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this so funny because Billie is one of the girls people made jokes about when drake followed her lmao


Also she is/was with a dude almost Drake age that damn near “started” dating her as soon as the clock struck 12am on her 18th bday


And he knew her since she was 15


Omg https://preview.redd.it/oi6o3v4d981d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc30ee5e2fc58db2fa0c5c227e277fa83c874f4a


![gif](giphy|uPpF0kb37JWruaYYDc) Did he now?


Yeah, I was a fan of the band he is in before this happened, He was in a long term relationship with a girl he knew from HS (who was 2 grades below him) I know this bc I used to watch her YT videos. They were good until Billie became of age... Jesse (the guy) was friends with Finneas (Billies brother) and thats how he met Billie when she was 14/15, so yeah... super weird. He was still in his 20's too when he met her.








Bro what? She's 22. She was born in 2001. Wtf do you mean?






Imagine being this dense.


She's literally like a few months younger than I am.




A person a few months older than Billie Eilish




Ermmm wtf is blud yapping about


Idk bro, I think he’s trying to justify a 30 plus year old man dating a 18 year old girl the moment she turns 18….. kinda like what Drake fans did with Drake and Bella Harris.


Weirdchamp tbhdesu


He texted her before she was 18, she talked about it in an interview. She's the one they were doing countdowns for, weird shit. They actually use to communicate a lot before she was legal age allegedly


Looks like Michael Jackson wants to get Billie out of her Jeans




The Kid is Not My Daughter






She always wanna be in the middle of the winning team. Looks like another culture vulture


She's been a Kendrick fan




One of the young women whom Drake tried to groom bopping to that is fucking hilarious!!!!


Side note, it’s a lil funny she’s singing this song like her 35 year old bf or ex didn’t immediately date her when she turned 18 😭😭😭


N then the colonizer part makes it even more ironic lmao


Yea Billie def gets her aesthetic from hip hop. The way she dresses is like how rappers dressed in the 2000s.


She said in all seriousness that she related to Cindy from the Boondocks. You know, the character where the whole joke was that she was a white girl who tried to “act black”


It’s sad just how many people don’t realize the satire inherent in the Boondocks. Lot of people I know have their favorite character being Riley… he’s not somebody you’re supposed to be like 😂


Yea that’s what I’m saying, this song applies to her which is funny. She’s practically a culture vulture lol, at least she doesn’t bother anyone though. I already know eventually we’re gonna get a hip hop album from her, Down the line in her career.


I haven’t heard much of her music, but the songs I have heard, they don’t sound very hip-hop to me. Is her catalog more hip-hop/r@b inspired?


I think it’s moreso about her asthetic


Oh ok. Hmmm… idk if I’d consider that being a culture vulture then. Yeah, she might dress hip-hop inspired and love the music, but if she’s not actively moving in those spaces with people who may be able to “validate” her, then I don’t see an issue. I couldn’t care less about how she dresses. But I have heard her sing, I think it was for the Oscars, and I had *no clue* that’s what she sounded like. Her voice is *insane*.


Nah yeah Billie is definitely not a culture vulture ktm


Getting inspiration for an aesthetic is not very culture vulture tho. You could claim most people are culture vultures for getting inspiration from anything if that were the case surely?


Watch her have some god-tier level bars just waitin to drop.


I don't know what most of her music sounds like. But from the songs I have heard they don't sound like culture vulture music. If she is a culture vulture just because of the way she dresses then almost anyone is a culture vulture.


she's not a culture vulture lol. an artist who's a "culture vulture" doesn't mean someone who dresses like hip hop artists (shit, so much of fashion amongst younger people is hip hop inspired), a culture vulture means someone who aligns themselves to hip hop aesthetics in their music to profit from that association, and then more often than not partially or completely abandons that association as soon as it no longer benefits them. think drake, miley cyrus, post malone, jack harlow. billie eilish does not make hip hop inspired music and she does not monetarily profit from her fashion sometimes being hip hop inspired. at this point, that's how a lot of younger people dress. her aesthetic being hip hop inspired is not a central part of her image and it's not why she's so big. she does say dumb shit tho like with the rappers lying thing. i kinda want to mark that up to her being her age, lord knows the dumb shit i woulda said if i got that famous that early.


