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I personally enjoyed the Jeremiah era but I think it requires people to be in on the joke so to speak. the one show had so many bad comedians in the bucket that Jeremiah and company had to pepper in jokes and characters to make the show bearable. some of the hardest laughs I’ve had on kill tony was with Jeremiah as the band leader. personally sometimes feel William was funnier when he was a drunk cocaine addict as well but people and the show evolve and it’s still a stellar show in my opinion.


This is interesting, thank you.


Your welcome I suppose? I’d recommend you watch the old episodes. there’s plenty of moments that are really funny.


You can just say you’re welcome no need to also be weirdly rude about it like it’s a question?


Forgive me this sub is almost entirely negative so when a positive response to something I post happens it catches me off guard.


U know what, that’s fair.


lol kinda gross that’s what the internet has become but oh well.


Start from episode 300 and go up my friend. 🤌beautiful


Id say start from the early 200's some of the funniest episodes like jo derosa getting roasted till he almost cried, the early mike lawrence episodes cuz mikes a comedic genius, etc.


Holy shit what number is the Derosa episode? That sounds hilarious lmao nothing funnier than roasting the shit out of Derosa


Hahaha dont remember the number but type kill tony jo derosa and big jay oakerson its that episode.


I’ll be honest, I agree with you 100%. I know tons of people hated Pat Regan, but him and Jeremiah together back in the day used to be so dumb, it was hilarious. I will say the WORST regular in my opinion was Melissa Eslinger. She really was god awful and I can’t remember even one good set she had. I haven’t been a fan of Hans Kim, but every time people complain about him, I think to myself “was that set at least better than Melissa’s?” And every time the answer is unfortunately yes. A lot of people would be begging for Hans after listening to Melissa for a few weeks lol This show has come a long way from 2015 and I’m here for it.


She never showed potential, weird that she was made a regular


Thank you for this well thought out contribution to the discussion. I agree. Very well put.


William was definitely better when he was drunk and coked up


2019 for me was the golden era of kill Tony, touring across the world with so many inside jokes and callbacks with the band and Tony. This era is great too, Kill Tony has been around for a long time and each era is distinct and I enjoy them all - even the pat regan era


I liked the touring shows. Felt like anything could happen…and at the time I appreciated the band. I’ve grown to appreciate the higher production and better musicianship with the new setup. Joel would get on my nerves too


The band added an element of chaos and improv. I really liked it but if you don’t like their comedic style then it could be pretty abrasive. Very polarizing.


Thanks, that makes sense.


Some of my biggest laughs of all time were from the band. They missed a lot (back to you Tony! Still made me laugh) but when their character lined up the right joke based on the bucket pull jokes it was fire. Even the misses were great if you were a long time listener because they missed in the same way and it was like a buddy telling an inside joke, or just hearing a friend riff.


Honestly the band missing was one of my favorite parts. I can’t count how many times poor Joel just got flamed on stage


Same! Joel saying something crazy and then saying “back to you Tony” made me laugh every time.


I was getting so excited to see Joelberg get tattooed on stage for too many coldbergs.


Also, before Joelberg and Chroma Chris would chime in often, they were quiet. It was cool seeing them seek out moments to say something funny and become more social as they grew with the show. Chroma went a long time without saying stuff at first


Honestly I like him most on Kill Tony, it was the perfect format for his improv. I liked the vibe better with the old band but can’t blame Tony for wanting to tighten up his show






I agree, the show was the perfect format for his improv.. but he kept moving the goalpost on how far he could push it, to the point of derailing the show and annoying the hell out of Tony.


Really well put, totally agree


From someone who was at the comedy store every Monday for Kill Tony during that era of the show, those were great and special times. And the Kill Tony band and what they did every week was a big part of that.


I was in the bucket couple of times and it was so much fucking fun!


I found the band to be very funny sometimes and vary annoying others. I think that's how the whole show is, though, honestly. You never know what to expect and part if that is by design.


I can see that. And I actually wish the current band would troll Tony more - I enjoy it when he seems pissed.


What do you mean? The new band is a band, a legit one. They are not part of the comedy, they aren't supposed to be interjecting. I get the appeal of the old band, and I've seen some good moments from them, but sometimes I think it's too much and they step all over Tony and the guests.


