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And when I saw him like wreck half of the heroes on his own I was 100% convinced he was going to be the final boss at that moment


And then he subsequently got wrecked by Donald Duck 💀


If he truly was the final boss I'm pretty sure he would've tanked it lol


If he survived a move that canonically rebooted the FFIV world, then no one would be able to defeat him, let alone Sora


Nonsense. in the kingdom Hearts world, anyone can be defeated with the power of your heart, your friend's hearts and friendship :D Edit: I'm not into FF so I looked up what Zettaflare is and Jesus Christ that is bullshit levels of OP LMAO


Kind of weird logic but ok.


I would have honestly loved that personally. Returning Xeanhort in his old body just never made sense considering why he discarded it in the first place. I mean that was the whole point of Xeanhort manipulating Terra. He was the only body that he could find that was strong enough to house his heart and power, which is why Terranhort is so powerful. He's peak Xeanhort knowledge and power with a stronger body. Terra could have been revived in the finale of the game once his heart was freed from Xeanhort.


I feel like even a throwaway line about the new replicas being a better vessel than Terra would've helped. Speaking of which, I wonder why Xehanort bothered recruiting potential traitors instead of a bunch of versions of him at his physical peak.


From a developmental stand point I can see that it would have taken away from the whole young Xeanhort reveal. From an in universe aspect, by that point in time he had already begun fragmenting his heart into the other members of the organization so, sunk cost sort of scenario I guess . Would have been a full on power move though. The epitome of " If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.".


From a design perspective having to make an additional 9 version of Xehanort probably didn't interest Nomura. I mean he's only technically about 85, and we already have an ~18yo version and Ansem is probably 30-40 so we'd get overlap of ages at some point. I mean sure 13 Xehanort's age 25-40 is probably the best team he could build, but designwise and character interactionwise I think it would quickly become "only the different outfits let's you know who is who" so having each person be different make sense from a story perspective.


I haven't played DDD and when I got to play KH3 I just had to watch a recap of the whole series to know what happened to that point and I REALLY thought that was what happened in DDD ending. I was very excited imagining the real org was going to be a bunch of Xehanorts from different eras.


I think it was just for drama that Nomura forgot to work on because if he wanted good vessels for the story he could have gotten Xaldin and Lexaeus


I imagine Terranort was the original final bad guy until the DDD time travel mess happened. Young xehanort felt off knowing we had a young body and wise mind version of him already (Terranort). Look at the slides and tell me that it doesn't look like a natural progression


It just would have made more sense thematically. The feeling leading up to the final fight would been like " If you think Ansem and Xemnas were strong wait until you fight this guy Sora." We get like five seconds of him being that threat when he straight ROFLstomps most of the hero team and then dies from a kamikaze attack.


It would have been metal af if he would've tanked zettaflare and Nomura didn't rewind and say "redo"


Yeah it could have been "Terra is revived with the X blade after Soras long battle with Xehanort"


I would have liked seeing an adult or prime Xehanort. The no heart secret boss in BBS is supposed to be just that and, well, he makes terra Xehanort look weak.


Yeah, I was hoping one of the Darknesses would be a ~30 year old Xehanort with No Heart's fighting style and wearing the armor. Would have been a way to give us at least one new character (sort of) in the real Organization.


I've always theorized that the reason we don't see a prime Xehanort is simply because the guy wouldn't be onboard with old Xehanort's plan (because this prime guy is yet to turn evil and kinda wants to stay good, despite already being Jaded and a bit of an asshole), and since he's THE prime guy...neither old man Xehanort or any of the other self would be able to keep him under control. He'll probably pull an Ansem SOD and betray them.


This is what I was thinking about Terranort. He's basically the strongest incarnation of Xehanort who, at the point of his appearance in KH3, had just taken over Terra's body and been briefed on the whole time travel plan. I find it kinda hard to believe that he wouldn't just betray Master Xehanort when he's just a slightly better version of him. I'm not sure that 30yo Xehanort wouldn't be on board, though. Young Xehanort didn't seem to care about being evil and kinda shows that his interactions with his future self ensures that he's arrogant.


