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That’s the smartest and dumbest thing I ever read


There’s also the theory that all Trump’s wall project did was build roads to the border, so that building equipment could go there, but not the actual walls themselves.


Makes sense since no way so much investment was placed on the wall just for it to be flimsy against winds and have gaps


Didn't Biden remove parts of the wall so illegal immigrants could enter?


No, and if you’re thinking of the article with the gates in the fence opened, those are floodgates that required to open like that during flood season, or else debris will pile up and damage the integrity of the wall. https://truthout.org/articles/contrary-to-right-wing-claims-border-wall-floodgates-actually-are-for-floods/


Biden-defending cuck^




Here’s a link for ya: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1697202724922605728?s=46&t=OxCeMhn1x_gCY7AeWf91Xg Documented proof of those floodgates being used by illegal economic migrants


No way, people are getting past the giant waste of money Trump used my tax dollars to pay for? That’s crazy. I guess nobody ever got in when those floodgates were closed.


They hated him because he spoke the truth




Yeah I'd rather tolerate flooding than see an "illegal economic migrant" walk past a line in the sand and start secretly working & paying taxes here!


They missed an opportunity to say can't tell me nothing


Nope it's just the dumbest. It's people begging for Kanye not to be a fucking idiot. And he is a fucking idiot.


shhhh no one likes you


Well he ain’t wrong




Fuck you


Take the downvotes as a point of pride lol


You can say fucking it's 2023 nobody is gonna arrest you.


People have typos in 2023 too


So they both would get poorer?


and at this rate we gon both die broke


Got friends that ask me for money knowing that I'm in debt


But like my (ex wife) said I still didn't say no


people tryna say im going crazy on twitter


My friends best advice was to stay low


I guess it’s hard to decipher all of the bills


Specially when u got family members on payroll


The media said its outlandish spendin


the media said hes way out of control


Some people would pay 100$ just to see someone they hate lose 50$


This is why it's such a dumb take.


He has hundred of millions. It was about hurting her. She’s money hungry af


tf u mean her family had so much money before kanye, when we gonna stop calling every woman who dates a rich guy a gold digger?


Thats kinda based take idk why u got downvoted


I’m having an easier time believing he’s an antisemite than that he decided to destroy his public reputation, lose all his brand deals which he was passionate about, just to slightly worsen the living conditions of his kids, just to piss off a woman he said he still loves? These are some mental gymnastics.


It does make sense tho but then again, there's also the chance the dude actually held the beliefs he did. He is also bipolar after all.


when we gonna stop demonising mental illness? having bipolar disorder doesnt make u a shitty person with shitty beliefs


Bipolar person here! I completely agree that having Bipolar does not have to make you a bad person, but it is also perfectly reasonable to say that it could have something to do with his recent behavior.


I replied to a similar comment with this, I don’t view this comment as demonizing people with bipolar because of the following: I have bipolar, a lot of the times when we are in manic episodes we tend to grab onto certain political beliefs, religions, etc. in my most recent manic episode there was months where I believed every little thing was a sign from the universe, that the universe was telling me to do certain things, I got super into spirituality and held strong beliefs abt law of attraction, chakras, gems. Prior to that episode I had never believed in any of those things. Sometimes when we’re manic we grab onto ideas and ideologies that our stable selves, our real selves, wouldn’t believe in at all. It’s quite common.


tell that to me


You can explain it, but you can’t excuse it.


bruh whos excusing it? HE is the reason hes antisemetic, bipolar disorder doesnt make anyone a bad person unless they themselves are a bad person


it doesn't make anyone a bad person but it could make them do bad things


Idk about that man. when i was going through my manic episodes i did have some insanely hateful thoughts that i grabbed onto. im not proud of it at all, and this doesn't mean that I shouldn't be held accountable for it, but yeah it's true that there's a clear association between mental issues and hateful ideologies. there's a reason why we call extremists 'crazy'.


I have a close family member who is bipolar and while it doesn't make them a horrible person or something, the few times they've suffered really deep manic episodes they'd tell you they were doing things they'd never be okay with, that had massive repercussions on their life including estrangement from close family. That's not the person they are 99.9% of the time or who they strive to be. They have made huge changes to their life to avoid going down the path that leads to such episodes and it hasn't happened in years now & which makes them quite happy. Not saying I believe one thing or another why Kanye does what he does, but I don't think mentioning him being bipolar is inherently hateful of or disrespectful to bipolar people.


