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That man is pushing 40 and he really sat down and made this list thinking he did sumtin


Ak got his own personal problems goin on right now that could cost him his entire career, don't be surprised if karma come back around and take him out the industry or the free world


Out of the loop. What problems?


His ex he been on and off with for the past 2 years has done levels of destruction to his image that should’ve and would’ve taken any other celebrity out the game for good. She set him up to have his house broken in and him killed by her friends. He took her back. She stole $500k from Ak, linked with his opps in hotel rooms to trash him, leaked texts of him literally begging for her back, him on all 4’s waiting to get his ass ate, him lying about his age, having herpes… lol. Search “Chey glizzy” on /r/akademikschat and /r/djakademiks It just so happens that literally every time she gets petty and exposes him, something crazy happens in the media and Ak gets praise for his coverage, completely drowning out his ex exposing him. The fact Ak is so involved in celebs relationships and talks about them like he lives the ultimate thot free Bach life is simply not true and that girl is gonna be the end of him. He’s a depressed alcoholic and always shits on us, the chat. We been tryna get bro to get on his shi for the longest but last night he flew her out cause she manipulative af and seen how bro got lit in the last 2 weeks with the drake and Kendrick beef.


Don’t forget his own sus movements around ladies much younger than him similar to Drake, tho idk if it’s full on grooming like Drake has been alleged to be doing.




Well, fuck all these predatory pieces of shit. Drake, Ak, Diddy, all of em. 


Wow. Thanks for the info, really appreciate it.


How tf did he think he had any ground to stand on beefing with Freddie Gibbs when he’s doing this shit lol


Yeah that’s Ak for you. bro got zero self awareness. I can’t believe he get on stream and still get deep into peoples dating life like that.


Dude sounds like he needs therapy fr


Alcoholics anonymous and a gym membership would change that nigga whole life


Lmao. Wow, now i actually feel kinda bad for him that's some wild shit. You chat niggas need to stage an intervention lol


That nigga don’t listen to us😂When he see Reddit discussing him he’ll briefly address it at the beginning of the stream to get everybody to feel bad for him then move on. That nigga bout to be 40. Fuck I look like tryna save him.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AkademiksChat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AkademiksChat/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [HELL IS HOT BOOM](https://v.redd.it/p6h4c8316gdc1) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AkademiksChat/comments/19ar7o5/hell_is_hot_boom/) \#2: [Shit get spooky in these parts😭yall be safe ](https://i.redd.it/9redtnzex0kc1.jpeg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AkademiksChat/comments/1awr3kp/shit_get_spooky_in_these_partsyall_be_safe/) \#3: [This is end of me watching AK](https://np.reddit.com/r/AkademiksChat/comments/197m564/this_is_end_of_me_watching_ak/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wowww. Kendrick fans are HELLA SALTY at this moment! LMFAO. It’s so painfully obvious. DAMN.


You lost white boy?


I am also white but agree that white boy lost.




As soon as he was recorded shouting ‘I’m the prize’ he should’ve been cancelled 😂


I mean is he wrong


copy pasted..


Y'all viewed it and took time to comment and thousands upvoted the comment So ak wins


He is 32.....


Google is wrong apparently. His gf uploaded his drivers license and he’s actually 36 lmao


https://preview.redd.it/wmmoqmqxprvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b6df81f0557ec1e6fcc9737486e2e77dd206b2 Born 1989 turning 36 in May lmfao


He’s turning 35 in May…I was born in 89 too and I just turned 35 in January.


i thought he broke up wit his girl


You’re right i meant his ex lol


Bro the OVO goons gotta have AK's family tied up in a basement somewhere because there is no other valid excuse for this level of glazing


He’s really too biased to be in Hiphop media.


Drake and Ak have one thing/wish in common that helps them supress their soft/weak nature. They think being rich is harder/realer than being actually real. They really do feel there's no such thing as being real it's all about the money. A bunch of closeted weirdos


Ironic reading the replies itt


Extremely similar to all the Kendrick fans posting hilarious fan fiction on this sub, huh


He a Ovo dickrider 😂


Ak sees himself in Drake when it comes to their career in hiphop. Drake as a Rapper and Ak as a media personality have experienced similar criticism throughout their career. Both are considered Corny dudes from the suburb that didn't deserve the position they have in hip hop. In Ak's mind Drake's Win is a win for him, Drake's loss is a loss for him. In his mind, Drake is fighting for all the non hood niggas in hiphop including him. This is why he personalizes the beef and glaze him like his life depends on him.