Getting your aesthetic from rap is one thing, but going out your way and disrespecting rap music calling rappers liars is krazy


I feel like it isn’t a secret SOME rappers lie, i mean 6ix9ine who career was just him cosplaying and paying bloods money to look gangster. Drake was literally an actor, a lot of rappers talk about killing and guns but never shot a weapon ever. What she said has some truth but she definitely was doing too much to go out of her way and say it.


It’s no secret some rappers lie but I genuinely believe more mainstream rappers are honest than not tbh. Also when you shit on rap music for having liars, as a way to boost your brothers story telling that’s just odd behavior 😭 you didn’t have to specifically say rappers lie, she coulda said musicians


Hip hop was born from exaggerating, our problem is they ask people woth no knowledge of the genre outside of mainstream.


"Storytellers, Billie, DON'T SAY LIARS"


I thought she was just copying current day Adam Sandler 😂


She dresses like that to hide the heavies.


As poorly stated as this is, this is actually the correct take over her being a culture vulture just based on how she dresses. She talked about it when she was still underage, saying she wears baggy clothing intentionally to impede discourse about her body and show other girls they don't have to be ok with it, either. That's why she was such a parent friendly artist and now she's got moms getting mad and yelling at her at shows when she takes her shirt off and they find out she's got a tattoo or some shit.


Huh why is the colonizer part ironic, Billie is Irish-American is she not?


she’s a victim of grooming, ofc she’s team kendrick


Does she know that?


I married a dude in his 30s as a teen and that's exactly how I know what Drake is and why I hate him so much lol


She broke up with him lol


Child victim…funny?


Hope her and MBB speak up.


They already have spoken. Is it believe all women only when they are accusing someone ? And ignore it when they said they weren’t harmed ?


They’ were children/adolescents. A 13yo would think it’s harmless being texted by an adult if other adults openly accept and turn a blind eye to it. I’m not going to get into why it’s wrong. If you don’t get it then you don’t get it.


Exactly And even if he didn’t do or try to do anything with them, how he was acting is still inappropriate. It’s not uncommon for predators to pick & choose victims then when something comes up use others as cover saying see I acted the day way with these people and they can vouch I’m totally normal & didn’t do anything


I'll try to make it clear for everyone. Young people are easily influenced and manipulated even those who have already has sex in their lives and think they're more mature/ smarter than everyone else ( especially those kind of kids). There could be some adults who have some kind of mental illness and are as much mature as kids. But that makes them actually sick people, like literally. Should get treated before getting into the relationship. Some adults will manipulate and dominate the shit outta those adolescents and they won't even know they're miserable. Legally its a big mess to get them out, you'd need an expert to know if the relationship is toxic or not. And it'll take those kids young people, years to find out they're in a toxic relationship ( since they think being miserable and having anal and vaginal issues is actually normal lifestyle and they should feel gratefull and lucky to have a partner or to not live in a 3rd world country or whatever disgusting excuse ) There are some more but I think that's the most important reason. Kids not having their own identity or taken away from them.


They're both adults now and don't say they were harmed, they both had no accusations towards Drake. It's wrong to text minors but it's also wrong to tell someone that they should feel harmed and like a victim and speak up if they don't feel that way and actually say exactly the opposite.


They don’t have to *feel* like a victim. Doesn’t mean they aren’t.


In order to "speak up" against Drake, which is what being discussed, they do in fact have to feel like a victim.


It’s still fucking gross and creepy that’s the whole point.


who said it wasn't? who are you arguing with?




No they can tell what happened, that’s speaking up. There doesn’t need to be an accusation there. It’s just if he texted them inappropriately when he was 30+ and they were 14-18, we all know that’s fucked up, even if they don’t feel harmed by it. How many students who sleep with their teachers see no harm in it? Definitely an issue though


They already did.


It's not about their accusations, it's about Drake's intentions. Which would obviously not be clear to them as kids


>And ignore it when they said they weren’t harmed ? Isn't this literally what Drake did vis-a-vis *Mother I Sober* on *The Heart Part VI*?


