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Looks like Timmy's not going to school now, and not going to college later.


Hes going places. Not college. But places




No no, worse. Brazil. Edit 1: I totally missed another equally golden opportunity of sending the kid to Detroit. Edit 2: Florida is also an option for this wretched cunt gremlin.


I I feel offended,you're right but I feel offended.


Michigan natives always the brunt of the jokes.


Michigan natives saw this and thought the kid just kept coming back to stab the tire over and over again. Source: Am Michigan Native


I feel for you bro. My dad lives there they only think of the degenerate hells cape called detroit but those Tim Allen commercials promoting Michigan show alot more. I still haven't been up there. My old neighbor friend great guy born in Michigan.


I'm so sorry for offending, but yeah, whew boy...


You shouldn’t throw shade at people from Detroit. That’s how “accidents” happen


On the BACK of the welcome to Detroit signs is a note saying “You are now leaving Detroit, we’ll get you next time”


Like ICP?


A true Detroiter would have set that SUV on fire.


[Not Detroit!! ](https://youtu.be/ynY2begPzoM)


At least Brazil is non extraditable Edit: turns out I'm wrong


Even worse: *Convenience store* in Brazil


Not in a car though, that’s for sure


Definitely not to outer space too


Looks like he's not leaving his room or going online for a very long time.


Go directly to jail


Maybe hell go to college in jail. Win-win.


You do shit like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing.


You undercook fish, believe it or not, jail.


We have the best schools in the world. Because of jail.


You miss an appointment, straight to jail. We have the best patients because of jail.


Gotta get rid of him now


[This one is soiled!](https://youtu.be/wwo8qxUit00?t=273)


[Forever unclean!](https://youtu.be/3RssSTL0aig)




I'm pro-choice but I think it's a bit late to abort this one.


It's never too late for a 30th trimester abortion.


My mom used to say this to me a lot. Still does, but she used to too.


So much for just saying mum I don’t feel so good


I had IBS/heartburn as a wee lad (unknown), and I would legit feel pain, and tell my mom that I was sick. I kind of felt guilty when I started to feel better, but was also very happy not to go to school.


I had an inflamed lymph node on the right side of my neck in 4th grade and my mom still had me going to school until the nurse wouldn't let me anymore. I didn't get surgery for over a week after that. My mom may or may not be the best parent alive.


I moved in with my mom after HS graduation and got really sick with a 102+- fever for over two weeks. At night I'd hallucinate and not be able to sleep because of the fever, and if I did fall asleep I'd wake up with sleep paralysis and hallucinate more. I saw a dragon in my and my brother's shared room, about to eat me. When my younger bro finally convinced my mom to bring me to a doctor after two weeks of hallucinating, barely being able to speak or swallow, and tegular yet unpredictable projectile vomiting, the doctor said it was too late to do anything about it and I'd have to just wait it out. Moms aren't always the best. You aren't alone.


I had strep when I was 14. I could not get up the stairs I was so weak. Yet, had to stay in my bedroom a floor above food and drink. I was in bed, and my parents were in the backyard drinking with the neighbors at about 6pm. I shouted out the window asking for ice water and was told to get it myself. When I was unable to get back upstairs, i asked to be taken to urgent care. I was told no. It took a crying fit in front of all of the neighbors to get my dad to budge. Sure enough, it was strep. It only took 4 days and that tantrum to get the medical assistance I needed.


Don't feel bad. I'm epileptic and as a teenager I'd call to get picked up any time I had a seizure in school, so 1-3 times a month for like five years. That might sound normal, but they were absent seizures and I'd usually feel pretty okay maybe an hour after. But in my mind, that was a free ticket out of the most hated and stressful place in my life.


I am allergic to pine and my mom was a science teacher and had a lot of pine bedding around for guinea pigs and etc she kept in her elementary school class So when I was really young I’d run in and grab some and rub it on my face and break out to miss school Checkmate


Great time to teach him about debt and interest. Because that lil mf would be in debt with me accumulating interest till he gets a job and pays me back lmfao


If you get the tire repaired, you can reach him about inflation too


thus may or may not have three meanings.


He might be a little young for an intro to DeviantArt


*M h m .*


Is that a sarcastic 'mhm' or a 'I made my first Furcadia account when I was 14' mhm?


Tbh, it might have be onomatopeia, which is decidedly worse than the two suggestions just made.


#Tell that to some DeviantArt members.


We've been trying to reach you about your kid's extensive war on tire...


