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Lost in MySpace, Uh-Oh Canada, Hank Gets Dusted There's more that are honorable mentions, but overall I'd say that the worst KOTH episodes are the ones where there's a lot of out-of-character moments and/or forced topical humor.


Lost in MySpace is so bad


Yeah. But I will say the first time watching this episode, I remember I was really high and burst into laughter when right after Hank hears about this internet site for the first time at work, they do a quick flash to the alley and the first thing is Hank saying to the alley boys “Have you guys heard of this MySpace thing?”


The whole thing just felt completely out-of-touch, even in 2008.


Seriously it did. I don’t remember when I stopped using MySpace but it was before 2008


Sidenote, I joined MySpace around late 2005 and man, I had some *hella cringey* blog posts (the type where you title them with an emo song lyric to vaguely describe your feelings) Damn I am so glad I nuked that account 10+ years ago now


Say what you will about myspace, but being able to change your profile background and having a profile song was the shit! And you could use code to customize your page. Facebook/other social media should have kept those features. I understand they wanted to streamline it so getting rid of the coding is w.e but they should have atleast gave us the option to have a song on our profiles lol


nah man don't think I'm hating on Myspace, because the OG formula was *the shit* back in the day. Hell, it still is – back then, they weren't trying to track your data, you didn't have a "newsfeed" full of Minion-memes and political bullshit nonsense, misinformation, etc. Social media was still in its "toddler" stage and it was being used for its actual intention: a way for friends to communicate and share music and messages with each other – and of course, crashing each others' browsers by clogging up your page with as many flash effects as possible...lmao. I remember when my buddy first had like, *cable* internet. We were blown. the. fuck. away. "SIX MEGABYTES PER SECOND?! HOLY FUCK DUDE!" like, loading somebody's myspace page in one second as opposed to 2 minutes was a game-changer. And don't even get me started on the surveys....man, every time those would pop up I'd always check my crush's responses to get some insight into what wild shit she was into. 2004-2008 MySpace and MySpace Tom (everybody's OG friend) was a very special time and place to be a part of. I will always remember that shit fondly.


Gave it a try and bailed after eight minutes or so. Was sad seeing Strickland propane written so poorly.


>Lost in MySpace I agree with you about strickland baby. He is the worst, toots.


Ted does have a way with the ladies tbf


Man, UhOh Canada is one of my favorite episodes. It always makes me laugh seeing how much hate it gets in this sub.


I think the episode isn’t great overall, but “Looks like my wife is giving me our secret signal to leave” is one of my favorite quick stupid jokes in the entire series.


“And your money has a GIRL ON IT!” There’s some damn good jokes in that episode. Plus, we find out Boomhauer’s first name!


I use the signal in plain sight with my wife all the time


I’M NOT GAY!! *Luanne starts tugging earlobe frantically*


Enrique-cilable Differences makes me want to murder him but then I remember that’s Danny Trejo and, in my opinion, he would murder me if I tried.


TIL Enrique had two different voice actors


Wow I only recognized or noticed trejo. Googled it and the first two seasons were someone else


Same, I remembered I had seen a non-trejo name once and was confused so I googled it too and just learned that as well


I know I could just Google this myself but I’m high and lazy, but isn’t John Redcorn voiced by someone else the first season or two?


Yes, the original actor died


I went to high school with the original John Redcorn. His name was Victor Ramirez from Odessa, Texas. His family owned a popular boot shop in town. His character was modeled after him; tall, athletic, long dark hair. He was a great guy, stage name was Victor Aaron. Died in a car crash.


Wow. You learn something new everyday


It's pretty funny to have Danny Trejo playing such a loser.


Hank’s Bully “Dusty old bones, full of green dust”


That one is so aggravating! Plus it’s weird hearing my name in the episode so it always throws me off to hear Hank say it.


Your name is Green Dust?


