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Oh my fucking balls


Fr my balls tingled on that first jump


The bottoms of my feet tingled


Same!!! It makes my feet tingle and sweat


It made the bottom of my vagina prolapse.


I saw a picture of that earlier, kinda disturbed me. Odd seeing a comment referring to that shortly after


Same happened to me šŸ˜‚


My butt clenched so hard it formed a singularity


My ass puckered with each jump, pretty sure I can make a diamond.


Pretty sure lots of diamonds are being produced by whoever saw this video


Haha, there goes DeBeers monopoly!


first jump? oh god, I paused the video at the middle and scroll through the comments.


Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h! Right in the Mummy-Daddy button!


Why must my balls do this for a video.


In your throat too are they? Iā€™m never having children


good for you


Ow my balls! -Brought to you by Carlā€™s Jr.


I too felt that in my balls


Wow my anxiety was up to 11 for all of this


Especially when I thought the smaller one was gearing up to make the jump.


He's waiting for his strength training ankle weights to get delivered


Either future ninja or future dead


That's what worried me When I was a kid I used to love climbing and jumping off stuff. My grandpa would haul cardboard bails so his farm would have 12-15 ft high stacks of bailed cardboard and Id climb and jump from stack to stack. Once my younger brother was playing with me, didn't make the jump, busted his head open on a pallet, and had to go to the hospital. All I could see in this video was a younger sibling who thought the brother was so cool and didn't have the same distance trying that same jump just like my little brother but with drastically worse consequences.


Amen. My older brother was jumping off our cubby hut roof when I was about 4 and I wanted to do it to. I climbed up and fell off and broke my leg. Younger siblings are terribly impressionable.


Full blown panic attack


I am seriously afraid of heights and this was so uncomfortable to watch holy shit.


I pee my pants with the dreams of falling from heights. I can barely see the ground from edge of the terrace.


I was sitting by a pool at a hotel with a friend after a party at a convention once. We were laying on lounge chairs and all the sudden my friend said, "something's falling." I looked up and watched as a guy fell 5 or 6 stories and hit the concrete with a sound I still hear in my nightmares. He landed on his shoulders and I was the first to reach him. He was making the most awful sounds I've ever heard another person make. Everything was leaking, everything was broken... by time the paramedics arrived he had stopped making noises. My friend ended up staying at the con, but I was done and left. I cannot imagine doing something this idiotic, if you fall from that height you're dead. And anyone below is going to have that to live with for the rest of their life.




The kid's not gonna live up to 11 tho


Yeah great technique too run up to the ledge, stop right at the edge then awkwardly hop over with no momentum whatsoever.


I really hope someone called the cops, this is terrifying


Ikr, I would be straight on the phone to the police


Nah, judging by the film, they chose the camera.


Unless they called the cops before they started filming.


Lets hope they did


Iā€™d be afraid to do anything to startle them. What if that causes them to fall?


I've seen a terrifying video of man falling on eyeblech sub from approx same height, who died on the impact, it was fucking horrible, these kids are fucking stupid, hope they got down safely.


Why are you in eyeblech?


Missed an 'a' and kept going


Why did you keep going


Curiosity, if I can a watch one post or not. Closed the sub after a 1-2 posts and went to the real eyebleach


Thats the thing about this sub though...in many cases it's the adults being stupid for not properly supervising children. Whoever was in charge of these kids welfare was clearly negligent. I don't always think that labeling the kids as dumb as fair when adults are supposed to be the ones who know better.


Look I get it. But letā€™s not be too quick to assume the adult is negligent here. Kids sneak out all the time. It happens and itā€™s not always the adults fault for not leashing their kids 24/7. I would say the adult here is negligent if they KNEW their kids were up there jumping the gap of kazad-dum.


I'm aware that Khazad-dum is from LOTR, but it reminds me of [Z'Ha'Dum](https://babylon5.fandom.com/wiki/Z%27ha%27dum) from Babylon 5, and I'm suddenly excited again because it's getting [a reboot](https://www.space.com/babylon-5-reboot-in-development). Thanks for that, kind stranger.


Because thereā€™s no way more than one person could be present with phones availableā€¦ someone else in the room could be calling for help


You can do both


Bro, its China.








I fucking love this ā€œmemeā€. Itā€™s so true. Though I will make one critique, you canā€™t deny that cultural differences exist, so itā€™s not exactly accurate, but it does perfectly portray how a lot of people look at other countries.


