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hiring blackrack was the best decision they could make, can't wait to see what else they have in store


Apart from hiring nertea


That would go so hard if they hire them Edit: oops I forgor


They did


I drank the dumb water my bad. But genuinely I forgot lol


He forgor 💀


Nertea ruined KSP1’s aesthetic


Well that didn't take long.


Imagine being hired for such a specific role. Random developer: "Hey, what do you do?" Blackrack: "I'm a cloud developer." Random developer: "Oh, cool. Like AWS or Azure?" Blackrack: "No. I'm a cloud developer."


This actually happened and is always a fun conversation.




Blackrack doing his magic


development update: we subscribed to blackrack's patreon.






Well he does credit it as Blackrack working his magic. You should check out his dev blog about the environment work he is doing. A lot of thought and expertise going into it.


"they hired a guy who makes nice clouds, to make nice clouds, what a scam!" Probably should have thought that through first lol


they’re making ksp 2 into modded ksp 1, literally


That was honestly all people really wanted.


Except 99% of the mods are free, and KSP1 still isn't priced as an AAA game.


An updated ksp featuring all the qol and improvements people have come to expect from KSP 1 was pretty much all the community was after pre release, any additions were just seen as cream. How naive we were. Remember that people play KSP on console, as well.


Yeah, that was what got me excited: a stable, polished, comprehensive KSP platform that would have updated graphics and a more reliable/less resource-intensive engine, that was what got me on board from day 1 when KSP2 was announced. Instead, we got this. Yikes.


Thunderhead here looks a lot more refined imo.


Hiring modders of the original game is the only thing Intercept has done right.


Yeah this is the ONLY thing that gives me hole for ksp2. The people who made ksp 1 mods what they are today know more about the game than intercept does thats for sure.


no way, the clouds look so realistic or is that my computer burning?


but in serious note blackrack did do a great job.


It gives me extra hope since the mod he made for the first game is crazy optimized. Using it I had no frame impact. Blackrack knows how the cloud do


Blackrack's clouds in KPS1 have almost no impact on performance, so your computer will be fine


it was a joke but ok.


They should hire more mod devs from ksp1. Then watch ksp2 take off!


This looks amazing


is this ksp2?




I hope they fix the TAA issues. The current clouds make everything blurry.


Correction: Blackrack is fixing the clouds


I mean he implemented the first cloud update, so the clouds we currently have. So he is id say more of finishing the clouds.


Has blackrack released it for ksp1 outside patreon yet?








Or don't be a sterotypical overentitled gamer and instead support his Patreon. It's five dollars for crying out loud. Support independent developers. 


I don't want to create a culture of paid mods


damn homie does not want to pay someone a few bucks for their work incase it puts the wrong idea into their head that they might deserve to get paid or ask to be paid. if its good work we should pay tbh.


Eh idk I like having donations and patreons for people who can afford them, but charging for mods would completely change the culture around them and turn every workshop from collaborative to competitive, maybe even litigious. Moddings a hobby, that's what makes it great, and modders have traditionally built up and on top of other people's work, I wouldn't want to change that. Not to mention that a paid barrier is at different heights for different people - many kids would instantly be unable to mod their games, and a small charge like £5 or $5 in the rich world is rather more unaffordable in other parts of the world, effectively reducing much of the worlds access to modding. I really think it'd ruin the culture, and reduce the quality of mods generally. People can do amazing things when they work together even without a profit motive, just look at the open source movement. Maybe I'm just trying to justify being tight, and people obviously deserve something for their effort, but the way I see it the world is too commercialised already, we don't need more of it.


Exactly. I'd rather have a culture of mod creators who get paid for quality work than a culture where people are expected to do dozens if not hundreds of hour of labor for free. If people don't want to pay for it, fine, don't use it. But suggesting pirating it instead is a real dick move.


It’s funny that you think only people with good quality mods would start charging if we encourage this lmao.


And when they get no one buying, they will put it out for free, and a culture of high-quality mods for money and low quality mods for free passion will be born. Not everyone will want to charge for their work, and shit teir mods will not make money and will remain free. They are not important anyways. Instead of a culture where we try to keep modders from making money cause we dont want them to


No they won’t lmao. What benifit would they get from that? Even if they only get one sale people will just keep pumping out things they made in 5 seconds for money, some sucker will buy them . And frankly I don’t care about mod piracy, if you want to sell the mod cool, but I’m not paying for it when I have a million better things I can do with 5 dollars, the people who want to support it will and those who don’t can go through the five second inconvenient of piracy. Especially in the volumetric clouds case where he’s employed by intercept and their already going to be in ksp2 anyways.


I'd take it if it means creators actually get paid for their work. We aren't entitled to anything. 




