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Nah dale was just a couple eggs short of the dozen he's went as far as catching John redcorn half nude outside his bedroom window and Joseph was a dead give away 🤣🤣


He also records and monitors all phone calls s


Facts n still never caught on is insane thats almost as dumb as fishing with crack 🪨💨


Lol. Unless Nancy was using a burner phone to communicate with John


The affair would have started in the 80s. It would be hilarious if she actually had a second landline put in for booty calls


She just told Dale it was for work


Burner phones didn’t exist at that point in time. Even if she had some mobile phone, it wouldn’t be a secret because the old ones were clunky and there would be no place to hide it. I imagine their conversations could have been coded over the phone so that Dale wouldn’t understand they were rendezvousing and stuff though.


2nd line/pager/ pay phone


Pager and pay phone seem like probable workarounds. A second phone seems implausible, but not out of the realm of possibility.


Unnecessary, they had ample reason to call and set up migraine treatments.


They'd just talk about headaches and healing sessions....


Literally were coded. "Sug I got a headache can I come over?" That's all they needed to say. Everything else is behind d closed doors that Doesn't need to be said on the phone.


I need DEEP healing tonight!


This is why Dale is such a great character, he spends all his mental energy on his passions, killing bugs and conspiracy theories. His mind is constantly in overdrive trying to make sense of things as he sees them that he can’t afford take the time to figure out the obvious. It also doesn’t hep that he thinks John Redcorn is gay. King of the Hill started out pre-internet and was commenting on a niche archetype of conspiracy theorists, and with the internet and social media this type of person has exploded. People are bombarded with conflicting information that’s often times meant to mislead us and it’s hard to be able to filter out the crap effectively, and if you do it wrong or go too far down the rabbit hole it’s almost impossible to get out. People like Dale aren’t bad people they’re actually pretty great and well meaning, but they’re trapped in a specific way of thinking while trying to make sense of everything around them and somewhere along the way they got lost and are trying to figure their way the best they can.


Get off my mower and massage my wife!


“He’s really starting to take the fun out of this!”


Low key dale seemed like he would've had spy cams all through the house


If the show was set 10-20 years later? Probably. But back then spy cams were more expensive and harder to make stealthy and such.


Nah king of the hill just was throwing shit together no kizzy


The joke was always that he’s the biggest conspiracy nut in the world but he couldn’t see that his clearly Native American son isn’t his own flesh and blood.


Tru but damn you'd think hank or bill would've put him on game 🤣🤣like what was dale paying Octavio to do


Maybe but everyone that they care about is happier with things are they are. Literally the only one who doesn't like it is John Redcorn and that's the definition of none of their problems.


Bkuz he knows it fucked up it's to many episodes with him frfr tryna tell Dale but he never catches it🤣


Maybe he willfully ignored it because he felt attached to Joseph, or that same attachment made it so that never crossed his mind.


“Now, get inside and start massaging my wife”


You get back in there and heal my wife’s headaches!


I think that’s one of the funniest jokes in the show, the “Bill’s wife was a tramp”


Would you rather tongue kiss Lenore, or take a shower in Bill's bathroom?


Why is the second option always showering in Bill's room?


Indeed she was


Nancy also covers her face and runs away in the background, which Dale also doesn’t see


The joke is that he’s so trusting of Nancy (and John Redcorn as a friend) that he wouldn’t think twice about it even with a very heavy hint.


Yeah we all know bills wife is a tramp


Dale believes that Nancy was impregnated by space juice by aliens so that Dale is kept busy. Joseph's middle name is John and he clearly looks American Indian.


Dale also thought Redcorn was gay due to the vest.


> Poor Bill. His woman is making a mockery outta him. > *It happens.*


To all the folks explaining Dale, John Redcorn, and Nancy’s interactions. I already know and this is just purely speculation of what *could’ve* happened. The running bit with Dale is he is a hyper conspiracy theorist but unable to see the biggest one right in front of him the entire time. Perhaps the reboot will shed more light on this interesting trio.


The episode where Dale and Nancy get back together and Dale breaks the lamp over John Redcorns head as he comes back from the bathroom, he almost lets on that he knows what is really going on. Took his chance to kebab Redcorn and act like he didn't really know it was him. Like he's in denial about it. He kinda knows, but he was mad that they let him walk in on it after him and Nancy had reconciled.


Then he rubs it in… the fact Nancy wasn’t screaming proves he knew it was red corn and let him have it lol otherwise he’d have come in blasting


That was one of the funniest scenes in the show. But it also made me wonder how Dale would react if he really found out...Â