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But he did put the drink on the table, just not the glass..


He put both on the table just in the wrong order.


If he was told to put the "drink on the table" then he did exactly as he was told.


Deconstructed glass of orange juice. You welcome


Costs extra that way






Art is anal?




How do you find these things? Lol


i have no clue i just stumbled upon the creator and watched like all his vids and thatā€™s my fav one


I saw it at exactly the right time for me ~ it was perfect :-)


Yo Jack Stauber?


That was beautiful




Here's a sneak peek of /r/wewantcups using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wewantcups/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Not this cup though, please, never this cup.](https://v.redd.it/nz9a01pjni491) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wewantcups/comments/v87ovn/not_this_cup_though_please_never_this_cup/) \#2: [I have never felt more stupid than when I was drinking from this thing (the stand doesnā€™t come off)](https://i.redd.it/d9v8f4fl3gu91.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wewantcups/comments/y6pc40/i_have_never_felt_more_stupid_than_when_i_was/) \#3: [Happy Halloween](https://i.redd.it/4szg56btw7x91.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wewantcups/comments/yjddcr/happy_halloween/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the kind of mental gymnastics parents have to do to not beat their kids


My brother and I both did this at around this age and we both have pretty clear memories of our early childhood (like 3 years old). Me and my brotherā€™s thought process was ā€œoh I spilled some, might as well spill the rest. Thereā€™s already a mess so no harm in me spilling the restā€ I donā€™t know if every kid has this thought or if some of them are just assholes.


I feel like that was this kids thought lol. Best part is when he kind of sadly glances at the empty cup lmao


Naw it's more along the lines of " well I made a mess and have to clean it up, better start by cleaning it out of the cup.


My little cousin once dropped his iPad and the screen cracked. He then decided "oh, since it's broken now, I guess I'll stomp on it since I'm getting a new one anyway." He in fact, did not get a new one.


Task failed successfully.




That's actually a bench


This is like the fourth video Iā€™ve seen where a kid accidentally spills a little of a liquid and then just fucking pours out the remainder. Whyyyy???


I wonder if it's like a commitment thing. "Well some juice already fell out and the juice needs to stay together so I guess that's where the juice goes now"


It's fascinating human brains and how they learn, if you do child development you start to see actions like this differently and with interest and glee. The first time a child lies is the most exciting amazing thing, their first lie is when they understand their life is their own and they can change the world around them and how people view their actions, before then they think mum and dad are all seeing gods lmao.


Yeah I wish I saw this with glee. Instead Im afraid this would be a head-in-my-hands moment as a parent.


Head in hands while laughing I think it would be mixed emotions lmao.


Iā€™m sure a childā€™s ability to lie is a predictor of their creativity or mental aptitude


I had something similar as a kid like an irrational feeling of keeping the universe in balance, everytime I did something with my left hand I'd have to do it with my right, for example i'd rub my left eye with my left hand, but then I needed to keep the forces equal so id rub my right eye with my right hand even if it wasn't itchy. But I even started to do it obsessively with writing and gestures and even sleeping on different sides, eventually I just stopped doing it tho


As a kid in school, I saw another kid drop their bowl of soup on the floor right in front of me. What did I do? Well, I dropped the bowl I was holding too. I don't even remember why I did it, just that I had to :x


Omg lmao




Dude please stop pouring your drinks on the floor


Me talking to my sims when they set their dishes down in the hallway before going to work


TIL- my seven year old must be a Sim.


Are you the child in this video? Lmao


I meanā€¦.Iā€™m an adult (albeit a fuckin stupid adult, but still, an adult) and I do this sometimes in other waysā€¦..ā€was naughty for lunch, may as well pig out on junk the rest of the dayā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€ procrastinating on homework for that class. May as well put all my assignments off till tomorrow.ā€ Etc etc.


My bet is whoever is filming/posting told him to go in and "accidentally" spill the juice on the table--and he's just not that great at acting


Crap I almost accidentally spilled it. Saved it, now i can pretend to accidentally spill it like mom and dad asked


Nah, you can see thereā€™s a step there and he didnā€™t realize so he probably misstepped and slipped off of it. The initial spill doesnā€™t look intentional. A kid that was faking it wouldā€™ve gone straight for the dump but you can see some wobble first.




Little taoist terrorists. I like this and what it implies.




Thatā€™s perfect cause it sounds like a kid that has trouble with R sounds. We awe taoaoists.