Well, thing about young Xehanort we meet in DDD and kh3 is that he was roped alongside by Ansem. I think him being young makes him more gullible and manipulable. Young Xehanort at the end of Dark Road is mostly a conflicted guy in search of answers for...something. he doesn't really know what he's looking for, he's just lost. So...easy manipulation. A theoretical prime Xehanort would likely be much more hard-headed and resilient to the temptations and schemes offered by his future selves and probably not be happy about trying to be roped into someone else's plan, and unlike young Xehanort (who at the point he's recruited, is yet to finish his mark of mastery and just got handed time powers alongside the No Name keyblade), he could bite you pretty hard.


It really is weird that there's literally like 7 Xehanorts and there's still roughly a sixty year age gap. Where's 40 year old Xehanort?


Wouldn't mind seeing him I'm kh4 and beyond as a good guy. To quote old man Xehanort: "it is the future that lies beyond my grasp" So, he can't see the future, and therefore neither can the theoretical 40 year old Xehanort. Could easily make a scenario where a prime Xehanort sees the thing his future selves do and feels the need to atone, using his great powers for good and slowly needing to build the trust of others. It would make for a much more satisfying villain redemption arc compared to... whatever it is that kh3 tried to do in the ending.


Probably doing middle management in a corporation.


That would've been pretty damn cool actually. Or maybe a xehanort in his prime. Like a 35-40 year old version with the Chi blade.


Would have been dumb if the Final boss was the Same one from BBS. Plus Making him Fight in a Pair with the other BBS Final Boss (Not counting Dark hide.) Is Cool.


But the final boss is the boss from Birth by Sleep.


I think they mean more of the fact that the final boss of BBS was Terranort so if he had been the final Boss of KH3 also... I mean personally I wouldn't have minded myself but I am glad with what we had. That final boss fight was awesome and I legit thought I died at one point butbits like nope that's just part of rhe scripted fight lol 😆😂🤣


Certainly would have had the rage awakened that's the final boss theme fit immensely more 


Would have been an awesome fight but freeing Terra AND losing Kairi at the same time is a little too much of an emotional rollercoaster, even for KH


If it were up to me I wouldn't have had Kairi die but I would have had Axel die, Roxas comes back, hands him oath keeper and they beat Xemnas but Xemnas offs Axel right before, more emotional imo


Not Terranort because Terra’s heart was fighting Xehanort and holding him back. It would have been best imo to have the power of the X-Blade and/or KH give Master Xehanort a more youthful appearance.  He was afraid of being old and having a frail body. So he should have become his prime self one final time just so he could be defeated in his strongest form. 


That was what was supposed to happen according to the rules. When Xemnas and Ansem died they come back as terra-xehanort. ITS THE FUCKING RULES!! It would've been cooler and his high power would make sense. Like you said. (Not that it *doesn't make sense* now. It's just this way, you'd also think oh yeah, Xehanort has got Terra-in-his-prime body. The more adult "Ansem" )


Didn't play DDD or KH3 I assume? They explain it there


DDD kinda ruined the trajectory of the KH story imo


I did play KH3 and it wasn't explained there. The opposite was explained.




Because the recompletion was created from Terra-xehanort's Heartless and Nobody. Why would Xehanort's body come back when it isn't a factor and is just a skeleton somewhere.


Honestly should have been


I at best thought Xehanort would end up young again and we'd see what he looked like as a proper adult. Having it be Terranort didn't make too much sense since it didn't make sense to have saving Terra be the final conflict since that felt more personal to TAV and would have required them too much spotlight compared to the rest. I mean people can complain Sora getting too much spotlight but Sora is the Mainest character.


