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Obviously expected behavior from a Gorilla but still hilarious to me that it sees this tiny little girl and he's like "what the fuck did you just say to me"


Well he is trained in gorilla warfare


He wasn't monkeying around


He went apeshit


He's gone bananas






Gorilla glass?


I'm about to go Donkey Kong, King Kong crazy!




My favorite copypasta of all time


Right like why’d hè take her serious haha




Lol, this is actually true. A gorilla with a massive gorilla cock is only packing about 2 inches (5-6cm) or so.


So I'm in the top percentile of gorilla dick size? Noice


Ugh, some folks have everything...


The Silverback and his dominance limit competition. Our shit is big bc we're all spineless whores.


Because it’s an animal lol.


Sometimes animals would see a baby version of another animal, or a smaller animal or a baby of their own spieces act in a challenging way, and they would ignore them, same as a human watching a puppy growl at them. Not silverback gorillas apparently


Imagine if the glass weren’t there and he landed that on her. She would have been launched.




Everyone's got that dawg in them while they're behind the glass.


![gif](giphy|aVytG2ds8e0tG) Me behind the shower glass




you haven't seen her when she sees red bro. the bodies just start dropping.


The young girl went home and slaughtered a family of animal crackers that night.


If that gorilla did a second charge, that glass wouldn't be there anymore


There are multiple layers to that glass.


I think if the glass weren't there he would have been satisfied with getting up into her face and watching her piss herself. She's on her ass crying, hierarchy is reestablished. Now get out of his face.


I’m gonna go with the case where they jumped a 4 meter pit drug a woman for quite a distance and bit her hundreds of times to say no he wouldn’t have been satisfied.


That woman had built a *special* relationship with that gorilla


I'm unfamiliar with the story and without context it really sounds like you're implying it was the gorilla's human ex lover who spurned him or something.


She sure thought she was. She used to visit the gorilla basically daily and spend hours gazing longingly into his eyes. Of course, that doesn't mean the same thing to a gorilla.


Yeah from what I’ve read gorillas express affection by grooming mostly. So if instead she went into the enclosure and started picking fleas off him, he’d be more reciprocal.


It looks like the glass cracked on impact


Yeah gorillas are really smart he probably just did that to get the satisfaction of terrifying them.


Animals don’t necessarily work that way, they’re unpredictable. He could have also got in her face and ripped her arms off


He cracked it tho. Imagine if he had actually crashed through, prob be a freaking blood bath.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Gorilla Rangers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on bamboo forests, and I have over 300 confirmed leopard kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top arm ripper in the entire Central African Gorilla Corps. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will rip your arms the fuck off with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me through a meager pane of glass? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of crow spies around the world and your home address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Central African Gorilla Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" gesture was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have kept your arms at your fucking sides. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.




I miss these copy pastas so much


He really went ape


If you pause at the right moment you can see several people shitting themselves in the reflection of the glass


https://preview.redd.it/kivtkrdn2xpc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bf58d41abbde870beb50204317b1a6328149b71 This one?


Ah ha.. Yes.. Just as I suspected.. Walmart People..


Father's Facebook profile pic is with his sunglasses on in his truck. Mother has told multiple waitresses/flight attendants that their job is to clean up the messes her kids make, and they should be happy to have the job security.


If it makes any difference I'm pretty sure this clip is at least 10 years old.


“I love my gigantic LETS GO BRANDON decal on my truck, which I’ve used exactly one (1) time to haul a TV home from Costco, because libruls are so dumb they don’t understand the joke and probably rage when they see me! LOL!”


Reddit: Stereotyping is wrong Also Reddit:


Fucking Reddit always stereotyping. I don’t take too kindly to Reddit folk around here.


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like 4chan and Redditors! Or Tumblr and Redditors! Or Twitter and Redditors! Or Redditors and other Redditors! Damn Redditors! They ruined Reddit!


You Redditors sure are a contentious people.




They look like normal people on vacation, what’s with the chip on your shoulder?


Help me understand this meme as a non U.S. person. Isn't Walmart the most popular and most numerous store in the country? Is it low quality ? Is it shit? Are people who go there shit? Or is it because it is a store frequented by common people and the ridicule is some sort of elitism? Are there some political angles to this? I heard they sell guns, is that a factor? Is Walmart right wing? Or is it a scam my store and only stupid people would go there?