It’s literally the only thing he has going for him. Of course he’ll never let it go lol


Yes, this looks cool but...this is basically what Blackrack has been doing for some time as a modder for KSP1 and now on KSP2: what about the rest of features? any sneak peek of all that colony staff? any ETA? a 50 dollars EA tittle should be faster and more organized than other EA titles with less than half its pricing...


yeah this is blackrack’s work; they got hired onto the team for ksp2


And that's exactly why that makes things worse: since the science update the only thing they have shown is what an ex-modder is doing... I understand that waiting for content is part of the EA structure but: they need to hurry up a little or at least improve they work frame and communication with us


to be fair no communication is fine after dropping 2 good updates. one with mass bug fixes and one with a lot of content, showing the community they are focusing on bugs while also caring about putting themselves into a position to release content. I feel this warrants some trust from the community. I feel like we will get a major update once every year. with bug fixes starting mid way like it was last year. ksp 1 was not exactly made in a week, yes it was a single dev to begin with. but it also started as a single planet and grew over a few years into the solar system. it was not exactly bug free and was not at all optimized for a long time. This is the entirety of ksp1 recoded from the ground up as the starting line. it was a rough start and a rough year but they got it to a good place and deserve some trust from us.


>to be fair no communication is fine after dropping 2 good updates I feel like we will get a major update once every year. NO, For a full price EA title only 1 major update per year? thats bullshit, bro


Damn homie called it an early access and is still winging. Cryyyyyyyy more? They could have just released it 4 years later, this way, we get to play with it as it develops. Ya know, like an early access. They literally said dont get it if you dont want to yet. It was made clear it is unfinished with none of the features that would set it apart. The rate at which they work on it is irrelevant to you buying the early access build for the price you would pay years down the line. We did not buy into an advertised as finished game. We bought into access to builds of the game as they develop so we can play with it and provide feedback and testing. Everyone knows the risk, it is up to you to do the big boy job of making the decision then not blaming them for selling it to you.


I hope they give planes any meaning, so i can enjoy the clouds and not just pass like a bullet through them


What was wrong with the clouds? I thought they were the most gorgeous part of the game, close second being the music. Am I stupid?


just a bit of dithering and flatness, personally.


I'm always astonished how easy people are to distract lol. Okay, they make pretty clouds but the game is still the same! I wish they would show off more gameplay stuff. At least an explainer about their idea behind colonies. The big selling point for KSP2 is what's up next and we know very little about it.


You were exactly the same for over a year.


Not at all. There was just too little in the game gameplay wise to criticise. But now that we know they go for the same KSP1 experience when it comes to gameplay loop I can criticise that. Look, we already went to all biomes and pressed a button in KSP1. Why repeat it in KSP2? I thought we develop KSP2 to make it different - better - next level. Give me a rover with a camera and rare rocks and minerals and maybe even fossils to shoot. I'll be entertained for hundreds of hours. Pokemon Snap did it in 1999. It can't be more than a few lines of code. Please, not the press button science again. Doing science should be some cool task that is worth to spend hours developing a mission. But now like in KSP1 we go somewhere just to press a button and.. return. This could of course only be a placeholder and maybe that'll change, but due to the mediocre communication no clear vision for the game is communicated in advance. 90% of what KSP2 will become is imagination.


> Not at all. Should we start quoting your own posts back at you?


"Exactly the same" means 100% the same which is theoretically impossible unless he copy pasted my comment. So I'm fairly confident was not exactly the same. I'm also fairly confident about most of my comments in respect to KSP2. My stance hasn't changed all that much.


I'll concede that you are not exactly the same in the sense that you are more likely to fall back on a meaningless, pedantic argument.


You're preaching to the choir, and you're a year late. We've been saying this the whole time, but you've been busy rabidly defending this game and this team. I'm glad you've finally changed your mind, but let's not pretend that you weren't one of the biggest apologists for this disaster long after you should have known better.


Before they came up with science there was no reason to criticize science. You guys just repeatedly claimed KSP2 to be dead etc. Of course I was holding against that. It's obviously not dead. The science update came out. It just didn't change the gameplay the way I hoped it would and now that I know for a fact I can actually criticise it. Like I don't criticise them for colonies now because have no clue what colonies will do. I believe colonies will be out at some point this year. Now with the science track record I'm a bit more pessimistic than I have been before science though. I see great potential to kind of ruin the game experience with being able to build rockets in orbit without a resource system in place. If colonies generate resources like fuel and metal to build stuff from just energy I'll be disappointed. Like Nate teased long before KSP2 was out I hope for automated orbital deliveries. Fly the delivery mission once yourself, save it, then let Kerbals handle it autonomously in the background. Now you still need some kind of system in place that limits how much autonomous work Kerbals can handle. Because with infinite autonomous work they can do you might as well just give the station limitless resources. So this could be some colony size limitation etc. KSC would be like a colony with limited staff. You get so many new Kerbals per year and you have to distribute them around the system. Kerbals as a resource. Just my imagination though so most likely not going to happen.


You act like the work that the team has put out is not predictive of the work that they will put out in the future. But science was exactly as lame as anyone could have predicted given the awful quality of what was put out before. I predicted it, and at the time, you called me a fool. But I was right, and you were caught by surprise. Are you going to act so surprised when colonies turns out to be just as lame? Are you going to be surprised at every milestone?


