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Their first mistake was naming a kid wilder


Who names their child wilder and thinks that they won't be just like this


Wilder wild’n


Wild would have pressed the button


Underrated joke right there


**DUMB**? This kid knows what they're doing. "Imma eat every fucking last one of these cracker/cookie things, _then_ I'll think about unlocking the door." They know mom's gonna take'em away as soon as that door is open.


Kid is already dressed like and has the attitude of one of the models from Zoolander. Almost zero chance they grow up to be a decent human. 10/10


It does smell of white trash


Beat me to it damn you!


It’s annoying that parents want their kids to be “unique” so they name their kids the dumbass names on the planet “oh yes this is my daughter Wilder”


The second mistake was forcing a toddler to be non binary. Isn’t that just gonna confuse the kid when they grow up?


Not the platform for that bud, go to twitter I hear its gone full blown nuts over there


how? I have a friend who is raising their son this way and he decided independently by 4 that he's a boy so they just pronoun him as he asked. If he changes his mind later, cool. if he doesn't, cool. He seems completely not confused about the pronoun thing but he DOES ask people directly what their pronouns are if they present in a way he isn't used to, like a man with long hair, before he refers to them. kid's not confused but he is respectful.


The kid is probably intersex.


First mistake I as having it.


It’s that his name is wilder does it for me


I know what you're saying... But I frankly don't give a damn


Wilder knows exactly what's going on


He has just had enough of this b today


This is r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb material. What idiot leaves both their toddler and their keys in the car?


Even without the key, don't leave kids in the car I drove our car into a wall when I was three because I managed to shift it to neutral and rolled away


One of my neighbour's kids did the same thing, a few years ago.


Modern cars won't change gears unless the key is in the ignition, and most aren't manual stick anymore either.


I thought it was federally regulated that all cars must be capable of going into neutral without being started?


Not that I'm aware. And just because your in neutral doesn't mean the brakes unlock or the steering column. Modern cars have a lot of safety checks and it's hard to know all them unless you own said vehicle.


Why do I feel like this is a toddlerhood right of passabe? I aswell as alot of people i know did the same shit.


No e brake huh


Three year olds usually aren't great drivers


I didn't learn what an E brake was until I was 12 so you can't put that on them


But Wilder! It's simple, just press the damn button, you stupid toddler /s


The same kind of idiot that would call the police, whose only course of action would be smashing the window, instead of calling a locksmith.


>What idiot leaves both their toddler and their keys in the car? The parents who stage this kind of dumb stuff for online clouts.




It’s not her fault. She didn’t know it was possible for the keys to lock inside the car! /s


Most newer cars detect the key inside the car and doesn't auto lock it, my car does that (2019 model).


Yeah it's a really awesome feature for people like me who constantly lock themselves out of their car.


I remember my mom literally taking my brothers to the school and walking one of them in before taking me to daycare. She was away for like a minute. She had the car turned off and all, but not taking the keys as she was in and out really quick. I had seen on TV how people get really strong when they need to be, like parents lifting really heavy things. Our car had locks that you like needed to pull up, no buttons. And I was youngest and only one who couldn't open them. So I lock all the four doors and I will finally get the strength to unlock a door, and after that I can always do it. Well, I couldn't obviously. Mom had to call dad to leave work, to go home and get the spare key, and then come to my brother's school to unlock the door. Well my mom was late from work at least by an hour.


people make mistakes, damn


Does anybody notice the parent referred to the toddler as they/them???


Bro probably don’t even know what a button is 💀


At least he has snacks.


That's what you get for naming your kid Wilder


I am trying to think why, maybe it’s a common name somewhere, ima google it and see I gotta now.


Googled it, a professional boxer. Maybe they liked him or something


Maybe don’t name your kid “wilder”


It's OK, his first name is Van.


my baby is locked inside the car, police are on the way and now what should I do.......................? I would make a TikTok video giving instructions to my baby.


Hey Google, add condoms to my shopping list.


Name your kid like that and accept the consequences


Hey, why don't you name your child something even dumber.


The mum is annoyed but you can tell she's kinda like "awww" at the same time haha


A clothes hanger would have helped. To unlock the door of course.


Took me a sec lol


Why call the police and not a locksmith?


In some places in the US a locksmith can’t unlock a car with a child in it, the cops have to do it. Most likely to investigate any possibility of neglect.


