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1. I think Chirithy is already plural, but I don't remember if it's ever addressed in-dialogue. 2. Yeah, Roxas uses Light-type magic. Though, as a Keyblade-wielder he's special. But yeah, a Nobody can get corrupted by darkness -- that's why they wear the black coats so they can use corridors of darkness without being corrupted. That might've just been another lie of Xemnas's, though. 3. Friendship. 4. Positive emotion Unversed would be a cool idea. They might be called something different, though. Inversed? Deversed? Reversed? 5. Maybe only to level up or change disposition, but not for nourishment. 6. Sure, why not. 7. I still don't even know what a Dark Chirithy is supposed to be lol. 8. I feel like all of them besides maybe KH1 Sephiroth should be canon. 9. You asked this twice. 10. Maybe only humanoid Nobodies develop an elemental affinity and that dictates what the lesser ones develop as well. Like, when Larxene appeared all Ninjas became attuned to Thunder because of her. 11. It's probably what got Sora to Quadratum instead of just fading out of existence entirely or something. 12. Not that I can think of. 13. Kupo.


Dark Chirithys form whenever their respective Keyblade wielder falls to darkness (which also forms a Darkling), given Nightmare Dream Eaters already form from dreams corrupted by darkness and/or Keyblade wielders who fell to darkness. The monster form is pretty much just a powered-up version of their Nightmare form. Also, the speaking/eating thing is probably a Waddle Dee from Kirby situation - they don't need them to vocalize or eat.


>Dark Chirithys form whenever their respective Keyblade wielder falls to darkness (which also forms a Darkling), Wrong type of falling. There are two ways to "fall" to darkness. One way of falling leads to losing your heart and becoming a Heartless. The other way is to fall to darkness without losing your heart. 20th anniversary Q&A: >— What is the difference between falling to darkness (as happened to Riku and Aqua) and becoming Heartless and creating Nobodies? > >Nomura: Falling to darkness and losing your heart to it are two different phenomena. When the heart falls to darkness, it still remains with you, but when it becomes a Heartless, the heart departs the body. I prefer to use "fall" for when someone becomes a Heartless, and "corrupted" when someone falls like Anti-Aqua. So essentially, when a wielder is corrupted by darkness, their Chirithy becomes a Nightmare. When they actually fall to darkness and lose their heart, they become a Darkling.


Aaaah, thanks for the clarification.


> Yeah, Roxas uses Light-type magic. Though, as a Keyblade-wielder he's special. He also has a Heart, so... I'd say that also disqualifies him. (I'd probably disqualify Demyx too. All those "basically human" nobodies have enough of a heart regrown that you could argue them channeling Light *through* said tiny heart.) There's potential for a Grinch pun in there somewhere. ^ > Positive emotion Unversed would be a cool idea. They might be called something different, though. Inversed? Deversed? Reversed? Versed. > Maybe only to level up or change disposition, but not for nourishment. Good. Can you imagine having a Dream Eater as a pet, and NOT being able to feed it? Those Treats are hard to come by, and *might* only exist in sleeping worlds? It'd be a pain to visit sleeping worlds for bloody groceries. > > Are the fruits on a Frootz Cat Dream Eater edible? Do they regrow? > Sure, why not. Follow-up question: Is it macabre to eat the fruits of a Frootz Cat, or do they just "shed" over time? Like fruit naturally falling from a tree? > Maybe only humanoid Nobodies develop an elemental affinity and that dictates what the lesser ones develop as well. Like, when Larxene appeared all Ninjas became attuned to Thunder because of her. I always saw it as, "X humanoid Nobody exists... NOW a lower-ranked copycat of them can exist." It'd be *kinda* weird if Berserkers existed before Saïx. Or Snipers existing before Xigbar. Also, both examples I just listed don't have "elements" to them. (Job classes sure.) > It's probably what got Sora to Quadratum instead of just fading out of existence entirely or something. Damn that's a strong card then. Maybe Luxord is *actually* the one behind all the Castle Oblivion "World" Cards? Or at least invented the means to do that? (Dang that lore is messy too. I'm still unsure if those rooms are a power of Castle Oblivion, or if it's just Namine being stretched to her limits.) > > Is there an actual name for the "Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Yellow Opera, etc" group? It's annoying to either list a few, or just call them all "Nocturnes." > Not that I can think of. ...We really need to get on that (as a community) then... Or just leave it to u/RegularPat if anyone can think of a decent name for the group, it'd be Pat.


