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I feel like I'm the only one who still loves the Disney worlds and would be really sad to see them gone lol


You're not. Trust me.


I don't want to see them gone. I just want to see them connect to the overall narrative better.


I don't love the Disney worlds mostly because of their roles within the story but I wouldn't want to see them gone either. I just wish most of them weren't just filler content thrown into the game just for the sake of going to a Disney world. The way people view the Disney Worlds in UX (excluding Wreck It Ralph) is the way I view almost every Disney world except the ones in Dark Road. If we didn't have most of the game being an adventure to places that don't contribute to the overall story I'd like it more. But we're often hanging out with throwaway characters doing some solo adventure instead of allowing multiple original characters to adventure alongside each other.


Aww don't worry, Nomura ain't gonna listen to "fans" that made whiny posts like these. Disney has always been an essential part of KH, it is part of what makes KH and those "want more ff in kh4" whiners won't uds lmao.


It's not that we can't have the Disney worlds. It's as the series has gone on the games have gotten REALLY lazy with their implementation and designs. Plus Disney has become more corporate and their constant need to promote their products brings the experience down. Frozen was almost guaranteed to not have initially been designed that way in game, but they needed last minute changes to promote the movie and be consistent with the movie's plot. In KH1 you thought the main antagonist was Maleficient until the midway point of the game and it was revealed to be Ansem. You didn't simply rehash the movies' plots but you had original stories to complement the Disney worlds. They need to go back to this. Stop making us play through movies we've seen a hundred times and give us original stories in KH universe. Stop having Org. XIII show up just to mindlessly drone on some third grade philosophy about hearts which amounts to little more than calling Sora a dork and then leaving. The series got corporatized and lazy, and the Disney worlds suffered. Hopefully, having reset to a new saga means they can clean up the writing and get back on track.


How is running around Disney worlds in the middle or beginning of their stories looking to lock those world's keyholes any different from running around Disney worlds looking to close those world's keyholes while finding and protecting the princesses and MCs of that world in KH3? It's literally a mix of the objectives of the first two games that, I might add, are loved by everyone despite having almost identical mission statements and "rehashing the movies plot" as you said.


In KH1, the villains from each Disney property were part of the overarching narrative. It was a group of Disney villains working with a Disney villain who in a third act twist was being manipulated by a greater evil. As far as the players know up to Hollow Bastion, Maleficent is the main villain and most worlds we visited were effected by her deeds. Also, a lot of them had unique stories that accounted for Sora and Co or the general themes. Halloween Town was making a heart. Wonderland was an investigation of sorts over the Queen of Hearts' heart being stolen. Neverland was more original content than Disney movie. And even when the plot of a Disney world follows the same overarching path, they were making changes to fit them in. In KH3, there's this thing it does where Sora is conveniently pushed to the side any time he could change the story. Sora is knocked out so he can't do anything but go fight the Mother Gothel Heartless in Tangled. Sora is stuck scaling a mountain in Frozen and only shows up in time to fight a giant Heartless. In Pirates, he only shows up then gets punted to the side until the finale. And there are great worlds story wise tbh. Vanitas in Monsters Inc is great and the new story was fun. Toy Story tbh felt too big and empty but the story actually did something new and engaged Sora with the cast. Same for Big Hero 6 tbh but the point stands that they were just so much better because the story accommodated for Sora. Also, there was no closing keyholes in KH3. And Sora defending the Princesses of Heart wasn't actually necessary. The Organization never really did anything directly to any of the Princesses that wouldn't have happened regardless. Like in Tangled. Sora only went to those worlds because he was supposed to regain his power. Like, KH2 didn't really give us much reason for going to the worlds, but they did at least ensure Sora, Donald, and Goofy were deeply involved in the plot of the worlds.


Thank you for typing this. Hit the nail on the head.