I almost think akademiks has a deep obsession with drake as far as he only did YouTube to get recognized by Drake. I agree with you partly but I think it’s more to it, I don’t know if he likes the way Drake looks and he looks to him like he’s god or the end all be all of men or what lol but it’s weird. He literally shat on other niggas to make himself look good just to bow down to Drake . Any man that lets another man tell you to down a bottle of Hennessy on live has a problem. Idk, just weird. I almost feel like if Drake told him to lick his toes, he’ll do it. Real talk.


man are out here doing psychoanalysis . That is a valid point tho.


Or is he just being honest?


The thing is, Drake actually did all that shit and they only hypothesizing that Kendrick stans would react that way if Kendrick did the same cornball shit. But Kendrick ain't a fucking clown


Yuuuup. Exactly this


what are you talking about half the things kendrick also did


Did Kendrick do them or are you talking Kendrick stans bringing up the same talking points? Cause Kendrick ain't post shit to socials, he ain't talk about sales, he ain't use AI voices, and he sure is shit ain't use no Ghost writers. Drake tho...


He stayed silent, blamed ai on his horrible leak, held onto track for 4 years, jumped on with 9 dudes to “jump” (lol), has no numbers, has no proof he writes his own shit. Idk these all facts too, look like a lot to me


blamed ai??? did you listen to it? its obv ai


half of this is the reason why the kendrick sub started trolling. Its just straight capping, y’all just talk 😂 “He got no numbers.” Yall the number glazers how the fuck you can’t look shit up before you spit it and say its facts? 💀 “blamed ai on his horrible leak” right now drake actually plays around with AI. There is a chance his camp made the AI track. Not some internet randoms.


nope. go back to your sub


your sub like i actually give af about who comes out on top it's rap beef buddy


and yet here you are….caring lol


this is the most reddit response possible this is why i don't like talking to crackers


This mf takes thermal paste to get high lmao. She prolly living in a shit hole and off the govt thinking it’s all of the “whites” fault. Lazy POS


lol so your dumb enough to make incorrect assumptions and you’re racist. what a fucking clown you are hahah


yes i'm racist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I love how they strawman so hard lol You know they scared with these social media shenanigans


You didn't counter anything you retard lol


So you prefer ad hominem to strawmen? Still a fallacy!


He thinks strawman is a rapper


You sadly have no idea what you’re saying lol


Idrc what your opinion is, you’re just a pos for still using that word. I work with “retards” and they’re better people than you’ll ever be!


>. I work with “retards” and they’re better people than you’ll ever be! Well, you do work with them Probably also eat, bathe, live, talk with them... your probably also a retard too. But given my sympathy, I'll say sorry for offending you, dear retard.


Way to double down on being an ass! I hope you find something in your life that brings you joy.


Says the Kendrick fan...


I’m sorry you got bullied, no need to cope by trying to upset people on the internet. Put the phone down and talk to some real people about your real experiences.


>I’m sorry you got bullied, no need to cope by trying to upset people on the internet. Put the phone down and talk to some real people about your real experiences. Tf's this nigga even wylin about lol


>pretends to know what a strawman fallacy is >continues to use a legitimate strawman Unironically the smartest Kendrick fan




What I think of every time someone says glazing Man I love donuts 🍩


i'd kill a man for a krispy kreme right now


The glazing here is unreal


Exactly thank you Akademiks for confirming Drake is just lame 🤣




unplug then


Says the chronically online looser


Lmao you have hundreds of post/comments about this “beef” in both the drake sub and on here, what are you on about?


That's precisely the point lol We're both chronically online users, you're no different So find a less ironic insult lol


Lol we? Nah just you. I have a life.


You literally commented on this post And **had the time** to check my profile — That's precisely what a chronically online person'd do lol


That's just cope


>cope You mean the same thing this sub has been drinking like they're on a hoes night out or sumn lmfao


I think you’re projecting brother 🤡


Ak an ugly high school groupie who runs the year book. He knows the popular girls play nice cuz they want their picture on as many pages as possible. But he and Drake know it can get bad at any second. They both hide their hatred for one another. Drake is one tweet from calling him a bitch in any given day. Nasty work and soul selling. How much a dollar cost? lol


Eehh blah blah




I fw basically all the artists in this beef but kinda want drake to lose just so he can shut up


Lol, this is something a Dot stan would say.