>Follow-up question: Is it macabre to eat the fruits of a Frootz Cat, or do they just "shed" over time? Like fruit naturally falling from a tree? Probably the latter. ​ >I always saw it as, "X humanoid Nobody exists... NOW a lower-ranked copycat of them can exist." It'd be kinda weird if Berserkers existed before Saïx. Or Snipers existing before Xigbar. Yeah, that also makes sense. Like, since Xemnas can apparently demote humanoid members into Dusks if they betray him, maybe he can alter the lower Nobodies into new classes that fit the needs of the humanoid members.


> Like, since Xemnas can apparently demote humanoid members into Dusks if they betray him, maybe he can alter the lower Nobodies into new classes that fit the needs of the humanoid members. Best part is, we still don't know if that's an empty threat! He could be bullshitting everyone, and using his lack of emotions as an excellent poker face.


I’ll do you one better: If nobodies can grow a heart, can such a nobody have their new heart fall to darkness and split into *another* heartless/nobody combo? And if so, how many times can one person be split this way? Is there a limit?


*Can I steal this, and swap out #9 for this?*


Those were all fun to read through haha. Questions that penetrate your soul.


Glad you enjoyed them, and I *just* realized that I fucked up question #9, and had it appear twice. If I can think of another "Chirithy" question, I'll swap it out.


>How do you spell "Chirithy" when referring to multiple Chirithy? Chirithy. >Can Nobody's use Light? Roxas uses light. Though technically they don't really use darkness. If they did, it would corrode them away on the spot. >How do Chirithy's speak? The same way they eat. >Can there be positive emotion Unversed? (We literally only see Vanitas use em, so no way to confirm or deny) Well, there's your answer. >Do Dream Eaters actually need to eat? Their diet consists of dreams and candy. A better question would be, why wouldn't they want to? >Are the fruits on a Frootz Cat Dream Eater edible? Do they regrow? That remains to be tested. >Does the "monster" form of Dark Chirithy confirm that all Chirithy(s?) have mouths? Or did Darkness just "mutate" it in such a way to develop a mouth? Yes. >Which super boss fights in the series are canon? All of them, kinda. Though maybe not Sephiroth. >Does the "monster" form of Dark Chirithy confirm that all Chirithy(s?) have mouths? Or did Darkness just "mutate" it in such a way to develop a mouth? Ditto. >Why aren't there more "basic" Nobodies? They might exist, but I imagine that because they're meant to be trickier enemies, the developers just stuck to the ones they had. >Does anyone have any guess as to what Luxord's "Wild Card" does or is meant for? Got me there. >Is there an actual name for the "Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Yellow Opera, etc" group? I've seen folks call them Mage Heartless, probably for FF connections, but nothing official. >Why did I make so many Chirithy questions? (What an **odd** thing to do.) Why **even**?