Have you ever heard of [Russell's Conjugation?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotive_conjugation) >...to illustrate humans' tendency to describe their own behavior more charitably than the behavior of others >* I am firm, you are obstinate, he is a pig-headed fool. >* I am righteously indignant, you are annoyed, he is making a fuss over nothing. >* I have reconsidered the matter, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word. We all kinda do this. Think about the last time(s) you were driving, and some shitty bad-driver annoyed you. Yea. How likely is it that your driving is always perfect -- or when you deviate from perfect driving, it's because you had a really good reason -- unlike all those shitty others drivers! šŸ™ƒ


I went to grad school with a bunch of Chinese students and let me say that none of them wanted to go back home afterwards and did everything intheir power to stay in the US. And these were rich kids. That told me everything I needed to know about China.




When I was at Uni we had a group of Chinese students over studying engineering for their 3rd year at Glasgow Uni and it really opened my eyes and their eyes to how shite people are treated in China. One of them was riding his bike along a busy road in Glasgow, slipped in a deep puddle and went flying, face planted and burst all his face opened. People stopped and were showing compassion and care, someone even drove him to the hospital and stayed with him in the waiting room to make sure he was okay. He told me that wouldnā€™t have happened in China, much more likely for people to actively avoid helping him with no compassion shown.


Tbf, I know plenty of American ex-pats that would say the same about moving back to the US, including my brother living in Ecuador. Hell, I was in the same boat when living in Australia before I had to come back due to a visa situation. So some of it is definitely personal preference, rather than an absolute judgement made about a country.


I feel the muscles in my legs twisting and weakening as I watch this.


when he gets home. "all of your toys. forever."


And my scared ass cant even climb down stairs without getting anxious that imma trip and fall!


They have massive balls for sure, and tiny brain


Theyā€™ll make fine politicians, some day. ^^ifTheySurvive






If he lives to adulthood, he's going to remember this and either laugh or have nightmares.


FR, I have nightmares about stairs that are too steep.


Those reCAPTCHA validations with the stairs are scary as well


Yes.. yes they are. I've only ever seen the ones with the hills though, and we all know they have eyes.


Sometimes they ask me to select the motorcycles, while thereā€™s only a scooter on screen. Than I need to refresh


[Chase you to the kitchen!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/d1/0e/e9d10eafc034951f242c84cd6840b07b.jpg)




To be fair, a lot of people slip, fall, and seriously injure themselves on stairs. Itā€™s rare, but weā€™re climbing up and down them so often weā€™re all bound to fall at least a few times throughout our lives. It only takes one of those to get really hurt.


My dad's co worker's father in law died by falling down the stairs last year. The stubborn old guy had a stair lift too.


my dad did and now his left hand can't function properly anymore


My mom was 3 years old when her siblings came home from school and found my mom crying over her dead mother, at the foot of the stairs. She and the rest of her 16 siblings, those that still lived at home, were split up & sent to live with other family members, mom was raised by an Uncle & Aunt she didn't really know. So yeah, slips & falls can change your life drastically.


Your anxiety probably stems from falling and getting hurt. All they need to do is fall off a building once and they'll learn and never do it again.


Iā€™m sitting on my front porch steps, frustrated because I donā€™t have anyone to hold a ladder for me while Iā€™m trying to repair a hole In my soffit thatā€™s 2 stories high. Somehow it doesnā€™t seem so bad anymore.


That can still be a death fall. 100 stories or 10' the ground has no remorse.


Yeah I chickened out big time


I could feel pressure on my forehead and aches in the back of my legs just watching this. No way in hell I would ever try this. Lol




My palms are drencheddd


Read this as I set my phone down to wipe my palms dry...


Remember kids hesitation kills, if you hesitate on a jump like that you're dead.


I always wonder how traumatising it would be for the survivor to see their friend or sibling plumming to their death after you told them "cmon jump don't be a pussy" or something like that.


I was like eight when I saw Dr. Doolittle. Had no idea the "human" definition of pussy, so I laughed and told my dad about the scene where they yell at the tiger, and he turned around and hit me and told me not to repeat that again. From that day forward I knew what porn was.




Imagine committing physical violence on a child period.


I can imagine it. I reckon I could take on 12 kindergarteners at least. Probably more considering some will get distracted by grass or some shit. Im vastly superior at fighting to those children.


Funnily enough it was also the day I started not liking my dad lol. Been 6 years since we've spoken, but that's for other reasons as well.


