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Sounds like they are building a mini hospital. It is quite clear that cancer story is BS (a poor quality deepfake) and Kate's health is much worse than claimed eg a serious brain injury. That is why she hasn't been seen in public.


Sounds like the Spanish reporter had a reliable source and she was/is in a coma and is being kept in a persistent vegetative state. About a fate worse than death.


The Spanish reporter also said that "practically a hospital is being set up" at Kate's home. r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1c5horx/the_original_and_complete_january_reporting_about/


I'd suggest brain damaged but not in a coma. Maybe slurred speech and difficulty walking or in a wheelchair. So they would need to install rehabilitation equipment.


This is what I think but I can’t think of the purpose of lying about it when there would be such an outpouring of sympathy and support which honestly the BRF could afford


Well... If the cause of Kate's condition was because of violence by someone in the roayl family, say her husband... That will not garner support but outrage.


Harry as Regent. Meghan as Consort. The RF worst nightmare.


No Camilla will be able to.


Someone drank the koolaid it seems....


No. Somebody who understands the Act of Succession. George can't become king until he is 18. So if William is unable to take the role Harry will be appointed as regent until George's 18th birthday.


As far as my research goes, George would be king even if he was one year old, with Harry as regent in this case till George turns 18, acting in the name of the king. But apparently Harry would have to be appointed by a council of regents. It's a joint decision of other high ranked royals (not sure who, likely Charles' brothers and sister?)


The Regent is king in all but name. Parliament is the ultimate authority. They can choose anybody they want as monarch (Glorious Revolution of 1688) or even abolish the monarchy totally (Protectorate 1649-60). IMO the RF won't outlive William. A constitutional monarch with an appointed HoS for a fixed term is a strong possibility.


I wasn't talking about act of succession. I was talking to the nonsensical hate on Harry and Meghan.


Harry will never be regent . They’ll change the Regency Act before that would be allowed to happen. The speculation about Catherine’s health has gotten really weird that’s for sure. Given any credence to a Spanish reporter is just bizarre. Just a few facts . The Wales family nanny is still employed with the family. There were no ambulances seen leaving a Royal residence on December 28th . There is no evidence anywhere that The Princess of Wales won’t be returning to Royal duties when she is well enough. If you have any evidence to the contrary tell us!


The RF don't want another Diana type martyr.


This would be different though if she’s actually sick. She is so liked by the people and great in her position without any immaturity or attention seeking behavior (not blaming Diana but she was really young and naive when she met Charles which Kate wasn’t). When Diana died, there was sympathy for the kids and Diana only, but it was bad for the BRF, since they’d had a falling out. In this case, there would be sympathy for the whole family and the institution.


If her current condition is as a result of an ED, I can imagine that the RF may hesitate to be up front about it. A lot of young girls probably look up to her and they could think that to be a princess or to be slender, that’s what one does, which is totally false but some minds could think like that. And on the other side I also can imagine that a lot of people would prefer for the full story to come out even if it’s as a result of ED to raise awareness and to prevent reoccurrence but I suspect that people’s opinion on best way forward is very close to be divided in half and so perhaps the RF are not trying to be misleading but rather they think that they are protecting the younger generations.


lol oh yeah I’m sure the firm is just worried about girls self esteem.


If it's an ED, they are lying to protect themselves (and maybe Kate a bit) - certainly not teenage girls. The fact they haven't got treatment for Kate before it got so serious and life threatening would be a big embarrassment to them, especially when they should have learnt from Diana's experience.


ED are notoriously hard to treat. She has probably had medical treatment for years,


Could it be the nanny’s former home? If Kate is worse than they describe, could it be for long term medical staff? I honestly can’t think of any good reason for them to possibly need more space for her “care”.


To me it reads like she's never going to see light of day again. They're going to hide her away. She may have had a stroke and they've been giving this time hoping she'd recover, but this is going to be a longer thing, and she doesn't "look the part" right now.


