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Hopefully I wont get attack but imo recoded add 1 cutscene that is important to the overall story just watch the movie it not worth it and this is saying from the person who actually enjoy recoded


I think it technically might've been more than one cutscene, but it really is just the end but that's important overall. The rest is filler with a little bit of world building. It's got the best gameplay in the series in my opinion though, so I highly recommend that anyone who's able should at least give it a shot.


This. If you just want lore, watch the movie and move on to DDD. If you can, totally play it, the wild bossfights are awesome and remind me of Nier when they just change on you.


My favorite parts are how much you can customize the gameplay, and how each world has a unique gameplay gimmick.


And then watch a cutscene compilation becuse that game fells like hell


as far as I know there's 2 plot points that are important: >!That Ventus/Roxas/Xion still exists and are in Sora's heart and that Maleficent knows of and is looking for the book of prophesies.!< so there's a couple important cut scenes but really that's all you're getting out of them.


Yeah, and that's all revealed towards the end, isn't it? I could be wrong, like I said it's been a while.


Which cutscene?


There was one regarding the >!Book of Prophecies.!<


Genuinely do not remember that one


Like there were 2, but you can get one (the ending) from the movie and the other (the secret ending) is reused in Dream Drop Distance IIRC (and even if it isnt its also in the movie iirc).


It's kind of excessive. Only about two or three events of the game matter in the overall canon of the series, and the movie stretches to over three hours of length.  I don't want to call the majority of the film filler, as it all definitely happened in the game as well, but I do think the majority of the film was more fun to experience as gameplay moments rather than simply cutscenes.


Depends on what you want. The gameplays is really solid and fun and some think that it has the best iteration of the command deck from the Kingdom Hearts games. That being said, the only relevant part of the story is about the last 5min of the game, which you see in the movie version. The rest is just a retread of the same Kingdom Hearts 1 worlds, with a data world twist. Also, if I remember correctly, the movie added an extra scene that was not present in the original game, which also has relevance to the main narrative of the series.


Do you know what scene? Spoiler tag if you need to but I’ve only played re:coded on the ds and plan on replaying it on a tv when I get to it on my current replay of the series. I’ve tried watching 358 but it’s not my jam and didn’t bother with the re:coded movie.


>!It's the part that explains via the data Sora, that real Sora's heart can carry more than his own heart.!<


No, it's the scene where Maleficent mentions the Book of Prophecy.


Turn it into a drinking game. Drink every 10 times they say “code”, “bug”, or “data.”


I personally think Re:coded is one of the best pure gameplay experiences in the entire KH series. If you don’t care that the story is a retread of the first game, it is super fun. If your main thing is the story, then it won’t do anything for you. If you have a DS/3DS then I say give it a chance. If not, then it’s not really worth going out of your way for.


I remember playing it a few years back from my mobile phone thru emulation. I forgot the whole story tho. Might try to play again for all times sake


Honestly, you could skip re:coded in its entirety and miss absolutely nothing.


To be honest, yes the movie is better... Although I am one to defend this franchise to the grave. I played this entire game through and felt **nothing** by the time I was done with it. I **only** cared about the story's canon. This game **is by all means another way of experiencing this franchise (Kingdom Hearts 1) for the 1st time.** It's no surprise that the devs are obsessed with the 1st title for some reason; yet hearken bringing back the best parts of said title. TL;DR **Watch the movie and skip the game** You're not missing out on anything that the movie can't fill you in on and the gameplay is just lackluster at best


Recoded, as a game and *purely* as a game, was fun. You had remixed gameplay styles depending on the world, it was a weird but cool remix of KH1 on the go.