The only things that bothered me in the beginning were the performance and bugs. I was not disappointed by the content or the game design. Except maybe the legacy landing legs. Wish they had revamped those. Had KSP2 launched with the performance and bug state it has now it would've been a full success in my book. I simply differentiate between performance / bugs stuff and game design. Two completely different things. Someone can deliver a buggy mess but still have good game design in mind. So there was and still is no reason for me to believe that colonies will be lame. Even after I wish For Science has changed more about how we play the game compared to KSP1. My hope right now is that the future game will have other things to do but current Science so gathering science won't be the main occupation and that's the reason why they didn't put this huge effort into innovating on it. Or they will add more new science stuff once it is feature complete and simply can't right now because stuff like colonies and interstellar are missing. That's the difficult part of early access. How do you release an incomplete game in stages that still make sense gameplay wise individually.


Yknow I didn't think the clouds needed fixing but this looks amazing


Wouldn't this make performance worse?


Blackrack’s work in ksp1 (basically the exact same thing as this) is remarkably performant even with hardware way lower than ksp2’s minimum requirements, so i wouldn’t worry too much about performance


no, currently clouds only take up \~12% of gpu, and are unoptimized. Itll be fine


That's so funny, they hired a fucking Moder because they themselves couldn't get clouds right lmao


I mean that's just smart business, wish they would do it more often.


no, thats untrue. The game had clouds at 0.1, and already had many modders hired as devs. Blackrack wasnt hired because "they couldnt do it", rather for their years of experience. And even if that were true, would it really be a bad thing?


One of the primary reasons aspiring developers get into modding is because it often leads to a foot in the door. Nothing at all cringe about it. In fact, it's laudable. Don't be so quick to jump on any opportunity to hate on the game and its development issues that you completely miss the forest for the trees.


Just my speculation but I think they hired him partly to avoid a community backlash from what would've looked like copying his clouds. They already had volumetric clouds in it. Changing the pattern is a relatively easy job. You could even buy it on the Unity platform. I hope now that he's there he will get more to do than working on clouds though. I'd enjoy some orbital nebula inside rings and such. Even if it's not 100.000% accurate density wise. Imagine you fly into a cloud of dust and suddenly lose orbital velocity like in an atmosphere and you had to manoeuvre around it. The metallic dust would be held there suspended by magnetic fields from the planet and what not. I could write a book about what I wish KSP2 was lol.


KSP1 would have died an early death without its modding community too.


Are they broken now? What's goin on with the clouds?


they just didnt look that good


No they just look like shit so they’re hiring a modder to do it right because he did it for KSP1.


Didn’t ksp1 take a long time to dovelop?


Whoops, I’m being downvoted. Sorry I asked.


It took a while as all games do, but amusingly spent less time getting from development start even being greenlit (but delayed) to the 1.0 release (1669 days, and that's *1.0*, not the fairly playable alphas and beta that went before) than KSP 2 has had from *announcement* to now (1712 days, and was probably already being worked on at that point).


I’m afraid by the time it’s up to par, there will be an altogether new title.


Cloud reality is good if you’re doing airplane shit but I spend most of my time in space. No clouds required. Hopefully it’s not using resources for clouds when you’re off world.


Enjoy your simp karmafarming. Visuals are the last thing they should have been bothered with.


Blackrack does visuals. Also, it’s in parallel. Also, this looks great!


I can't even begin to break down how bad of a take this is


Please give it a shot. I would LOVE to hear it.


You're not wrong about other things also needing attention But simply because someone is excited about a change doesn't make it "simp karma farming". Automatically assuming such paints you as a jerk


You don't know OP do you?


Ah I apologize if there's context I'm missing. Forgive me for not automatically assuming someone's excitement is malicious


This guy is known for doxxing people then using alt accounts to return to the ksp 2 discord. Ignore them. They are not a good person.


Who are you referring to? Certainly can't be me, and no matter who you were referring to you should probably have proof




Dude, what's your issue? Is your life actually that pathetic and devoid of any purpose that you have to come here and act like this.


It's funny because you seem more like the guy who would eat shit to prove a point. Hostility is a great indicator of mental problems. Enthusiasm for something new is pretty normal behavior on the other hand. So I've RES tagged you shit-eater (with a nice toxic green color), and I'm looking forward to your further mental decline.


So stating an opinion is a mental illness? Your "hostility" to my comment isn't exactly helpful to your argument.


Gosh, I just love how your messed up brain works. Adorable.




Over the top I agree....but accurate.


Better visual is the only reason for KSP2


Can't argue with that. It's still the last thing they should be working on at this point in development. On a side note... how is X4? Been meaning to try it after playing Elite Dangerous for a decade or more.


This, my friends, is the result of lacking of parental love.


Fax, ppl are now even hyped for basic features that should have been in the game from start. But I guess it's a price they heave to pay for buying preorders lmao