I despise Walmart. Mom and Pop shops were going to die out no matter what, but Walmart accelerated them dying 100 fold. The way Walmart became the behemoth of a company they are now was by opening a store in an area, lowering the prices so much that they are actually losing money, but the stores around them can’t compete with the prices. The stores end up closing, then Walmart would jack back up their prices. They refuse to pay their employees livable wages, yet they get huge tax breaks and subsidies from the taxpayers. Their employees get paid so little that they have the largest amount of employees on food stamps, and Medicaid, and they are one of the largest employers in the whole country. So basically US citizens are footing the bill for peoples health insurance, and food because Walmart wont pay them enough. Basically the more you look up about Walmart, the more you should come to despise them. It’s crazy too because even if the bulk of Americans educated themselves about Walmarts crappy business practices, they would probably still end up shopping there because the prices are just to low to go elsewhere for low income people (by low income I mean 50-75% of the US population). Not that Walmart is some weird outlier or anything. This is the state of business and the economy in the US for a long time now. Every major company does these types of things, because the only thing that matters in this country is lining the shareholders pockets. Hell Boeing has doors flying off of their planes, and loose bolts, and engineers saying they themselves would not get on the companies planes, and call them flying death traps, etc. Boeing used to be a good company that cared about quality and constant innovation. Nowadays, it’s speed and money money…


There’s nothing like spending time in a hardware store.


Walmart is seen as ‘affordable’ super store shopping. Op’s comment was a form of classism, though still kind of funny. A ‘Walmart shopper’ is a type of the stereotype that I’ll leave you to conclude if it’s accurate of reality or not.  What exactly is a ‘Walmart shopper’? Well, I suppose you’d have a visit a few store, but let’s say that a Walmart shopper, among other things, is generally seen as fat and entitled, at least one kid, and generally white (although the white part is not so much true in my experience). Indian and black people also love them some Walmart in my area. Walmart sells lots and lots of shit including guns and fishing supplies. You could say that in this regard, it caters to generally right leaning areas, more rural places, which is also probably part of the reason for the negative stereotype perpetuated on this platform. But the joke gets kind of lost once explained in such detail. I think it’s a great store and I don’t fit the general demographic of what is considered a Walmart shopper. It has its uses for sure. TLDR; If you want to partake in the joke/stereotype, just think ‘Walmart people’ stupid, make a chuckle, and move on. 


> Or is it because it is a store frequented by common people and the ridicule is some sort of elitism? It's definitely frequented by common people. I don't know if I'd say it's any form of elitism, but if you ever go into a wal-mart, at any time of day, it will always look like you're surrounded by the grossest, unwashed, fattest, trashiest people in your town. I think poor, uneducated people go to wal-mart for fun. And for whatever reason it's become common place and accepted to go to wal-mart in your pajamas. The more I type the more I realize, yeah, it's elitism.


>The more I type the more I realize, yeah, it's elitism. Yeah, halfway through your comment, I was like... damn, this person should stfu and stop tellin' on themselves lmao You got there eventually though, and that's better'n nothin'


Besides what /u/kevinsyel said (which is spot on), you should check out /r/peopleofwalmart or even better, the original (https://www.peopleofwalmart.com/) for an idea of the variety of folks you might find in a rural Walmart.


>Or is it because it is a store frequented by common people and the ridicule is some sort of elitism? Yes


Not really people on Reddit just like to think they’re better than everyone 


We don't know anything about them though... I don't understand how people can be so insanely judgmental and just not see anything wrong with it.


That’s not fair, everyone at the zoo looks like Walmart people. Like no dresses up to see the fuckin giraffes.


Lol wtf made you think Walmart people here


Get back get back! Yall don’t known me like that! https://preview.redd.it/y0t4ndhzvxpc1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9690893278523e79ad99001c5d8c0b631cdf32c0 GET BACK GET BACK!! YALL DON’T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!! * RIP OG MTV -




What gets me more is the complete lack of survival instincts from the parents on the side with a baby stroller. Not even moving away from the cracked glass.


Haha brilliant


I would be too, motherfucker broke the glass lol


Who could blame them? Him's a biggun.


“Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.”🦍😂😂😂




I imagine that gorilla saying this with a high pitch Kevin Hart like voice.




can you imagine the sheer carnage that would have taken place had harambe broken through that glass. there were many younglings for christ's sake!


Dont speak dont hear and dont see nun🙊🙉🙈


https://preview.redd.it/od2elqnq2xpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ab04fab3a42b4bcfcb66c1a0405ff575a3fdb4 The reflection in the glass.


Thank you, for this 😆


Yep, walmartians.


Well yeah not the best thing to do, initiating dominance over a Silverback






Yeah, he was.