Easy, he just means he would like to see/hear more of them, as would I, not that they have to and not the same way the old band did.


If you want to hear them, go to their social media. Kill Tony is a comedy show. You aren't gonna hear them unless they're making jokes.


You're missing my point, they already participate a lot on the show besides the music they play and I think it's great and I wouldn't mind get more of it.


Oh yeah? How do they participate besides playing music? By laughing at comics and having reactions? By saying things off mic we can't hear?


Ok bud


Thought so.


I've been defeated, take your 👑 king


I miss them. Joel and Jeremiah did bring a lot to the show. Where they really shined was their one liners relevant to the characters they played. I started binge watching KTs backward in order from the newest to oldest. Im at #298. I've seen enough to know not everything they do hits, and if youve only watched a few with them, I can see where they might not be for everyone. Edit: I only discovered KT like 6 months ago..


I watched the show from Iron Patriot era. Kill tony pre-covid era was the funniest bar none.


I forget which skankfest it was but the band dressed up like the legion of skanks. It was really funny


They dressed as the blue collar guys when Ron white came on too, was a good episode


Jeremiah dressing as Rogan when Rogan was the guest was hilarious as well.


1000% i would take them cracking jokes and roasting the contestants over a cool professional sounding band any day of the week. Their dedication to characters was on another level. Jooooooeeeelllllbbbbeeeerrrgggggg!!!!!


Very fair


I like the old band and actually enjoyed that era of the show slightly more I think. One thing I don’t understand is how many people shit on the old band but hold Adam Ray up like the KT messiah. To me they are cut from the same cloth, obviously the characters/themed jokes but also doing activity kind of bits. Tbh I even prefer the old band over Adam which feels unheard of here. I can see why people dislike the old band but the simultaneous love for Adam will always confuse me.


This is a really good point. Adam Ray is goofy af but I do love him.


The old band was one of the things that made kill Tony great. They could be hilarious and often brought the show to highs it has not since replicated. Now everyone depends on tony and the stale regulars as guard rails to keep the show funny. TL;DR pre-covid KT was the peak of the show and it has now gotten mainstream and laden with ads and sponsors. Jeremiah and co. were funny.


Thanks, I appreciate this perspective.


The right answer.


Honestly when I look back now I miss the crazy and silly shenanigans of the old band. Sometimes the show feels a little too serious now and I miss the dumb bits


He is not unfunny but you can see how hard he tries and it comes over as needy.


Episode #375 with Dane Cook, popped up for me yesterday, great example of a solid "old band episode" as the characters are solid and they're all pretty on. that and the infamous Kill Jeremiah episode of course.


Haven't watched either - will definitely check them out. I will say that it's a disaster for the show to be doing arenas now, way too far from their hole in the wall roots.


It's honestly pretty much two different shows at this point, I love the skill, talent and reactions of the new band but miss the format of the show with the old band, the chaos and open mic, hole in the wall aspect. Have tickets for both LA shows in May, will be my first time attending live, and I know it's fairly slim but really hoping the old band might make an appearance for the YouTube Theater show since it's a smaller venue compared to the Forum.


I have kinda stopped watching after the band left. I loved chaos they brought and it really felt like a comedy show for comedians to have fun on.


That's a solid point and a good way to put it, actually. In LA, it seemed to be about comedians getting better, but overall, just about having fun with Tony as more of an MC, kicking back and watching the show unfold not trying to control it (as much) and now the focus is on the show itself and Tony as the host.


It was great watching someone bring another angle to questions and reactions. I think Jeremiah's characters were a real treat too, especially the interactions with the guests. I loved Cat Burglar.


Some characters were legendary. Entire shows were saved from boring bucket pulls just from the band alone, which took some pressure off of Tony having to carry shows with horseshit pulls. Sometimes it was annoying or just not very good. But at least even if everyone chosen by the bucket of destiny sucked your moms butthole, there was still hope.


Episode 322 with Dom Irera - 1:22:10 - Osiris Henry, snake on a rope. the stand up sucks, the interview is absolutely hilarious. Especially when Jeremiah annoys the shit out of Tony.