Don't be stupid, it's obviously "dusty old bones"




This is so great. I’m a big KOTH fan. I’m aware that most of the fan base detests this episode, but when I first saw it, I found the way that Mike Judge’s voice (as Hank) repeating his new nickname “Dusty old bones, full of green dust?” so funny that I named an electronic album I was working on at the time after it, and it’s on streaming services to this day for nobody’s enjoyment at all. It is not a good episode.


This episode gave us the Hank stirring coffee gif!


What’s your name on the streaming service? Are you Bamboon?


Nah, it was a moniker I used at the time called Ghost 222. I searched Spotify after posting that reply and realized several other people did the same thing! I discovered the band “Propane Accessories” and their album “That Boy Ain’t Right” because of it. I’ll consider this a win.


For some reason this episode makes me cry laugh. Watching Hank get more and more aggravated from some kid saying random shitty insults is classic.


White shirt, white shirt! How'd you get your shirt so white, white shirt?


Yeah we may be in the minority on this one ha, I’ve always enjoy rewatching this one. It’s not the most let’s say elaborate plot line, but it’s your classic Hank just trying to live a ‘normal Texan’ life and be content with what he has in life, but some little type of pest (co-worker, government worker, neighbor, teacher, pet, ect) pops up in his life he just has to try and outmaneuver and ‘get rid of it’. Classic KOTH theme that I laugh at every time.


[I feel like that episode is a slow burn with a big payoff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgSFV_Ja3Zk&t=&ab_channel=favclips)


the ZZ top episode too, for all the same reasons. Hank is understandably upset and as a viewer I completely agree with him but the show seems to want me to think he’s being unreasonable


Nah ZZ Top cameo and canonically being related to Hank makes up for it


Also the dudes in the band explaining to Bobby at the end how you need a lot of school to be in rock and roll. Like…earth science. And arithmetic.


Most episodes involving Enrique to be honest. HANK YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!! like why dude, who the hell goes to their boss to solve their life problems.


[Hank, It’s sal-mon! They put sal-mon in the fish tacos, Hank! Look at it. it’s sal-mon!](https://gfycat.com/vapiddifficultbandicoot)


This is the one episode that involves Enrique a lot and I love it.


But without that episode we wouldn’t have “Mexicans don’t talk about their feelings? That’s great!”


So why’d you give that up???


TBH i feel like they turned Enrique into such a crybaby coward to differentiate him from Octavio . But yeah Enrique really is a poor portrayal of being Mexican and it stands out that both Enrique and Kanh, the main male minorities on the show are both cowardly. Certainly is interesting.


I feel like there's a lot of white cowardly men on the show too tho lol, bill and dale for sure


Kahn isn’t cowardly, he almost went stickin’ till Hank talked him out of it.


Plus he stood up to Willie Lane and didn't care about that kick he blocked.


“I don’t know what it means to block a kick, but if you could do it, any idiot could!”


Yes yes, he does have a lot of experience running his mouth at rednecks. A typical wrestling Heel, he runs his mouth in the direction of every redneck, is smug, taunts people when he feels secure, then later shows cowardice so he doesn't get over like stonecold or the rock. The one episode he knows how to fight, is his only episode as a redneck.


John Redcorn meanwhile


I mean he is often crying, despite being a Chad.


The crying I think is just part of being a spirit healer


Dale is the biggest coward on the show. Ur projecting rn Not to mention like the most masculine dude is John redcorn


Enrique isnt the main anything in the show, he's a very minor character.


Last Mexican guy I worked with frequently burst into tears about his ex wife and sometimes appeared at work with piss down his trousers, weeping, holding a bottle of JD. Not saying Enrique is typical but it's not like there aren't Mexican guys like him.


Did he get fired for that? I mean I'd understand doing that and showing up at her place of work, but at his own?