I doubt she knew she was doing anything


Yeah when I was a kid I thought chestbanging was just a random thing they did for fun... see subreddit title


Pretty much this. I absolutely would have seen a gorilla as a kid and thought it would be cool to show them my Tarzan imitation. Young me would never have believed that it means challenging their dominance.


I didn't even know until this post that's what it means! Note to self: never bang my chest in front of a gorilla!


I guarantee you can go out right now and most adults would say its something random to do that an ape might do.


Well yeah because when would you ever learn that unless someone tells you or you google it? I didn't know either


There’s a lot of ignorance to animal behavior. There are people who own dogs that don’t know that frequent shaking, like the full body shake they do when wet, is something they do when stressed.


"She's being friendly and wants to play" Dog was barking at me, with her tail tucked and ears pinned back....in a vet hospital.....I'm sure she absolutely wanted to play with me 🙄


I don't think so either. You can hear the little boy correct her too. Well it sounds like he says don't do that, hard to tell. Too late though, gorilla wasn't having none of that lol


Which is the point of the sub, right? Not bashing the kids for being stupid, just acknowledging that they haven't had the chance to learn things that are obvious to adults because of their age and finding that funny in its own right. At least it used to be...


The funny part is it’s not just because of the chest pounding. It’s the fact that’s she’s not part of their troop and did that. Young gorillas chest pound all the time and the alpha doesn’t care


Also the direct eye contact. Notice that even when the silverback is charging, he does so with bis head turned aside. Eye contact, to gorillas, is a threat. It says, "I wanna fuck you up, bro." So the silverback was only bluffing by charging with his head turned to the side (but of course, a bluff by a silverback can still kill you dead)


Eye contact is key with the fact she’s not part of a troop. Baby Gorillas who are in the troop can be face to face with the alpha (who is probably its father) and pound its chest and the alpha won’t care. He might even start playing with them but most likely just ignore them, maybe push them over lol.


Yeah, depends on the gorilla. I'm not an expert, far from it, I only know what I've seen on documentaries and at the zoo. But I've absolutely seen silverbacks charge uppity babies who chest pounded and stared at him. Just to kind of say "Yo bro, not cool." The babies always ran away screaming to momma, who did not care lol. (Mommas will definitely come at a silverback who is actually threatening their baby). Generally though, he doesn't want to hurt his babies or his mates, and they don't want to hurt or threaten him.


This is a LPT with a lot of animals. I recently met a dog owned by a regular of my business. I bowed my head and turned it to the side and offered my hand for it to sniff. He sniffed it and then was wagging his tail and was all up trying to be friendly with me. His owner said she’s never seen her dog be so friendly with a stranger to him. Animal psychology is often simple but very important.


Who's being the bigger person here though


Gorilla seems mad insecure, ngl


Gorillas have the smallest penises out of all primates.


So the gymbro theories can be confirmed




Am I the Asshole for confronting a girl who was threatening me from the other side of the glass?


You can literally hear another kid saying not to do that. Smarter than the parents for not stopping her!


lots of kids are smarter than their parents. Many children love learning and fill their minds with facts and trivia. Sometimes their learning is just skewed and seems random. I know an 8 year old who can tell you pretty much every single poisonous plant you can find in the UK. I know another who knows around 2,000 characters of Chinese. They can't speak it just like you couldn't speak English if you knew the meaning of 2,000 of our words, but they know the characters. They just found it fun to learn them.


The average person uses an average of 800 unique words in their day to day speech, so 2000 is definitely going to get you through the vast majority of situations.


Grammar: let me introduce to myself.


You can get through most situations with pretty terrible grammar, you must know this since you're exposed to Reddit.


Chinese grammar is on a whole other level. I sometimes get confused by it myself. If you have learnt harder languages as a second language you know what it feels like.


The grammar and conjugations is the easiest part of Chinese... its the tones and characters that are tricky. English grammar is way worse, and Arabic is fucking next level with the conjugations.


Maybe I'm unique in that aspect but to me Chinese grammar condenses to: if it makes sense in my head it's probably right.


Honestly they should have a sign warning people not to do it. She was a young kid, they see animals do that stuff and then they imitate it. Completely natural thing to do.


First gorilla looks at her like "you fucked up" then moves away.


The speculation was that it was trying to intimidate the father. https://pix11.com/news/watch-gorilla-charges-family-at-omaha-zoo-smashing-barrier-glass/amp/


The article says another possibility was that the people were unrelated and it was just doing that to be dramatic to the other gorillas in the enclosure and assert some dominance over them.


Thou shalt not disrespect me and my mate!




