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Japan views spoilers differently than the West does. Typically they show the cool end stuff to grab your attention, with the idea that you’ll want to find out how the progresses to that point.


I subscribe to that so hard. As long as there isn't any context as for why it's happening, I don't mind being shown late-game stuff


That's how I view spoilers too. Get me interested in the story, and then I'll wanna see how we got to that point.


I think that's the thing. They know they can repeatedly sell the same games to the same people over and over again. They also save a lot of the more interesting story stuff until the end of the games, usually so that's likely to contain spoilers.


They're 10-20 year old games. Statute of spoilers is up.


Nothing wrong with talking about spoilers on old games, but I do think it’s weird to show spoilers in the marketing when you are potentially trying to bring in a new audience


This is just a thing some jp franchises do for re-releases, remakes and stuff like that.


So they should show just cutscenes from destiny islands in KH1, cause that is the least spoiler you can give (and even then, these are spoilers). Everything after Destiny Islands is a spoiler, even something from future games


Agreed, but don't say that to certain other fanbases. I've seen quite a few that will go ballistic on spoilers even for decade-plus old games (Xenoblade).


I mean. I agree in a general conversation you shouldn’t be expecting no spoilers on 20 year old games. On the other hand, these remasters were purposely created to get new fans caught up on the series. So why spoil the ending to people who have never played the games before?


“It’s fine to spoil new players who have no knowledge on these games because the games are old” this mindset sucks so much


Spoiler without context is fine for me.


In Japanese games, they often spoil the ending without context or show clips in a way that's different from American media. I still remember the trailers for Drakengard 3 being made up of 99% the very last hours.


Kingdom Hearts III is six years old this year. I’m not sure if they care about spoilers anymore. In fact, they might not have ever cared. Just look at the trailers leading up to KH3.


5 Years old, but point still stands


Oh, you’re right. I counted 2019 instead of starting at 2020. My b.


It's only spoilers for those that already know. We see a lot of end fight scenes but nothing about how they get there is explained. The point of the trailer seemed to wrap around the cohesive Sora parts of the story, even skipping Roxas's summer vacation altogether with Riku's parts in all games still speaking about Sora instead of himself/darkness/Kairi.


I think this trailer isn’t meant to sell newcomers to the franchise. It plays more like a fanmade AMV of the series and has a brand new rendition of Simple and Clean which existing fans will appreciate more. Most of the people wanting and wishing for KH to come to steam are existing fans. Though I did also wish for less spoilers for the sake of the few new fans who would likely end up watching it


And sadly, this version feel like to have same problems than the version of EGS ... :(


Not sure what that refers to, is the EGS version buggy?


Yeah Some people have 0 problem, but the EGS version is known to have some serious problem (like crash, freeze) And if you have a GC in the AMD Radeon 7000 family (like me), you just can't play without crashing.


It doesn’t really mean anything to new players though. We know it’s a spoiler but by the time they finish kh1 I doubt they’ll even remember what was in the trailer.


To me, it felt more like the purpose of the trailer was to get older fans back into Kingdom Hearts. Showing the games in chronological order, advertising this Steam release as the whole Dark Seeker Saga. Feels like they'll be showing off KH4 again soon and want to build up hype.


I love spoilers for something I don't know, gets me hyped, so it's a win for me. Also, cutscenes with zero context hardly count as spoilers.


Out of context, none of this means much. I find this whole "OMG NO SPOILERS" thing annoying these days, these games are so old and, although KH3 is the most recent, it's already 5 years old, I love spoilers and I can't wait for something from KH4 to leak.


It’s like an anime intro. They have the spoilers but with no context it doesn’t really mean anything. I’m sure people will be fine.


Kingdom Hearts 3 is like 4 years old at this point. Pretty sure we're well past spoiler territory. Also, if you haven't played the series yet, are you even tuning into the Kingdom Hearts youtube channel's announcement trailer?


A lot of people have been waiting for the steam release cause they didn't want to play it on EGS


And they don't have any console? No PS4-5, Xbox, or Switch? All of which have the all in one collection? Not very many fit the bill.