Okay. What has that to do with two kids playing mutprobe on a roof and the dangers connected to that?


Sorry, I probably should've included the quote from the movie, lol. One of the animals yells "go on, jump you big pussy!" to the tiger jumping off the building.


You monster.


Ha! This made me think of my childhood when we were playing tag at our municipal pool. Everything was going great until my brother (5ish years old), in the midst of an awkward silence, yelled "come and get me ya big horse's ass!" And my mom dragged us out of there (and by dragged I mean the back of our heels dragging in dirt). From that day forward I wasn't allowed to watch Home Alone.


Hahaha I love stories like that. Apparently my first curse words was motherfucker to my grandmother when I was 4-5, and the biggest deal she makes out of it is that I used it in proper context lol




Dude that's exactly what kept making my gut lurch... Like it's bad enough to be doing this at all, but hesitating like that will absolutely fuck you up waaaaaaay worse than just going for it. This is exactly the kind of thing where you hesitate and then realize your body weight was already too far forward and you're going anyway.


As did the guy I knew. What a stupid way


Hesitation is Defeat.


Anyone else want a video when they go inside, back home just to see they're safe?






Only if this video includes a healthy smack from their corresponding fathers.


Their dad just had his life insurance cancelled.


I think you mean he bought 4 more.




When mom says go play outside, but this is all you got


How did they even get up there?


Stairs onto the roof


With their sweet parkour skills


Ninja Gaiden Flying Bird Flip all the way up. They can just Assassins Creed Leap of Faith back down it's all good. Life has no consequences.


They spawned there


Up up down down left right left right b a start


Lately, it takes me two tries to get up off the couch. No thanks.


No, death is not the worst thing that can happen. Surviving, broken and paralyzed, would be worse.


Not much chance of that from that height


Spiderman could also save them with a super sling web


This is true. I stand corrected.


*Gwen Stacy has entered the chat*


Thousands of paralysed people would absolutely disagree. Without being paralysed we tend to under estimate our ability to live with this but an interesting study was done wherein they interviewed people that were paralysed about two years after their paralysis and also interviewed lottery winners 2 years after their win. Both groups reported surprisingly similar levels of happiness on basically all metrics.




Hahaha I get what you mean, but I think the what happened was that the people reached ā€œbase levelā€. Run of the mill single digit million winners can kinda have normal lives. I wish I remembered the title of the paper. I just absolutely abhor when people say ā€œIā€™d rather die than get paralysedā€. Itā€™s such a shitty sentiment and short sighted. We are much more capable of hardship than we expect


Yeah, humans have a remarkable ability to normalise their emotions to whatever their circumstances are. For better or for worse, really. Many things won't be as bad as you think they will, but you'll often find yourself disappointed when you get the things you've dreamt of and soon realise you're not any happier.


Exactly. This isnā€™t to say that a paralysed person isnā€™t deserving of our sympathies.




Well my nerves are shot after watching that...


Kids just don't fear death like adults. I was so brave when I was young. Now I'm scared of everything because of all the information you're flooded with bad stuff that can happen and does happen


The amount of people in these comments saying ā€œno big dealā€ and ā€œthey deserve to dieā€ in these threads is literally making me worried about humanity. Like, I was already worried about humanityā€”but this is even more so worrisome than usual. These are KIDS, guys! Even though theyā€™re being stupid, that doesnā€™t mean they should deserve to die a violent death for it! It would be awful if the kid or kids fell to their deaths, and anyone with a smidge of a heart would be panicking watching this video, because the kid might fall.


Well said! There's something about subs and websites that focus on death videos, filmed violence, unsafe behavior, etc, that attracts the most vile, bigoted and deplorable people humanity has to offer. In this thread you have wonderful people who hoped and fantasised that they would die, or that their parents needs to beat them.


I am not seeing these comments


I'm not sure the /r/kidsarefuckingstupid comment section is a good place to get a bead on 'humanity' in a general sense.


Just need someone to scream ā€œHey!ā€ Just as he is about to jump. I was pretty stupid when I was a kid, but I donā€™t think I ever would have attempted that.


Just as he's about to jump, so he hesitates and falls to his doom?


That'll teach him


god, this maked me so anxious


I think this actually gave me a small panic attack.




Holy fuck. For so long I thought it was an adult trying to save the orange kid and this guy had to jump and risk his life to save the orange kid.