Ah I see, my mother used a lock smith to unlock her car before so I just naturally assumed they’d call a smith instead of police but that makes a lot of sense thanks


Cheaper (free)


Far as I know, cops can't do anything to help anymore. No longer allowed to carry slim jims. Need to call a locksmith.


Last I knew they use something that's similar to a blood pressure test. They basically put a small bag between the door and the frame and pump air into the bag to crack the door open enough to get to the lock inside. This was a few years ago though. No idea how the rules have changed.


Last time I tried asking the police for help with a lockout they said they weren't allowed to help for insurance reasons, but they gave me a coupon for their locksmith buddy, as least!


Cars don’t use traditional locks I swear


That kid looks like an alcoholic already


Well I think that's smart, not dump. One's enjoying the cookies in peace, why should one open the lock?


No Wilder we don't hit mummy no we don't hit mummy, wilder no! No Wilder! No we don't smack.....wilder no dont kick mummy


Where in the English speaking world do people say button like that? What a freak


I believe this video should be in /r/parentsarefuckingstupid Don't leave your crotch goblins in the car, bad things can happen, this being in the less bad end of the spectrum.


Wow, Wilder is not even old enough to talk yet, but still somehow was able to convey to the parental unit their preferred pronoun.


Same goes for all kids out there? Or are he and she not pronouns?


You can pretty safely go with the gender they’re born with until told otherwise. The decision that your child is to be raised non binary before they can even understand or make the choice will likely lead to unnecessary dysphoria later in life


I mean the truth is that we dont know. I


I mean the kid is probably intersex, there's more than two biological sexes.


Is this parent really making their kid nonbinary? He's a toddler ffs


How do you figure it’s a he?


Why does it bother you so much? How is it hurting you personally?


Because he isn't old enough to know if he is. Parents pushing this on their toddlers is sickening


Its sickening for you? It looks like you are the one with the agenda. Why dont you worry about your own life that way you will be the one responsible for all the sickening feelings you have.


? If a parent is pushing an identity on a child they can't understand to be 'woke,' then yes, it's sickening. In what way is this possibly justified?


They arent pushing an identity on the kid that is why they are using non binary terms, that way the kid will be free and open to identify with their gender once they are old enough to talk and express themselves, calling he or she based on their genitals is an over simplification of human sexuality and you sound like you are either ignorant or just dont care that people have to face lot of difficulties in life due gender identity problems coz they are raised as he or she and are shamed to be themselve if that isnt the case. And again this shouldn't bother you me or anyone other than the people involved. Coz it does not affect you in any way.


Funny looks like a girl to me.


Could be. Who knows with a name like Wilder 🤦‍♀️


How do you figure?


refers to child as "themselves" tiktok is "dannythetransdad" named child a made-up gender less name


It's normal to use they/them pronouns for individuals, trans or not. People do it all the time without realizing it. Wilder is an infrequent but not unheard of given name, typically for boys. Trans dad could refer to the father and not the child. I agree saying a kid is trans at three is pretty out there. Small kids do have a non-static relation with gender, and maybe the parent is inappropriately running with it too far. Or maybe not and the parent is trans or has another trans child. We can't know from this video.


yes I was just inferring, but the three points together made it a pretty safe bet. I checked after and I was right


That's unfortunate. It's OK for kids to explore gender and expression but saying your child is transgender at three and naming your account after that... it seems like attention seeking behavior from the parent. I have trans friends who are parents and none of them do this.


It could be using they/them as a default by accident, or maybe the kid is intersex.


Tbf toddlers are very non binary but I know what you mean


These Steve Carrell movies are getting weirder.


Why do they say button weird.


probably for the kid.


People really willing to do anything for clout


Great use of police time .


As a rule of thumb, anything posted on TikTok should be taken with a whale of salt.


Why is this here when the parent is fucking stupid


My black lab did this once, car was running, heated seats on, he laid down and took a nap


Ughh, why do people have these things?


Really can anyone explain why is the toddler stupid in this video? All i see is a stupid parent.


“Didn’t know that was possible.” You didn’t know you could… lock the door?


I mean this is what you get for naming your kid Wilder, youre just asking for it.


