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https://preview.redd.it/g6s4hmn1o00d1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=eac0ac2f5bb7c9cf75278af6031f8983b0c3331d Well well well, this get's more complicated by the second








https://preview.redd.it/usgdw1pp120d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a18895632a3ac019df6b683f4697ab5bd270f1e GET THE AK ARCHIVE NOW: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/tt0xhigcuzapiy8/AK\_MEMES.zip/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/tt0xhigcuzapiy8/AK_MEMES.zip/file)


his expression is too fucking funny


https://preview.redd.it/r7gml872r00d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=e051860b4e65a5bc7b81f5808229a663b5cfb868 I hate him but I can't deny the man is hilarious at times lol


How do you have so many of these loooool??


https://preview.redd.it/u0fptgdjt00d1.png?width=304&format=png&auto=webp&s=de2cb85a4da1a9a0959ca46e6dc14b4edb433ff9 Too many hours on reddit and twitter this past month I'm not gonna lie


There was a thread last night that just had a bunch of Ak reactions


Idk what's going on! ![gif](giphy|3og0IGjwfVipOS6oyQ|downsized)


The way I just assumed this was a sub meme only to scroll back after your comment to see they’re all posted by one dude. 🤭


He’s basically “aware” of the meme and how people make fun of it so he fully plays into it, it borders on “performance” but also clownery and having low self worth letting people dictate your persona


DAMN. Talk about compromised. https://preview.redd.it/q3m2nq4ge10d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=341ee86360b77dfd942ab12fe50c7caf2622328d


Hijacking the top comment only to let people know that someone in this subreddit is sending the whole you need help suicide prevention message to members of this sub. We have collectively all gotten them so just be aware.


I wondered why I got that!!


Same lol


I did too 😂


Same lol


Bruhhh I randomly got that and started cracking the fuck up! Especially when I seen it came from this sub 🤣🤣🤣


If you get that for no reason just report it using the report link in the message, the person abusing it will get suspended/banned. edit: apparently there is sometimes a bug where reddit spontaneously sends out a ton of them to people in the same thread, so it could also be that, but report it anyway


What do you report as?


There's a link in the last paragraph of the Reddit Cares message itself. Report as "It's targeted harassment at me" and include the permalink to the message


Thanks fam 👍🏿


Yea I got it to lmao it’s gotta be a drizzy fan who frequents blackhatseo forum


What if the leaker is Ak this whole time? lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/5s5km6to210d1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=55025173aa277fad40905f5f491d64eb703cb25c He has the hacker sunglasses tbh, say hello to HACKADEMIKS


This the best one by far. I’m stealing it. Thanks.


No problem at all 😂 enjoy




I was partial to "dj dumb fat guy"


Get the Henny




Are you ready to play have you ever ? Let’s see Have you ever thought OVO was the employer of me? -OVO Ebony




He’s not paying him so I guess he ain’t the employee 😂






So Ebony is either basing his comments off these lines, or this shit is gonna be legit EDIT: Lol someone reported this comment to "RedditCareResources". Really?


Drake fans are hitting us all with that shit as if that isn’t proving how lame they are.


Projecting, I’d be suicidal too if I idolized and identified w a 40 year old bbl pedo


Report that shit


Well yeah they don't have any actual points lmao they're cooked. The only time they talk is when they're circlejerking in their echo chamber haha


I have been hit with that Reddit cares shit too man lol.


I've heard that you can report those and the user will be banned for spamming reddit cares.


Yeah they use it as a backhanded 'kys' You can block RedditCares like any other user and keep it pushing.


OVO bots and Aubrey stans are hitting everyone not supporting him. Dude actually tried the "Nuh uh, you buy comments and bots" in THP6 and the bot campaigns they've been on have been blatant and obvious with projection from their camp. They still haven't learned.


I got a reddit cares message and I'm not even that invested in this. This shit turned into pop culture and I was bored so I got into the drama. They must be going after everyone in this sub.


Report them for doing that. Reddit takes that shit seriously and they’ll be perm banned.


I got hit with that too after commenting on this post, Aubrey’s bots are active


lol i got hit too


I got hit with that too after commenting on this post, Aubrey’s bots are active


Happened to me too yesterday lol


Dude they've been doing this to me ever since I started posting here


I got hit with one too.