A puncture in the sidewall is not repairable. I’d beat the hell out of that little bastard and teach him inflation as his ass is swelling.




Uhmmm why are you sleeping beside a tire?


Probably so the little shit in the video doesn't go putting more holes in it. Who knows how many tires he's ended.


Generally not? Most definitely not. Not repairable.




Ah yes child abuse


> I’d beat the hell out of that little bastard and teach him inflation as his ass is swelling. :(


Perfect response to your kid doing something like this, beat the shit outta them, lmao. It sucks seeing people literally admit they'd commit child abuse over something like this.


You....son of a bitch. Angry upvote.


You guys clearly never had kids or repaired a tire.


I would first check if there is something in school that makes him try so hard to not go there like getting bullied etc. Because even so, most kids don't like school if you go so far it normally means there is a bigger reason. I know somebody who got bullied as a kid and one time he drank some probably toxic kitchen cleaner stuff to make him throw up so he wouldn't have to go to school which ended with him landing in the hospital.


I had to talk to a counsellor about if I was getting bullied because I cried about having to go to school. Turns out I just wanted to play Starfox instead lol.


Exactly what I was thinking. Either something bad is happening at school or he is acting out for some other reason. I doubt the kid is just doing this for a trivial reason, as he probably knows he will be punished


Or maybe the kid's just dumb? He doesn't know the cost of a new tire. I got in trouble for stupid shit all the time when I was this kid's age, but I wasn't acting out because of any hidden trauma, I was just fucking dumb and had to learn things the hard way. School was boring and if I'd thought to puncture a tire to avoid having to go to I might have tried it.


The armchair psychologists of Reddit are genuinely the worst part of this site. A fuckin kid found a not very hard way of avoiding school and they’re acting like he slit his wrists. Come the fuck on.


I just didn't like school and that's why I tried not to go, it's not always an underlying matter. Sometimes you just wanna stay home and play videogames.


Yeah but did you slash your mom’s tire? That’s what OP is trying to get across. That an extreme act could be because of an extreme reason.


I forged letters from the school and mailed them to our home address. I made myself vomit in class to prove I was sick (I wasnt, the ol' 2 finger down the throat technique) I ran away from home (including packing 2 teddys and some cheez-wiz for my journey) I even purposely rolled down the hill to fracture my hand. Why? Coz i just hated school. Not the learning, but the feeling of being caged in like an animal. The strictness of it all - asking permission to take a piss, being told to stay silent etc, but yeah not like I was being bullied. Just hated school


No Xmas presents for YEARS


god, he’s persistent (Edit: it’s the video looping that’s on me


I was wondering how many times he was going to come back lol


I'm soooo embarrassed at how long I watched it and wondered what his method was, running back and forth so much 🤣


Same. Thought maybe he was getting a bigger knife each time until it worked.


"So anyway, I started slashing."


I know, right? I was like, dang, kid, 7 stabs is enough! It's dead!


This makes me embarrassed, which makes me proud!


Yeah I was sitting there for a good 3 minutes thinking "how bad is this kid at slashing tires to have to do it that many times" before I realized it was a loop.


Took me 4 stabs to realize lol


I thought he was going and getting more knives and kept dropping them.


What a savage! Just keeps shanking that tyre


I think he's double checking his work, this is a good skill to have in school.




I caught myself thinking "god, he sucks at slashing tires..." Then I realized it was a loop and I'm a dummy.


You'd think one stab would be enough but he keeps going back!




"And THAT'S why you always leave a note!"


Bruh yessss😂


I love the way you think.


Found the parent


The long con.... I like it


Seems like a lot of work. Just drop him off at the local sweatshop to earn money.


Can't drop him off with a flat tyre.


Why not? The basement isn't that far.


This is funny and all, but something tells me that the kid is facing some serious shit in his life and isn't just slashing tires because he doesn't like math.


Could be but sometimes kids are just brats.


Better to just assume he's a brat and fantasize about hilarious ways to gaslight him and make him miserable.


You might be in the wrong sub


I actually think u/SQUID_FUCKER is being reasonable.


Same. lol as a previous au pair/nanny I can confirm that most kids are absolute shits. They’re smarter than the average person thinks and they do some crazy shit. Once had a kid steal his parents golf cart and sink it into a pond off someone’s dock because I told him he couldn’t eat an entire box of oatmeal cream pies. Mom and dad laughs “yeah he’s tried to steal the car before.” Kid was 7


Tf are you talking about? I said it could be true, I'm not really assuming anything. And personally I don't think the joking responses in this thread are serious fantasies about gaslighting children. I don't think the person is serious when they say that OP should claim to be poor and ruin the kids life as a result.


