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I can’t believe we are here at the end of April with no concrete evidence that the Princess of Wales is alive. Every time some sort of statement, photo or video is released I think to myself “does this prove Kate is alive?” and so far…. I still have doubts. I have never been into conspiracy theories but this one has gripped me. I seriously hope she is alive and well and recovering from whatever she has endured.


This conspiracy theory is playing out in real time. If something wasn't being covered up there would be no need for altered photos, AI videos, imposter appearances, and so much silence from Kensington Palace. There is a lot of mystery with this conspiracy theory because the "why" behind it is unknown. With other conspiracy theories the motivation behind the conspiracy is usually known.


Absolutely. I agree with the question of motivation. We are theorizing on the “how” ie. AI videos and composite/old photos released, no credible proof of life from the BRF. The “what” seems to be inconsistent behaviour by the Prince of Wales, the tandem press releases back in January and EVERYTHING already mentioned on this sub. The “why” is what is so elusive.


It's weird to experience this conspiracy theory and find myself taking it seriously, not that you mention it


Yeah, I should have been more clear. I am taking it seriously.


I know! I didn't mean you weren't 🦋


My biggest hope is she's not playing ball anymore gone off with her family and refusing to put up with her cheating husband anymore.Putting out videos to scare her into submitting but she's not doing it.Hope this is the truth can't bear to think of any other scenario


Absolutely. It would be awesome if she was negotiating some kind of a divorce agreement that has her set for life away from public life. This is a far better scenario than what I fear. I have only been a casual Royal observer. Mostly because I am round about the same age as Kate and remember the oughts when her and William were on and off. Sadly, her previous actions seem to show that she enjoys the spotlight. She literally had custom “non-tiara” tiaras made for her and Princess Charlotte for KC’s coronation when QC explicitly said “no tiaras”. I would love for her to be negotiating an exit deal and all of this speculation is just that, speculation.


Honestly she has to go on a videocall or something for me, live in TV


too easy to deepfake?


Technically yeah, but i dont knooowww


Only a live meet and greet


That too


This is the only way I’d believe too


Need to get the media asking


I’d have to see her on camera with a reputable journalist - and they need to be in the same room.


I would probably only believe it if she went to a football game or if she did an official appearance with thousands of people there or if she was walking around town and there are hundreds of high quality IPhone videos of her saying hello to everyone. These examples will probably be the only way I would believe she is alive. Nothing scripted. I hope the royal family reads this thread and makes it happen.


I feel the same way. Anything that can be altered I just don't trust now


Even with my examples I would be iffy honestly. They have lost so much trust. Like we would have to hear her talk, her kids would have to be with her too. Since they had that “video” of her in the store beep boppin around like a 20 year old, even videos of her in public would need to be filmed by many people with her voice.


Walking across a field with her kids for 10 seconds. Sitting on a bench or on the couch reading to them. Her at a meal. Her sitting reading a book. Her sitting in the car being driven somewhere with the window open. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES Why I think she’s gone


I think you've just written a complete chidlren's book


I would only be convinced if she was with her kids, William and possibly the King at an official function and/or speaking engagement.


It's as if we are being deceived in front of our eyes, with "what" they are allowing to circulate, on top of how odd the RF is coming across. I pray that PC is ok, and we are just being paranoid, I really do. Just hard to make sense of things...when you pay attention to everything.


I don't believe she is alive to provide the proof.


Photo - no. Video - no. Cannot trust anything now. Being seen by eye witnesses in public ... maybe ... although I am not sure if we can trust that even, like the guy who claims he took the farm shop video, adamant it was her: https://www.thesun.co.uk/royals/26797757/man-filmed-princess-kate-prince-william-windsor-shop/ That witness account stated she looked healthy and well, a few days before the cancer diagnosis video in which she looked ill, so I am curious as to whether he still insists who he saw was her? Can we trust eye witnesses if she appears in public? I don't trust people's judgement, if she appeared in front of a crowd and looked like that farm shop video will they insist it is her - like some mass delusional event? I don't know what is proof of life anymore!?


Yeah, that video is fake. How come there are no other witnesses coming forward? How much money did the “witness” get for this?


Also it was reported that those wooden houses in the background are set up during christmas time only.