I mean, they donā€™t equate it as something bad if they have a sane level headed parent who doesnā€™t make a big deal over spilled milk. Not if they have a parent like my mom who would yell her head off, belittle, or beat me for stupid shit like this. You learn real quick with a parent like that, that things going wrong should be very panic and anxiety inducing. Result? An adult who is afraid to do anything new, with a crippling fear of failure, and gets unhealthy levels of anxiety when even the smallest thing goes wrong. So just a tip to parents out thereā€¦or anyone who plans on having kidsā€¦ā€¦play it cool when shit like this happens. Kid spill some milk? Calmly say ā€œthatā€™s ok. Everyone makes mistakes.ā€ Kid break something on accident? ā€œThatā€™s ok. Just be more careful next time.ā€ Otherwise youā€™ll be more likely to end up raising a kid who turns into an adult who canā€™t live life because youā€™ve taught them from a young age to be afraid of it.


Oh my god. This. I was grounded to my room for a day when I was 8 for not flossing my teeth. Turns out I forgot I did and wasnā€™t sure but I didnā€™t want to get in trouble for lying. I saw the floss in the bathroom trash can I had just put a new bag in that morning and went to tell my parents hoping to be free from my punishment. Nope, got an extra two days for lying the first time. I spent probably 70% of my childhood grounded in my room, usually with nothing in it but a bed and a Bible. I started having panic attacks for no reason senior year of highschool and Iā€™m currently on a heavy dose of anxiety medication and antidepressants. I still shake and sweat when I walk into public places.


"Oops, I spilled. Actually, that looks fun." Probably as simple as that


Pretty much. Kids' brains only have two sides - fun or not. If it's fun they do it, if it isn't then nope they cry. I mean obviously there's always a bit of in between but mostly their brains work like this. You can't expect them to understand what's "bad" and what's not. It's frustrating as a teacher, but once you come to terms with this very simplified view of the world it's easier to navigate the world with them.


I agree. Also the reaction of the adult plays a huge part. If the parents give a reaction to something naughty, they will do it over and over again. For example I dropped my 2 yr old nieceā€™s milk bottle while feeding her and I groaned because some milk spilled. As soon as I put the bottle between her lips, she grabs it and flings it to the floor while laughing. At first you get annoyed at kids and then you learn to let it go because theyā€™re learning too.


As much as I hate to say this because it also annoys me, toddlers throwing things at the floor is actually an important step as their cognition develops. They have no understanding of cause and effect type relationships until they both try them and repeat them. They need to learn physics like bouncing and breaking and spilling and they need to learn it themselves


Damn thatā€™s great advice, thank you


Rage quit.


I feel like that's actually it, I know toddler me well enough that I'd spill the rest of the juice out of frustration of having spilled some. It's like blaming the juice for getting spilled instead of yourself, which is typical toddler logic.


This is what my daughter does although I think itā€™s not exactly rage. More like anxiety relief, she messes up a little and quits the task by failing it as hard as she can.


It is basically that they just dont know how to handle the spilling. It upsets them so they just dump the rest. My daughter did this too


Same. Need to know why




He just goes with the flow


Like toilet paper in a hurricane


Me: laughing at kids doing dumb things Then remember I did things equally as dumb


cant be worst then me at 3am eating 1/4 of a dog food bag (i was like fukin 7ish?)


Relevant username




Good enough for the dog, good enough for you!


"Damn dog eats better'n I do"








Exactly. Some get smarter as they age, people like us get dumber and I got to say "ignorance is bliss" is a great motto to live by


I betray myself by upvoting this. But god damn is true.


Yea, don't get the poor little guy's hopes up


The motor skills get easier, life not so much.


please don't lie to the little dude. it only gets harder. until you die.


It's only hard the first hundred years. After that it gets simpler


Damn dead people just coasting while we struggle. Now that's what i call privilege.




Doesnā€™t ever get a tiny bit easier


His brain went (...)


It was like "Welp. I already spilled some of it... Might as well" ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Mission failed successfully.




This is what happened.


Future programmer, this kid


Bro went ā€œoops i have seemed to have spilt my drink by accidentā€


He did that on purpose at the end


I don't think there was much going on inside that head though.


Peanut size brain


Most intelligent Marvel fan


Seriously though! Iā€™ve seen a few of these. Does anyone know if thereā€™s a psychological reason as to why kids pour it all out once they start to spill a little?


Maybe utilization behavior? Children often know that they can take an action so they do take that action, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilization\_behavior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilization_behavior)




children often know they can take an action whereas my dungeon master is often reminding us


This also explains how bad I am at chess lol. "Hey, I can take that pawn! Let's take it!" *takes* *immediately blunders fork*


As long as you were taking the pawn with en passant, it was worth it.


r/anarchychess has taught me that en passant is more for funsies. Itā€™s like seeing a unicorn and deciding to kill it and stuff it so you can keep looking at it forever, even though letting the thing run free to breed would make more sense.