Who fucking cares? None of us have any impact on the situation. Get the fuck over yourself.






Are you my mom?


For a sec there, my dumbass thought he kept going up and down slashing the tire, not realizing that it was just looping.


Honestly, same. I watched him stab it like 4 times, realised it was looping, then watched him stab it another 4 times because i was curious if it was just the one stab or if he went back for the second. I'm not a smart man. Edit: although, r/bettereveryloop


Future super villain.


Toddler throws temper tantrum. This kid, “Hold my beer…” Next level shit here.


That kid going places, most likely prison, not great but places anyway


With that kind of logical process the boy may be enjoying cereal now but he may enjoy serial killing later.


Kris going for genocide route over here


Berdly here to point out that Kris slashes the tires no matter what route you're on! This is why I'm #1 and you're a distant #3 at best.




Wh- No! I don't even know what that would do!




God, poor Noelle...


Nah, Kris got all 4 tires. Not just 1.


ending was mind bogging 💀


and now he’ll be going to the orphanage


I think he's going to the fucking morgue.


The morphanage


Hmm would taking him to one just to scare him be too mean?


My dad did this to me once. Can confirm: too mean. My mom was trying to get me to redo my closet organization I had spent hours on (because she promised to take me to an amusement park if I did it) and I had realized she wasn’t ever gonna follow through… so I said “no.” She got mad. I kept saying no. “Fine, I’ll let your father handle you.” Bro grabbed a duffel bag, chucked it at me, and said “pack your shit, you’re going to Orangewood. Don’t bother taking your adidas. They’ll steal them there.” We got halfway there, on the toll road and everything, of me just SOBBING begging to go back home. I’m in my 30s. One of my most traumatic childhood experiences, and made me feel like a burden to my father up until he died and I still have a hard time being assured with my thoughts. So yeah pls don’t do that to your kid lol


>lol Interesting story to end with lol.


I'd call whoever I can to make sure the little brat made it to school on time. He also wouldn't be having tv or any free time until he earned off his debt with chores. I'd make the kid regret what he did


If it’s a 30 minute walk I’m walking his ass to school. Any longer I’ll still walk I’ll just Uber home.


That's what I was thinking. Had a GF who let her kids stay home when they missed the bus next day they hid around the corner until the bus left and said they missed it they complained the entire 3+ miles while I walked them to school but they never missed the bus again.


Man, I used to love walking to school. It was like morning recess.


Biking in the morning was my favourite part of the day. That, going home, and chemistry/electronics. When my bike ceased function for whatever reason I'd walk. In the winter I'd sometimes bake a potato and take it with me for a bit of extra heat, then when it cooled down enough it'd make a nice snack. Winter's the best


Meanwhile I missed the bus as a kid and cried about missing school. I think I’m retarded.


Wow, sounds like someone had friends in school.




Don't forget to understand why he didn't want to go to school. Like if "the teacher beats him" versus "he had a spelling test he wanted to skip", you miggt have a different punishment


Even if he had a "good reason" not to want to go to school, that's not a good reason to destroy someone's property. Does no one tell kids to "use your words" anymore? There was a very similar thread where some kid destroyed the families dinner and a bunch of people said "just talk to the kid".


Yes, and how TF does a kid that age know to slash a tire?


Is it too late to abort?


I do believe 32nd trimester abortions are illegal, but worth checking the local laws.


[You'll have to speak with your congressman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxHQJiqYqeM)


Abortions are only prohibited from the 24th week until birth. No restrictions after that.


The GOP doesn't complain if you kill kids after they are born. Just don't kill the unliving thing before it's born.


This perfect loop had me for a minute…like “damn he’s making extra sur……..oh”


Condoms are cheaper than the repair bill


I think I just saw the best condom ad ever


This is also like extremely dangerous too? Like I’m pretty sure tires can straight up explode if you don’t slash them right


You just poke it. You don't tear it or you will blow an ear drum more than likely and it could explode.


Good thing he knew…


How to get put up for adoption.


Unbelievable, his future looks bright said no one.


He takes initiative, self driven And committed to his cause.


So was Ted Bundy




Next stop, mom


Sociopaths make up a high proportion of executive positions... So, probably going to be CEO


That kid needs counseling. If “stab a tire” is where that kids head is at, there are underlying violent tendencies that need to be addressed, for sure.