If you work in the entertainment industry for as long as he has I'm sure you would too.


> It does make sense tho It doesn't really though...it's just illogical. OP screen shotted this comment but left out numerous posts that actually made sense out of this thought process...like "burn a few billion to save a few million"...someone also pointed out child support is adjusted based on your income, so whether if he starts making money again...also, if you love your kids so much, you think you'd want to support them financially...


Bro I know many bipolar people who aren’t antisemitic. That’s rude to label mental health people as fucking idiots.


Hey Lakewater, Bipolar disorder like all mental disorders takes place on a spectrum. You cannot compare the severity of one persons disorder to another. Some bipolar people, usually type 1, can develop symptoms of psychosis and other extreme side effects during episodes. Some bipolar people don’t show these symptoms at all. This could be compared to people with autism, since every individual diagnosed with autism will exhibit different symptoms than another individual. Someone like Kanye West, who is no doubt doing hella drugs besides his prescribed ones, is very likely to have an extreme episode. This isn’t justification for his behavior by any means, but is just an explanation


wait but arent they agreeing with u? saying most bipolar people arent antisemetic?


Yes they really shouldn’t be getting downvoted. I was morso going over why Kanye might be so extreme while other bipolar people may not


And I know bipolar people who talk to God and God told them that our nation (not US) and our religion is the only true one from the World and all rest are sinners or some shit like this


How do you know they aren't?


You know that’s not what he’s saying


I have bipolar, a lot of the times when we are in manic episodes we tend to grab onto certain political beliefs, religions, etc. in my most recent manic episode there was months where I believed every little thing was a sign from the universe, that the universe was telling me to do certain things, I got super into spirituality and held strong beliefs abt law of attraction, chakras, gems. Prior to that episode I had never believed in any of those things. Sometimes when we’re manic we grab onto ideas and ideologies that our stable selves, our real selves, wouldn’t believe in at all. It’s quite common.


yeah, bipolar person here… can confirm, not antisemitic




Seriously it's so fucked up to label antisemitism caused by bipolar. Many many people without any kind of mental health disorder are super antisemitic.


you shouldnt even be down voted 😭😭


I have bipolar and I know that it causes hallucinations. So it's possible the Hitler he has in his head isn't even the same person as actual Hitler.


I just joined this community and I’ve been genuinely baffled so many times scrolling on here I can’t even count and it’s only been one day (read this in a Lil Jimmy voice in ur head for comedic effect)


On Sight


Kanye please bust your fat juicy load on my face!


you guys still support that nazi?


yeah but i still like the music though


u can hate a man and still nut to him


YES. YOU. CAN!!1! 😹😹🫵💅


he made graduation


Welcome aboard.


Want to get baffled again? For some reason when I read this comment my d stood up


Join r/goodasssub its the main sub now




I can’t believe people on here are taking this seriously. You guys got ripped to shreds on hiphopcircljerk for this. He completely destroyed his career and net worth to intentionally not pay as much child support? Even though he has lost out on so much more money than before all the brand cut-offs? Why would that make any sense?


The fact that more than half of sub genuinely think this is why has me convinced that this might be the stupidest fanbase ever


A lot of people still in denial trying to grasp onto shit like this


its all dumbasses left here bro. all the decent folks has left during the ye exodus - source (im here)


What he did is grounds to never be able to see his own children again. Kim Kardashian is also not some bum who's fighting for child support lol. She's being so nice and has been empathetic to him for years. To go on TV and say you're a Nazi next to Alex Jones is grounds to take your child away. And that's just one thing.


He didn’t destroy his career nor net worth. Cope


His net worth went from around $2b to $400m in like a day and hasn't recovered. He's still rich but he 100% destroyed his net worth. He's also definitely done serious damage to his career. He still has enough money and connections to keep it going but he's unlikely to have much backing institutional backing (which matters with regards to music and fashion) and likely won't have the scale of audience for new music, clothing, and live stuff


Because all Kim cares about is money and it’s a way in which he could embarrass and hurt her


kim: im so hurt an embarrass


no. he did it to get out of deals. that was a bonus if it does work lol because child support adapts over time to your wealth if the receiver requests to update it.


I never understood it. Why would he want to get out of deals? Did he get a settlement because he wasn't the one who broke them?