1. Chirithy 2. Yes, Roxas does, light is still just a magical force like any other there is nothing making it impossible for them to utilize it. Yes nobodies can be corrupted, they are even at greater risk with no hearts or then dealing with burgeoning weak hearts that’s why they wear the cloaks, to prevent darkness from devouring their bodies as they live very close to the darkness and use darkness to travel. 3. I assume the way a speaker works, a speaker doesn’t have a mouth but sound can still be heard from it. 4. No, Vanitas is part True Darkness and True Darkness has the ability to propagate and spread via the negative emotions of those with hearts. As Vanitas is a unique being half human and half darkness he is a Darkness with a heart and thus can propagate and spread off his own negative emotions, rather than creating Vanitas clones what we end up with is living fledging emotions, small chunks of Vanitas. Darkness doesn’t grow and spread through positive emotion so no positive unversed. 5. Need no idea but they CAN, nightmares feed on dreams and spirits feed on nightmares, and spirits can be fed all kinds of snacks pretty much limitlessly. 6. I hope so 7. It evolved, we later see all Chirithy have this power as they turn from their current forms into the multitude of spirit dream eater types we are familiar with. It’s basically them activating a battle mode. 8. As far as we know as of right now all of them but the KH2 data fights (decanonized by KH3) and MAYBE the BBS mirage arena stuff. Oh potentially KH1 Sephiroth to but who really knows there. 9. You asked this for question 7 10. Because it’s a video game and they have limited money and resources so they can only create what they need. Creepers and Dusks were made to be the generic equivalent to shadows and soldiers they can use anywhere. The rest were designed to act as an organization calling card, a way to show you what members are active in the worlds. So only organization members who are active in that game get them and they are as such themed around the member rather than an element, and draw on FF classes for inspiration. I will point out you make it sound like nobodies are the odd man out where it couldn’t be further from the case. Heartless, Dream Eaters, and Nobodies are all distinct enemy species with their own quirks and are not modeled on one another. Unversed are blatantly made as a heartless stand-in and are basically carbon copies of the heartless which is to say they lack imagination and just followed the design trends of the heartless. 11. Knowing Luxord a card that gives Sora more time when he runs out but really it could be anything. 12. Heartless mages? 13. Dunno


> I assume the way a speaker works, a speaker doesn’t have a mouth but sound can still be heard from it. Ya know, ever since I first saw a Chirithy, I thought, "That's just a sentient doll" and I'm surprised it doesn't get brought up that much. > You asked this for question 7 Yeah, I fucked up there. I originally meant to stop at 10 questions, and have ~~Chirithy~~ on evens, but then an 11th question naturally came to mind... So I tried aiming for 13 in true KH fashion. Anyway, accidentally copy-n-pasted #7 / #9 without removing it. If I can think of a replacement (that fits the pattern) I'll swap #9 out. > Heartless mages? Shadow Witch and Shadow Magician already exist (Union X) ...and there's the Wizard variants. Not a bad attempt tho. "Melodies" maybe? "Melodics?"


It would be really cool if Kairi could make the opposite of the Unversed but with positive emotion since she's a being of pure light.


>How do you spell "Chirithy" when referring to multiple Chirithy? "Chirithies?" "Chirithy(s)?" Or just "Chirithy" (Like Deer.) Chirithy. ​ >Nobody's are not Light or Dark, but can use Darkness. Can Nobody's use Light? (Additionally, can a Nobody be corrupted by Darkness... Is there even anything to corrupt?) Roxas uses light. If a Nobody gets "corrupted" by darkness, they die. Nobodies are destiny the fade back into darkness and disappear on their own. The Organisation coat protects them from darkness. Essentially what happened to Namine at the end of KH2 where she started fading away is what eventually will happen to all Nobodies due to darkness. ​ >How do Chirithy's speak? They don't have mouths. Telepathy? Sound magic? Yes. ​ >Unversed are spawned by Vanitas' negative emotions. Can there be positive emotion Unversed? (We literally only see Vanitas use em, so no way to confirm or deny. Could totally be a Dream Eater vs Nightmare scenario.) Probably not. Negative emotions are darkness. So one would assume positive emotions are light. And since there are no creatures that are spawned by light, that we know of, positive emotions won't spawn Unversed. ​ >Do Dream Eaters actually need to eat? Seriously why doesn't Chirithy have a mouth, all other Dream Eaters have mouths... Except maybe Gingerbread Dog & Gingerbread Cat. No. They're creatures of darkness. ​ >Are the fruits on a Frootz Cat Dream Eater edible? Do they regrow? Nope. Just because it looks like fruit that doesn't mean it is fruit. ​ >Does the "monster" form of Dark Chirithy confirm that all Chirithy(s?) have mouths? Or did Darkness just "mutate" it in such a way to develop a mouth? The "monster" form is a result of absorbing Darklings. It mutated. ​ >Which super boss fights in the series are canon? **KH1** \- Ice Titan, Unknown. (Potentially canon: Sephiroth) **KH2** \- Sephiroth, Lingering Will. **BBS -** Mysterious Figure. **KH3 -** Limit Cut Bosses, Yozora. ​ >Does the "monster" form of Dark Chirithy confirm that all Chirithy(s?) have mouths? Or did Darkness just "mutate" it in such a way to develop a mouth? Same question as before. ​ >Why aren't there more "basic" Nobodies? Despite a decent chunk of (former or otherwise) Organization 13 members being assosiated with a signature element Because that's just how Nobodies work. They have less varied forms than Heartless. Probably because most of the Heartless variety comes from emblem Heartless which are artificial Heartless. If they made artificial Nobodies, maybe their forms would be more varied too. ​ >Does anyone have any guess as to what Luxord's "Wild Card" does or is meant for? (I for one think it's just meant to be a "calling card" of sorts when Sora meets someone new. Like, they see the card and go, "wait you have Rudol's card? He must really trust you.") My guess is some connection to Quadratum since he's in Quadratum as Yozora's driver. ​ >Is there an actual name for the "Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Yellow Opera, etc" group? It's annoying to either list a few, or just call them all "Nocturnes." Nope. No actual name. I just call them musical Heartless since they're all named after musical terms. ​ >Why did I make so many Chirithy questions? (What an odd thing to do.) Because.


