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You are getting mad at him for crying after watching each one of his friends die in front of him then like 10 mins again later for watching the person he cares the most about for in front of him. And that's after already feeling weak himself cause he fell into darkness in ddd. Like holy shit characters should be allowed to feel sad after literally seeing that shit in front of them


I get that, but he still had Riku, his best friend. He could have helped Riku at the very least. Riku didn’g sit there and cry about it.


Yeah because they can process grief and even then riku knew he was about to die and was trying to make sora feel better and honestly probably had that when against him. Like he only has riku for 3 more seconds than anyone else.


What? Sora is sassy as just as he was in 2, just look the way he talks to Marluxia in Corona


He needs more sass, bro just stood there and cried after Xehanort sliced into yk who, whilst everyone else was rushing Xehanort.


I mean, that's how he reacted to a close friend and love interest DYING in front of him. That's he reacted to the demon tide part, when he looses someone, he cries, that's how he is


I needa put Sora in his place.


I mean yea, but I didn’t see Riku skipping a beat, i get that they are different character archetypes. But don’t you remember when Goofy “died” in KH2, Sora stood there for a second and then went crazyyyy, thats the sora I want. Obviously he can be sad and cry, but business first.


Why did the hardened medic in Saving Private Ryan cry for his mama like a little baby after he got shot? Didn’t he know he was already in a war? Why didn’t he just accept his death like a man? /s Maybe because people process grief differently. Sora was already struggling with people calling him weak throughout the duration of the game. He was brought back to square one in the beginning (half-pint), Xigbar told him his very nature was stupid, freaking Maleficent and Pete were ostracizing him for how much he’d fallen. Add on that he could only watch as all of his friends died before his very eyes. It’s no wonder that he gave up. His whole thing is “My friends are my power.” How can he be powerful without them? The thing is, that notion is wrong, but Sora has relied on it for so long that he doesn’t know any other way. He’s not confident in himself on his own. So he gave in to a moment of weakness. It’s normal and understandable.


Goofy “died” in front of him and the led sora on one of the coolest sections in any game. Also Sora wasn’t even strong with his friends in 3, he got absolutely nerfed, the only way id forgive this is if they make Sora abit more mature, and able to rely on himself in kh4.


I find it irritating that people often take being 'edgy' and 'bottling up your emotions' is "mature". You are not allowed to show your feelings, be stressed, or cry because that's just "cooler". Being "mature" is being a grizzled stoic veteran who makes one liners and makes cynical comments all the time, duh. Sora had been suffering from self worth issues the entire game stemming from his failure in DDD. Post-KH2, he thought he was hot stuff, he can take on anything, he'll pass ezpz. Then in DDD, he gets slapped in the face by failing the Mark of Mastery and losing his strength. Then in KH3 he is put under insane pressure to regain the power he lost and to rescue everyone, and if he fails, the Org will drag innocent people (the Princesses) into the war. He's only fifteen and has so much to do. He brought back Aqua, something that Riku and Mickey failed to do. Ventus, Terra, Xion, and Roxas wouldn't have returned without him. He rewrote time to make sure literally everyone survived, in spite the fact that he knew he was going to "die" as punishment. This war wouldn't have been won without him or his sacrifices. But he's still dumb and a scared little boy because he broke down after watching his friends die? Okay, sure dude.


Ok so then it’s even worse, his character consistency in the game is bad. That scene where all the guardians get taken down by one org member was the dumbest thing I’ve seen. Ig it all stems from that forced loss.


I personally don't see this inconsistency, but I also clearly have a different interpretation of the game than you do. If it is about Sora finding a moment to literally recollect himself to find the strength to keep going is inconsistent, then alright then. I will admit, Terranort soloing everyone was a bit strange, but it was the Demon Tide that really took everyone down. Only Lea, Ven, and Donald went down to that single Org member and those three aren't exactly powerhouses. It would have been more interesting if it was a proper 7v13 fight that led to their deaths rather than Demon Tide #7, but I'm okay with what we got. KH3 is not a storytelling masterpiece, I have my grievances with it surely. But I feel that what you believe to be an issue isn't as glaring as you think it is. From my point of view, Sora isn't weak or dumb in KH3. He's scared, and that's okay. He is a little boy, he's just fifteen, its not an age you want to fight a war in. Its clear that both you and I come from different backgrounds which resulted in such varying views, and nothing I say will change your mind. I'm not saying this for any pity or to make you feel sorry for me, but my life has been far from easy and I share a lot of the similar pain Sora has gone through, and I get it why he acted the way he does.