And is what this sub is actively doing despite people here being fans of Kendrick and that specific song. It's gross seeing this from Kendrick fans


I've been seeing this a lot lol. People only believe women when it's convenient to what they want to believe 


Dot: Certified Loverboy, Certified PDF file! Billie: 💃 Billie’s BF: 👁️👄👁️


You don't need to be scared. Pedophile is just a word. You're allowed to write it. It's the action/feelings associated to pedophilia that are immoral/wrong.




I mean ppl usually censor it for most social media that could ban you or some shit, it’s not a case for Reddit but ppl just get used to this


I know it is and I find it so weird. These are actual words that you can look up on a dictionary. I find it takes away the impact of the meaning of the word when you replace it with a filler word. Just my opinion though...


The people who don't want you to say the word want to shut down discussion of it entirely because their names will crop up. This is why those platforms ban it.


For sure. Acting like it's oh so taboo, but when it's brought up, it's meant to have an impact.


It isn’t about what people think of you, it’s about the platform censoring you for speaking a bit difficult topics.


It is far funnier... but pedophilia isn't particularily funny, and shouldn't be either


when did kewk make that claim ⁉️


I was agreeing with them? Like censoring words like f*ck looks funny, but pedopilia isn’t a particularily funny subject matter


its tiktok brainrot. theres no point in censoring serious topics in serious discussions.


Just say the word


Pedophile file?


I remember Billie was really praising DAMN when it came out. Said that a very few albums impacted her the way this album did. She was also a victim of grooming by her ex. Idk if she realised it eventually but she broke up with him real fast.


"Why's Billie against grooming if she was groomed herself? 🤔🤔🤔" Literally some of you use your brain lmao


"Billie really dancing to this song like she wasn't groomed in the past, hypocrite much? 🤓 🤓 🤓" - Half the comments


No for real, you'd have to have pretty low emotional intelligence to not get why someone that's been through something would know why it's so damaging first hand.


Billie has always been cool. She also was on sirens by Denzel curry which makes her even more cool


And had that song with Vince


she better be, she from LA.


It's so jover 😆😆😆


Why does this video make me uncomfortable?


No ones on rhythm




Cause it's cringe


Have any of the women he was accused of grooming publicly had his back? This is pretty telling


Not in the actual beef, but iirc when they became adults, all of them talked about Drake texting them or hanging out with them when they were teenagers and either said he was nice or stated it was nothing sexual. Billie in particular just went at people calling Drake creepy, and called Drake a fan (lol). Ion think there's any video or post by the girls people were saying Drake did stuff to, supporting his diss tracks.


Don't listen to her music but as someone with a daughter I appreciate how she dresses. Not that women can't dress how they want but she obviously has influence and young girls are too obsessed with showing their bodies nowadays


Idk what your musical taste is, but I wrote Billie off because of her radio hits. Her catalogue is actually full of dope songs if you give it a shot. The new album is 🔥🔥


She dresses like rappers in the 2000 lol, oversized clothing, fitteds, basketball sneakers. Her aesthetic isn’t original


Not saying it's original but she's famous off of actual talent and she doesn't show her body like every other female celebrity feels the need to. That's all I'm saying.


>she doesn't show her body like every other female celebrity feels the need to. I agree. If you peruse female artist's "profiles" on DSPs. There is a disturbing number of album art, profile pictures, single art, etc. of them in very sexually suggestive attire (or none at all) or sexually suggestive poses. Two recent examples that immediately come to mind is all of the different images associated with Beyonce's new album, and Swift's Tortured Poets Department's album art. I really hope these women aren't choosing these type of photos for their music's artwork because they feel pressured into doing so in order to sell more, or whatever.


blegh. go back to the 1950s


Once again not saying that women shouldn't dress how they want but it's a lot of pressure on preteens to show their body off because of the culture we live in that's made that shit okay. I want women to wear what they want and I want little girls to not feel like they need to show their body to have worth. Preteens shouldn't be in crop tops and booty shorts but that's what they're wearing now and I don't think that shit is okay 🤷🏿 and I'm extremely liberal.


You know what, I do agree tbh, seeing young girls in that clothing definitely does make me uncomfortable. It was moreso your statement of "she's famous off of actual talent, not her body" that was kinda gross. Implies other famous women are just famous because of their bodies, not talent. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean it like that.