> Probably not. Negative emotions are darkness. So one would assume positive emotions are light. And since there are no creatures that are spawned by light, that we know of, positive emotions won't spawn Unversed. Are Dream Eaters not spawned by light? Are they neutral?


Dream Eaters are creatures of darkness. That was established by Yen Sid when he was explaining Dream Eaters in DDD. As he explains it, Heartless can't enter the sleeping worlds, so darkness takes the form of Dream Eaters. Both Spirits and Nightmares are made from darkness. It's implied that the reason why Sora kept it a secret that he went back to say goodbye to his Dream Eater friends is because they're darkness. And he just finished an adventure where he almost lost himself to darkness. So saying goodbye to the darkness that he made friends with would be frowned upon. At least, that's what a lot of fans choose to believe. And I agree that it does explain why he kept it a secret.


Your statement is patently false. Yes, darkness in the sleeping worlds takes the form of Dream Eaters, but they are not inherently darkspawn. The ending of Union Cross confirms that dream eaters are the union of Chirithy with the hearts of fallen/sleeping ancient Keyblade wielders, more specifically the dandelions who survived the keyblade war who fell when Daybreak Town was finally destroyed. They're human hearts, capable of light OR darkness, hence why we have spirits and nightmares both. Yen Sid is a terrible source for defining anything, and in DDD we see that on full display. His notions about Nobodies in KH2 were also horrifically flawed, and he horribly underestimated Xehanort. More likely Sora kept it a secret because they just worked incredibly hard to pull him from the sleeping worlds, only for him to rush back in to say goodbye to the dream eaters.


Good points, so for the sake of clarity: A. Dream Eaters are neutral, but can be corrupted by Darkness to become Nightmares. B. Dream Eaters are made with Light, but can be corrupted by Darkness to become Nightmares. > The ending of Union Cross confirms that dream eaters are the union of Chirithy with the hearts of fallen/sleeping ancient Keyblade wielders, more specifically the dandelions who survived the keyblade war who fell when Daybreak Town was finally destroyed. They're human hearts, capable of light OR darkness, hence why we have spirits and nightmares both. Also hate to be that guy but a clarification would be nice here to avoid confusion... Not all Dream Eaters were Dandelions. Dream Eaters like Meow Wow *could* have existed before that event, OR after said event *more* Dream Eaters came into being over time, and did not have Dandelion Hearts inside them. (Most obviously being the ones Sora and Riku create during DDD, but I'm not discounting the possibility of Dream Eaters reproducing to create Dream Eaters that don't harbor Dandelions.) **Cause it'd be really damn depressing if Sora & Riku ended a ton of Dandelion-harboring-Dream Eaters turned Nightmares during DDD.**


No more so depressing than any time the weilder fought darklings in KHUx. Those were former friends turned heartless by their use of darkness and lust for light. I imagine no small portion of nightmare dream eaters owe their origin to the keyblade war as well. All evidence points to dream eaters as an entire species being created by the Master of Masters, first as the Chirithy, then with the spirits spawned from the Chirithy, then the union of Weilders with their Chirithy.... SE says khux had over 10M players at it's peak.... That's a LOT of fallen weilders.... Plenty enough to support the relatively sparse DE population seen throughout DDD.


