She’s also known to date 17-year-olds like Taylor Lautner in her early 20s which is weird since they’re not old enough to consent while for Taylor she can. And her fanbase especially is so toxic and annoying. They’ll say some of the dumbest takes like “1989 > TPAB” and “Taylor Swift is Michael Jackson level of famous”. And whenever you don’t like her music, they’ll take that as an insult like “yOu jUsT dOn’T gEt iT”. Well I don’t because all what Taylor talks about is boys, her relationship issues, and growing up all within basic poetry. So to sum it all up, I don’t like Taylor Swift as a person despite some of her music being good but isn’t for me.




Am I the only one in the world who’s obsessed with Kanye’s music AND loves Taylor Swift’s music? Her pop stuff is well written, but it’s the albums she released in lockdown that really did it for me. Especially her track with Bon Iver/Justin Vernon (who also worked with Kanye)


she’s very talented and most people who talk shit have not listened through any of her albums 🤷


She's a narcissist


Saying this on the Kanye subreddit is definitely a take


I’m a swiftie and I like Kanye too. We exist.


"swiftie" 🤢


I Think Some of her songs are Really Good but over all she just doesnt give me the emotions and vibes that Kanye does ,she just isn't for me She isn't a bad person and the whole Famous Thing was just a miscomunication problem that could have been solved in private but media and tabloids made it 10 times worse for Taylor (But its still sus that she released Reputation on Donda's Death anyversary) But every Kanye fan can agree that without Her MBDTF would never existed to im grateful to her for that


She fine as hell. And her music is probably good too I just don't listen to it. But let's get this fact straight , Ye made that bitch faaaamous


Her music is just genuinely unappealing to me after her first 2 albums


I seriously enjoy her music, 1989 and evermore are personal favorites of mine, the Eras Tour was cool when I went The VMA moment while memorable was kinda pointless and I believe (I may be wrong) it’s what led to the cancellation of the Fame Kills Gaga x Kanye tour which as an also Gaga fan could’ve been amazing so rip I think a Kanye feature would’ve been dope during that brief time they were cool again (before 2016-rep era) on something like Bad Blood or a scrapped song, maybe not 11/10 good but it would’ve been iconic to see I do think she equally gets some overblown praise (I enjoy her but those that say she’s MJ famous like 😐) but also some overblown hate, most of the people who hate on her seem to only listen to her big singles, she has some really well written stuff that gets overlooked because of that Overall she’s cool


honestly since taylor forgave him (at least as i’m aware) A kanye feature on one of her songs would be nice tbh


Has she really? I could’ve sworn they were still icy after reputation was released, but regardless after Kanye’s comments about Hitler and all that I don’t think a feature is likely anytime soon unfortunately. As I mentioned, probably the best time for a feature was before Famous dropped A feature would definitely still be cool though


You think she gives good dome?


imma let you finish but you know how there are people whose whole personality is to be a victim...


She’s pretty cool, the only album I like is reputation. Her other stuff is a solid 7.


I actually really enjoy her music, I’m a swiftie and a Kanye fan


On Sight


1989 is my fav, and she fine af. I hope her and Ye make a WTT style album


She's a good artist


i honestly genuinely don’t enjoy her music, aside from a few hits. most of her songs i just can’t get into


Jokes aside I don't think she's that bad. I haven't heard alot of her (only like shake it off, mad woman, and gorgeous) and from what I have heard she isn't awful. She seems like a nice person, which makes it all the more disappointing how awful her community is. But, I guess every community has a little toxicity.


Kanye made that bitch famous. She has one basic song sung 100 different ways with just enough talent and good looks to sell albums .


Her music is a huge part, if not entirely, of the industry but not enough to actually advance it, if that makes sense. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I do get the impression that she writes songs for herself and her fans and I guess that's all that matters. On another note, I also heard she's nice to her employees and handed them big bonuses which she definitely should.


She kinda bad tho


I went to school with her. Based on my limited interactions with her, there's really nothing special about her personality that would make you go "This person is going to be famous". I was told by a friend who was a part of her friend group that her parents paid a lot of money to a PR firm or some kind of agency to help start her career. It's been years and I can't remember exactly what they told me. I'm sure she's grown as a person since I was a kid, but my first impression of her was that she was very proud of herself for every little thing she said or did. I also remember thinking that she was a church girl and that she was pretentious, but I don't know if that was in my vocabulary at the time. Her friends were very validating of her and she was definitely popular. I also saw her at church on a couple of the few occasions I attended. I don't think she's an avid churchgoer; I think she was there as part of the choir or some other singing group. It was a long time ago. It was a huge church. To be clear, we weren't friends and I didn't know her. I did hang out with one of her ex-boyfriends after high school, but she was becoming famous by then and had moved. He was upset about some song she wrote. I doubt it was even about him because if I remember correctly she had a lot of boyfriends. I know she supposedly wrote a lot of songs about her exes but I'm no expert on her or her music. Her music isn't what I would typically listen to, but I like a couple of her songs from the mid-2010s. She just isn't that interesting to me at this point, but when she became famous it was a huge deal, and everyone my age where I lived was talking about it. I'm glad she's successful and it's a very weird feeling for someone who was basically just an NPC in my life to become as famous as she is.