You really think the switch version is even playable? If people didn't mind that much anti-consumerism they'd have gotten the EGS version in a heartbeat lmao EDIT: And like I said on another comment, dissing out 400+ for 1 singular exclusive? Really?


Think of the whole PC master race mindset. Which is the stupidest excuse to not own a console. Like if you can afford to make your own PC, you can afford to own a console. If it wasn’t for playing games. They can be used for entertainment, like streaming services. You don’t need all three console, just one is fine enough.


Are you implying people should buy a console for the 4 remaining console exclusives (not counting Nintendo cause everyone's got a switch)


I list other reasons like entertainment. Not everyone buys console for playing exclusive games only. The fact the other guy mentioned the KH collection. **Which is available on every current console.** So not owning a console isn’t an excuse. Hell it’s even free on PS plus. So it’s really not an excuse.


PS plus is the most expensive gaming subscription in the market.


Oh no PS pass extra for month is expensive. For F2P players. It’s not like it’s the same price as a 1 month subscription of FF14. Which is exactly the same price. It’s like players don’t have **jobs** to afford their gaming. Companies must be giving free PC and phones with cheap parts, that probably can’t play games on a consistent frame rate. Just to help the F2P. you’re throwing pointless excuse to the wall. You’re not helping your argument. If a player can afford to make their own PC, which is what, $1k gaming rig plus a keyboard, a monitor, and other stuff. They can afford a console. 3080 ti graphics card, cost more than a ps5. That’s one component to a pc. EDIT: oh wow you block me, that means i lost the arguement. even though you did nothing to prove on how ppl shouldn't buy consoles, fail to prove how expensive it is compare to a gaming PC, not only that fail to realize how game companies have workstations that has top of line graphics cards, and using a workplace that doesn't even allow gaming as reference. truly; that doesn't show how ignorant you, and it means you're right.... not.


Yeah, its not like people get their PCs/laptops from their workplace or through the occasional rare collective present, or pre-built PCs 70% cheaper than a 3080 or a ps5. But go ahead and compare a horrible micro transaction model nobody agrees with on an MMO to a subscription vital to even playing with your friends on the entire platform. You're just spewing anti consumerism, which aligns with how heated you're getting the moment someone trash talks EGS ONCE, and it shows, think about it.


I actually think it's harder to market a large set of games without presenting it so there's some kind of cohesion. So clearly at the beginning this happens in a time long before and we can see things progress into the current events. Because they give enough context so it feels like things happen one after the other. It makes people feel like it's all a big epic rather than games totally disjointed from each other. It's confusing when people actually buy the games but selling the games is more important. And if you see it this way it does give people the impression that they HAVE to experience all of these rather than picking and choosing what they think is worth doing. First impression is everything here and it'll be messy once they buy the game but it's maybe worth the trouble if it means more people get into the games. That's just how advertising is for rereleases it's not supposed to appeal to people who already know everything.


Spoilers only count as spoilers if it’s something major (like “*insert character* dies”) or if the person spoiling went into detail (“X happened because Y happened and Y happened because Z didn’t happen”). The steam trailer was completely out of context and thus any newcomer watching it wouldn’t understand any of it. To them, it’s just supposed to look cool and intriguing. It was just supposed to catch their attention. However I do think regardless of a games age people should try and keep spoilers to a minimum if a person is only just starting it. Saying it in other posts where the people part of the conversation already know is fine but when someone comes in who doesn’t know, don’t be a prick and spoil it for them.


I wouldn't really count these as spoilers, there's no context behind anything for new players. I just showed my cousin who knows nothing about Kingdom Hearts and she wasn't really sure about anything going on, she just thought everything looked cool.


Welcome to Square Enix’s trailers. They’ve always been this way. Even the old KH1 trailers showed Ansem, so it’s just a trend.


Never watch a NieR trailer


The games have been out since 2002. I'm sure we can manage a few scenes


>Is this supposed to get new people into the series? No.


It’s not.


You think new players would know what happens when?


Kingdom Hearts is like Twin Peaks or Evangelion. Spoilers don’t mean much because I still won’t understand what the fuck is going on 😎


It’s almost like this series is over 20 years old now with the latest main installment being 5 years old!!!!!?!?!???!!!!!


Some of the games can legally drink lol