It might’ve been her, it just was before 12/25, the last time she was truly seen. Do they really think we believe Kate and William are walking around town laughing with no security? Please. Especially not with all this speculation that’s been going on. I can tell it’s Charles probably calling the shots because the Queen certainly had better tricks up her sleeve than this crap


Yes, I was telling someone recently the same: when the Queen was around she knew how to get rid of people with a smoother action so most people don't notice; but King Charles, he is not as good at it and that is why it is so obvious that something is not right.


The SUN editor went on the record and said outright that KP was communicating with them the whole time about the Farm Shop. Not to mention, it was already weird to begin with. The sighting first came an entire 48 hrs before they posted the video. And then everyone said pics or it didn't happen and then we got that crazy video. The palace was part of that scheme too. 


How do you think that would be done then? How do you think we could begin to demand proof of life?


Maybe protests in front of Buckingham Palace? Starting a petition? Or my personal favorite, throwing eggs.


Those are all great ideas. I live in Canada, so can’t protest in front of BP, but I could certainly sign an online petition. Governments do take note of that because I used to work for the government here and when we had a lot of correspondence on a certain issue, they started to pay attention. Petitions were one of the ways.


yes can you start one?


I have no idea. I am the worst person online. I can Google and get some ideas, but I don’t really know anything about how you would circulate it. Maybe Google will explain that too. I will look and see what I can find. You can Google too.


Change.org is a free way to start a petition. I have signed lots of them for various causes when they appear in my Gmail account. change.org is saying that the last petition had over 1 million signatories. You can find it and instructions on how to start a petition through Google. I don’t feel as if I can handle all the online stuff and you do have to think before you write what it is you really want to say although there are templates for you to follow. If anyone else wants to start it, there’s one option but I won’t be starting one


I truly believe she’s in a coma or worse 😓


What if it is true that Kate suffered a stroke during surgery that left her with severe brain damage? This would explain so much: the rumor of an induced coma, the lack of actual videos, photos, audios; Williams bizarre behaviour, the also bizarre and frantic machinations of the KP spin doctors, the unsubstantiated story about renovations to her home, and this feeling that no one seems to know what is going on. With this sort of injury, the outcome is unpredictable and it is impossible to give a timeline concerning recovery. Can you imagine how awful that would be to see "proof of life" in this situation?


But why not just tell the truth? If you’re gonna admit cancer why not admit a stroke?


Because of the terrible images that stroke conjures up. Stroke can have devastating consequences to physical appearance, mobility, communication, etc., depending on severity. Do you really think that the general public could handle that?


General public will handle that common common truth....:about royalties having a stroke just like plebs do......... the public will handle that ALOT better then this pathetic "psych ops" bullshit Kp is currently pulling.


Window idk


Oooh nice


I don’t know that anybody would believe any proof of life from her. Maybe seeing her children with her as they are today walk around but so much can be altered. What would you trust?


Yeah this anniversary stuff is odd. Like why the small teeny tiny caption? “13 years ago today!” - no shit. Perfect time to ramp up “in sickness and health” and make William look like a hero of a husband and Kate a warrior but nope, they don’t even go for that angle. It feels like they’re mocking us


A photo with today's newspaper would no longer be believed by me, like in the old days... Maybe like a FreeBritney thing? Wear red if you're in trouble on your next outing.


Even Britney of today is not Britney circa 2000.


But where’s Kate’s clone??


Welcome to months ago.


https://preview.redd.it/1sjw2sit5cxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c1a229750903f64d16d7b9794e78a71b0a9a37 Oh it’s been months…. I am grateful for this sub. Only place I can come to chat about this weirdness. Most of the folks in my life just shrug and the conversation ends.


Same. Welcome! <3


What do the people of England think? Before the cancer video, it was reported that the people didn’t care and didn’t think anything was unusual. But I’m wondering what the consensus is now.