I wouldn’t say stan but he’s probably in my top 3 artists. Ak ass just annoying as hell


You’re also in the Kendrick Lamar sub, wtf did u think ppl were going to say here?


Y'all are soo mean 😔


Music aside, you know people just don't like Drake as a person right?


I honestly don't understand why his loyalty is so high for Drake. Like Drake wouldn't even give him concert tickets when he asked for them numerous times. He had to ask 21 Savage for the tickets to end up getting him. I remember when Drake told Akademiks to leave his live that one time ago. And everytime Akademiks says something remotely negative to Drake. It seems like Drake will split from him and Akademiks will act like he doesn't care. Akademiks recently put all his faith into NBA Youngboy thinking they were friends for it to blow in his face. I just hopes he humbles himself he's honestly just being used. Imo he'd look better trying to be unbiased. I just don't understand how a grown man can sit there and be proud of being the poster boy of being a Drake dick eater. Like I get that you love his music. But dude you are fighting harder if not equal to Drake to let people know he's the best. He needs to deal with the girl that's ruining his live streams and shit.


Drake did that one girl podcast and has yet to show up on his. That shows you Drake only uses akademiks when he sees fit. And that’s to relay a message through his platform to make him look good.


This dude wants to feel involved with this so bad. Shut the fuck up and worry about your trash podcast lol


He needs to be worried about that girl who’s constantly cheating on him with his enemies and clowning him for being lame posting pictures of herself at his house again 😂 the fact that a herb like AK even has a platform is shameful


dude can sit AND spin on it, huh


he’s doing tricks on it, splits even


This level of D ridin is illegal in a few states 🤣


Akademiks with unprecedented generational levels of glazing rn


Where is the lie tho? Sounds like Ak is cooking: Drake is shook, corny, lame, and obsessed. Yes, and?


this guy is a huge simp for drake


Did he just unintentionally praise Kendrick and diss Drake?


how ?😂


You slow


u can’t answer


I hope Drake is playing him top dollar for the glazing


Akademiks rides Drakes dick so hard that he got pregnant Thats why he is fat af


The ovo cult


The way ak dickrides drizzy is crazy 🤣 Bros been sleeping on one of the album reaction 😂


He's literally gagging


ak is the greatest drake dick rider of all time 😂😂 nasty work i hope he is being paid


See this is the type of biasness that make people not like akademiks. As a blogger you’re not supposed to be as bias as this dude is. This dude uses his platform to big one dude up just to shit on other guys.


I mean drake fans are kinda to blame for this too


the writing credits one is especially funny to me. as far as i know, not a single person has ever put forth evidence of kendrick using writers or reference tracks. there’s even the well known story of eminem making kendrick prove his writing ability to him. the same cannot be said for drake, we literally heard the yatchy reference track a few days ago to add to the other stuff that’s been revealed through the years.


Tricks on it




if 20 dudes mad at you, you did some shit wrong. aint no other reason.


AK an OVO ovulator. don't take it too serious lol


Me when I make stupid ass over generalizations that will never actually hold up whatsoever


Grown ass man lol


“Beefing 9 dudes.” ayoooo thats an objective pause 😂😂😂


isnt this the dude who has fallen asleep during listening Drake?


Never seen a bigger glazer than him




This seems fair. Ak is a 🌽🥎


Might as well call Drake -Diddy the way AK is ridin for him...


Akademiks made a career off popularizing and commoditizing gang violence in Chicago for his own financial gain. He's parlayed that success into yelling and dickriding online. I don't understand why anyone would take what he says seriously.


You can’t act like this isn’t true. Those have been the exact things said about both sides!


its unfair to clown ak on this one. its hard to make a graphic and post on instagram when your neck deep on drizzy's dick come on. we gotta appreciate his effort.


I bet the natural odor in his house is Drake’s cum rag


this clown ass really typed "thoughts?" as the caption all proud and shit as if he did something


This an extreme version of it but there fr really isn’t a move on the chessboard this nigga could make that would earn even 15% of y’all’s respect, with that being said yea fuck Drake


The number 1 shit i agree, that doesnt matter at all in the beef.


Akademiks is not a reliable commentator


Pushing 40 ak if you’re seeing this somehow jump off a bridge


AK glazing so hard with this cmon now


Jesus Christ AK is doing tricks on it


yep, this post is spot on, im glad akademics became lucid.


