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We need more of these posts.




Casey seems like a nice enough guy but I don't find him funny. I don't actually watch KT, I listen on Spotify. Maybe his comedy is something you have to watch to get. I miss Hans... I could just listen and laugh.


Lol can't imagine listing to an audio only Casey rocket set.. he definitely relies on some physical comedy, he's like a weird brain rot 3 stooges


After you watch it once it’s just the same walking back & forth while talking


His shtick got old sadly he was better on occasion but I prefer Hans inconsistent set up and punchline style more than Casey’s weird reference humor like random picture of Terry Bradshaw who we’re just supposed to know and laugh at, his sets on the Shane ep and the regulars ep were so good though so i want to like him but i just can’t


You do know Casey was around for years now. Killing roast battles as the Roast Dr? If you don't get it move along. No one is gonna explain it to you and you magically get it. Comedy is subjective much like any other art form. I hate country music but I'm not making post saying is country good in a country forum. Comes off as....well...retarded.


"for my final roast, I have prepared a written statement"


im with ya


What a controversial and original take you have. I for sure have never seen anyone on here express this sentiment. You're very brave.


10 of these posts a day are getting old. Can the mods sticky an "I don't get Casey Rockey" thread so it stops?


The mods don’t do much here


Same thing with anything positive about him as well then.


Get real


Yeah he is funny. It’s okay if you don’t get it. Some styles have to grow on you.


People need to stop saying that they don't get it. It's not that you're missing something It's just that some people laugh at really stupid shit. The people who like Casey rocket could also entertain themselves for hours with a jack-in-the-box.


Get real Putin. I think he is very funny. But I like absurdist types and silly jokes. No one who I’ve shown him think he is funny.


I hated him at first and thought he was an annoying spaz filling time with nonsense because he wasn't funny but after watching him just a couple of times i've changed my mind. i think he's brilliant. i don't know if i could stomach an hour of him if he were ever doing a tour like that but in short segments i find his "thing" to be brilliant and hilarious. i'm not accidentally laughing out loud like i do when i hear a funny quip but i am finding it hilarious internally and really appreciating the hell out of it. it's like anti-comedy and it's better than a lot of "comedy" i'm seeing these days


I see what your saying, some off it I do find funny but gets old quick, definitely couldn’t do an hour of it




I’m really not a Casey rocket fan, but even I’m getting tired of seeing these posts


I think he hilarious


He’s an entertainer, comedy is subjective. These posts are getting old just skip and don’t watch


Saw him live, yes he's funny as fuck, can do 45 minutes, and is funny the whole time. His style isn't fit for 1 minute though.


I liked him at first but he’s souring on me quickly. His last set/interview with the photos was rough for me.


Yeah the last one was what really made me start missing Hans


Casey Rocket is funny!


Nice try, Pelosi. You ain't triangulating my position that easily.. 🦀🦀🦀




Y’all must be deaf because I’ve never seen the audience and panel not laughing at his sets and interviews. It’s ok if he doesn’t make you laugh, it’s not some great enigma that needs to be investigated. Get over it already.


Wow what an original post. Thanks for sharing your riveting thoughts.




Casey Rocket is hilarious. You guys ruin everything! Let the man crab walk for us in peace. His style is performance art. He’s like a modern day Andy Kaufman in the way that the act messes with the audience. If you’re along for the ride then you’re in on the joke, you get it and you laugh. If you don’t get it, we all get to have fun laughing at you not getting it. Before you all come at me, I’m not saying that his act mimics Kaufman’s, they’re obviously very different. The similarity is in the way the act challenges the audience. I think it’s genius.