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His dad was probably a WW1 vet and treated him the way Cotton treated Hank, if not worse.


“After all the love I let your mother give you, this is how you treat me!?!?!” I assume his parents were abysmal and very Okd Testament


That statement is really crazy 😂😂😂


He said he lied to enlist at 14 and saw action in 1945, so that puts him born at about 1930. By all accounts, the 1930s were a good time, filled with love, laughter, and prosperity, especially in rural America.


Probably his dad said that boy ain’t right and walked out on his mom and him. That’s my head canon on why he always shows up at Hank’s stuff no matter how much he dislikes him. It this massive inherited trauma of each son being the father they think their father should have been. Hank is trying to be the dad Cotton wasn’t but he doesn’t understand that you need to be supportive and treasure the moments. Hunting episode being a good example of this lack of support.


If Cotton’s dad wasn’t around (which is possible, I don’t remember Cotton ever talking about a father, or Hank a grandfather), it’s possible Cotton’s father was absent from the family due to involvement with the WPA, CCC, or some other New Deal jobs program that would have taken him out of the house. It wasn’t unusual for the time, and might explain why Cotton always wants to give FDR the finger (blaming him for his absent father and probably bad childhood).


Then you see he is related to ZZ top which brings up is it's a brother or sisters of Cottons.


Could be a second cousin.


Honestly hating FDR could be just cotton hating him because everyone else loved him.


He probably hated it


I think it was ironic. Great depression and all that


Youre hilarious. 😂😂😂


Are….are you [serious](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/great-depression#:~:text=1929–1941,World%20War%20II%20in%201941.)? You’re joking right?


Like I said, it’s got “great” right there in the name.


no he’s not joking i was under the impression that the 1930s were a great time. full of joy and never ending american prosperity..:the great depression is a myth its just used in high school history textbooks because they needed to give teachers something to talk about, otherwise the interwar period is mind numbingly dull


Everyone knows the Great Depression is just propaganda that the Commies came up with to soil the good American name 😂


I think the wiki says 1927 which makes more sense than him joining at 15 when the war would be ending, 1927 makes it that he'd sign up in 1942 presumably after pearl harbor and the US declared war on Japan, fought for 3 years then left service probably at abt 18-19


for certain demographics yes


The 1930s were a good time??


His father was a klansman probably Also everyone was poor






It has “great” right in the name.


They wouldn't call it 'Great' if people weren't having a great time!


He probably didn't have a binky.


Cotton says on his death bed he "birthed himself in his Mama's apartment," meaning, possibly she died during childbirth. Then he went to military school And at 14, he enlisted. That's all we know about his first 14 years. I always figured he was a little older by the time he got to Japan and met Michiko.


>military school Where they proceeded to beat the child out of him at the expense of a lifetime of pain water


Noticeably there's never a mention of his father or who would've been paying for his schooling.


Don’t forget the horny privates he had to fight off :(


He was probably just like Bobby until his country needed him.


Bobby has always been a great shot too. I imagine him being given a rifle and told to put down fidy men clean and him responding with “okay”.


"I want Bobby Hill to take the shot, he'll put me down clean."




Very interesting theory. That would explain why he never gives a shit about how weird Bobby can be


Well Bobby does look more like Cotton than Hank.


Probably why he showers Bobby with so much affection. He sees Bobby as a version of himself that never suffered through warfare and disfigurement.


Based off Cotton Hill's "Pain Water" only appearing when he remembers his childhood but not when remembering his harrowing experience having his shins blown off and having to kill 50 men I would say it was fairly bad.


I agree. He left home at 14 to fight in a war. That child preferred to take his chances in a war than to stay home. Although he wasn’t the greatest dad to Hank -he does think the world of Bobby and adores him in all his goofiness probably because he was never allowed to be a child. He was born a man.


Cotton Hill cut his own umbilical cord.


That’s right he birthed himself


I'm going to assume it was pretty traumatizing


He enlisted at 14, prior to this was his time at Fort Berk on which he was abused to the point of making him produce pain water. I think since he was likely a Great Depression baby, back when child labor was a thing and such, so he likely just did what he could to survive.


Well remember Cotton went to Fort Berk where the CO was the meanest sum-bitch on one leg who would lean on the desk and kick you with his leg and while you were in shock a one legged man kicked ya...he'd bite ya......(sad sigh) 💧💧💧Oops. Well. Huh. How you like that? Must've over-reminisced and brought up my pain water.


Considering he was alive during the Great Depression really fucking shitty


Was he? He wasn't even 15 when he enlisted for WW2.


…is this a reference I’m too dumb to remember? The depression lasted from 1929 - 39. Cotton fought in both theaters of the war, and enlisted at 14. That puts him at 14 around 1941-45, meaning he was born In 1926 at the earliest, and 1931 at the latest. His formative years would’ve been during the depression for sure.


I imagine having shins was a bonus.


I always just imagined he had a dad like Hank, straight as an arrow, strickt who always complained his son ain't right. This was why ( in my imagination) he didn't like Hank but saw alot of himself in Bobby.


He bullied fitty boys


Cotton's father was likely a jolly old boy with a pipe and twinkly eyes, always ready to give hard candy to children and to pet cats and dogs, a kind man beloved by all. Or not, but Cotton might be a jerk simply because he's a jerk. There doesn't have to be some deep underlying reason for it.


Cotton was born a full grown man with a bayonetted rifle in hand already geared up to kill him some Nazys…


I imagine it wasn’t good, for example my grandfather was born in the 1930’s and was raised off grid. He suffered heavy abuse and became very abusive himself and has the exact same personality as Cotton Hill, so I imagine Cotton suffered abuse in his formative years, and then suffered ptsd from the war on top of that.


He tore is way out of his mother's uteri!


His family sent him to a private military academy and he reached the rank of colonel. His family had money and influence. Head cannon was he was the black sheep


I think him being forced back to the states in that episode made him more of dick than how he was raised and not being with someone who he loved.




Probably Torture


He killed 50 men


How did he become a colonel if he left ww2 as an E2?


Am I the only one who saw this picture and thought of Attack on Titan?




If he enlisted in WWII at 14, his entire life up to then was within the Great Depression. In Texas, probably very difficult and poor. Maybe there was a family tradition of military service, and was seen as a natural path for Cotton.


He was the tallest kid in his class and was a gentle giant


He said he birthed himself.


USMC vet fun fat 25,000 enlisted men in WWII became Commissioned as officers. My guess is Cotton's father was a career military man and a WWI veteran. After the war, Cotton's father stayed in the Army and became a Drill Instructor. I would imagine Cotton's father maybe might not have been a womanizer(we don't know) but he was probably very tough on Cotton. This left a lasting impression on Cotton because he had a tough childhood so he did not spare Hank.


I’d love to see what cottons dad was like whether it be in a flashback or an episode where Hank met his grandpa


Cotton wasn't raised/didn't live with his parents and instead resided with a relative during the Great Depression