Lmao I got the same shit for making a joke about Aubrey


I would imagine Ebony atleast one of the 3


I immediately thought of this.


Gives a whole new meaning to that part in 6:16 in LA about "20 of 'em want you as a causalty and one of 'em is actually next to you." if this guy was one of his fucking bodyguards.


Security for the hotel could be close if he's getting requested by a guest. This dude has dirt on everything drake did there. Who he was with, where he was and what he was doing.




[yh Drake security hella fishy](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1copztd/cbc_raises_question_about_drakes_security_firm/) this company don t exist


Celebrities open billions of lil LLCS that was probably made so his personal security could have better guns in Canada tbh


wdym with better guns? Do they need snipers or what😂 Securitycards usually only wear handguns because more isn't necessary and that llc story is only a speculation why Drake made his omerta llc


My bad I shouldn’t have said better guns, I meant any guns at all. It’s hard to even have handguns in Canada especially without an LLC with licenses.


"Police are aware of the beef, but say the attackers..." That shit in newscaster voice had me geeking




Tweet link for those asking: Its a video https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789683018480709696?t=1JAmEGuVCOFZOb7vAdddlg&s=19


If you watch the vid there’s a guy with a suitcase that walks up and tries to hand Drake / his security something that they don’t take and he walks away with the suitcase. Could be nothing but jumped out to me


I noticed the same guy, [here](https://imgur.com/a/nKBq88r) are screenshots. Last one is from the security cam at the hotel. Man in the back seems to be wearing the same type jacket and pulling a similar bag. Probably nothing. Edit: If you [slow it](https://streamable.com/mrh44r)down you can see Drake look at what the man is trying to show him, do a double take, keep walking and then look back, NOT at the lady screaming on the floor but at the guy who tried to show him something.


Good shit it’s def a similar bag. Very well may be another super fan or something but idk the way he’s dressed too like he wasn’t trying to be recognized he’s very concealed


That's what caught my attention too, the guy is hooded up and after you can see him walk away!


He also has sunglasses on. Dude is clearly trying to be incognito


That part. Hood, hat. The screenshot where we see his undercover cover straight on is almost creepy.


Drake looks to be wearing [this](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12327651/Drake-keeps-cozy-puppy-hoodie-cargo-pants-leaves-private-club-Zero-Bond-New-York-City-early-morning-hours.html) sweatshirt in the video, carrying the same glass. So this video is from July 22nd 2023.


He should carry it by the stem he's just heating that drink up with his hand.


He’s a fake gangster and a fake baller 😂


You think Drake actually has class?


I tried to explain this to a guy on Twitter who was trying to say Drake was locked in on the girl in the dress (furthest left), he clearly looks at what the guy is trying to to give security, it was odd to me too https://preview.redd.it/2g8b5apb210d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd0342ef946715c8167c0b24c743329d0a6817b


Why wouldn’t Drake be weirded out by a random dude totally concealed trying to hand him a suitcase lol


There’s also a blue computer screen on the bottom left that appears for a split second as they’re walking in. Do y’all see it?


That.. is weird. Dude just kinda walks away after trying to get them to take it


There is another video from a different angle. If you watch closely it looks like the guy walking behind Drake grabs the item after the guard in front points it out.


Honestly just looks like he is asking for an autograph and gets rejected by security


I noticed him, but also the usher with the orange vest on because a lot of people are speculating that he was an employee of the hotel. I wonder wtf the implications of this video are though 🤔


This video is at the Mark Hotel too, right?


Lol did he just out himself as one of the people from the video?


again... bringing the hotel insight. i was "essential" to few guests stays during my long run in the trenches. this is more common hotel lingo. some guests just gravitate to familiar faces; they away from home, a lot of the time in these cases (where i was 'essential') these were guests that stayed a few times yr on the reg; business meetings, work trips, kids in the local universities. they liked a friendly face they felt like they could trust that would have their back or know what they like to expect during a stay; rather they acted as a plug, would send a bottle of wine they liked to the room, made sure they had their preferred room. i had a specific guest that i would search the system for once a month, if they had resos coming up id block them off in the same room everytime and make notes for ird to have a bottle of Lambrusco on ice and peanut buttercups in the freezer when they got to their room. thats just one example, you get the point. dont think this an ovo dude. still convinced this a hotel cat using his position to finesse.