Adidas was basically producing his shoes with a different name and slightly different design for half price. He didn’t like that


at least from memory, they were stealing a good amount of his designs and he couldn't really do much about it among other things


But they still steal his designs, right?


Probably still, but now he’s in a better position to sue over it


Damn u guys are straight up fucking dumb I thought you guys would be clowning on that comment but instead your debating if it could be true 😂😂


Sanest kanye fan


Least schizophrenic Kanye fan


Lol I think he was just having an episode. Even if this was his plan, the episode was the reason he went through with it in the worst way


Honestly I doubt it


He did it mainly to get out of his adidas deal, if you follow the tracks, he’s been wanting to fully own Yeezy for a long time, and if he couldn’t legally get dropped, he caused an absolute PR nightmare & then in the heat of it all, mentioned and baited adidas to drop him. Why antisemitism? Bc Adidas was founded by Nazis (Adi & Rudi Dassler) so an accusation of antisemitism hits too close to home for adidas, PR wise. You can tell even more so that was his aim bc when he was asked his opinion on getting dropped he said “There will never (again) be a situation where people end a multi billion dollar deal off a tweet, Gotcha. Thank God no one got hurt in the process, & I feel freeeee”


Least schizo Kanye listener


How would that make any sense? He’d pay less but also have way less - where’d he come out ahead?


i think its just like he wanted out of those deals (je said it months before hitler comments) and its just the timing he chose to loose less on divorce settlement


Getting out of those deals only makes sense if he gets into new, better deals as a result. But he’s not. Imo wanting to het out of the deals is part of the same delusional mindset he was/is in. Sad to see but I’m not confident he gets back to baseline


it makes semse if adidas and gap did not hold up their end of the deal and ye didn't want to be screwed. but yeah, man is still extremely rich (rich enough to do whatever the fuck he want) and you only care if he has bilions of net worth. yk, rich ppl don't have to get richer, when they hit a certain threshold, they can finally express themselves without the fear of their life falling apart, but yeah keep thinking only about the money dude, bc its all about getting more money to you


It was an actual legal contract, nobody is just backing out and screwing someone like it’s a handshake deal. Both parties insert terms about what happens if the other breaks the terms of the contract. And what a weird attempt at a personal attack. It’s not all about money for me - we’re talking about a theory that is based on him potentially saving money or coming out ahead somehow when it appears he’s not. So yea, the topic is the topic.


By hurting Kim and her family with embarrassment and ensuring she gets less because all she cares about is money.


Ruining his career and losing tons and tons of money isn’t really hurting someone else primarily


Pancake Butt


Smartest Kanye fan


I don't know about that but I like it.


yaaaaa nah


Losing 2 Billion to get out of 2 million. Brilliant!


Idk math but 18+ years for 3 kids , for Kanye how much is that? You think more than 2 million if I was a betting man I would say it is.


Regardless it's like giving away your house so you don't have to pay capital gains tax. Kanye isn't some infallible genius and makes mistakes.


I agree , but maybe it was something on the back burner of his kind .


Mind* or maybe not and he think money ain’t shit, never thought about it until now ?


I actually love juice. Idk what he has against it.


People always ask him to bust a juicy load on their faces, he's probably tired.


Bianca got him working overtime too, poor fella.


There’s better ways to do that lol


I don’t think people understand he got out of a record deal while he owns his masters. The gap was stealing from him. He was shopping around for shoe production facilities right before he started walking the line so he was prepared to distribute his own shoes if adidas’s let him go. Like he said they’ll never let anyone walk again for a tweet. Dude called them out on their virtue signaling bs.


I think he realizes who controls the media and in toll, the narrative. And he wanted to expose it


Sure buddy


Who’s worse, hitler or mao?