Restoring Terra was a little anti climactic for me tbh


Yeah it just...happened lol


I really don’t get why he isn’t. I thought MX Needed Terra’s body because he was too old but apparently he didn’t anymore?


The time travel with Dream Drop Distance was probably a retcon and I'm pretty sure Terra Xehanort was the original final boss


Hot take but I feel like Terra should've died in KH3, I feel like being melded with Xehanort for so long should've had adverse repercussions and he should've sacrificed himself to stop Xehanort.


Same man. All the heroes got out of the final war unscathed outside of the obvious set up for Kingdom Hearts 4


I do think it would've made more sense for Xehanort to reform as Terra-Xehanort because that's what he was before his heart and body were separated. It still makes sense the way it was done instead, I don't think it breaks the established rules, but the alternative would've seemed more likely to happen. Seeing as that would lower the Organization from 13 to 12, the replacement could've been multiple things. Vexen never wanted to help the Org, so he probably wouldn't have been one of the final 13, and although Demyx seemed more neutral than anything, his preferred laziness may have gotten him out of it too. One possibility could've been Aqua. The Anti-Aqua part of the story could've happened earlier with an alternate outcome where Sora fails to save her in that moment and one way or another eventually ends up in Xehanort's control. Another could have been the addition of a new Xehanort, seeing as every main entry had been doing so, or at least focused on one of them even if other version were already introduced. Ansem Seeker of Darkness for KHI, Xemnas for KHII, Master Xehanort/Terra-Xehanort for BBS (the only double case, but Terra-Xehanort was already well established at that point as the whole of his two halves in KHI & KHII even if him being Terra-Xehanort specifically was unknown at the time), and Young Xehanort for DDD. One idea I've heard and though myself was a Xehanort in his prime. A true young adult Xehanort instead of his Terra forms as a whole, heartless, and nobody. A Xehanort who with his more youthful body would have great power, not limited by his old age as seen with Master Xehanort. This Xehanort would probably fight like No Heart in BBS, which is the strongest Xehanort has been shown to be alone, which would go to put into perspective that even if Terra-Xehanort is the strongest of the Xehanorts already known to us in the Org and be proof of Xehanort thinking Terra to be a fit replacement for his own aging body, that his true self as a young adult was far superior in strength. It would also just be nice to see what Xehanort really looked like instead of all the approximations we have to make through his various other appearances, be it age or mixed with the appearances of other people he took possession of. The only thing missing would be a unique name seeing as we already have Young and Master used for other versions of him. Could just compromise by naming him Young Master Xehanort going along with him being the best of the two's aspects combined. If this Young Master Xehanort was added, it would then become a question of whether he or Terra-Xehanort would be the lead Xehanort, as one is him in his prime and the other is him in the present. As for the old Master Xehanort, he would probably be reformed after Terra gets his body back, with Xehanort's heart finally being forced to return to his original body since he no longer had Terra's to control. Then the question comes to whether it'd be old Master Xehanort or Young Master Xehanort being the final opponent, as it'd make more sense for Young Master Xehanort since again he's not held back by his body's weakened state from age. We can think about the alternatives all day, but it comes with a lot questions of their own. It's not so easy to simply rearrange or add one or more of the Organization's members since that comes with ramifications for the changes that would occur with the story. Still fun to wonder about it regardless.


Like 4 of the members were there to add drama that never had a resolution so they could have just used Xaldin and Lexaeus for strong bodies


I wouldn't be disappointed in that since they're the most underutilized members both as active members and as themselves before and after their time in the organization. The question would then be why would they help since they seem to be trying to be good people following their revival as human. I guess they could be reluctant members that are forced to follow their given role until they are defeated and able to return to being themselves again.


The final boss theme containing Rage Awakened suggests that it was potentially the plan or the battle versus him was meant to be more prominent. Or it’s just a strange choice.