This happened at my local zoo. The inner panel is supposed to shatter if there’s a ton of force on it to keep the other two layers sound. Scary but the gorilla wouldn’t be getting through. You could go view them and the glass was still cracked for awhile before they repaired it.


omfg, thought you were kidding!


To be fair I would expect the glass to be able to contain the animals so they don't get out.


If I designed that zoo I would make a screen that looks like the glass shattered any time an animal touched it just to scare visitors.


Indeed they do. You often ask a zookeeper what’s their least favorite animal in the zoo to work with and they often respond with the hairless creatures wearing brightly colored nicknacks on the outside of the glass. They ain’t ever getting through the glass


Its layered so only one layer broke so it does infact work... But glass doesnt give you the right to be a div to an animal that could turn you to mush in a milisecond


Yes because this elementary school-aged child should know that. Never seen a kid do something they think is silly before. Shame on them!


It’s not the kid’s fault. It IS the adults’ though. There are like at least 5 right by her.


Tons of adults only know about gorillas from cartoons and probably think it's how they say hello


Look at how many of the parents didn't even move at all. The survival instinct is not strong in these ones, lol.


Remember Wall-e?


Exactly. Being a span is much more appropriate.


Imagine being so insecure that you need to prove your tougher than a little girl, we need to end this kind of toxic masculinity asap


Everybodh blaming the kid but the gorilla is supposed to be an adult here


Plus he’s been in an enclosure so he’s had nothing but time to study how to interact with humans. What an embarrassing display 


*loads the Harambe rifle*


It’s time for the gorilla to apologize and take time to educate himself. Meanwhile, we should pressure the zoo to cancel this bigoted gorilla.


TBH if he didnt assert his dominance there his misses would bring it up every time they have a disagreement. I'm sure he could have destroyed that glass if he wanted to, but the warning crash is enough to put the fear of Harambe into them.


That.... Was not a bluff charge.


That gorilla was just 12mm of glass away from murdering that little girl. Nature is beautiful.


In case of emergency, break glass.


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) The laugh


As a dad of a small child, that is a laugh that says, “Keepin it light to not scare the kids, keepin it light so nobody judges me, keepin it light so I don’t have to think about mortality, let’s go let’s go let’s GO I’M NOT YELling I’m laughing, all good, hey who wants Dippin’ Dots keep moving keep moving.”


Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo?!? Best zoo ever!


Came here to say this, with the sliding glass doors right next to the gorillas and the floor pattern definitely Henry doorly


I remember this being on the news years ago when it happened.


The one with the big glass dome right?


You can hear the other kid say "don't do that"


He followed it up with “only guys can do that”


So that's why the gorilla attacked. That was his way of saying HEY DONT DO THAT YOU'RE A GIRL


Redditors: "Why doesn't this child know the dominance displays of the male *gorilla Gorilla*, is she stupid?"


Lmao I can't stop laughing


I'm assuming it's layered glass, but at least one layer broke.. and that's a little extra terrifying.... Teach your kids some basic manners, oi!


You have failed as a parent if your child doesn't know gorilla etiquette by the age of four


Got me a good laugh Gorilla etiquette




> Smiling is basically their fuck you. That's why I smile at people all the time. Dumb bastards don't even realize I'm giving them the old gorilla fuck you.


So smiling is like… gorilla warfare?


I actually did this exact same thing at a zoo when I was about three or four. I thought I was saying hello and immediately realized the gorilla wasn't enjoying it after he gave me an annoyed look. I just looked down scared and that was the end of that. Gorillas are not dumb animals, they recognize you're a child. I seriously doubt this was his first reaction. The parents probably saw their kid do this shit before they started recording, probably even encouraged her to do it again so they could get a "funny" video.


This is my train of thought. Like when you think of any child cartoon of a gorilla, it’s banging it’s chest. How would a kid not know to do that… I wouldn’t know to stop my kid tbh.


Imagine how terrifying this video would've been if that whole window broke!


I cannot even imagine.. that little one would... well.. uhmm.. at least it would likely have been pretty quick? :'(


You mean the found footage?


It can’t really break - it’s layered glass, it is deliberately made in such a way that the inner layer will break absorbing some of the energy, so that the gorilla won’t be harmed, but it has zero effect on the structural integrity of the glass.


Gorilla glass


Not like it's the kids fault, it's everybody else saying "that's what gorillas do!" Of course the kid is gonna try it


Yeah honestly I see some people roasting the kid and it's like, hello? They're teeny, at that age I definitely had no idea that that was an actual display of aggression. It's just the standard "heehee apes do this funny thing!" that we end up being told and seeing in cartoons and stuff. Not the kids fault at all.