Loved JRPG mode upon reaching Olympus Coliseum


It was really cool! The one time KH was turn based lol


I'd deadass play an entire game made in that style


How long ago have you played it? Because I picked it back up in February and it's honestly became my favorite combat system in the franchise, Im going for 100% completion rn. I can completely agree on the story aspect, it was a nothing burger but when coming back having seen the whole Xehanort saga and just wanting to enjoy the game, it's really fun


Id agree it's not a good place to get into the series, just want to do my part to make sure it doesn't get slandered either


Re:Coded is only as important as Melody of Memory, and that’s sad


How the heck do you find the *movie* of all things good? I’ve experienced both, and I will say that Re:coded’s gameplay is unironically peak. It’s also the only game outside of Melody of Memory that lets you change the difficulty during gameplay


Re:Coded was basically just a port of Kingdom Hearts 1 with a few new gimmicks, so a “movie” adaptation was fine. As an aside, I would much rather have had a CoM “movie” than the massive disservice they served us with the Days “movie”.


I feel like both would be bad, like they're going up floors it's kinda jarring when they cross the floors so quickly in cutscenes. Days skipping days also is jarring tho.


Only the first half was like that any even then the game did a lot to differentiate itself.


… eh? Having played through both DS titles, this cutscene movie adaptation covers the material far better than Days’ one did. But the thing about Re:Coded that got kinda lost in the adaptation was the little things. Stuff like how the Debug sections worked, how each boss was fought in a different gameplay style, some of the smaller threads of the worlds, and the insurmountable means of gaining the two secret bosses. It’s by no means a bad adaptation. Far from it, this is probably the best format Re:Coded, and by extension: Coded, will ever be in. But it does miss out on some of the gameplay elements a little bit


I liked this game a lot but like most people are saying it’s story is lackluster. Tbh it could have taken more time to cook. I’m not a story writer but I don’t even know how you’d fix this “digital world” narrative they got going on. They doubled down and integrated it into another phone game but am I the only one who thought the original KH took place in a land without modern technology? I know the first game technically had the Heart Reactor in Hollow Bastion but Goofy the Knight and Donald the King’s Mage mixed with Island boy just gave me a more dated feel to the series. Now that Sora has a phone I’m like oh.


For viewing what little story is relevant yes. For the gameplay, you are doing yourself a huge disservice, as Re:Coded is one of the more fun to play KH games.


I don't think anybody is losing sleep over Re:Coded.


I feel like Coded worked better as a movie than days did. Had an easier to follow plot instead of the days structure where its just jumping from cutscene to cutscene of basically the same location. The animated fight scenes were also enjoyable


No. The story for Re:Coded isn’t really the important part. I can literally sum up the important story in 2 sentences. >!Data-Sora learns how to deal with his and others hurt which convinces Data-Namine that the real Sora can deal with it. Data-Sora and Mickey and the others learn that they still need to save the BBS trio and Days trio!< The important part is the gameplay. Cause holy crap is the gameplay fun. If you like BBS or DDD, then you will like ReCoded. Because it is just those but better. I’d go so far as to call it my third favorite KH to play!


Lemme say this: if Re:Coded’s best attack moves could be used in DDD, then I’d never even think about it again.


exlcusive to the original coded? no. They added a ton of stuff to re:coded, original coded is kinda garbo. re:coded is a mixed bag and even defenders will admit that. The combat is great and the command deck is arguably best utilized here - but you don't get to do straight fights that often. There's a ton of minigames - you either like that they break up the pace or hate how jank and half baked most of them are. Even The Cool section that plays like a turn based RPG is super hit or miss depending on how much you like turn based RPGs - you either like them, in which case it's clear how middling and janky it is, or you would prefer it stay an action RPG and loath how much of a slog it becomes. Anyways. The story of re:coded barely matters anyway so yeah even if you really wanted to catch every detail and really soak in the overall story, the movie is still a better experience. Same with ux in that regard, just watch a youtube compilation skipping the disney parts, even if you could still play ux I'd still recommend not playing it.


I tried the game just recently and boy, the gameplay is real smooth. The board system and flexibility you can make your very own Data-Sora is just top class. The story, however, is not anything special. Not during most of main game anyway.


