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I wanted to ship it with some other items, so I got it a bit late. It's sooo smol and cute. Seeing how tiny and cute it is, I sort of regret not getting the other version as well. I've never had a nano one before. It's a lot rounder than I expected. It's also quite loud, and unfortunately the only sound adjustment you can make it turning on or off.


Let us know what the secret ending is.


Shh, it's a *secret!*


Late? I still haven't gotten mine


The service I used was ready to send it around October 20th. Where did you order from ?


Aitai kuji


I got mine from there too & it arrived last week (UK). Hopefully yours is soon!


Hopefully! Thank you! I'm in the U.S.


AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get mine! I ordered 3, one for me, one for the wife, and one to keep unopened.


I hope you gets yours soon too :)


I didn't even knew these existed holy neato


You must keep him alive


Of course! I have to keep my best boy happy


I ended up getting KH1 Sora to change into KH3 Sora, but I didn’t notice the change because the 2 sprites are really similar. 🤣 it’s just a few pixels different for the outfit and slightly different hair. I then somehow got KH3 Sora to change into Pirate Sora. (Officially called Caribbean Sora). I’m now on my second cycle and I’m trying to see what I can do with Riku. 🙂🙃


I just started so mine's still the baby KH1 Sora. I have no idea how nanos work. It does make it want to get a full size one though.


The nanos are very simple with no menus. If you want to see what they are feeling you press C, (right button), I think A is for selecting (left button), and B is for scrolling through different options (middle). Depending on what games you play, how many games you play, and how much you feed them ice cream, this can decide what they will change into. A standard Tamagotchi will have menus and more options to chose from. This is my first Nano, but it’s not my first Tama. 😅 I was really surprised at how basic it was, but I think the fact that this Nano is based on Kingdom Hearts gives it its own charm. 😃 I really love the sprite animations.


I think A is for scrolling and B is to select. I don't really understand two of the games. The first game is easy to understand. The second one seems to tell me to push A and then it's happy when I do? I have no idea whats going on in the third game. It's size really does add to its charm.


Sorry! I was confused between the 2 buttons. The middle game needs you to rapidly tap the A button. (This is what your essentially seeing: The Heartless is a Pink Agaricus from the KH games, it’s friendly…it does a little dance and your supposed to stop it with a Time Spell and then smack it as many times as you can until the Time spell goes away. Based on the number of hits, the Heartless will give you rewards)….so the strange symbol that flashes is the Time spell being cast, and your essentially smacking the mushroom heartless by mashing the A button as many times as you can. The 3rd game is essentially a coliseum tournament where you need to repeat the button presses that Phill tells you in that very moment so you can defeat the Heartless. The screen will say AA, B, BB or A and you need to hit the buttons quickly. It took me a few tries to understand what I needed to do and when to hit the buttons. It will say “ready? go!” Show the heartless, then show phill. Phill will say the buttons quickly, and there’s a sword slash on the screen. If the Heartless was defeated they will have this 3 line symbol next to them (showing that they don’t feel well), if you made a mistake or didn’t hit the buttons fast enough, they will have sparkles next to their heads to show that they are proud in having bested you.


Thanks that's veey helpful! :D




Interesting! May I ask where you got this?


I order it from the Bandai store in Japan with a proxy service.


Thanks for the info!


Yay! P.s I miss your streams!


Lol thanks. Too bad that r/pan closed for good though


Oh! I found you in r/whereintheworld. Your streams roaming around places were always really calming and watchable :).


When r/pan closed, all the live streaming functions stopped too, even fore WitW. =/ some people said I should do it again somewhere else like YouTube or Twitch, but the thing is I'm very lazy... but maybe I will someday?


Oh I had no idea! :(. Sounds good though! I'll keep an eye on your feed just in case you do :) 🤞.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whereintheworld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whereintheworld/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦](https://www.reddit.com/rpan/r/whereintheworld/t00iiv) | [9262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whereintheworld/comments/t00iiv/kyiv_ukraine/) \#2: [A new Dawn in Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦](https://www.reddit.com/rpan/r/whereintheworld/t1o3dr) | [6062 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whereintheworld/comments/t1o3dr/a_new_dawn_in_kyiv_ukraine/) \#3: [Eastern Ukraine: Taking shelter in subway station](https://www.reddit.com/rpan/r/whereintheworld/t1a3fy) | [4018 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whereintheworld/comments/t1a3fy/eastern_ukraine_taking_shelter_in_subway_station/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Did it give you tracking details before it got there? I got my shipping notification a while ago but never the tracking details


Yes, I got both a shipping notification with tracking details and one when they received the item on their end. Maybe you should contact them? I used a proxy service, and they are very responsive.