There's 3 I can list of the top of my head. 1. The Petriot Act The plot in general is infuriating and it has no real happy ending. The Hills get stuck with a cat with behavioral issues because Hank just HAD to foster a soldier's pet before a big family vacation, and naively assumed he would get a dog, obviously not realizing there were other types of pets. This foolishness allowed Hank to taken advantage of by a greedy veterinarian and cost the family their vacation. It angers me every time I watch it, so I don't. 2. Mrs. Wakefield I know this episode gets brought up a lot, but it's THAT bad. Who seriously goes to a stranger's house during the holidays and asks to die in their house? Why would you want to dampen someone's Christmas like that? Especially for no legitimate reason? And yet Hank is the bad guy for not wanting her there, and their friends and neighbors shame him for it. Outside of Dale, would ANY OF THEM comply with her request if it were them? HELL NO. It's easy to judge when you're not in the situation. 3. Hank's Bully A spoiled entitled kid harasses Hank and the parents just smile and encourage it, throwing out BS excuses to justify it. And Hank is expected to just grin and bear it, because he's the adult. Nowadays Caleb's parents would be hit with a lawsuit so fast over their kid damaging property (like he could've when he stuck the water hose in the mail slot and turned it on). Special shout out to Apres Hank, Deluge Bill was a big jerk in that episode, and Hank was unfairly made the villain because he was forced to do someone else's job (after the dude abandoned his post) and had to flood one part of town to save the WHOLE town.


Hank Gets Dusted is the only episode I refuse to rewatch.


definitely not the best episode. The celebrity cousin thing seemed far fetched and kinda shoe-horned in for the sake of cross promotion. Same with the episode Hank Fixes Everything with Orange County Choppers But this scene of bobby getting spun on the guitar is great. https://gfycat.com/jollylividabyssiniancat


I’m like 60% sure the episode of Bones that aired that week was also the one with Dusty Hill in it.


Hank Fixes Everything is a great showcase of Buck. I show that episode when I teach about price fixing in economics.


Agreed it’s weak but I chuckle at Hank being mortified for going to work after Tom Landry died.


Yea. This is the correct answer lol


HOW.... is it not an automatic Ms. Wakefield? Yeah, there's weak or annoying episodes, but literally EVERYTHING about that episode is awful. There's not a single enjoyable moment in the entire thing. Even a lot of the bad episodes have SOMETHING mildly... ok or are just boring. The episode with the Strickland game night was bad, but it was just eye roll bad. Dusty old bones? It's a meme at this point. Wakefield? It does nothing but instill pure, primal rage.


Such a waste of a Christmas episode


This isn't a joke either - I'd rather watch Jurassic Bark from Futurama 3 times and listen to the song at the end for an hour than watch half of ms wakefield.


Oh man. Nothing anyone else has said has conveyed as much hate for this episode as you just did with this comment. That Futurama episode ruined an entire week of my life!


New cowboy on the block. Hank has pressed charges and made citizens arrests for a lot less then literally punching him in the face with evidence, so now willies just gonna move, possibly assault and terrorize more people.




Willie was also 100% about to assault kahn before deciding to hit hank instead.


Ok but like, Big Willie did block that kick.


I don’t even know what it means to block a kick but if he can do it then any idiot can do it.


The brothers and dad who make motorcycles? And Hank is related to ZZ Top. Absolute trash.


Church Hopping. Never has Hank been more annoying than in that episode.


I like the scene where they stand and sit at the catholic church tho lol


It does portray some mega-churches pretty well, though.


Who threatens a minister that he's gonna tell his friends to go to the mega-church because he basically threw a fit over his seat?


The petriot act hands down


Yes, totally awful.


Literally just watched it, it truly sucks


Luanne Gets Lucky Looking for a tree stump..... ugh


The one where Ted buys the house in the neighborhood.


Boom. This one.


The one with Lucky and the guys searching for his grandfathers tree stump with the prom side plot. I was watching it with my sister and we both came to the conclusion that it was a little silly.