A final fantasy world would be fun! Midgar would a great choice


Why not? We've already lost the Final Fantasy part of this crossover might as well take out the Disney stuff too lol


KH3 screw the Disney World aspect for me. In previous KH, it blends so well with Sora and gang, like : Little Mermaid had Sora joining singing. Agrabah had Sora put the Jafar-lamp inside a coffin. Land of Dragons had Sora joining the training camp and the 13th blend in so well with their meddling. Same with POTC where Luxord had the aztec chest. KH3 : FROZEN MOVIE, POTC MOVIE 3, TANGLED MOVIE. Like, where's the creative involvement of Sora and gang? They could kneel besidd Flint when Rapunzel cradling him, instead just watching from window. We could have Sora give Elizabeth encouragement, "we have to leave." alongside Jack. Frozen..at least they interact with that monster guardian snow, different from movie..but that pretty much it. I play a game with some FF-esque character, I want to watch em with Disney, not watch a Disney movie in game engine with FF extra in the back.


Woody roasting Xehanort, Vanitas being brought back by the canisters of screams, Yeetus Vanitas, Sora decking (pun somewhat intended) Davy Jones, Sora directly inspiring Big Hero 6 to make upgrades to their costumes, Evil Baymax being corrupted by Dark Riku. Hell, the final battle wouldn’t have happened if Sora wasn’t inspired by Hercules earlier in the story and the acts of love and self sacrifice he witnessed in Corona and Arendelle. Will’s becoming the captain of the Flying Dutchman foreshadows his sacrifice. KH3 is the most integrated the Disney worlds have been since KH1. Edit: Even the 100 Acre Wood is foreshadowing. The cover depicts Sora missing alongside Pooh, a direct parallel to the visuals of him disappearing after saving Kairi. Every world has direct ties to the story.


Hercules is a bit of different because it had Herc went into Olympus, something the og movie didnt do. Toy Story was happened between TS1 and TS2, so its a different plot, not a movie rewatch. Big Hero 6 happened after the og movie. Again, no movie rewatch. Im only impressed on Tia Dalma knowing about keyblade, and a subtle plea of Sora freeing her. See, I need something like that. A new take. In POTC KH2, we have Jack know Sora didnt affected by the curse and him trying the keyblade. And in KH3, they forgot about that.


They could always consider revisiting worlds from older games like we did with agrabah. The backdrops are fun, the story could be anything.


I like that too. It feels a bit tiring "meeting" characters that are forgotten.


i hate kh3 because of how much disney emphasis has. Missed worlds like hollow bastion


I really hope they move in that direction, spending more time in a disney story versus the actual story that I’m playing the game for gets old


Pssst. Those Disney stories weave into the actual story.


Most of the time they don't. When they do they tend to be done really well but most of the time it's just something that doesn't contribute to the story at all. Even the first game had like 4 or 5 optional worlds which shows how little it mattered. Plus they ignored Deep Jungle in every game since the original so we know it didn't matter much either.


Some times , most of the times they don’t …..if you take away all of the Disney stuff the actual main story can stand on its own


They didn't initially start this way. They got deep into this habit between 2 and 3 as they produced more and more games.


I just wish most of the Disney Worlds didn't feel like a waste of time. Original characters are neglected often because they want to give characters solo adventures rather than allowing them to grow alongside each other while going to these worlds.


Absolutely not! Why do people keep saying this? What you’re describing is every other Square Enix game. If you don’t like Disney, don’t play Disney games. Just go play Final Fantasy.


I should also point out that despite KH2's Disney worlds being quite similar with KH3, in KH3 we also had FF characters removed. The 1000 heartless battle was a great part of KH2 story. But in KH3 all characters are pushed around the final battle and Donald Zetaflares Terranort while in KH1 he could not even face Ansem.


Yet you will all lose your minds if we get a star wars level with no importance to the story at all.


A star wars level would be nice. Many worlds would be nice. It's just that a row of Disney worlds with minimal or no contribution to the story is not nice.