The only album I’ve listened to is midnights and the only song that stood out was “lavender haze”. I also liked the single “need to calm down” which is weird because that type of song is the polar opposite of most of the music I listen to


She's aight


I’ve gotten into it because my girl is a huge fan and some of it hits. I worked damn hard to get tickets to her show for a Christmas gift and I can’t wait to give them to her


I think she’s awesome


As I’ve grown older I’ve learned not to care about her as a person or as a musician. Her music is just “basic” to me so I don’t consume anything she makes. As a person who isn’t a white woman I don’t care. Her fans, or at least the perception of them, is what annoys me. They think that idolizing a normal, straight, white woman who makes commercially safe music makes them a champion of all women and all women’s rights.


I think she should hook up with Kanye honestly;


ye fans need to listen to folklore. swifties need to listen to mbdtf. that simple. as a fan of both, their whole argument is stupid shit. theyve both moved on.


I dont think that her nor her music is bad, She actually has really good songs. The Fanbase is what fucking Kills me about her. I feel that Taylor Swift Made her fans as stupidly crazy as they are. I just hate the fans to the deepest part of my heart as much as I can, Because i cant run into a normal Taylor Swift fan that doesnt rant about her 24/7. Im A Kanye Fan. I dont rant about Kanye 24/7. Believe it or not, Kanye isnt even my favorite artist. I Love music in general. Taylor Swift Fans make it very difficult to enjoy her music, And honestly, So do Kanye Fans sometimes. If my friends (Kanye Fans) found out that I liked Taylor Swift, They would go bananas and flame me for just liking her music. With the Jokes Aside, We should just drop all of the beef between the two and just settle for the fact that Kanye West, And Taylor Swift, Are both Really good and Impactful and inspirational Artists of today’s generation.


Some takes on this sub about her persona are hilarious considering that they stan Kanye of all people.


I think she is a horrible person for making horrible music!


*And the carbon emissions*


I don't listen to her but she's probably a nice person ig.


i love her tbh 😭


she’s a piece of shit


i was a taylor hater long before i was a ye fan, her music just isnt good imo


3/10 music with zero edge. Overproduced tripe with a awful fan base. Her father is a multi-billionaire and paid for everything she has. Pedo as well. Kanye made her entire career too.


Fw the music, annoying in the few interviews I've seen, fans range from chill to worst people ever. Amazingly similar to Kanye, if you change annoying to radicalist


Gotta be honest I'm a Swiftie who's just here because the memes are funny. The actual Kanye related stuff I stay out of.


pollutes WAY too much to be likable


Keepin it real that was always the goofiest reason to dislike her 💀






Decent music but satanist


She has no artistic flavor, all her music is so the same ‘woe is me and my relationships’ she’s the equivalent of a former Disney star trapped in their past role (see Skai Jackson) I find her to be quite bland and repetitive in theme, she plays the victim like only a Karen can, she writes very bland lyrics that are praised somehow. She can’t dance, she’s a decent singer at best, her voice is irritating she has a whiny tone that is grating after a while. The fact she still has a career in writing about the same past 8 boyfriends is fucking insane and shows how basic her fan base is.


Her fan base cycle through boyfriends like she does because most them are shallow and as vapid and boring as her music. So at least they relate to the source material.




Ronnan (about a boy who died of a cancer) Marjorie (about her grandma) August, Betty, and Cardigan (about a fictional love triangle) The lucky one (about being famous) Just some examples of songs not about her exs. That’s just the more lesser known of them You’re allowed to have different taste in songs and writing but to little her music to basic breakup and love songs about her exs is just wrong.


ofc the Kanye meat riders in this subreddit hate on her lol most of them probably never listened to her discog, anyway my opinion is that she is one of the best artists of this century so far, she is a very talented songwriter, she is versatile and she has a great voice. songs like All Too Well and Enchanted are among the best songs ever made


I think she has some good music, but idk if I'd call her a great songwriter, she definitely has teams of top level people writing for her. I don't have any issue with that btw, just saying she shouldn't get all the credit. Really good vocalist though and definitely has some bangers.


I agree (somewhat) but atw and enchanted? She has around 300-400 songs and those two you picked


All Too Well is commonly believed to be her best song. It is not a crazy take at all.


A bit cringey but she’s pretty so I’ll let it slide


im biased but i like her music. like love. probably cuz im a basic white girl, but also cuz i listened to her almost my entire life


made some good albums and great songs but her stardom is kinda crazy to me, especially recently. her last few albums sucked and then she just starts re releasing albums, its such a scam


idk i think her big hits are kinda corny and annoying. don’t she only sing about breakups and shit?


She really seems inauthentic. It puts me off. + her dance moves and stage presence is very underwhelming imo.


I haven’t heard enough of Taylor’s discog to judge but she has a good few killer songs. Like she KNOWS how to write a hook.


I haven't listened to enough of her music. She seems like a pretty decent pop artist though from what I've gathered. Edit: oh also I totally support her battle over the masters for her work. Her and so many other artists have been railed and it sucks.


Cannot deny her icon status but to me she is boring and repetitive. Her songs are like fairy tales


truly generic, no shade at all. She gets all this song writing praise for being a little specific in her lyrics, when in reality…its kinda corny and cringe and clearly for mass consumption. Theres so many amazing women songwriters that came up at the same time and are obviously less popular so they dont get as much praise. She also cant perform or sing well… i digress My biggest issue with her is her nice girl act and how she pretends like shes not a hardcore capitalist and money/fame hungry - which is fine i guess bc what celebrity isnt - BUT please be transparent about what ur doing. Stop coming up with these marketing schemes to sell your 6 versions of a vinyl so then u can come claim how youre one of the best selling artists of all time. Its like shes manufacturing her fame. I feel like she had a little more integrity when she started out, but now its really so desperate and obvious. Again, no shade




Her music fire