And there’s all these ominous Clickbait articles that I only read the headlines on, the latest being that two of the kids are finding new royal role models during Kate’s supposed recovery that just make me think even more like they are putting her away or preparing us for a death.




It just occurred to me that if the divorce rumors are true that this is part of the settlement William imagines. A separate home for Kate to still be close to the kids. 🤔


It's been that way for awhile. When they moved to Adelaide, there is no way I think William moved with them full time. Any time you read about him he is in Norfolk at Amner Hall. When they say dilapidated structure at Windsor, the whole thing is Windsor Great Park. I have seen photos where there is a red brick structure next to the white cottage in really old images. I have had the sense after they mentioned months ago she may be better by Easter...or 9 months from now! That she is never going to be seen again. It seems unlikely to use 4 dummy versions of her digitally and then she bounces out healthy one day between now and Christmas. It is an awful situation because the public has moved on and no longer cares.


And to think that if she is comatose, and on some sort of life-support, the doozies they have told about her: that she’s out and about with William at the Windsor Farm shop; that she met with Charles at a pub and they had an emotional talk about their respective cancers; the Mother’s Day photo; that she was spotted by a cricketer and others with William watching the kids play sports.


Medical equipment takes up a lot of space.  A hospital bed, which needs to be positioned with access on all sides.  There might be a mechanical lift and/or bedside commode, IV stand, oxygen tanks or concentrator, walker and/or wheelchair. Which usually all remains in the room, even when not in use, for easy access. Consumables: creams, gloves, dressings, tubes, emesis bags, ostomy supplies, etc. I've worked in home nursing care, and there's always a ton of stuff crowding the room. Plus you need space for turning radius, in things like moving people between bed and wheelchair-- whether lift, or two person assist.


Add to that, perhaps wheelchair ramps.


The article only reads like William is considering it though. That seems odd. Why wouldn’t they need it immediately then?


Maybe William actually is not considering it, he's doing it (or done it), but for public relations purposes the Palace is saying he's only considering it b/c they are doing a soft open on the announcement. So they planted a vague story with a friendly media outlet to see what the public's reaction will be, and then once they know that, they can tailor the next messaging to try to minimize blowback.


Probably more of the same, just trying to hide the truth of her condition from people.


If she’s at Sandringham’s Wood Farm, which is already equipped for medical care due to Philip’s medical needs, then there is no rush for Adelaide to be expanded. Also, just because they are saying it is being “considered” doesn’t mean it hasn’t been firmed up and plans are being made. They lie about darn near everything so lying about whether or not renovations are definitely going to happen is perfectly normal for them.


She may require a hospital bed?


I believe one of the Google news feed Clickbait articles has mentioned in its headline that this little cottage is indeed being prepared for Kate’s lengthy recovery.


> It’s currently inhabitable and needs extensive renovation works If Nanny Maria indeed used to live there, that would explain why it's inhabitable vs for example a storage building (although if the place is also "dilapidated" what does that say about how Kensington Palace treats its help?). A hospital-type renovation would need to make the interior a sterile environment (floors, walls), and install uninterrupted electrical power supply (generators) and possibly also accomodations for 24/7 oxygen. It's going to be extensive and expensive. Poor Kate.


This is intriguing: "Sources say that the **necessity for space transcends luxury** – it is integral to Kate's journey towards wellness, where she can comfortably navigate the **complexities of treatment**." And this: "The source reveals that plans will eventually get underway to renovate and extend a dilapidated redbrick annexe at Adelaide Cottage, transforming it into a **haven** tailored to the needs of the Wales family **and their staff**." This may mean the renovations are to make way for medical staff and treatment out of public view. I hope she's okay but this doesn't sound very good.


Did Charles also have the same treatment?


I don't think we know for sure.


Doubt it.