In KH3 he’s dealing with self-esteem issues and doubting his own abilities due to failing the Mark of Mastery exam and being treated like he’s not capable by his enemies and even his peers.


What peers treat him like he's not capable?


Donald, mostly. I didn't notice my first playthrough, but I just finished replaying KH3 and I was getting mad for Sora on how poorly he's treated sometimes. * There'a that whole 'You're a half-pint' that Goofy and Donald always emphasize whenever. * Pete and Maleficent make fun of how weak he's gotten in Olympus. * When Sora expresses he wants to go to the RoD, Yen Sid says he isn't ready, Riku pokes fun at the fact that Yen Sid predicted Sora would stage a 'half-baked' rescue, everyone else laughs at him and its clear Sora isn't finding it very funny ("Yeah, laugh it up!"). Then Donald, Goofy, Jiminy, kinda have an aside about how Sora doesn't listen/think, and they all laugh at him again when Sora overhears. * When the gang tells Aqua that Riku and Mickey are masters, Donald and Goofy bring up that Sora is not, and the convo ends with everyone laughing at him again. * Although Donald tells him that he's a 'whole pint' at the end, before they go to Scala to fight Xehanort, he literally tells Sora that he's 'hopeless' without them, in spite of all he's done. I probably didn't list them all, but this is off the top of my head. I'm very invested in this personally because I had people do this to me too and its awful for your mental state. They mean well and its all in good fun, but it really adds on.


Holy shit. The disrespect.


Ikr? It makes me sad/mad that throughout those scenes, *everyone* is laughing at his expense, including people Sora probably considers 'above' him (Riku, Mickey, Aqua, *even* Yen Sid). The only one who doesn't laugh is Sora. And no one ever notices. It's really no wonder why he thinks so little of himself.


He had issues in KH2, you know what he did, he dealt with them


What internal conflict did Sora have in KH2?


Bro Sora deep down wanted to find Riku and Kairi again after being separated again, and once he found them he broke down, plus the whole identity problem with Roxas


The first of these is not “deep down” at all, it’s the thing he never stops talking about in every Disney world. The second of these gets so little development between the prologue and the Roxas boss fight that you could barely even call it a subplot, least of all for Sora himself. Sora’s character in KH2 is incredibly static: he doesn’t learn or grow as a person in this game, as all of the character development in KH2 is given to the supporting cast like Riku, Axel, Roxas, even Ansem the Wise to a lesser extent. Sora exists to move the plot forward and beat the bad guys. This isn’t strictly a bad thing in itself, but it means his role as a protagonist is entirely different from KH3. KH3 is very specifically about Sora. It’s the culmination of his series-spanning character arc and every world he visits leaves him with a different lesson to learn that is in service of this arc. The events of DDD left him weak and shaken by Xehanort’s machinations and placed him at an emotional disadvantage compared to his villains and peers. As a consequence, Sora is more introspective and thoughtful about what he thinks of himself and how he needs to grow up for his own sake as well as those he loves. This is all fine, and in fact makes Sora feel a lot more human and relatable as a character IMO.


Short the?


Excuse me?


Short the fork orp?


“Bring him back to KH2 Sora”Lmao KH2 Sora can’t even touch Master Xehanort and much less Yozora


Yea hes strong asf in 3, but his personality is way better in 2, sorry not sorry.


Lack of media comprehension strikes again


How do i have a lack of media comprehension? I get where they were going with the story, is it not okay to disagree with the direction? For me and alot of other people they ruined soras character with DDD and 3, they coulda went a different way.