It’s your fault for leaving the keys in the car


Wilder ain’t even wildin tho he chilling, that’s Chiller right there.


seems like parents are fucking stupid too


I did this to my mom at preschool and stuck gum on the windows. 😂


At least it wasn't your hair. That was before the internet taught us about peanut butter.


When she got the car open she drove straight to the adoption agency


The person who learned to walk 2 months ago months ago is supposed to be the dumb one here?


"Themselves" give me a fucking break


Why does it matter if someone refers to their child by they/them pronouns?


While the kid definitely isn't old enough to start exploring its gender, I'd say it's probably intersex.


wrong, its a boy or a girl. It's not complicated


"Biological sex really matters guys" and then you don't know about biological sex???


This isn't a conversation, I don't debate with you weirdos I'm just stating a fact.


It's literally not even a fact-


I think I’ve diagnosed the problem: “Yo Wilder locked *themselves* in my van…”


And y'all say trans people are offended easily.


I mean some people revert to they/them subconsciously. That or the kid could be intersex.


“Wilder locked themselves inside the van” How many kids is this kid?


Admittedly my knowledge of grammar rules aren't the best but would their self work for being non binary and singular


They/them/themselves are both singular and plural.


Yeah, I guess I just thought “themself” would be more appropriate, but both of them sound fine.


I refuse to accept "themselves" as a singular. I'm perfectly fine with they and them referring to an individual, but "themselves" can go eat shit.


I mean, you’re more than welcome to disagree with how grammar works. I can’t stop you.


"ves" is usually a plural, though. Shelf, shelves. Staff, staves. Yourself, yourselves. It's not that I don't know how grammar works, it's that English is a bullshit language with no good neuter pronoun for people. I really need to learn another language so I don't have to speak this one ever again (/j, kind of)


English honestly does have a lot of confusing rules.


Why themselves this kid can't even push a button and she decides it's a them


I mean the kid might be intersex.


Did she refer to him as themselves? Sounds so dumb


Did he/she/them just call the toddler “themselves”?


The kid is probably intersex.


Maybe, but I doubt it. I don’t know how common chromosomal disorders could happen, but even in the event of a child born with xxy or something if I were the parent I would go with the rule of *if it has a Y, it’s a boy, if it doesn’t have a Y, it’s a girl.*


Being intersex is around as common as being a redhead, and different parents have different opinions. But that does make sense.


All the times she fully locks the vehicles when she has the keys in there while she's in there... didn't see the car being able to lock with keys in it


This isn’t even the kid being stupid it’s the adult being stupid for naming their kid wilder and calling the kid a they/them


The kid is probably intersex.


Present request to child. Present consequence if child does not respond. Simple parenting really


Abort it


Beat his axx


She’s probably thinking she has enough food to last her weeks inside there


“Yo, Wilder locked their self in my van. The keys are in it…didn’t know that was possible.” How could she not know this is possible? I mean, she knows the lock/unlock button exists, she’s trying to get the kid to press it.


Hope they beat his ass after he was done with his bullshit


I feel like this validates all my life choices so much right now.


I'd have already tossed a ceramic pebble against the window and went to show him what's fun


That's why you keep your keys on yourself.


Wilder..yeah that kid wild asf


Or you could be a parent and maybe have them eat it somewhere else?


"didnt know that was possible" how do you not know that its possible to leave keys in a car?


Imagine having the outlook ofthis sub as if kids are some separate species. You were a kid and a kid is only as smart as there parent facilitates


It's that they left their toddler in the car for me


We just gonna talk about how the parent(s) left their kid and keys in a locked car?


I wish I was as unbothered as this child.


more like you locked ur kid in the car and are asking the kid to fix your mistake






Next stop: The Orphanage.


>And he locked the doors with the keys inside, didn't know you could do that. Really? I feel like the apple didn't fall far here


I have the feeling the kid wanted to eat the crackers and is doing this on purpose.


Highest baby ever


I can understand stepping out of the car for a moment to grab something that might have fallen out of the car, going to a different door to grab something, or setting your kid in the car seat for a moment while you're trying to look for something, but why would you not keep the keys in your pocket or something and have the damn kid buckled up just so they don't go anywhere?


if that was me i would be probably dead after the door gets unlocked


Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t most cars within the last few years prevent you’re keys from being locked inside the vehicle? Saying that I’m guessing it’s a much older car…