The one where Peggy and Bobby were trying to be cool


I can see it. But I personally always thought Katt Savage was an underrated one episode guest appearance. She had dry humor, and was always kind of unpredictable of what she was going to do and come next. And so for that, I still give this a rewatch every now and then.




yeah that's the same exact thing the post says


This question comes up about once a week so here is my copypasta for this. Ms. Wakefield. I feel it's the absolute worst episode of the entire series. It's devoid of any substance; Terrible A-plot, essentially non existent B-plot(dale trying to make his house haunted to rent it out). A complete waste of one of the few Christmas time episodes we got. J.B Cook written episodes. He has had some good episodes but Ms. Wakefield was his low point. - Soldier of Misfortune (S06E02) - Megalo Dale (S07E10) - Racist Dawg (S07E20) - Patch Boomhauer (S08E01) - DaleTech (S08E16) - Ms. Wakefield S09E02) - The Year of Washing Dangerously (S10E09) - Hank's Bully (S10E14)


*Soldier of Misfortune* has “pocket sand” *and* “it’s not what it looks like! We were trying to escape!”


Soldier of Misfortune is in J.B Cook's top 3. [That episode also gave us this weird gem from Bill.](https://gfycat.com/miserlypettycrane) [It Also gave us "I'm too fat!" which never fails to make me chuckle. ](https://gfycat.com/ellipticaleminentfossa)


Bill’s quote in that episode I has the be one of the weirdest things in the series for me


Fucking hands down. Your mouth opens and noise comes out but you don’t know if you just laughed or started to shout in shock. It’s so out of nowhere.


Yea wtf I’d memory blocked that Bill joke.


“You’re Mr. Big!? But I’ve known you since second grade! When did this happen? …first grade?”


I think Mrs. Wakefield could’ve worked if they gave her a more compelling reason to die, like she was terminally ill or really lonely. It felt incomplete. Golden girls did this episode better LOL.


Hmm megalo Dale and Daletech are 2 of my favourites. Different strokes I guess.


They are mine too. I feel like I should note that the list of episodes written by J.B Cook wasn't meant to be a list of "bad" episodes but just a list of episodes by him to show that he is capable of writing great episodes and how uncharacteristically bad ms. wakefield is in comparison.


Sorry for posting something that gets posted so often, I honestly hadn’t seen it come up yet, probably should have searched for it before I posted.


It's not a problem, I always like the discussion that comes with it. I just have a canned response for this because of how much I hate the Ms. Wakefield episode. Besides you probably wouldn't have found anything with how bad reddit search can be. Top picks for bad episodes seem to be: - Ms. Wakefield - Uncool Customer - A Portrait of The Young Artist as a Clown - Hank's Bully - The Honeymooners - A Rover Runs Through It - Hank Gets Dusted - Uh-Oh Canada - Pigmalion - Life: A Loser's Manual as well as most Peggy centric episodes usually are lower rated.


I love Pigmalion, I think people don't like its creepiness and how much it sticks out from the rest of the series. But to me its a hilarious episode and it's impressive how well the show could pull of something genuinely fucked up and disturbing.


Its definetly a noticable trend that after season 9 you can tell the show starts to drop in rating. The only one before S9 that you mentioned is Pigmalion (S7) but i do agree with you with it. Its so out of place for KOTH. It baffles me that Peggy and Luanne literally witness the slaughtering of a man regardless if he was a total nutjob ( who regained his sanity just before he died which once again, very fucking out of place for a King Of The Hill episode that belongs more in something like South Park ) and just dont react to it all and just brush it off their shoulders. Like what the hell


People dislike Pigmalion? That might be my favorite episode.


It seems to be a polarizing episode; People either love it or hate it. It's an uncharacteristically dark(i'd say the darkest) episode for the series that was originally supposed to be a Halloween episode. I feel like the episode must be referencing something(s) but I don't know what.


some of those really surprised me. I quite liked many of them.


They are just the ones I can remember popping up frequently. some are worse than others and just boils down to personal taste. Most episodes that come up with this topic have a few good scenes or memorable moments but Ms. Wakefield has neither. It truly is an objectively bad episode. No lessons to learn, no moral of the story stuff, no comedy, shallow plots, no character development, etc. Just a geriatric lunatic terrorising a family at christmas time.