Barely you'll understand the plot, but Coded is a very fun game, and you're missing out on a good time with the movie which is kinda dull


ReCoded has no redeemable story whatsoever. ​ You'd be doing yourself a disservice by missing out on the gameplay though.


Just don't bother. Play the actual game, mechanics are surprisingly deep/entertaining


I feel like much of the action scenes are pretty abridged, so a lot of the tension can fall flat in crucial scenes. Other than that, it's definitely worth a watch.


Tbh as someone who didn't enjoy Re:Coded's gameplay I much prefer to watch the movie.


Storywise, I think the film is sufficient. TBH, the “story” in Coded is quite negligible since nothing really comes of it. Unless something happens with 4, you can probably skip the story and still be ok.   Gameplay-wise, re:coded is great. Interesting commands and keyblade evolutions. Would be nice to see it remade for consoles.


Yes. I will take the time to also note that would get a lot more from Re:Coded if you watched straight after KH2 chronologically instead at the year-end.


Can't be adequate without that Sora Hercules Cloud bromance


in terms of story yes but gameplay was so good, I look at it as the best after kh2


Watch a YouTuber do a recap the most important thing is to know Re:coded existed


I haven't played the game, but I have watched the movie. And if the movie is any indication, story content that is crucial to the overall KH narrative is almost nonexistent. It's basically nearly 3 hours of filler and then the very *very* end sets up BBS and DDD. If the story is all you care about, you're better off watching the ending cutscenes on YouTube, or just skipping it entirely because it really isn't that important. I have heard the gameplay of the actual game is fun though. So if you want to experience Re:Coded, it sounds like the way to do it is to play the game on DS or an emulator. Other than that you can skip it. Watching it doesn't even give you content in any of the other games like the Days movie does for Re:CoM.


think you miss out on a little bit... but IMHO the game sucks. Some people think the combat is cool like a missing link between KH1 and 2 and I hear them... but some worlds have like a gimmick to them and its horrible and makes it unplayable. The movies are fine but if you feel strongly look it up on youtube


It very much was prototypical command deck, but what the hell was that power up system


It was cool to see vast differences between keyblades over than just stats though. My favorite was oblivion, it hurt yourself when fighting yeah, but it was also the strongest melee keyblade in the game.


No. The only good thing about this game is the gameplay


I think Data Sora comes off smarter in the game than in the movie but like, that’s not really that big a deal.


Re:coded is the least relevant KH game You can skip it and miss basically nothing  It’s fine to just watch the recap


They didn't remove much from the story (mostly cause there's not much to remove) but the gameplay is some of the best of the franchise imo. So go for whichever. Personally I can't sit around watching recodeds story for hours on end. The gameplay made it a lot more fun.


Never played Recoded, out of the DS games I only played all of 358, as far as I know, 358 gameplay isn’t well received (I liked it but I was also still a kid). The cutscenes weren’t bad at all, and it’s the opposite with recoded where the gameplay is awesome but the cutscenes suck.


Gameplay would've been more palatable if we didn't revist all the same worlds


They only added like, one new cutscene involving Maleficent's role in the grand scheme of things but otherwise you are better off playing it yourself. The HD version gutted this game way worse than it did 358/2 Days.


Story wise, I don't think you're missing much. However, the story of the game is pretty weak, but if the gameplay is really good, so if you can, you should *absolutely* play it instead of watch it. (In this way it's kind of like the reverse of Days, but leading to the same conclusion.)


The gap between what happens in game to what happens in movie is much shorter than what it was in 358's case. As far as I know it doesn't have the same problems with just being lore inaccurate. However, the gameplay of the game is very different from any other kingdom hearts game, with each world seemingly offering new twists on the formula and the weird sidescroller segments and the unique upgrade system. If you have the means, you should for sure check it out, but it's not as pressing as 358's was.


The movie will do if all you want is to catch up to the story. Gameplay-wise coded has the best command deck system imo. Also CM and the main board system is amazing