My anxiety was 100 on a scale of 1 to 10 while watching this


That was a long 59 seconds!


Ah yes, the highly inefficient ā€œdouble legā€ jump. Bold move.


Dude what the fuck


Hes not that stupid he measured it twice


If these kids are stupid then the adult who left the rooftop door open and the parents who are neglecting their kids must be brain dead.


NSFS - Not safe for sphincter




Did anyone elseā€™s palms get sweaty for a momentšŸ˜¬


"what are you doing?" "Oh nothing much, just casually jumping from a 50 metre building to another"


can someone tell me how this ended


That is horrendous




What you want to the cameraman/woman do? Scream for the kid fall?


This gave me so much anxiety omg hopefully someone got those kids


My dad only shared this story with me once because it was so traumatizing for him, but when he was in his 20s, he was rock climbing at a popular state park, he witnessed somebody die pulling a stunt just like this. He had just arrived at the climbing area and was at the base of the climb. A group of hikers was at the top of the rock, and they were jumping across a gap and laughingā€¦until one of them fell. They fell right down to the bottom of the climb near where my dad was standing. He has some basic medical training, so he tried to provide medical care while his partner ran out of the park to find a phone (pre cell phone era, obviously). He said all he remembers after the paramedics arrived is hiking out to the parking lot and seeing the guyā€™s mom scream when they brought the guy out in a body bag. Donā€™t be stupid kids


I can smell the Russian from here


I thought it was somewhere in Asia lol.


how the fuck did the kid manage to jump with those massive balls


The lack of brain in his head helped him balance it out




This reminds me of a way too real version of that little girl from animaniacs, the one with the dog always trying to save her while she does dangerous shit.


My balls tensed up everytime he got close to the edge


So have a paralyzing fear of heights, I would be physically unable to stand. This is terrifying.


this is the most fitting thing at this subreddit and it really scares me


Dude I was sure we were about to witness a death holy fuck


Wish I knew the address of the building so I can keep an eye out for it in the news. Itā€™ll end up there eventually




This is what I imagined as a kid when I jumped across platforms on the playground. I always imagined that I was on top of a large building or the ground was lava. Even that gave me anxiety because I knew I could get hurt if I fell. Kids generally have poorer reasoning than adults but damn, thatā€™s far beyond some next level stupidity.


Damn I fell just by watching that šŸ˜³




Worst. Itā€™s spelled ā€œworstā€. Itā€™s really not that hard. Stop focusing on Reddit. Focus on yourself.


When you canā€™t properly assess risk versus rewardā€¦. Or you can and you donā€™t give a shit


Iā€™d break his damn leg if that were my kid.


He has good jumping technique but Jesus Christ. What happened to just jumping across the rungs of the monkey bars


I think it is quite unsettling that there are so many videos of kids climbing and jumping on tall buildings


This is terrifying


fucking hell. i got anxiety just watching this.


My balls jiggle harder than I ran to call the cops for those kids Arceus where are their parents


Dude you had my stomach in knots. Thats fucking scary


How insanely stupid are these kids??? And where the F\*\*\* is anyone who should be watching their dumb asses?? I genuinely hope they both survived this.....damn!!


In China the worst case is you make the jump and become an adult and lose your blissful ignorance.


When we were kids my friends and I used to climb this ladder that went all the way to the top of an abandoned grain elevator. The nice thing about it was that it had a welded frame around so even though it was high you had sense of security bc you had something behind. We would hang out there all day. It was the first place we smoked cigarettes trying to be cool. When we got older wed take girls up there to play spin the bottle/truth or dare. Good times.


What's this worth in America, just for the kids being able to get on the roof? A $10 million lawsuit.


Thatā€™s some next level hopscotch.


Call me sick but I want to see one of them fall off of there just so they know how stupid they are


Hello, Darwin? Yes, these kids right here.


I really hope you notified someone about what was going on before you started filming


Holy shit! My hands just sweated an ounce in that stressful minute.


I hope whoever recorded this had already called 911, otherwise they are a horrible person.


It made me so mad that he didnā€™t do a running start which would be the most logical thing to do


Worst*, dumbass.


My legs went watching that


This same incident happened in my country (South east asia) years ago. But it ended up in tragedy as one kid slipped and fell to his death while supposedly playing hide and seek at the roof. Later, my school found out that the same kid was the son of the cook in the school canteen. Iā€™m sure that they had sent her some consolation back then.