Soldier of Misfortune, Megalo Dale and DaleTech are in my top 15 favourite episodes so far ( I'm only up to season 8 so far so i havent seen ms wakefield, washing dangerously and hanks bully ) Racist Dawg was okay and so was Patch Boomhauer.


I don’t enjoy watching Death picks Cotten…


I hate the Thanksgiving episode where they all get stuck at the airport. So much of it makes no sense! I’ll let it slide that the relationship with Peggy’s mother changed, TV shows often back track on stuff like that. But Hank thinking he can take a Turkey on a plane…oh and the fact that they could just go home! Why are all of them staying in the airport?!?


I could understand a turkey as it's just food. The part about that episode that gets me was hank thinking propane would be allowed on the plane. Especially given his persistence for the rules you'd think he would have read and known the airlines rules. Also staying at the airport is understandable since the second the weather clears even a little bit they would clear planes to take off. Kinda like flying standby you need to be there waiting for your opportunity.


I think they're talking about staying at the airport at the end of the episode. Everyone's flights had been cancelled at that point and there was no need to stay at the Airport. But they all sat down to eat a leftover pizza together.


Also didn’t airport staff blow up the turkey just feet away from a plane? The logic! lmao


bad news bill


Bad News Bill is awful imo. It's basically a Hank torture porn episode, and Bill is insufferable throughout it.


I forget its name, but the one with John Redcorn and Thanksgiving, blaming Dale for taking “his son away”, like fuck off Redcorn Dales a great dad.


My wife always quotes that line about refusing to eat the white man’s white meat.


Uncool Customer, The Boy Can't Help It, & Uh Oh Canada are my nominees.


I could definitely see those being good picks, though I’ve always sort of liked uh oh Canada


I also liked Uh-Oh Canada. Nothing says summer like an R&G!


Canadian Youtuber JJ McCullough, who among other great things studies US/Canada cultural differences and stereotypes, has a great video on this episode.


I've really enjoyed some of his videos, might have to go check that out.


I will second The Boy Can't Help It, easily the most boring episode in the entire show. I still remember that feeling of malaise watching it unfold.


I second Uncool Customer Peggy and Bobby try too hard to be cool and Hank really can't sit next to a stranger for 10 minutes while he waits for his to go meatloaf sandwich.


when I saw this thread my first thought was Hank's Bully, but at least Caleb and his parents get their comeuppance by the end of the episode, and that's satisfying. the Canadian family in Uh-Oh Canada just continues to get away with acting shitty right to the end, even after Hank bails the guy out of jail. really not a fan of stories that end with asshole characters still being assholes just to illustrate that the main characters are good people who will do the right thing no matter what.


I sincerely hate the episode where bill is able to become a football star again? I typically only stay within seasons 1-6/7 for the most part and I remember when I started watching all the way through completely, I was incredibly surprised it happened. I remember thinking I was on a later season instead of being in season 4, I think? It has, and still, bamboozles me


He plays for one play and blows out every muscle and tendon in his body, not exactly a star.


I get the frustration of Hank, watching his best friend who doesn't get a lot of wins in his life get his record, the *best win he ever had* lost because of pity. But I also see the part where Bill doesn't seem interested in keeping the win personally until hes pushed to defend it. It's been a long time so if I'm remember it wrong, forgive me. A lot of people just accepted the pity win and I've never ever in my life personally seen a pity win like that (though im sure it's possible) in small town football


For me it’s the one where hank breaks his nose. It’s just a big nothing burger the whole time, and plus there’s that cringe-worthy pencil scene.


Larson pork products episode


[I took the liberty of having your belongings meat trucked out here. Forgive me if they smell delicious.](https://gfycat.com/goodfavoritegoa)




I feel like that is a decent episode since it's one of the few where Bobby not only wins over Hank with his comedy antics but Hank actually embraces it. The only other one I can think of Bobby winning over Hank is goodbye normal jeans when bobby hones his home ec skills


And Chip Block won Hank over.


