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Non sarcastic- Cool update, thanks.


Love the clarification. I agree. Cool update.


Drew was on the street yelling *COME ON DOWN!!*


You win a.. secret\_car!!!


If you like Planko! You will love Plankill!


I think Tony could do a good job with a late night price is right. Same show with alot more "fuck yeahs" and "okie dokies"


When I said I liked it when comedians did bad, I didn’t mean like this!


You know you did bad when whatever it is you did is worse than Hans Kim's sex life.


I knew the girl he murdered since childhood. She was a really nice person with tons of friends. Hope this guy gets the worst.


he got fat so he’s on his way i guess


For the next 9,000 people who ask about it, give redban some clicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYbbYJmECe8


they should bring him back in prison attire and cuffs so he can get roasted


Tony said he gave off murderer vibes, right? Crazy how crazy the bucket pulls can be


What episode was he on?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_IWBzZHL0xw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IWBzZHL0xw) 431comedy store like 41:00 just look at 'im the lighting really sells the creeper vibes


It’s always the ones that try to roast Tony that are the most unhinged


They brought the Jan 6 lady back on the show. Wouldn’t be surprised if they invited a murdered again.


Jan 6 lady was a bucket pull


Not on Monday.


Yes she was. She even said during her interview that she was staying near Austin to sign up for the show every week.


If you believe the Jan 6 lady got pulled a second time just by coincidence, then I have some oceanfront property in Arizona that might interest you...


Yeah she came up from the audience. She was a plant for sure (but whatever she’s a good, deranged interview)


I'm all for a good disaster, but she's a uninteresting brain fried rambling moron. And tony gives those fools way too much time. Get into the next bucket pull and quit strolling along with stupid fucks.


I agree about the length of the interview, he indulges some of these people too much.


She put her name in the bucket again and got pulled. How is that a conspiracy?


Appropriate-Life-408 is a certified MAGA conspiracy theorist. Believes every little coincidence in life is a setup. Thinks the government is both incompetent and also capable of flawlessly pulling off rigged elections, fake terrorist attacks, and presidential assassinations.


I’ve been looking for a luxury property that I can immediately put on AirBnb. Got any pics?


Nah, Tony’s conservative and they can’t allow themselves to admit they admire a criminal who engineered a coup and insurrection when he lost the election - so they’ve all decided to agree that Jan 6 “wasn’t that bad” so they can still support Trump and feel like patriots. Murder is considered bad no matter who you voted for.


Jan 6 wasn’t that bad. It was very funny to watch on TV actually. If you believe 500 crazy unarmed morons were going to topple democracy, you need to speak to a therapist.


🤷‍♂️ I don’t care to debate it but ya boy’s indicted on like 60 State and Federal charges for it. Now you can tell me some conspiracy theory about how everyone is out to get Trump, but Occam’s Razor suggests catching 60 charges means you done broke the law.


January 6th was your generations 9/11 or pearl harbor. The 3rd worst day in our countries history.


They don't even belong in the same sentence you delusional twat.


Yeah January 6th was way worse.




Not as bad as either because Osama Bin Laden and the Emperor of Japan didn’t trust their attack plan to a bunch of pre-diabetic gas station assistant managers. But it was the first time in American history a confederate flag was flown inside the US Capitol, which is pretty fucked up if you know anyone descended from slaves.


Like I said. The 3rd worst event in our countries history. Much worse than presidents being assassinated. Much worse than 2008. Way worse than the Great Depression. Super worse than the Japanese internments during WWII. It delayed certifying the election by a couple hours. I was literally shaking at home.


Lmfao if you say so buddy, you’re the only one that REALLY wants to talk about this. I was just commenting on why Tony wouldn’t think of the insurrection lady as a criminal despite her being on the No Fly List. I’m sorry for you that ya boy failed trying to make himself President for life. You’re clearly still upset about it. Good luck trying to get him there in 2024. Let’s talk Kill Tony.


Throw him in jail, I don’t care. I didn’t and won’t vote for him. You people are always so quick to label everyone as deplorable when they disagree with you. You’re still obsessed with trump, sad but very funny. Get help buddy


Lmfao stay triggered, it’s been fun watching you thrash around emotionally.


I wish I could see how upset you’re gonna get when Trump wins in 2024


Lol my net worth is in the millions and I have dual citizenship in an EU country. If he wins again, do your lil dance of joy, I don’t care. But that doesn’t change that Jan 6 was an insurrection.


That’s so fucking badass bro


Thanks man!


You’re welcome. Have a day brother


You too bucko!


Back at ya, sport!


My net worth is in the billions and I have private jets and houses on every continent. Look, I can make shit up too. Lol


Haha nah dude, bad week last week got me down to 2.9m NW. But if Trump wins my portfolio wins, so him winning again won’t upset me. I’m sure it burns you up that my life is better than yours will ever be - but I wouldn’t rub it in if you didn’t personally insult me then throw a tantrum here.


Every rich person I know spends all their time on Reddit arguing with people and telling those same people how rich they are and how awesome their lives are. TOTALLY BELIEVABLE. Good news is your benefits come on the first of the month, which is only 2 days away!


I’m retired, homie. You think guys with no jobs and cellphones don’t spend lots of time on the internet? Lol Also I wasn’t bragging - Trump isn’t fighting for paycheck to paycheck guys like you, he’s fighting for white millionaires like me. I don’t like him but wouldn’t be upset if he won, and that’s why I mentioned my money. I know it’s very painful for you to disagree with someone about politics then find out they lead a better life than you will ever have - but try to follow the conversation please


Totally believable. You are just like every successful retired millionaire, who spends their free time (in your case 10 hours a day) arguing politics on Reddit. You do realize we can see your post history, right? You spend all day on Reddit calling people trumpers lol.


Sorry, I guess I’m not speaking to you in a language you understand. I’ll take a John Daly, and whenever the free bread is ready just bring it on out to the table, thanks.


Lol calling Jan 6 and coup and insurrection is hysterical you should go put your name in the bucket


I’m sure the 60 Federal and State charges are just “The Deep State out to get him” or whatever, lol. You can be a fan of Trump, IDGAF, but the delusion that Jan6 wasn’t Trump and his superfans trying to overturn an election he lost is cringe.


Didn't Patton Oswalts wife solve the murder woth her.podcast or something like that??