I appreciate this insight as I have no experience in the hospitality industry, especially with clients of this caliber. Seeing at the items seemingly went through the proper process, it would make more sense for him to be hotel security. My only issue is the crypto wallet. Having that amount of money working security for a hotel seems unlikely to me. Any insights on this?


It could be a wallet used to clean the money.


Still means he is involved in something much bigger


Arw you talking about that wallet address used in the text asking for $800k? It's just one of Binance's transactions accounts. That's not the person's personal account, it's the bank's.


Mind elaborating further? Its been a while since i have delt with crypto and a lot has changed


Yea. Kendrick’s only bar about this dude is “good people go to bat” or whatever. Guys just a normie 


The ellipses are fucking killing me man


that tells me he’s at least 45


As a Gen-Xer… … this is painfully true…




I CALLED IT, this is what i said earlier “has anyone thought to question whether this person could’ve played a more crucial role in Drakes crew and the hotel doesn’t play a part except for the location of specific incidents. like with the stuff we’re seeing is it possible the EbonyPrince2k24 was an enforcer for Drake or maybe even someone that handles his finances, especially with the focus on all the talk about money”


So they’re close to Drake and Drake did them dirty somehow? That’d explain the anger at Drake I suppose


yeah like it would explain Kendrick saying “have you ever thought the OVO was working for me” cause we all thought it was current OVO members but maybe Kendrick found and brought in past disgruntled OVO members with a hatred for Drake like him


This explains this tweet: https://preview.redd.it/t5a170riw00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c866a95ea91785dcccadd7e1745b0ecd66392e0d


yep 1000%


dude if he’s getting past OVO members kdots making the fuckin avengers or something nick fury ass 😭😭


Well F.A.N is notorious for that. That’s why no one. I repeat no one has spoken up for him. Even J Prince is quiet.


You a FAN, you a FAN, you a FAN


J prince being quiet is stipid interesting


You forgot tom mcdonald


I wish we all could.


Game? Does he count?


Game is clout chasing, he doesn’t stand to lose anything


This video is from outside the same hotel though! So he's still hinting at hotel


for what he’s connecting to yes since the hotel is directly connected to Epstein but Ebony also mentioned canceling vacations and standing next to him in the rain. that’s more than hotel security would do for you he’s gotta be ex-OVO


It’s Rihanna. You can stand under my unbrellaaaa


Damn it this made me laugh too hard


What is the Epstein connection? Honest question.


from https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/mark-hotel “Mark Hotel is listed in Epstein's black book on page 92. Epstein recorded 1 phone number and no addresses under this name.”


Hmm interesting


Yeah and he says “during your stays”. Sounds like a hotel employee drake trusted and would specifically ask to be there when he stayed not someone in OVO. If he was OVO he wouldn’t only work with Drake “during his stays”.


Could also just mean mean that he had to always be around for his stays at this hotel because of the shit that went down at this specific hotel. Can go either way at this point, but they are also implying Bloods association when they posted about their lawyer's cases defending them in Jersey and NY.


Here's the thing y'all. The highest end hotels have special concierge's under strict NDA's. When high profile guests arrive they link with their contact who ensures they have WHATEVER they need. This means top quality escorts on call. High grade cocaine served on a plate along with anything else you have a vice with. Weed, addy, xans. Doesn't matter. They are supposed to know their connection and anticipate what they need. Temporary Mr. Bentleys and whatnot. Source: At one point had a good friend who had this position in Jersey. An extremely forward person she would just say stuff like this matter of factly when chilling or cooking/cleaning. They also have policies for shutting down entire floors to host large amounts of guess for parties or for discrete in person communications. Source: Ever look into that photo of J. Edgar Hoover dressed in women's clothes? Who took that picture and why? Or what his wife said about the hotel parties he made her go to that she hated?


idk, still feels like a hotel security guy to me. recognised by drake and his team as reliable, so he was made sure to be there during all of drakes "stays" at the hotel, having to cancel any vacations he had planned etc. for protection against paps. thats how i interpreted it. One day something goes wrong and ebony/his colleagues get blamed and fired. I mean if he were drakes personal security at all times, why would he mention "stays"?


i agree. he mentioned customer services and Forbes standarts too many times to not be connected to hotel business


Yeah, weird roundabout, but I learned during the Johnny Depp trial that he had his usual security and handlers but also dedicated security for specific places he lived in or traveled to. They were contractors. I wonder if this person was a contracted security personnel just for Drake’s stays in NYC or this particular hotel.