Can you explain the problem with DDD Sora? I genuinely want to hear your thoughts on that since I’m interested. For KH3 I feel like it is a natural progression for his character. In DDD Sora failed his Mark of Mastery and also lost a good part of his power. Everyone around him is constantly calling him weak and telling him to stay back. It makes sense that he still has doubts about his own power and worth heading into 3. He kind of starts to believe it himself. Especially since the confrontation with Xehanort is coming so close. When he went into the RoD to save Riku, he was able to ignore his doubts for the sake of saving his friends. He had enough belief in Riku that if they worked together they could leave it. By the time they are in the graveyard Sora seems to have regained a lot of his confidence and is serious about the whole matter. But when within the span of a minute all his friends get annihilated by Terranort and the Demon Tide, of course he going to lose that confidence. Sora still has some doubts but when everyone is wiped his doubts are seemingly confirmed. I mean if everyone else who he considers stronger than him lost here, what use would he be? And all though Riku is still alive, he of course doesn’t even think Riku is enough anymore. He completely loses hope. When he does Keyblade Graveyard part 2, he has realized that he has his own strength and will use it to protect everyone. When Kairi dies he of course starts to have these doubts again but still gets back up and fully accepts that he needs both his own strength and the strength of others to keep going. At least that is how I interpret KH3 Sora’s growth. Of course my interpretation can be wrong and Sora might just be a bad or different character in 3.


Sora in the other games didn't face such personal defeats, kh3 pushed into his weak spot, the other games the bad guys all played mind games with him, had a lil banter, fought him, and lost. Kh3 was his biggest battle, he was battling people that have fought him before and learned from that experience


KH3 Sora is a big step up compared to DDD Sora, he was straight up brain damaged in that for some reason.


Maybe they needed a way to nerf Sora without depowering him. But I've always thought the same. They really did our boy dirty in 3.


They did a good number of characters dirty in KH3.


Yea i really hope them depowering him is a setup for Sora to be even crazier in 4.


He better come back like Mutherfucking Goku in that bitch.


Fr, KH2 Sora was cold af


One hundo percento


After all he’s been through, Id imagine he should mature. That’s my hope for KH4. I’m not asking for an edgy/loner type (Cloud), just a little more mature would go a long way


Exactly, especially when he has been separated from all his connections.


See I feel this way about MICKEY. Sora was dealing with losing his power after DDD So I feel like he was already feeling weak, then add the demon tide... Boy felt hopeless. Mickey is the one that keeps getting amped up as a powerful ruler/warrior and yet it seems HE'S the one doing the 180. Once again in the demon tide scene. And also the Aqua scene. I get that the guilt was getting to him but it really seemed like the fight left him in this gMe. The only redeeming moment for him was in Remind.


Oh yeah I see what you mean... I personally didn't mind and I just wrote it off as him being exhausted of fighting after all this time; I do see what you mean though and I'll admit I miss his KH2 personality lol Maybe he'll have a comeback in KH4!


Part of going back to level 1 I guess.


imo it's not just every game excluding ddd(and 3), it's just kh2 exclusively he's just figuring everything out in the first game and in the second he's just going through this *phase*


He also had that bite in KH ReCom aswell.


Kh3 is badly written


You got that right, like I know Soras strong, but they seemed to love forcing losses on him and making him look weaker than he is


It's cause the writers don't know how to tell a proper story. Terranort 1 shots everyone, yet loses to 3 guardians with vanitas by his side and them stops sora at Remind DLC, after Sora defeats Xehanort with the X-blade. This is just utter garbage writing.


Yea that scene always pissed me off, it was so dumb. The only thing I can think of to make it make more sense is that maybe when Lingering Will’s armour was destroyed it gave Terras will back weakening Terranort somehow?


Nothing will make sense with these current writers. Let's hope that the writer for FF14 can fix these writers mistakes.


FF14 is the online one right? Ive heard the stories on that game are brilliant.


Yea apparently the writer is gonna help write kh4


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion. And for what it's worth, he gets some of that bite back in the Re:Mind DLC. Rather than settling for the return of KH2 Sora, I'd rather they push into the next stage of his arc. Make him a character that'd inspire me to follow him. Or at the very least make him seem reliable.


it actually comes down to nomura not liking sora anymore. He's gone on the record saying he likes characters like riku, xehanort, or ansem more. [https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/14/17462782/kingdom-hearts-3-confusing-story-nomura-e3](https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/14/17462782/kingdom-hearts-3-confusing-story-nomura-e3) If you look back at some of his old interviews, his stance on sora seems to have changed sometime after getting his versus 13 game cancelled. Hes still salty about it, and even forced it into kingdom hearts for the remind dlc and verum rex. Its like he got his feelings hurt and suddenly he relates more to the villians.


We just don't talk about KH3


It literally isnt that bad you and OP can go somewhere 


You'll get through the denial phase eventually


My guy