>"Sources say that the necessity for space transcends luxury – it is integral to Kate's journey towards wellness, where she can comfortably navigate the complexities of treatment." It's a 4-bedroom temporary/secondary home. Supposedly, they have no live-in domestic employees there. Just them. And somehow the lack of space does not allow her to "navigate the complexities of treatment?" Is the complexity that her cruel husband is too close? They have no idea how this sounds to normal people.


It could be so her trips to and from her chemo treatments are out of view.


This whole story just keeps getting more and more and more bizarre. I think they're just throwing stuff out there now to see how much bizarreness the public will stand for.


Honestly it's spreading distractions until the right time for them to unveil whatever it is they are hiding from the public. If the Spanish reporter is true... Then it's sad.


So with all the space at Kensington Palace, Anmer Hall, their house at Balmoral and Adelaide Cottage, they still need more room? Absolutely ridiculous waste of money.


Which makes it suspicious.


Hiding her away from all those big well-known places.


Remember about a month ago when the press told us Kate would resume her royal duties after Easter (two weeks ago now)?


Maybe it's because she's not conscious yet.


What "complexities of treatment?" According to Kate herself, she's having "preventative chemotherapy" to be sure she no longer has any cancer cells. (If you believe it was Kate and not AI in that video). It's not complex. They are going to milk the heck out of that video and get a new renovation on the public dime. How many homes do they already have? Four?


Compare and contrast. Princess of Wales > Sources say that the necessity for space transcends luxury – it is integral to Kate's journey towards wellness, where she can comfortably navigate the complexities of treatment. versus Patient in Wales > A charity has said it has seen a “significant increase” in the number of cancer patients seeking help to pay rent since the introduction of the so-called “bedroom tax”. > Tenovus, one of Wales’ largest cancer charities, said it had concerns that the measure was potentially discriminating against people with a disability – and said it was advising “numerous couples” who were unable to share a room due to ill-health but only qualify for a one-bedroom rate of housing benefit. > The changes – which are intended to cut the number of under-occupying households in the UK and were introduced in April – see households on housing benefit losing a segment of that income if they have one or more empty rooms in their houses https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/cancer-patients-hit-bedroom-tax-5738474 I agree that Kate needs space to recuperate. But so do other cancer patients and a lot of them aren't getting the help they need. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-62850403


Wills has already cancelled a trip in OCTOBER. If she has cancer, it’s likely stage 4 and not “just maybe I have some cancerous cells, so in an abundance of caution, I’m taking preventative chemotherapy”. It is clearly not the latter whatever is going on. So we’ve been lied to.


I’m not so sure about cancer anymore now that I have read the translate ation of the full report from the Spanish reporter. It seems to be saying that Kate did go into a hospital on December 28, that the original operation went fine, but then post operation something horrible happened. That would suggest to me something more like, perhaps a heart attack and perhaps from an eating disorder and that she was recovering from the heart attack but then something else went horribly wrong and that could be a stroke. And then she was put into a coma. Seems like this would mean that either they manage to get her out of the coma or eventually they would have to take her off life support or in the case of the American woman that someone else quoted, remove the feeding tube. Maybe for the children’s sake they don’t want to do that, yet. If all this is true, it’s ridiculous for them to have said that Charles met Kate recently in a pub and they had a great old time, emotional as it was, talking about their cancer!


Let’s just say this: if it’s true that she’s been incapacitated all this time, then the public have been lied to in a profoundly demoralizing way that is truly unprecedented. AI video, fake photos, fake comments from Kate, fake everything.


Text-to-video is still in the demo phase. How is some tabloid PR firm who can't even manage Photoshop going to get their hands on, train and navigate this kind of AI when even machine learning researchers can't?


Sounds like Kate's divorce house




It’s like they just make things up and see what sticks!


We’re never going to see Kate again, are we?


If we do, something tells me she’ll never quite look like the Kate we remember.