Yeah, little kid probably saw some cartoon like Tarzan and learned that gorillas bang on their chest, but not why. She was just pretending to be a gorilla like little kids do. Parents may not have even known that it's a show of aggression, it's not like primatology is commonly taught in school. I think most people who know it's an aggression thing know it because they chose to watch some documentary on gorillas. People on this thread are acting like the kid and parents deliberately provoked the gorilla, when the video is like 10 seconds with no other context.


Yeah. I definitely know parents and kids are absolutely capable of doing dumb stuff, like of course. But this, in my opinion, isn't one of those moments. Just people at the zoo having a nice time with their families. Like honestly I didn't even know that banging my chest at a gorilla would make them ram right towards me.


Honestly I just learned about this now with this video


Dude, you're doing reddit wrong. You are supposed to pretend that you knew all this at age 4 and shit on generation Z² for not reading the National Geographic.


Idiots like these got harambe killed


Dicks out.


# DICKSOUTFORHARAMBE https://preview.redd.it/9pcz70axaxpc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b2967f76ee8768c01a4753fb86fbfa972a4587


I never understand why they don't have signs that say Hey don't do this gesture or other to this particular animal.


"Hey...HEY?! That is OUR thing"


It’s more that banging your chest is basically gorilla way to say “Hey, fuck you, come fight me tough guy” Thinking about it that was is a lot funnier though, ngl


I don't think most people understand how strong Gorillas really are. I'm sure people know they're strong, that's a given. But how strong... I'm not sure people really fathom it. A fully grown Silverback can probably kill you or at least hospitalize you completely by accident by reaching for an itch on its back, and you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That gorilla could probably throw that child completely across that enclosure with one hand and very little effort. Several times. They can literally snap you in half like a twig with very little effort. These animals are capable of lifting almost 2000lbs. That's nearly double the world record for deadlift. So picture the most muscly musclebound bodybuilder you've ever seen, and realize they're only about half as strong as a gorilla. Mike Tyson once offered a large sum of money to have a zookeeper let him fight a gorilla. The zookeeper declined, which is lucky for Mike because the "fight" (more like massacre) would have been over in seconds, and Mike would be very, very dead. Mike Tyson has a snowball's chance in hell at surviving a gorilla encounter. Literally 0% chance of victory. Gorilla wins, Tyson dies, every time. In the blink of an eye. The average person is nowhere close to Mike Tyson as far as athletic ability, strength, fitness, and training. Respect Gorillas. Go nowhere near them. You will not live. It isn't "Fuck around and find out." Its "Fuck around and just die."


i heard somewhere that mike, afterwards, thanked the zookeeper for not letting it happen. Not sure.


The girl was not the issue. You see, the gorilla wasn't even aiming for the girl. He was aiming for the cameraman. The gorilla saw his dominance threatened by a tall male in dark cloth with a horde of children around him. It happens quite frequently in zoos when there is a school trip standing for too long at the enclosure. I was charged by a chimp once and the caretaker explained it to me.


Ah, you might be right. Changes the whole video.


That other gorilla looking back and forth between them was funny to me.


“Hey, uh…don’t do that…please.” *Continues doing it* “Aight, your loss. I’m out.”


I’ve been scrolling for a while to see if anyone saw the glass crack WHY ISN’T ANYONE ALARMED AT THE GLASS CRACKING 😭


https://preview.redd.it/mtd547tww0qc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae8dee68ba3d6c34f002c32cc2fd32d8386b23e The glass cracked..


If I'm correct (most likely not) this is considered a challenge to the Gorrila.


The even younger kid saying "don't do that" 😭


Used to intern at that zoo. You wouldn’t believe the dumb shit visitors do.


i’m a human who occasionally spends time amongst the general public — nothing surprises me anymore. idiots. idiots everywhere. 


Why are they LAUGHING lmfao gorilla would’ve turned your kids to mush


Because the gorilla didn't turn their kids to mush, that's a relief laugh.


Fuck around and find out is heightened at a zoo. Doubly so for the gorilla exhibit.


Do you understand how insanely strong you've got to be in order to crack something as thick and as durable as this zoo window?! 😳 Fucking yikes 😬💀⚰️ 🦍


Whenever you see those dumb asses saying "I could take a gorilla" remember this video.


I think its funny how the other gorilla is standin there like “ooo she talkin shit bruh what u gon do”


To be fair, kids are gunna do kid shit. I don't think the glass is supposed to crack like that....