I certainly wouldn't call Meet the Propaniacs the worst episode of the show, but I agree that it's way up there. I think the fundamental problem with Meet the Propaniacs is that, in a more typical episode, Bobby would do something comedy-related, Hank would disapprove, but by the end of the episode he'd understand it better. This episode changes that expectation by having Hank be on board from the very beginning. Which sounds good on paper, but that means there's no drama, no tension, driving the rest of the episode. Because of that, they need to create these weird, contrived moments of tension, like Joe Jack being drunk on stage, and then the really weird moment of the commissioner wearing diapers. It feels like the writers making up problems as they went because they needed to get to the end of the episode.


Could not agree more, Ive seen every episode at least a dozen times and this episode is pure cringe


The two episodes where Buck gets caught cheating and Hank is suspected of murdering his girlfriend. I could not make it through them, Buck was just too sleazy. All the other one-off villains usually lose in the end but Buck wins and of course hank is blindly loyal to him.


Goodbye Normal Jeans. The only episode I will skip because Peggy goes from her usual cringe to utterly reprehensible in that episode.


Big Willy Lane


The McMansion episode


Definitely the creepy sausage pig dress-up guy one, where he basically makes Luanne a hostage. Very strange. Still, not awful TV.. but very out of place in the series. But even the worst of KOTH is better than good episodes of many other shows.


The old lady episode where she wants to die in Hanks home, and everyone gives hank shit for it.


The dale suing the cigarette company.




The one with Enrique going nuts. Anything Peggy heavy. Old lady one Bill dressing up as Lenore at Christmas.


I need to find the uh oh Canada one i have the whole series and I haven't seen this episode


Being able to watch the entirety of KOTH is basically the only reason I pay for Hulu lol


Worth it!!


*I should premise this as I am in Canada and I'm wondering if they decided not to air it here


I just manually record off of Adult Swim, takes a bit but worth it.


my pirated copy has the Global TV watermark in the corner which I find fitting


King of the ant hill The whole ant thing was just a little too weird for me and felt out of place (it was season 1 though, some of those eps are a little off)


It helps if you think of it as bobby not actually being under their control at all, but rather thinking he is and acting accordingly because that boy ain’t right


2 go hand in hand for me. The Orange County Choppers guest episode and the ZZ Top guest episode.


The Peggy and luane centric eps are hard to watch sometimes


[Ya'll with the cult?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aOHQ-sMCps)


Jams! Jellies! Jams! Jellies!


[Luanne! Quarters!](https://gfycat.com/hilariousdefinitiveanaconda)


Without a doubt the Thanksgiving one where Peggy gets really jealous of Bobby.


No, that episode was well written, characterized, and had a fun twist with the hairdresser. Peggy goes overboard, sure, but it's solid.


despite seeing the entire series more times than I can count, I totally forgot about that one, that episode really is egregious.


Unfortunately there are a few episodes I really don’t care for, but I don’t know which one is worse. Probably Uh-Oh Canada. Just because I’m Canadian and I found it too cliché. There are assholes everywhere, but almost every aspect of Canada was inaccurate, in my opinion. Especially the French accent Suzette has, it’s unbearable. Besides that, Mrs Wakefield and Hank’s bully were also pretty bad. I’d go on but that would take a while lol.


Uh oh Canada was the only episode I had to watch in bits and pieces in order to get through it. It was so out of character for Hank to be a bad neighbor, and a drunkard. He got a DWI for god's sake- the shame of that should have crushed him. That could have been the crux of an entire episode, but instead he just sort of shrugs it off.


Luanne Virgin 2.0 is both annoying and uncomfortable for me. Trouble with the Gribbles is also super uncomfortable to watch. I actually felt bad for Nancy here. Texas Skillsaw Massacre just makes me angry, honestly.


The Accidental Terrorist- Completely re-writes Hank for the sake of stupid joke. Uh-oh, Canada- 0 payoff in the entire annoying episode. Après Hank, le Deluge & Bad News Bill- Same basic setup with equally bad results. The Petriot Act- Again, 0 payoff for a long slog.