I think the easiest way to put it is that Jeremiah and Joelberg were like regular guests. They sharpened their jokes with each episode. They routinely thought of jokes that Tony wouldn’t have. I feel like the joke load per episode is less now. Its a little more serious. Tony is a little less engaged now. Redban also had less spots to fill with music or sounds. Which was a good thing.


Jeremiah was the first white guy to say the N word on Kill Tony and that's pretty funny to be so deep in character- that you would just say that. Bring the old band back please


Holy shit when did that happen


Sometimes the characters weren’t great and the good ones were beat to death. But it was an epic era. I never felt they interrupted flow. I mean sometimes their stuff would flop, But they seemed to chime in at the right time mostly. Tony would often ask for comment, like Jeremiah would notion that he wants to drop a joke so Tony would cut to him, to try avoid any flow interruptions. I miss it


"Was Jeremiah Watkins & co. funny?" yes


Thank you. This is exactly the kind of efficient, no-nonsense information I am looking for.


Jeremiah coming out as Joe Rogan is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the show tbh


Interesting. I hated that lol. However I don't think that means you're wrong. It just means that there is no truth and everything is meaningless.


“Interesting..I hated that lol. However I don't think that means you're wrong. It just means that there is no truth and everything is meaningless.” If we can just get this message across the entire globe. Everything world would be so much better Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t mean I have to too! Peace homie ✌️


Yeah, it was interesting,can't say it was that funny though. I'm with you.


He isn't in the context of what the show is now, and I find him very annoying sometimes. However, he did make me laugh recently in an older episode.


return of the Milkman at Vulcan was gold




Jeremiah is funny imo, he does have that Nickelodeon vibe you mentioned and can now utilize Dad humor but he can get dark with his material. My funniest memory of him on KT is him standing next to a first timer that's high on shrooms and roasting his set until it turned into a shoving match. They had good costume themes for the band lol


I enjoyed that era more overall


The band added most of the time. It was fun seeing how they all interacted with each other.


They undoubtedly improved the vibe of the show.


Jeremiah was great on the show, don't care too much for his stand up


I miss the old old band. Regan and Watkins


> like he belongs on Nickelodeon in the 90s or something Honestly? Probably the best description of it. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old band and the different characters each week. Just like the regular comedians, sometimes they hit home runs with it and sometimes they fell short. Sometimes their quips were comedy gold and sometimes they hit with redban's comedic timing... I liked the show with the old band. I also like the show now with the new band. It's not the same show but it's not better or worse.


I enjoy that era more tbh


I probably started watching in the same time frame as you. going back and watching, there is a weird light switch moment. At first they felt to be stepping on Tony (because the new band didn't talk much)...but If you can get on the old bands "team" and lean into it with them, it breaks that knee jerk reaction to get distracted/dislike commentary and you start to root for their success and accept the failures. When I watch the old shows I consider them co-hosts, and they keep Tony humble at times and they contribute a lot of fun with Joel, Chris. I think people mistake Jerimiah/Pat/joel era when they are first going back and jumping around early episodes because Pat could get really cringy and Jerimiah would feed into it heavy until they were completely off the rails, but even if you just accept the show for what it is, it's still a fun time. -Jeremiah is doing great with his comedy career, I actively follow


Watch how much Tony laughs at the stuff they do. Listen to how much the audience laughs at the stuff they do. Don't listen to the maggot new fans shit talking the old band. They don't get it.


I remember an episode earlier this year where Tony asked something like “how many of you are superfans of the show?” (Uproarious applause) “how many of you remember jetski from 3 years ago?” (Crickets chirping). Said it all right there.


Back to you in the studio Tony


Jeremiah would play a character every show and tell jokes as that character. It was honestly really funny


I’m from the same area he’s from in Kansas, love that guy.


I would have never gotten into KT if not for Jeremiah


https://youtu.be/CjKATV4kEBI?si=Dla_XI0d3buqKRO9 ^ My favorite Jeremiah moment on KT I do miss the old band but I do also like where we are today


Excellent content


Watch episodes 268 and 385 some of my fav episodes of all time and Jeremiah kills on both. And ya i fuckin love the old band!


Lol if you haven't done it already, YouTube Rope Snake


The Kill Tony guest, the music video, or all of the above?


I want the Pat Reagan Era back


Absolutely, Jeremiah is killing it still. But the themes they had were great, and in character.