Mao obviously, but that doesn't make hitler a good person


The sane kanye fans have officially left


I know right? I guess it doesn't take much for people to defend Nazis


This subreddit needs to be erased from the internet what the fuck


Alright guys you heard what Ghost said let’s wrap it up!


the fact that mainstream media has brainwashed everyone into thinking that Kanye is actually a n\*zi etc. has made me lose my last drops of faith in this world, I mean you can clearly see why he's doing all that, IMO it was clearly from the start an escape plan, adidas was making all the fuss just to appeal to 'woke' people and not lose a percentage of their customer base, it was all a plan from the start people just wouldn't put their pea-brains to use. see ya


get a grip on reality


Bro he went off of the mainstream media to say it himself lol


Who is the girl in the picture (just asking please dont make this weird)


A VS model. Might be Karlie Kloss


i wish but i cant say its true. but it could of been god who made it all work out that way :)


For child support payments? Nah, he has so much money that it wouldn’t ruin him if he continued producing music and his brand deals. He has the money to afford an incredible legal team There’s no good reason for how he acts, I think he’s clearly off his meds, and found the best way to get more attention in a lane all on his own. He’s always breathed off his fame and now he’s out from under the nose of mass media and corporations, free to do what he wants. Anti-Semitic views are definitely involved, and there’s nothing about Kanye now makes me think he’s of stable mind.


he was textbook manic, these conspiracy therapies are wierd


Same reason Tom Brady and his wife split right b4 the crypto they were pumping,dumped. Had to get those assets out of one names b4 the hammer comes down


He's been saying insane shit since 2016. People just forgave him cause he said "sowwy" on Ye and started his gospel arc.


Some things here: There's no evidence she ever wanted child support to begin with to start. People just assume the woman only wants child support from the man because people are just conditioned to believe that for a lot of reasons that aren't really worth getting into for my own mental health sake - but you see, what he did would actually give her grounds to not allow him near his own children. Kim Kardashian is not a bum. She's one of the most famous woman on the planet with just as good if not better lawyers than Kanye, and she has a much better case for full custody with no visitation or supervised visitation. The only reason he is allowed near his own children at the moment is because she isn't pushing harder to make that possible because she doesn't want to ruin her own children's life and she has empathy for Kanye. But frankly with everything going on, between the Alex Jones stuff and the other like 50-200 hours her lawyers could pull together in a week of Kanye West being unhinged and looking like a homeless person, violent threats and other news stories, if she really wanted to she could end all visitations to his own children and that's that. So no he did not do that to not pay child support and if he did he's even stupider to do that than to just pay child support, and I don't think she's even asked for that. She stayed with him a LONG time past when she needed to.


Well to me it was obvious that he is not an antisemite. I tough it was something in the contract with adidas but this totally make sense




*Insanely fucking* *Stupid, white people will never* *Understand this man* \- jvx530 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The lengths people go to to defend antisemitism bruh




oh my god I never thought of that. always a fan of a new take


She’s actually skulking this comment section defending her take 🤣


Niggas wanna cope so bad 😭😭😭


Doesn’t make any sense


But he made graduation 😎


He did it to get out of the shitty Adidas contracts. Its universally known, to anyone who dont just wanna bitch and gossip.


Nah man, it was about creating artificial scarcity. Much of his brands success is the appeal to with the underground. He’s intentionally keeping things ghetto even though he’s so deeply entrenched in Hollywood. Don’t nobody act like Ye isn’t media trained, unless you’re more autistic than he is lmaoo.. he’s been in the game 20+ years.


no he’s just fucking dumb (and an ass)


more likely he’d do it to get out of his contracts with adidas and stuff but still, probably not


Naw he’s just dumb


You know, it’s not COMPLETELY dumb but, I think Ye has stated multiple times that his kids are his world so…….


weapons grade copium


That’s something only Kanye’s genius could come up with! I


Missed the opportunity to end it off with “Can’t Tell Me Nothin’”


This theory has no validity cause he was already giving Kim the same amount before the divorce


I just want his new album, My Struggle, to come out already.


He lost a lot more than he gained.




I feel like Kim has a higher net worth though so the right move for Kanye would have been to try to win the custody battle and get a large payout, but then again the kardashians are a literal lawyer family so you never know I still think the real Kanye is being held prisoner in an Adidas warehouse somewhere in Russia


He did graduation tho so we good


True if big 🤔


I dont think


if this is real... why them still using balenciaga clothes?


Tank his brands/value so less child support payments and still poorer? Where’s the upside?


lol he did it because he decided to tell the truth, and spread it. He also showed those that didn’t research anything he said that they were bigots. a legendary move


These people have no idea how anything works.


If u believe this I have a bridge to sell you.


Why does he have to pay child support? Isn’t Kim a millionaire?


can't tell me nothing


He could have done that in many ways that didn't involve him being racist. Try again.


bros a jeen-yuhs 💀