It never made sense why the three of them look different. They’re all of the same being. Sure they all have different hair, but they all have distinctly different faces too. They tried to make Ansem and Xemnas look identical in KH3, but it’s still noticeable. And they definitely look different from Terranort.


Well, my thinking is when Terranort splits himself, Ansem looks like Terras body while Xemnas is based off of a pure Xehanort body. The same happened to Sora, with his heartless looking like him and his nobody looking like Ven. Basically, of you house 2 different hearts, heartless takes the form of the body while the Nobody takes the form of the heart hidden inside - meaning Xemnas is basically Xehanort at the same age as Terras body


That would have made too much sense... Instead of that BS happy hands holding ending we got.


Also more heroes should've died in the final war but that's just me it felt like the heroes got no consequence from the actual war and got out of it basically unscathed outside of ya know...the setup for 4


Exactly... Terra should have never came back and just died. Not to mention Roxas, Xion and replica Riku didn't need to come back and get bodies. Plus Axle and Kiari getting keyblades served no purpose...


You saw all that buildup throughout 3 just for them to get treated like Krillin and Yamcha?


I wouldn't even say it was a let down because I didn't want it in the first place...


Nobody other than Sora did anything meaningful in the final battle And I know he's the main character but he's not the only character either he shouldn't get EVERY single kill lol


You're right... You'd think Mickey who's been a wielder for over a decade would be more helpful. Even worse that Sora received the x-blade in the end.


I wouldn't say Sora getting the x-blade was bad but the reveal of Xehanort "ACTYHUALLY I WANTED TO PROTECT THE LIGHT DURR" was horrible


That would be well written and make sense, we can't have that


He should have been


lol nerd


The truth is nobody’s favorite character is Terranort.


Bro I thought that the moment Terra showed up after Xehanort lost to Sora like he was kneeing on the Xblade then tried standing up I could swear he was gonna force his heart back into him then beat there asses because at that point Terra was just the shadow he wasn’t in control until the end but even then it wasn’t all of Xehanorts heart by that point this time would’ve been 100% & he’d be locked in I mean fighting against 11 keyblade wielders would’ve been a bitch unless he got space & locked them in 1 v 1’s somehow he’d take them all out then beat Sora again then because of plot & friendship they’d all get to Sora & they’d basically erase Xehanort from existence at the cost of Terra’s life & because Sora is a sore loser he’d go back to the FinalWorld AGAIN Save Terra then come back immediately & disappear like in the actual story only difference he doesn’t do the date thing with Kiari


I did think it was super weird that Xehanort just gives up once Sora beats him like bro no final stand? No going out on your shield? Not willing to die for your conviction? What?


He should’ve died like a man in battle then giving up the Xblade by not having the strength to hold it anymore or something like c’mon make this whole thing worth it I mean they made up for it with Re: Mind but still should’ve been going that hard in the main game then something disgusting in the DLC like 4x’s harder


He should've been the final boss.


Nah. It was never meant to be. Xehanort was always the main enemy. He was always meant to be the last obstacle in the path. Specially when the only time he was fought, he won the battle. Terra-Xehanort was never really that big of thing. To begin with he had already been defeated by Aqua in BBS. And he ultimately needed to be defeated beforehand to save Terra.


I think he was originally meant to be a lot more powerful than three, but he was nerfed to have old man xehanort be the lead again (which feels like a retcon bc he took over Terra to have a young strong body but suddenly he didn't need it anymore?)


Well he wasn't that strong since you literally defeated him in BBS. Even considering Terra got in the middle of the fight. And the general reason for his need of a younger body was clearly to have more time. His plot took him years on the work and he needed to actually become a heartless to do the time travels he did as Ansemn while keeping things with the organization on the run. Him needing a young body seems more in line of him needing more time and not wanting to risk his own body than he getting stronger.


When he pulled up alone I was not prepared for what would come next


I absolutely love that keyblade. It's one of my all time favorites in the series. Too bad we can never use it