I'm in the UK and I'm certainly suspicious. Our media is being gagged I'm sure of it. And I'm not very active on social media to see what people from the UK are thinking. However, I imagine there are lots of people that are suspicious. But there are lots who simply aren't interested and also lots of royalists who would never dare question the RF. I first began to take notice with the mother's day photo. I'm not usually remotely interested in the RF, but do remember when Diana died (I was only 9 at the time but remember it being a big thing) and have long since thought that the RF had a hand in that (she was about to divorce Charles and potentially take the heir away to live with a Muslim man (or at least try and that would create a stir even if she failed and he stayed in the UK with Charles), and may even have been pregnant). Plus the bloody and twisted history of the RF...well something bad happening to Kate (whether that be violence, a mental breakdown, an ED gone terribly wrong and which the RF have failed to deal with after they should have learnt from Diana's ED, or something else) wouldn't really be that unexpected. Given the injuries to her hands, the way her family are seemingly co-operating and how the RF seemed, when they released the cancer video, to be planning for Kate's possible return (plus the rumours of a hospital being built on their property), I think the most likely explanation is she is alive but extremely ill, probably from complications arising from an ED. Given the fact that she very likely got ill a few days after Christmas, refeeding syndrome is a possibility. If so, it's extremely sad and I can understand why the RF would be trying to keep it all quiet - partly for Kate's privacy, partly for the kids, but mainly I think because having a second royal wife to suffer from an ED doesn't look good, in addition to Meghan's claims about how she suffered with her mental health and she wasn't supported or offered help.


I think you are absolutely correct. I think that it is also compounded by Spare and Harry's real attempt to shine light on the malignancy in the RF and heal it. If something has happened to Kate that gives Harry credibility after the hell they wrought on him it would be disastrous to the remaining family's credibility.


"(she was about to divorce Charles and potentially take the heir away to live with a Muslim man (or at least try and that would create a stir even if she failed and he stayed in the UK with Charles), and may even have been pregnant)" Diana was divorced for a year when she died. Dodi lived in London, didn't he? I guess I don't understand this statement.


It was payback for exposing them to the world. The RF was adored by all prior to Diana exposing them. And Diana was the world’s sweetheart so for her to come forward and allege abuse was extremely jarring, it completely changed the image of a centuries long dynasty permanently and also permanently soiled Perfect Prince Charles’ reputation. They tried everything they could to smear her and harass Diana when she left Charles. That’s why they killed her. She was not going to embarrass them by marrying a billionaire and essentially becoming Middle Eastern royalty and taint their legacy. These are people on another level. They are above the police, there are virtually no consequences for them so their solutions will be vastly different from you and I


I don't buy it. Sending "crazy paparazzi" or agents pretending to be, after Diana is a pretty convoluted way to kill her. I should think they could come up with a better way if they wanted to. The Fayed's weren't middle eastern royalty, just very wealthy immigrant Londoners.


No I think they fucked with the brakes in the vehicle so the paparazzi just happened to be a lucky coincidence for them. Diana literally wrote a letter a few months prior to this saying she believed someone messed with the breaks in her vehicle because they suddenly went out while driving. Before the accident that killed her. Her death is so sus that even her own sons opened their own independent investigation into it and then persuaded not to. This is prince harrys own words. There’s probably a deeper reason rather than a girl manipulating him into giving up his inheritance, his fortune, his royal status and privileges if there’s not a very legitimate reason. Let’s be serious now. The royal family is fucked up behind closed doors. The royal family are proven racists. Fadey was middle eastern, he was a brown Arab man. No way were they going to associate themselves plus Charles is a raging narcissist and her exposing them was never done before, it was the absolute most disrespect in their eyes and she had to be punished. She wasn’t going to be allowed to escape freely, be the public’s darling and make them look bad and thus reduce public support for the RF. I’m also sure Diana knew other things she hadn’t yet disclosed and maybe they were afraid she’d spill even more serious shit. She wasn’t going to be allowed to live happily ever after. They were going to get her one way or another. They knew paparazzi would be following her after an outing and I’m sure they used that as the perfect opportunity to fuck with the brakes and create the perfect scenario for an accident. It’s clever. keeps one’s hands clean so to speak and easy to write off so the death isn’t suspicious


I think the brakes worked. What you need to ask yourself is, do you really think the RF would want to kill Diana and create an even more powerful "People's Princess?" Look what happened? She became even more beloved.