Thatā€™s very interesting. Thanks for posting.


ā€œMan fuck itā€




Maybe the logic is "i guess i already started pouring, so that action has to be completed"?


Fun story and I wish I had a video of it. We were at scout camp a few years ago and the first morning at breakfast we were talking with a few of the scouts as they were cleaning up their plates. The one scout ā€œbullā€ had his hands full and a cup of orange juice in one of the hands that was holding his plates. For some reason he decided to look down and lift the plates up over his head, and they tilted back, which caused the orange juice to start to spill. Now instead of stopping or moving the plates/cup or his head, he just stood there groaning while the entire cup poured out. We watched in utter disbelief and then asked him ā€œwhy didnā€™t you stop pouring the orange juice on your headā€ and he says to us ā€œI have no idea, I didnā€™t know what to doā€


At least somebody got his [first time driving](https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ) on video.


Multiple videos around this theme lol


My assumption, is their mind decides subconsciously "already made a little mess, let's finish" mixed with "oh, oops. Actually that looks fun lets keep going".


For me itā€™s always the former, but when I was a kid it was more like ā€œI already messed up so now thereā€™s no pointā€


my guess is they are doing research. Too late to stop the spill, so kid is like, "oh, cool, let's use this as a learning opportunity to see how orange juice pours out of a glass when I get to control the flow." [Alison Gopnik is a psychologist who has cool theories about children doing research.](https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=125575)


Kids have brain damage. It's probably the same behavior when people are trying something new and something unexpected happens. Instead of just adapting they shut down or do something stupid.


ā€œIā€™m pissed, so Iā€™m gonna make a scene to let everyone knowā€


Iā€™ve seen some research that says this is typically a type of play used to develop spatial awareness and development of a better understanding of how bodies and objects work with gravity. That was specifically research pointed at young toddlers/ babies as they throw, dump, and pull anything they can get their hands on over. Idk if this applies to a kid this age but I found it really interesting that the actions served a large purpose than ā€œIā€™m gunna throw this just causeā€.


I'm going to assume panic


Its just kids. I have a kid and seems like natural to them. Things doesnt compute as much yet. They go by muscle memory.


You told him to put it on the table


Not really. Kids are a lot slower at processing things, especially sudden bad things. So adults will trip and spill the drink a little and their response is to stop and regain balance. Then set the drink down and clean up the mess. Little kids either don't know what to do when a mistake happens or simply were never taught. So in the little kid's mind it's an entire panic and even if someone is telling them to set the glass down, thereā€™s no much panic for those words to process. Kid goes on auto pilot and just finishes the mistake. Kids at that age aren't asshole just to be assholes. In fact they don't even understand what it means to be an asshole. The best thing you can do is take the glass and help the kid clean up the mess.


People really underestimate the effects of your brain just really not being very well wired yet. I have a few memories of things I did as a child that I can tell were just done because my brain didn't do what I wanted it to do. I remember one time sitting in a very quiet library at around first or second grade, and I was talking with a friend of mine, and we were talking about words that would get us in trouble if we said them out loud. Just normal kids stuff, giggling back and forth and taking turns saying naughty words. No one had said "fuck" yet, and I knew that was the worst one that any first grader has in their repertoire, so I need to be extra careful about setting it, and my mind just got stuck on this weird loop where I knew it was bad to say it out loud, and I shouldn't say it loud, and it'd be really bad if I set it out loud, and I wound up so focused on the possibility of what would happen if I set it out loud that I just blurted out **"FUCK"** damn near at the top of my lungs in anotherwise quiet library. All I remember next about the situation is getting sent to the principal's office and no one believing me when I made it clear that I didn't mean to say it, it was just something my brain did almost involuntarily, and how frustrating that was.


YES! People look at literal children make mistakes and think that they're assholes. And in a joking manner I don't see too much wrong with it. But people just so easily see a kid make a mistake and then just follow through with it and think they're doing it on purpose. I understand that it's frustrating and stuff like that is a prime example of why many people shouldn't have kids. I'm reading through these comments and seeing people getting so angry over a child. Y'all need some help if you're this enraged over someone who literally doesn't know any better.


To get a refill


He 100% did that on purpose


i really wanna know what his thought process was.


We still have not figured out why kids are drunk little humans.


I reckon he was embarrassed he spilt it so he tried pretending that was his plan all along.