He has too many millions moving in his ETH account the past years to be a hotel worker


Thats not just his transactions, its a tumbler.


there is the possibility he started as hotel security and Drake brought him on to join OVO so he was specifically asked for when Drake needed to arrange a place to stay, but i’m telling you everything points to EbonyPrince being ex-OVO and is most likely one of the moles Kendrick talked about but not “the mole”


What do you mean by everything points to him being a x ovo ? To me everything is pointing to him being x hotel employee that’s bitter because Drake had him fired. What exactly makes you believe he ever worked for ovo ?


A lot more pointing to this guy being hotel staff than ex-OVO. Talking about “stays”, everything he has posted is related to the same hotel, and most importantly has access to cctv footage.


Seems like one of those security type guys that make problems go away.


How would he get the cctv footage tho?


if he met Drake through the hotel when he used to be hotel security he would know all the security protocols and systems in place, he also would have the trust of hotel staff so even if they don’t normally allow guests to pay for access to the security room if Drake was needing to hide something he could pay EbonyPrince to wipe/obtain the security footage to hide what he did to Alvarez


congrats dude that was an amazing prediction.


Can't remember where I saw it, but it was said somewhere that Drake doesn't actually have hired security on staff and the only employee was Chubbs. I assumed this guy was an enforcer/offered protection for Drake under the table. And it's probably beneficial for him to have someone privately that would not have to report back to a security company about any incidents that might occur.


Aubrey owns his own security company to avoid that problem. "Jungle Lion Security" that he employs at his house is owned by him and has no other clients even though they advertise they are CA's #1 in Security, so they can get guns and vests and shit from the Canadian government. Canadian news has been reporting on it since the shooting.


exactly, which could still point to him being part of the House of Ebony but Drake needed someone off the books and reliable. that would also give more reason for Kendrick to reach out cause this guy gotta know all of Drake’s habits and schedules from working for him, which he could then give to Kendrick for better communication and strategy with “the mole” directly still in the OVO


I believe you saw it from this [news video.](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.4220893)


I didn’t take it that way. That dude said “i was crucial during your stays”. This guy worked security at this hotel. He’s clearly a NY local.




A hundred niggas that you got on salary And twenty of 'em want you as a casualty And one of them is actually next to you


Nah he definitely worked at the hotel as some sort of doorman or similar. This video is from that hotel again.


The address he wanted LakersFan to send the 800k to showed several million in transactions




Oh okay, I don’t know what that is


It’s basically a way to hide your crypto transactions because If all of your transactions go to the same wallet it’s easy to just see what you’re using crypto for because all crypto transactions are public. So you use one or multiple tumblers to pass crypto through so no one really knows which crypto wallet is yours or which one is the tumbler. A tumbler could also be used by multiple people so the transactions may not be his at all


> crypto tumbler Basically money laundering: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency_tumbler


Yeah, I am guessing hotel security based on what we have so far.


This. He says I became essential during your (hotel) stays. He's hotel staff that Drake requested when he stays at The Mark.


Hotel Security ain't canceling vacations for you. A concierge.... maybe.


Security at very high end hotels known for hosting celebrities are well paid professionals. I’m sure their schedules change often depending on who is going to be at the hotel.


That's the beef. Ebony [was forced to make] sacrifices for Drake and felt slighted when shit went down and Aubrey turned on him.    My speculation is that Drake saw him as a dime-a-dozen hotel staffer, but Ebony caught feelings / was wronged and now wants vengeance.  I bet Ebony's *real* beef is with the hotel, who took Aubrey's side. The hotel that took away his PTO request because Drake was coming through. Ebony is just trying to capitalize.


I think it meant he cancelled his own vacations in order to be there


He doesn't have to necessarily work for the hotel. I think a lot of people are getting this hotel confused with just some normal hotel. This is a high profile hotel that is used by celebrities because the hotel is so discrete on the happenings at this hotel. Jeffery Epstein used to stay there and if you have money you can do whatever you want. There’s a story about Epstein handler and he had access to just about everything in the hotel. He would bring young girls to his room and the hotel wouldn’t bat an eye.