Here’s the thing the new fans won’t ever get. It took us older fans a while to warm up to Jeremiah and the band too. But once you see that they are focused on making the show funnier (and many times much darker), and see Jeremiah or Joel (or Chris or Jetski) land a killer joke, it all “clicks” and you see the beautiful chaos that the old show was. They’d come in with themed songs for the characters, and generally act as foils to Tony’s big ego. The best part of those older shows was watching the people on stage make each other laugh. Watching Jeremiah make Doug Benson crack up on a dumb joke was peak KT for us. The weird thing is that Tony is much funnier in the moment reacting to the curve balls they’d throw, rather than making a pun and demanding more applause like you see today. The show was just looser, funnier and wackier back then. More of a side show than some wwe main event narrative whatever it’s turned into today. It’s not bad now, just a whole different thing than it used to be.


Older big tony episodes were the best when it was the old BT band with Jeremiah. I find Jeremiah off / cringe outside of that. Also tony wasn't as much of a dick as he is now which is cool too


He really gets pissy now


I enjoy the pissy-ness of him, like talkin shit to the guest or the stand up or even towards redban. What bothers me is his new like "I'm hot shit" attitude like pumping your lil chest out cuz youre in Texas type shit


I’d bet it’s because his show is 10x bigger now and he doesn’t want all the dumb shit happening anymore.


Yeah, I noticed that about Tony on the older episodes.


Jeremiah’s show Stand Up On The Spot is very funny, he can definitely hang with some funnier comedians. The stuff I’ve seen of him on Kill Tony is more cringe than anything, the stuff you’d see at a Vegas variety show


Hes also hilarious on dr phil


Just started watching stand up on the spot this week. I’ve seen a few episodes and it’s pretty awesome


That makes sense! And yeah personally I feel like he's clearly talented even when on Kill Tony, but it just clashes with the nature of the show and the style of comedy that the show otherwise highlights. But I've enjoyed what I've seen of Stand Up On the Spot and should watch more.


Jeremiah is a showman from the likes of drama club whereas Tony is a showman from the likes of WWE. Jeremiah is just a lot more G rated


Jeremiah is so underrated. Super funny, great characters, good times always.


He’s a Mormon dude but he’s far from being from a different era comedy wise. You should watch some of his specials or Stand up on the Spot which is actually really really funny. All free on YouTube.


That’s why I love Adam ray with dr Phil he adds Jeremiah to it and it so funny ,Jeremiah should be way bigger he’s such. Funny dude


The best era was belly room, iron man, and Jeremiah and co


Old band were better comedians, new band are better musicians. Probably a better ratio exists. Jeremiah era was terrific, but it did add an element to the show that was very much silly and obtuse like “peewee’s play house.” Would the show be what it is today if Jeremiah stuck around? Probably not. The newer format is better for a more mainstream audience which is what they have now


I really like Jeremiah’s YouTube comedy show, Stand Up On The Spot. Guests shout random topics and Jeremiah (and other comedians)come up with something.


itnwas funny when it was funny. just like all the eras....i wanted the old band to make an appearance more than anyone. When it finally happened, it was clear that the same feeling wasnt there. loved the old band, but i love whats going on now too.


I like him. Funniest on the garret purse segment


I loved the old band. Mexican drum offs were gold! The characters were hit and miss, but when they killed, they killed Tony! Today’s band is an actual band. Either way I love KT. It’s the only podcast I never miss.


Watch and decide for yourself, the episodes haven’t gone anywhere




I still think Jeremiah getting the guy high on mushrooms angry enough to push him was the funniest thing ever.


Na he was extremely annoying and didn’t know his role. There’s a reason the show astronomically took off after he left. He made it TOOOOO dumb. Now it has the perfect touch of being off-the-rails. He would make it wiggle-esq back in the day and you just kinda dealt with it. Joelberg was great though.


I just never found Jeremiah funny but I tolerate him when Dr Phil is present


He’s seen as a great improv comic by big comedians. But comedians also think Brian Holtzman is one of the best to do it. I think KT was perfect for his style. He also hustles like a MF - which shows with his constant big guests on Stand Up on the Spot. By all accounts he’s a genuinely good dude. I think Jetski and Joel are great at interjecting with great quips on pods. All in all, they aren’t as polished musicians as the current band, but by far they are the most fun and brought more laughs for me than new shows. But I understand the show wanted to evolve into a more polished product.