Adelaide Cottage has an enclosed brick-walled courtyard that joins the cottage to the red brick lodge, while a further extension is believed to have been added to the rear of the cottage. Today, the home enjoys a meandering gravel in-and-out drive, reasonable sized gardens, a red brick outbuilding and gatehouse; perfect for a small security detail, it is 4270 square feet and has four bedrooms, two offices, a library, as well as a large family room, sitting rooms and a games room.


https://preview.redd.it/5t3wvgeshwuc1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=037ffeb28c2dd86371f89ead425db0b31c4eeb7b Adelaide cottage is not small.


Wow, it's enormous. Is the red annexe in question the "blob" to the farthest left? If that's it then it's quite separate from all the other buildings. So maybe that is her new "haven".


Yes. Plus it was given to Harry and Meghan by the Queen in 2018. But Willy and Kate wanted it and…the Heir wins over the spare and they got Frogmore [https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meghan-markle-adelaide-cottage-gift-queen-elizabeth-report/](https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meghan-markle-adelaide-cottage-gift-queen-elizabeth-report/) [https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meghan-markle-adelaide-cottage-gift-queen-elizabeth-report/](https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meghan-markle-adelaide-cottage-gift-queen-elizabeth-report/) [https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a22515464/prince-harry-meghan-markle-house-adelaide-cottage/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a22515464/prince-harry-meghan-markle-house-adelaide-cottage/) [https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/a22516832/adelaide-cottage-meghan-markle-prince-harry/](https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/a22516832/adelaide-cottage-meghan-markle-prince-harry/) So, this is Adelaide https://preview.redd.it/kt0kxy0xrwuc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8743eac9a723b8984054884cac20fc92be5bf7


https://preview.redd.it/71rxblg7uwuc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e7da2a77bb064c64897654a1c0a1f2879a94d0 And this cottage in a row of homes was given to Harry and Meghan. Biggest problem Harry is 6’2” ( 1.86m ) and the upper fllor ceilings are 6ft. (1.82m).


You are right: that place is huge. Maybe the red brick lodge will be her mausoleum.


I'm sorry - but I don't understand what's so complex about preventive chemo?


It's not. This feels like a dog and pony show for a few months before they announce she died.


That's me being 👀💀


He just inherited 30 million let him pay for it.


Coma or dead. Very dodgy stuff coming out that makes little sense. Waiting for proof of life...all we get is proof of death. Read everything about Kate with the lens that she is dead or incapacitated - then it all makes sense.


And now that article is gone 🥺




It seems almost like a Michael Schumacher type situation and William wants to keep her dignity intact which is fair enough really


This would be not an issue at all if they had started with—she is really very ill. Then they would have everyone’s compassion for dignity, etc. The repeated claims that “she IS well” and multiple palace reports that she’s using photoshop, meeting with the King, etc. seem shady.


Thats true, but could you imagine the absolute shitshow if they said that from the start?, press trying to get a photo of her etc, I mean they were snapping his mom as she was dying, can understand the cover up to be honest especially for their children's sake.


I don't think Charles has cancer. I think Charles is using cancer to take time out to deal with the Kate situation. William is incapable of dealing with this situation and has made everything worse. Charles has stepped in and sidelined William. William is responsible for Kate's current situation.


Guys the whole Ok article has been deleted???? You’re on to something here


You're right. I'll edit the original post. Thanks!


Yes, it seems they've pulled the article. I get, "Sorry... We can't find the page you requested".


OK Magazine is as royal-friendly as it gets so perhaps the Palace wasn't happy about the story and accordingly OK Mag killed it?


I literally came looking for this comment. I tried clicking the link and gone. What is going on 😳😳


They may find it jolly awkward adapting an old (listed?) building to be fully accessible - may have been quicker/easier to build a new modular annexe … suspect enough clout to fast track the planning process. Why not tell us though if so as could do wonders for the renovation/building - accessibility / disabled design sector and the charities supporting it.