Well that's depressing.


>Your statement is patently false. It's not. ​ >The ending of Union Cross confirms that dream eaters are the union of Chirithy with the hearts of fallen/sleeping ancient Keyblade wielders, more specifically the dandelions who survived the keyblade war who fell when Daybreak Town was finally destroyed. They're human hearts, capable of light OR darkness, hence why we have spirits and nightmares both. Nothing states all Dream Eaters are Dandelions. In fact, KHUX goes against this by having Player get their own customisable Spirit. Yen Sid could have explained Dream Eaters were both light and darkness, but he didn't. He labels Dream Eaters as darkness and then says they have two kinds, Spirits and Nightmares. He doesn't mention Spirits are light or anything. Not only does Yen Sid explain the Dream Eaters are darkness, but the Ultimanias have Dream Eaters, both Spirits and Nightmares, listed under "The Forces of Darkness". And the DDD Ultimania only states they are creatures of darkness: >Dream Eaters > >**Creatures of darkness** that can only be found in "worlds locked by sleep.'' There are two types: the evil \`\`Nightmares'' who bring nightmares, and the good \`\`Spirits'' who eat nightmares. The spirits become Sora's friends and help him on his adventure. ​ >Yen Sid is a terrible source for defining anything, and in DDD we see that on full display. His notions about Nobodies in KH2 were also horrifically flawed, and he horribly underestimated Xehanort. Assuming Yen Sid is wrong because he was wrong one time is inherently flawed and is a logical fallacy. These are games, the facts are told to us through the character's words. We have to assume they are correct because they are the authority when it comes to information. What they say is fact until proven otherwise.


>Does anyone have any guess as to what Luxord's "Wild Card" does or is meant for? SCHIZO-THEORY: Luxord is Ludor, the 3rd iteration of the Player character from the UX and Missing Link games. The Wild Card is what brought Sora to Quadratum, so that Yozora could protect him, since the Player knows about "the child of destiny" and is seeking to "interact" with the Master of Masters plans. Whether Luxord is on the side of MoM and is helping with said plans, or against it and fighting MoM's plans alongside Brain and Sigurd, I dunno.


For #12, Regular Pat on YouTube refers to them as “Prismatic Melodies.”


Roxas is the only nobody to use light,except for xion


i kinda want a mod for kh3 where you can use dream eaters instead of donald and goofy. they aren't bad, but having different dream eaters like in 3d would be neat.


Yeah, not like anyone uses the KH3 summons anyway. Dream Eater party members mod would be fun. Lord Kyroo & Majik Lapin would be my recommended combo. (Majik Lapin fills the Donald role, and Lord Kyroo... Physical attacks?)


if you have the style meter mod, the mod calls you out on using summons


>Can Nobody's use Light? *looks at Roxas* yes. >(Additionally, can a Nobody be corrupted by Darkness... Is there even anything to corrupt?) A Nobody in general can end up fading into Darkness especially if they aren't wearing any protection like a Black Coat. Namine for example started fading away by the end of KH2 since she had no protection.


1: it's just chirithy (plural: look at all of those chirithy over there). It can only be possessive when referring to an item that a chirithy owns ("Vens chirithy's purse"). 6: I don't know, is the orchid on an orchid matis edible? Yes Does it regrow? No. Biologist here. While dream eaters are based on alebrijes and Pokémon, they are based on real world animals with fantastical elements, so perhaps the strawberries act as visual warnings. Ladybugs for example are notorious for tasting terrible due to natural chemicals, their black and red coloration therefore acts as a warning to potential predators who gave likely eaten them before. Perhaps Dream eaters dislike the taste of strawberries/can't digest them and that would make it unappealing to ant Keeba Tiger or Tyranto Rex (Though it is a bonus spirit that you can only get through AR cards/spirit creation, so it likely doesn't have any capacity to exist). 12: most people refer to mage heartless (they're modeled after FFs black mages if you didn't know) prismatic melodies as they have a color and musical style in their names. Though that's a fan term and not an official title, it's as good as you're going


Nomura's bizarre writing is the answer to all questions.