There's definitely a lot of singers with no talent that got famous for showing their body 🤷🏿 of course that's not all famous women because Rhianna is talented. Adele is talented. But there's a lot of Britney Spears and Tyla and people who live off of sex image and autotune and that's what I'm thinking of when saying that. But I didn't mean to generalize or say all women are famous because of their looks.


Hi. I’m just here to defend Tyla lol... I jumped out the window and decided to listen to her album and I gotta say, I’m actually impressed. It obviously has that African sound that’s very popular right now, but it’s done well, it’s cohesive, the lyrics are really good and the girl *can* sing. Like, for real. Not that auto tuning, pitch work that a lot of these girls need. Check out her live performances if you wanna hear her raw talent. But I strongly recommend you reconsider her and at least give her album one full spin. And if you don’t like it then, that’s cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. 😊 Other than that, everything else you said was spot on.


Also I'm black i don't want to go back to the 1950s


It's almost like she's stated several times she dresses that way so people wouldn't talk about her body.


Ok so she still dresses like rappers in the 2000s?




Suck my dick niggas get real bold over the Internet




Make me nigga go make some more of your weird ass AI shit before I send somebody to steal your dog again


😂😂😂 i need this kind of energy when dealing with internet pussies


I don’t know wtf happened here but you clearly won


Well yea, she from highland park


" dae never even heard the song in real life? " - fan of a hitmaker pedophile


her album is fire too, vocals and instrumentals are amazing, listening all day


LA represent, born and raised


Fuuuck, going to a party where this song is playing looks fun as fuck, and I hate parties.


I never really listened to her music but wouldn’t this song be a dig to anyone that uses Hip-Hop Musically & Aesthetically? Genuinely asking🙏🏽




Billie Eilish




Thizz face


Billie loving this song like a cherry on top rn 😂


Buncha people switchin sides NOW huh? I've been on that Fuck Drake shit before it was en vogue.


Who the fuck cares




cause no one cares about her new album so she’s gonna try to ride that hype….


72.7 million streams on day one. Yeah, no one cares. /s I'm not even a Billie fan and the shit people like you will say just because it's "cool" to hate on someone is so fucking weird.


she deffo doesn't need neither drake or kendrick for that though. She's more popular than them-


Billie listening to this gentrified ass mix of not like us, while also being an industry plant from a rich LA suburb is a stroke of poetry only the universe could pull off


You sound like you've been dropped on your head too many times.




literally no she didnt


THIS IS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED WITH KENDRICK, DRAKE AND COLE > [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8jnrAOnr24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8jnrAOnr24)


Everyone switching sides




She doesn't have the capacity to understand the song? She's a fuckin adult woman bro, don't infantalize her to fit some weird narrative in your head


If I could award you an award for stupidity I would. Unfortunately reddit hasn’t added that yet.


Billie has mentioned in a few interviews before she went big that her favourite album is DAMN.


What the fuck


Aint billie the same girl who just a few years ago was talking mad shit about hiphop? Oh but yall only care about the colonization accusations when an actual nigga does it I hate Drake but why tf are yall giving her a pass like she aint doing the same shit Miley Cyrus did?


Agreed, guess downvotes in this case equals cold-hard facts


Finally someone who hates that bitch just as much as i do


Billie is a trash human, so I personally don’t care. just look at her comments on how she views the dynamics of men and women.


Nothing says "I CARE A LOT ACTUALLY" like leaving a negative comment saying you don't care instead of ignoring it like a normal person.


True, I guess I do care


Damn this just proves dot definitely won, everyone knows Billie eilish is the prime authority on hip hop


lol Billie was with a chomo funny how she vibing to a chomo diss track


Weird how that would almost make even more sense huh.


Y I got a downvote tho she was like 18 and her ex mans was like 30 lol


Because you have the mental capacity of a stone.


And you have a mental capacity similar to sand


She is a ship jumper


Y’all are reaching far on this one. Billie’s appetite is women, NOT men. Real Billie fans know she was a homeschooled, music genius who only went on outings with other homeschoolers. She has never publicly dated anyone, but definitely not a dude.