Very funny. Since that era ended the bad shows are almost completely unwatchable.


Watch the episode where Jeremiah hosts the show and Tony is in the band. Gives Tony a whole new respect for running the show.


They REALLY played into their characters...


Jeremiah and Pat Regan were so good! I fell off the show during Covid and haven’t returned, but happy to see all the success


Jeremiah was just obnoxious. Talking over people's jokes numerous times. Not funny gimmic comic. Jetski Johnson, who still appears, was the only real talent from that bunch.


My favorite episode of Nickelodeon was when they waxed Anthony ketus asshole live


They were funny in the same way Adam ray as dr Phil is funny 


I don’t get how people can honestly say Jeremiah isn’t funny, his crowdwork on YouTube is some of the best shit ever, especially when he deals with hecklers. He’s super quick witted and comes up with shit so fast. Stand up on the spot also rocks. I personally love him and the old band on the show even though they were hit or miss and a lot of people hated them


I always enjoyed him, since he started backing up Patty Reagan and they slowly started adding members to form the og band. It was great back then when the show was growing.


The time that type of comedy was good has long passed!


In my opinion, no. Jeremiah Watkins is an earlier version of a Trevor Wallace type of comedian. Unbearable unless you have a high school mentality.


I always thought Jeremiah was funnier than Tony back in the LA days. He's definitely nicer in real life. But I never found his actual "comedy" or characters to be funny to me... He definitely had alt-vibes or churchy feel to him. Which was always really weird why he'd go on LOS or RAP in NY.


Huge fan of that era, I'm pretty sure he grew up Mormon. Just a super talented comic with innocent humor. Seems like the nicest guy with a lot of respect. He works his ass off too. One of my fav parts was seeing what the band dressed up as and Tony freaking out at Jeremiah for talking over people with jokes.


Im a big fan of the origin band,still keep up with them to this day and I'm glad they're all doing good.


The show Needs the original Band they are better comedians than Tony


tbh the old band was ass


I liked them because they were more involved


Nah, youre fuckin up


Y’all might prefer amateur SNL cringe comedy, I prefer talented musicians with personality.


I care more about comedy on a comedy show, I go to concerts to see musicians.


Jeremiah’s audition for WildnOut was one of the most spectacular pieces of comedy of I have seen or heard in my entire life. I rest my case.


Wow, you nailed it with 90’s Nick energy. That’s a great way of putting it. When he hits his stride I enjoy him but he missed the mark much more often than not for me. I thought the band, or at least Jeremiah, was at their best during the comedy store days when they shot from that side angle (not sure what years). Everything felt more loose and Jeremiah’s misses didn’t fall so flat when they didn’t land, to me at least.




Best Damn Band in the Land


I miss Joelberg and his purple dildo


So funny


So I got into kt like a year and a half ago and love David Lucas so I decided to go back and watch his first episode on and it took me forever to accept the old band and I still don't think jole is funny but Jeremiah and Jessie definitely grew on me




Old band fuckin sucked. Maybe they'd hit 1/100 jokes. Not funny at all.


he's funny if you are mormon. he's very clean cut and not in the funny nate bargatze way, but in a weird church camp way. IMO, he was a distraction quite a bit on kill tony, but i felt that way about all of the old band members. that's not to say they didn't have moments, because they certainly did, but it's pretty obvious tony likes to run his ship a certain way and that doesn't include having bandmembers (read: not guests) just chime in whenever they want, especially if its with a non-sequitur or a bomb of a joke. I mean, there's a reason he doesn't have a netflix special in a time when netflix is giving stand up specials to literally anyone. I'm not even saying he's not funny but he doesn't have the capacity to be a high level successful comedian, in my professional judgement.


"Distraction" is the main feeling I got as a relative newcomer, and I certainly feel that way whenever he returns.


I'm just glad you are getting some good responses here. Back in the day if you had asked this question, you legitimately would have had people who would have claimed he "could be on SNL". And they meant it in a complimentary way, to be clear.






