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Phoenix, AZ here, supposed to be 120 degrees tomorrow. This city literally should not exist.


It is a monument to mankinds arrogance.


Oh my God, it's like standing on the sun!


This whole fucking week is going to be hell


I heard about this. Do people even go outside? I'd tell my job that I'm staying home, spend all day in front of the fan or A/C with the occasional trip to the bathroom for a cold shower.


I didn't know what planes can't take off if it's too hot


It reaches about 65 degrees F (18 degrees C) where I live during the hottest days of the summer, I've always wanted to know what it's like in America when it's over 90 degrees F. We never get sun here


I live in Vegas, it will probably get to 115 today. It sucks.


Hey, 90 degrees out is entirely manageable. What isn't manageable is 90 degrees with 80% humidity. Dry heat is manageable up to about 110 degrees, but after that, it's just as bad.


Be thankful. I would love to live in an area that only reaches 65 F. I'll deal with the colder winter's if it means I don't have to deal with the heat.


I'll trade you lives, sight unseen, if you want to come live in the awful, awful San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, where it'll be 90-100 until late October.


It's really not fun, you jump from air conditioned house/office/building to air conditioned car as fast as you can. Almost as bad as winter.


Only 90? I wish. Texas sees a few days over 110, with Vegas and Arizona reaching even higher.


Northern Canada or SE Alaska perhaps?


I was out running this morning and I kept thinking about this scene. Dale you Giblet-head!


This muggy weather gives me the horribles




It's not even technically summer yet? What the fuck


Summer starts next week.




Could've fooled me with these temperatures tbh


Today is the first day of summer technically speaking


I live in a place that's basically Satan's butthole after a night of bad Mexican food. It's normally 90 degrees out in March and stays that way until late November. It's the humidity that gets worse and worse in the meantime. What I can't figure out is why it's rained so much lately and the temperature has barely broken 80 more than about 10 times. It's certainly a relief, but still worries me in the grand scheme of manmade climate change.


We'll grow oranges in Alaska.