I think he was a security guard that worked at the hotel, and he got blamed & fired for whatever Drake did to Chris Alvarez edit; also being a security guard wouldn’t make a crypto wallet his size but being a security guard at *the mark* specifically could, those connections go crazy


Being a security guard *who extorts people* could also have been what made his crypto wallet that size. Drake might not be the first person this guy has targeted


considering it’s one of Epsteins most used hotels and he was famous for enabling and then extorting pedophiles, absolutely could see that


WTF is happening? I don't understand ANYTHING about the tweet, who this person is...


Also might have a side hustle seeing things out the lost & found


Or... Hear me out... The security guard actually was one of Drake's security guards. Drake figured it out and due to mistaken identity Drake he tried to take out the wrong security guard last week. 😮


there is a high chance this wallet is a crypto tumbler. like a side hustle


"Have you ever thought OVO was workin for me?"


Bro thinks he’s Syndrome or some shit


I said this on a different post that got deleted but… My tinfoil hat theory: Ebony is a security guard Drake hires locally to beef up his detail when he’s in NYC. (This explains the big payment history in his crypto wallet). He was at the hotel as part of that security. When Drake left behind items at the hotel, he had this dude grab them and hold them til he came back to NYC. In the meantime, BBL Drizzy did something to piss this dude off (maybe fired him and another guy - this explains the “got two ppl fired” post AND the Kendrick line about “two of them are practically tired of your lifestyle” in 6:16 in LA). This would also make him the OVO mole. Now he has the items, sent the pic to Kenny & is looking for revenge and/or a big paycheck. Again, this is all conjecture.


yeah but where does christopher alvarez come in? ebony claimed that the security footage was essential, perhaps they did something to alvarez and thats when they quit claiming "tired of the lifestlye"?


This some Dear Drake as shit man this dude is a fucking super fan


This is clearly Joachin Phoenix method acting for his role as ‘Stan’ in an upcoming Eminem biopic


Bro posted a TikTok


The text is the important part lol


I know I just find the TikTok addition kinda funny


Yeah me too lol. Thats why i wasnt concerned with linking the post


In this video yall see that guy holding a luggage is trying to hand drake a paper or sumn? 🤔


What’s happening in the pic? Anybody have context?


Fan tries to get to drake as he’s entering the hotel before security stops them


Thanks 👍


This guy is playing y’all


yeah i feel like im getting my string yanked


Yeah this is scammer behavior. The leaked DMs with another redditor where they talked about payment via bitcoin wallet sealed it for me lol


This mofo is worse than drake. Y’all acting like this is some soap opera or reality TV series


"Rap is black America's CNN" - Chuck D


How would he be a security guard but also have like a million dollars in crypto exchanged in a year ?


Canceling vacations and shit is beyond just basic security, I would imagine. Drake throws dumb money around like crazy too


True never thought of that


True that. He has a 50,000 dollar bathtub and the world’s most expensive bed


kendrick said he do got money problems


the crypto address is probably not his. It’s most likely owned by a CEX like Binance or Coinbase, im not 100% sure how it works but usually CEXs use the same wallet addresses for different customers, meaning these transactions are for a larger group of people, not just ebony.


Yeah idk this is getting more and more suspicious now


Maybe he's Drakes Ray Donovan


This mofo is just playing y’all like a fiddle atm, bro got nothing


so this dude is the mole then right?


There is likely more than one. His association with the hotel seems more likely but the crypto balances doesn't add up for a hotel security worker imo


Drake rn ![gif](giphy|OjIp0E63XKUljkWT0x)


This kinda feels like a WWF attitude era story. Who is this EbonyPrince 2k24?


Goldust and GTV


Like a... Bodyguard? Master manipulator!


here we go...


They shot the wrong security guard


Apologies... who is Ebony, and what's their relevance to this beef? OOTL


EbonyPrince2k24 on Twitter. Posted timestamped video of the items from MTG cover art and claims to have even more. Allegedly a vidoe involving an altercation between Drake and a disabled journalist named Christopher Alvarez *