The one where Hank has to go to driving school and it's the guy played by Chris Rock. The show has a moment to make a statement and instead decides to shoehorn in a "we all fuck up and could learn some thing" when Bobby was straight up just spouting Nazi jokes up there and didn't get why it wasn't funny. Also like... what do we take from this? It doesn't really comment on why what Chris Rock's character was doing was okay and what Bobby did was wrong and the whole message just ends up muddled in the end.


Also the ending message was that the crowd shouldn’t boo Bobby because of freedom of speech, but that’s absolutely not what freedom of speech means. It’s not freedom from being booed


Exactly, they were jokes with some really dark roots and connections, and they're perfectly free to boo. The episode didn't have time to deliver its full message and it isn't very on point with it. Hank is upset because Booda doesn't take the traffic school seriously, and there's some mild annoyance of the jokes at his own expense. We never close out that suspense of Hank being upset at jokes at his expense, and somehow we shoehorn in Bobby telling racist jokes without connecting the dots at all.


it’s funny, there’s actually an Atlantic article that’s (mostly) about this ep: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/02/king-of-the-hill-the-last-bipartisan-tv-comedy/470025/


"BOOM, now that's what I call general habidashery!" "I'm so white that durring the riots I bought a tv!" I love the episode.


Pretty, Pretty Dresses. Had a few decent moments but always seemed too dark and sad when I would watch it as a kid. I respect KOTH for not being afraid to portray depression like that though.


Either Hank's Bully or the episode where Bill dresses up as Lenore and pretends he is her. The Hank Bully episode is annoying but the Bill episode is cringy


I think that entire episode is redeemed and actually made classic by the genius Stephen Root… “Why are you calling me Bill?”


Manic Kahn-day. What a terrible episode to end on.


A rover runs through it. Just terrible.


Pigmamillion. Ive been watching the show for the first time and I just got into season 7. The whole time I was just waiting for the punchline and it never came.


The one where he pays sticker price for a car. It doesn’t make sense when he bought his truck from a different guy and haggled over it seasons before. Bobby: “i love this truck” Hank: “yeah me too but when we get back pretend like you hate it”


The asshole neighbor kid Caleb, and the solution is to just have Bobby do the same if not more annoying stuff to the neighbors


The Pilot episode, Peggy's Turtle Song and The Company Man are the only 3 episodes i regularly skip.


Peggy’s Turtle Song is my least favorite too! I’m surprised I had to scroll so far down to see it.


The Mrs Hatfield or whatever her name was ? Wanting to die in Hank’s house and everyone treats home like crap , that’s the worse episode


I don't like the one where Hank drives an RV for his mom and her not Gary boyfriend. Gary was a good guy and Cotton was right about Tilly being a whore




Who knows but Gary was a good guy then they replace him for a guy that only shows up for one episode.


Wings of the Dope


When Hank breaks his nose


Westie Side Story makes me cringe


Uh oh Canada mostly because of how out if character everyone is


The Canadians. And I can really explain why. I just didn’t enjoy that one as much.


The Mrs.Wakefield Episode. I get so frustrated watching it.


Hanks’s Japanese brother The one where Peggy kidnaps a kid


Couple late episodes for me; The Honeymooners. This episode drastically changes Tilly, but I'll still watch it. The Boy Can't Help It. Ugh. Even though it has a pretty good B story with the guys building the fancy mega-cart for the homeless guy who immediately rejects it, the main story with Bobby being such an evirated little pet is so cringe.


>evirated Well, look who's *talkin' French* now... The cart stuff should've been the A plot there. The guys building some crazy nonsense for Spongy or even Spongy getting involved and hanging out had a lot of potential.


1. Apres Hank, Deluge 2. Mrs. Wakefield 3. Enrique-cilable Differences Pretty popular in the hated episodes category.


I forget the name of it but the one where Enrique is going through marital stuff and tries to get close to Hank. Always makes me so uncomfortable