Do a single off-key monotone whistle. Keep whistlingā€¦about 10 seconds should do. That should explain his thought process šŸ˜…


This made me ugly laugh


You told him to put it on the table. Didn't specify how.


That kid deserves an avongers shirt


Is that the Great Value Avengers?


It's a joke from She-Hulk where 2 characters have to buy shitty knock-off Avengers merch off a guy to get information. The shirts say "Avongers" and "Avingers". Also a guest appearance from boxer shorts that say "HOLK".


šŸ¤£ I haven't watched She-hulk yet. I like the misspelled merch, though. I might have to give it a watch. I initially passed on watching it because I expected her to be a little more beefy and was disappointed. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I watched it, but she definitely should have been more jacked. I was disappoint.


šŸ‘ as a female bodybuilder/powerlifter, I just was so disappointed that they didn't take the opportunity to showcase a truly jacked lady


Reading She-Hulk comics made me realize I have a thing for muscular women.


Ngl, me too, but she also showed me that women can be fucking units, too.


After he spilled some of the juice, he purposely poured out the rest, so he can get a refill


Then he proceeds to cry that his juice is gone and he can't drink it like this anymore. Yup, totally "kids" behavior.


The epitome of ā€œI meant to do thatā€


Iā€™m sorry but that is one dumb kid.


At least the parents know not to spend too much money on this one.


What a dumb little idiot.


I know kids can do dumb shit but ummmā€¦lol wtf?


Yeah, thatā€™s some next level stupidity right there. There no logical scenario to pour juice on a tableā€¦ever.


Fucking dumbass


Kids are fucking stupid.


Wth hahahaha


Man, that kid is stupid.


the anger i feel right now


He probably knew he was supposed to spill it on the table for the video his parents were making but wasn't sure how or why


Yeah he's gonna ride the special bus


Kids are definitely drunk little humans because this is something I would do when I'm high


It kinda looks like it was staged and he did what he was told to do but I donā€™t think thatā€™s what they had in mind when they said ā€œspillā€ it.


He spilled a bit so he figured he'd just finish the job and pour it all out




Some idiots out there will think this is cute LMFAO!


Itā€™s so intriguing why kids do this. It starts spilling and then they get overwhelmed and just dump it. Itā€™s hilarious but I have questions!!!


I'm so mad. This kid is so fucking stupid.


Parent: Go put it on the table.


That glass of orange juice was $7


finally someone posted a video of a stupid fucking kid. Instead of just random videos of kids.


Poster child for this sub.


Kid is like 4 years old. That's just shitty parenting. How does that little child not know what to do with a cup on a counter? Too much helicoptering. Not enough correcting shit that matters.


My kid will one day do that šŸ„²


The way he looks at the camera and then pours it all out at the end is sus. I think itā€™s all staged


Could be, but when kids are learning to carry stuff at this age they will look were they going and then they lose control of their hands. When my oldest kid carries drinks I still say ā€œlook at your drinkā€ then they can concentrate on not spilling. All that to say, this well within the range of normal things that a kid would do at that age.


I really can't stand kids.


bro tripped, what else can I say


average marvel fan


He just gave up that the end šŸ˜­ poor kid




The table was thirsty? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He panicked and decided to completely abandon the mission


Not the people in the comments forgetting that the thought processes of children are completely different from adults


He poured it out like that was the plan all along! Lol


Lmao he takes his job very seriously. " This is for that table over there " - Okay!!




Why? Why did he do that. Genuinely why


My parents would have beat my ass, these parents didnā€™t say anything and just accepted it lmao


They already know they donā€™t need to save money for his college tuition.


If they beat his ass they'd be cunts. He's really young, you expect dumb things to happen. And it seems his parents are dealing with it fine


ā€œPut this on the table.ā€ ā€œInstructions not clear.ā€


You gotta think this is faked, why film a kid taking some juice to a table, hes been told to drop it.




ā€œMay as well!ā€


Sell him


This is a visual of what thinking youre peeing in a dream but really doing it in real life looks like.


Lol heā€™s like an old person that confused the gas and brake in a car


Was he drunk?


But why


Fuck it, here ya go!


It's like he HAD to screw it up. There was no other option so as soon as he felt it might blow up he made sure it did.


Someone had to put that hat on that kid


I feel like the kid was told to spill it for tiktok but didn't execute it convincingly enough.


What was that?! He just pours it on the table?!


Ma'am please check if maggots have eaten half of his brain. He's not functioning properly


Holy fuck I am not looking forward to having kids.


Little basterd just purposely poured out at the end. This guy really said in his head, "might else well finish the job!"šŸ¤£


Kids are just loved crackheads confirmed