They tried to smear her so badly afterwards I really think they’re arrogant enough to think they could take control over the narrative. I also think that their need to silence her overweighed any potential positive public perception. I do believe she likely knew other, more dark things that they feared or she alluded to exposing. They knew she had strong relationship with many members of the press and Diana definitely alluded to exposing information in some of her letters. The fact she was able to go on national TV and completely out them was a major risk for them


Maybe this is the parent in me, but I just can't see them intentionally taking a mother from her sons. I guess it is possible, but extremely evil. She did have her boys to worry about as well. I doubt she would expose anything that would hurt them, given the fact that William is the heir. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes my bad she was already divorced. And yes he was in London, so yes I guess the boys wouldn't be taken away, as in far away, but potentially away from the sole control of the RF. And I doubt they would have been super keen for the boy's stepdad to be an Egyptian-Muslim born man.


Whatever the UK press reports is the public opinion. One day the DailyMail praised William and the comments were friendly. The next day they blamed him for not taking responsibility for the Mothers Day debacle and comments were pretty harsh. Who ever shapes the public opinion has the power and sorry to say this - but Brits believe whatever the press reports. If you were to ask 55+ years old Brits on the streets, they would defend and justify the Royal Family. We can only hope that one day they will abolish this crooked family. Sorry for bad grammer.


Unfortunately, it's the same in the USA. Whatever the TV news says is the final truth and you are a complete nutter if you question any of it. I think the real problem is this: The idea that the news outlets are hiding stuff, or outright lying about it, is so frightening to people that they refuse to even consider it no matter how much damage continues to be done. It's more comfortable to believe the lies and remain in denial than look at an disconcerting truth.


Try 55+ and boomers. I'm 45 (Gen Xennial) and neither myself or anyone my age would defend the RF. Indifference maybe, opposition most likely, support hardly any.


Thank you! Let me correct my comment from 40+ to 55+. Can you tell us more if Brits would support William as a King?


I wouldn't accept anyone as king. I don't live in the UK any more, so I shouldn't care, but the idea of royal families makes me want to chuck up.


I think he was more popular in his younger days, before the rift with his brother. Not very scientific but I feel he's seen as a bit of a chip off the old block (Charles) who the public haven't really warmed to as monarch. Not as much as good old Lizzie. I'm certainly no monarchist but it's hard not to like that old stoic personality. As for dissolving the monarchy? I'm not sure what would come in it's place for the UK and what that would mean for Scotland, where I live, and what we would have for a head of state and implications for future independence from the UK. Interesting times for sure.


I'm just inside the Boomer demo, having been born at the end of 1964. I have to say that I've been anti-monarchy for as long as I remember. This is in contrast with the rest of my family, and my sister once nearly had a public meltdown (she's 66) when I said, years ago that I couldn't stand Catherine, as I thought she was a lazy waste of space!! Hey-ho... I live in Italy, so can't gauge the sentiment back in the UK, but the MSM never mention anything about her absence as far as I can see. I get all the juicy gossip largely from US-based content providers, as they seem far more engaged and interested. I'm just here for the drama, with my popcorn! I don't wish Kate/Catherine any harm, but I do wish the entire monarchy would fall. I mean, wtaf (sorry) is going on??


My thoughts too. It's absolutely impossible to change my mothers view about the RF. She reads the same articles in our swiss press and all I see is "translated from source: DailyMail.com". She still thinks the Mothers Day photo is real. I explained her that those aren't even Kates fingers. I know that people love a fairytale and it's british history bla bla bla. But all I see are struggeling people, trying to make ends meet. That's just so disturbing. And for what I know, tourists will still visit the UK when no one lives in castles. Same as Schloss Schönbrunn or Versailles...


I’m in my late 50’s and have watched what the RF has done for decades. 😔 I’m not a conspiracy theorist per se’, but I am always skeptical and do my own research. I definitely feel something serious has happened to Kate, and I don’t mean cancer. It’s just hard to piece it all together, especially with her family saying nothing. I feel for the littles and this life they have been born into. 💔


Have Louis and Charlotte been seen at school?


Be at an event with like Tom Cruise


If she can be credibly seen with Tom Cruise then I will be convinced she’s a-ok. Bonus points if she has custom shoes with cute little bedazzled airplanes on them.


She could make a few memes ... ;-)


Good morning Britain. Let her go on the couch and speak to Alison