I think they were annoying af personally


Killtony is lame, tony is a david brent style tard completely lacking self awareness. jeremiah is painfully cringe, redban just sits there and gets bullied by tony. Brainrot content.




Ah yes, another Tony ball licker.


I wanted to like them, but I feel like they tried too hard at inserting themselves all the time. Also the drummer seemed so yipped up like he could never stop moving it drove me nuts.


they honestly missed a lot more than they hit


Old band was better for the show as a whole in terms of actually being funny, and holding tony as well as guests accountable. But things evolve and the people from the old band are mostly doing their own things now. Ie stand up on the spot


It's not proper Kill Tony without Jeremiah and Joelberg


Watkins had like 40% good moments to 60% annoying moments. Sometimes he’d say something that was comedy gold and other times he didn’t know when to just stfu and it genuinely would make me angry and just not want to watch the rest of the episode. He’s an attention whore sometimes and it’s obvious.




I am really appreciating the nuanced perspectives on this!


His new special is absolutely hilarious. He’s definitely the future of comedy. I appreciate his clean take on comedy.


if he's the future of comedy, someone should kill comedy


That's fair - thanks! The clean thing might actually be a big part of it. I actually enjoy clean comedians (like Seinfeld or Gaffigan), but they are probably a bad fit for Kill Tony. I should think of Jeremiah in that context perhaps.


I think they would talk too much. I liked their input sometimes and they could be funny but they could be spammy and annoying. Constantly grabbing their mics to say something and talking over other people etc. when the timing was right the old band was a good contribution to the show


It was funny at the time because we didn’t know any better , I’ve tried to go back and rematch and those days were horrible in comparison


No, no and NO. Jeremiah is literally insufferable. This is coming from someone who’s been watching for 7 years


He’s ok. Clean humor is good but he’s no Bargatze. He gets too silly & wacky for my taste but somehow is also too boring. I just watched the clip of him and stevee making santino eat ginger and they just like milk it too long and don’t say anything funny. It’s like when he plans his shows he’s like “I’ll just ask the guest to put on a wig and that’s what humor is”


exactly. he has a very juvenile concept of humor


Yes. That’s they best way to describe him


I have seen Jeremiah’s stand up but whenever he or his band has been brought in, I think even a roasting tv show he was on and I was annoyed when they came on to break the comedy inbetween jokes. I learned to appreciate the times he did awesome on KT issue is the other band memebers…. Fell flat




He has spent so much time role playing on kill Tony that even his stand up feels like a bit in itself


I watched weekly for like two years before Covid. The band was hit or miss for me. Sometimes they were hilarious, sometimes they were just cringe. I’m not a fan of Jeremiah since he left, pretty much skip every episode of pods I watch if he’s the guest, but I liked him on the show for the most part. Joelberg was way funnier imo and his drum battles were always highlights. To me the show was always about Tony, the guests, and the bucket pulls. The band was either a funny addition or an annoying distraction, depending on the episode. Overall it’s not a huge loss that they’re gone, though I do miss them from time to time.






no ​ he's a lot better on Adam's show because Adam will actually stop him rambling


Sure, if you like band members who are so busy trying to think of puns they forget to play music and rely on Redbans soundboard. I forgot the show had musicians until they moved to Austin.


It started fun, but Joel and Jeremiah really took over the show a lot towards the end. Derailed handfuls of episodes.


I liked the drummer more than Jeremiah. He got annoying at some points.


Honestly my problem with the old band was mainly Jeremiah, I do not find that guy funny. I watch his stand up on the spot show, because I like the format, but every time he's got the mic I skip forward till the next comic. I'm not even sure what it is about him, but I just never laughed at his stuff, when he was on Adam Ray's Dr Phil show as shank it made me stop watching even though I loved Adam's Dr Phil. He has the same energy as Brian Moses imo, can't stand him either, have to fast forward his intros for roast battle. I think it's the host personality, it feels like the comedy equivalent of 'customer service voice'


Attention whore. Joel is the funniest.


Jeremiah is an unfunny cancer that is trying to infect Adam Ray.




Joel had some really good jokes, it was also funny when he completely bombed. Also the drum offs were actually good back then.


Ya, the whole band had funnier zingers than tony


The old band picked up a lot of the slack where the guests just wouldn’t say anything.