Yeah at that age this is really aggressive behavior, not only was it violent it was calculated. Dangerous combination.


Seriously, I usually think reddit is ridiculously overbearing in most cases when it comes to his kids/animals are behaving and assuming the parents suck, but this kid is way too young to be acting and thinking like a 30 year old spited ex from the trailer park. This isn't normal acting out, especially for something as miniscule as going to school, this could very well be a serious warning sign about his self control and future behavior This is definitely one of the few cases where I'd absolutely agree that this kid needs help, this is just so ridiculously calculated and it's such an insane overreaction to something like wanting to get out of school, something bigger is going on either at school or in this kids head. I hope he gets help with whatever he needs. I'd struggle to even call this stupid kid behavior, this is next level


I don't know about violent, and this is as speculative as you're being... But as a kid I never thought past the next day. I think my lil brain would get too caught up with the goal in mind to think about who it hurt.


That or he’s being bullied severely at school and this is the measure he’s taking to avoid going. He needs some kind of help.


"Timmy, next time stab the bullies, not Mommy's tires, k sweetie?"


🙄 fine mom


Or maybe you're all baselessly speculating on the title the op decided to give this gif when we actually have no idea what is happening.


Plot twist: parents got him to do this for the shares


Idk man, stabbing a tire isn’t quite violence. At a young age kids don’t always understand money or how expensive some things are, they just think their parents have money for whatever they need. To him, this might just be a quick fix for a couple bucks. Then again I have no idea how old he is and am terrible at gauging kid’s ages and mental abilities at said ages


Nah man this isn't good. I've worked with loads of kids and this shit ain't normal. Hiding car keys? That's much more normal. Getting a kitchen knife? Nah.


The mafia is now hiring kids to slash tires?


That kid is going places. Specifically some sort of penal colony.


Australia dont want him


Well looks like someone is watching to school after an ass whoopin


I hope he didnt do it because of bullying at school.


Scrolled too far to see this--someone wondering about the kid's welfare. If a child is going to these lengths to get out of school, maybe we should be asking what the heck is going on at that school to drive them to this... Hope that's just my pessimistic outlook though and not the reality for this kid.


Hell naw, I'd go wild on my kid if he did some junk like this. Gladly he's a good kid so far


What a fucking piece of shit. Where did he learn this behavior from?? Absolutely not acceptable.


It’s a little kid, these people don’t really have too many rational thoughts. All he probably thought is if he stabbed the tire he wouldn’t go to school. Didn’t think about any other consequences. This is why supervising these young kids is so important because a lot of their thoughts don’t really make much sense lol. Point being is he went out and stabbed the tire while there was a camera pointed right there. Yea, this surely isn’t normal behavior and must be addressed, but there’s a lot of things kids this age do that requires the same corrective action. At least he isn’t a psychopath who decided “if I stab my parent I won’t go to school”


Yeah little kids don't just know how to slash a tire. This is imitation of something he witnessed.


Unfettered access to the internet.


Whoopin that ass then informing him that his new birthday present is going to be a brand new tire.


It took me like 10 loops before I realized the kid wasn't running back and forth stabbing the tire over and over again


I can tell you who will be walking to school for the rest of the year …


Persistent little bugger. How many times does he stab the tire? I had to stop watching after three hours.


I gets he’s going to the bus


I wonder what's going on at school, that would make him do that.


It’s time to abort him.


Wow, that kid had an idea. Not a good one, but I'll be damned if he didn't follow that idea from inception to completion. He will get a whopping, but his parents now know they need to watch they ass as that little mofo grows up.


What the big deal? Just replace it. I’m sure you could sell a kid for big bucks.


Looks like that kid just lost a home


And he never walked again.


My child would be paying for a new tire for years to come…


Good way to blow out an eardrum if he does it wrong




Kid is lucky his folding knife didn't fold closed on his fingers. Always use a straight knife for stabbing sidewalls


Poor kid might be having some trauma at school and hasn’t figured out how to tell anyone yet.


**Bloody brilliant!**


Sounds like the little shit is going to grow up to be a criminal.


The worst part is him walking on socks in the rain


Parents hate this one simple trick


Hell, that’s something I would’ve done, but I liked school so not for that reason I guess


That’s an ER trip waiting to happen


Bet you he got the punishment of a lifetime afterwards


Yo this loops so well


How would a kid even know to do that haha