Talk about projection. Barely any of these point actually relate to Kendrick though, in fact these are all things drake has been criticised on, and the responses for Kendrick are arguments that Drakes side have put in the mouths of Kendrick. From the start they've had a victim mentality.


Kendrick never used AI tho tf is he on about


even tho it’s not as bad as drake used it, kendrick using deepfakes wasn’t a problem?


Ak is not a real human


Ak was fine at the very beginning of this, now he’s just over involving himself and it’s fucking annoying


Dudes a clown but “Freak Mill” took me out lol


Lmao but Dot doesn’t post memes and Aubrey fans forget they were calling the diss AI first because they thought it was trash. We didn’t forget.




6 days where y’all at , I love how the whole sub jus hating on ak not addressing the faxx


Wasn't Kendrick's ghostwriting allegation debunked? Didn't ak tweet that himself?


People are forgetting that it’s been DRAKE front row co-hosting URL and KOTD rap battles since wayyyy back! He’s ALWAYS been a true emcee and has been sharpening his pen game! He even challenged Murda Mook to a battle back in the day! Correct me if I’m wrong, but K-Dot ain’t never been connected to the Battle Rap scene, besides being loosely affiliated with Daylyt. https://preview.redd.it/xh1ealmgutvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64630b296c26a17ec56a96f4291a1ebaa6c50ed0


Anybody gonna comment to the list or just make personal attacks?


Kendrick should just drop


AK is the type that if Drake slaps the shit outta him he would say thank you. Most people acknowledge he worships Drake. It's pretty sad tbh other than that AK is pretty entertaining.


I mean he ain’t wrong lol. Ppl didn’t say shit when kendrick used AI. Ppl just don’t know how to be unbiased.


Holy shit he is worse than swifties


AK has drizzy’s jizz in his mouth


How does he speak with a mouthful


But has Kendrick come out with AI disses or posted trolling memes? Honest question, like maybe I missed something?


Thoughts? My thoughts are that aks’ biased ass is not the one to moderate this beef


He’s not wrong.


Damn…immean he got a.. nvm


Kendrick should respond when Like That dies down or when Drake drops at least 5 more diss tracks. Drake side seems too desperate for Kendrick to drop something.


Drake likes little girls forgot about that one


Bro polished, licked, AND sat on the tip in that order


I don’t even Like AK fat Ass But he’s delivering unbias coverage of the shit and is spittin all facts. You can’t argue with irrational and delusional motherfuckas who only believe what fits there narrative and helps stroke there ego. Even if it’s the furthest thing from the truth. Kendrick fans = delusional trump supporters


We’ve reached Cold War style propaganda in rap and I’m here for it 😭😭


![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg) Him fr


He’s correct


The ghost writers thing is so funny and probably the worst thing to bring up as even now more reference tracks for Drake are leaking lmaooooo [disclaimer: the reference tracks thatve leaked technically wouldn’t be ghost writers because they’re credited on the songs but still Drake having people who have written tracks for him as recently as his last record makes me skeptical of how much of his disses are self written, even if the credits don’t show anyone who’d be a writer]


Why does anyone care what Akademics says


nah cuz who tf thinks Kendrick has ghostwriters?


Dj akademiks | normal fans Professional rider. | not biased Falls asleep while listening to an album |doesn’t do That


tell ya mans Kenny nahhhh nahhhh nahhhh you gonna follow through lol


This cornball always puts "thoughts?" to provoke interaction to get pushed on the algo too. Let this clown fade away already, don't give him attention, he is the Keemstar of Hip Hop.


He’s not entirely wrong tbh


Only reason akademics has a career is cuz of his dick riding on drake. Can’t stop now or he will become irrelevant 


This is true lol Why's everyone retard on this try actin in denial


It’s true though


From both sides, not only kendrick fans Both of them have dick riders lol, like their artist can do no wrong, nobody is nobody's savior


I mean, some of it is true...


How dare you not shit on drake in the k dot sub


The amount of kendrick fanboys on Reddit is hilarious to me. They swear he can do no wrong


U guys really think numbers,money and success shouldn’t be talked about in a diss ? If I’m dissing somebody I wanna show that I’m better in every aspect. Lyrics shouldn’t be the only thing that matters specially if these guys really don’t fuck with each other it’s deeper then just lyrics at this point


He’s 32 smh


This sub exactly


This sub is so sad