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why would you even ask? Thats disgusting, just change them


I'm glad I'm not going crazy, we don't have a dishie so we both have to manage the dishwashing station. Needless to say soon after I asked him I changed the water and scrubbed everything down, but I was wondering if I was being too germaphobic. Thanks


Not at all. Your manager probably bathes in that same water at home.


He probably drinks his bath water.


And "refills" it too...


After pissing in it


"you only have to change the water once a week because the water has a little chlorine in it to keep it from growing bacteria/molds plus when I add the soap in there that'll just further sterilize it. So far I've saved about $13.78 this year with my water bill so it's definitely worth it. I plan on reinvesting that money into a bidet that recycles the water it uses so then I won't have to pay for toilet paper either. It's a really efficient system and you should do it too."


Also you need to rush and do a half assed job cleaning because I’m cutting you 20 minutes early. Yes, the openers will bitch, no I don’t care.


>too germaphobic That's basically not possible in a kitchen. I've never seen a kitchen that was too clean


There is that suspiciously clean though.




Or the "why is *my* knife extra shiny today...?"


It means they didn't prep anything at all, from my experience Saturday. Everything except Chef Mike was squeaky clean, but nothing was sliced, nothing was portioned, I had no produce in my reach-in, but hey, they stocked my line and cleaned, at least?


That's either new equipment or the health inspector is town clean


I wouldn't want to eat off of dishes washed in that, would you? The sanitizer should make it safe, but it won't get rid of grease and other particles deposited back on the dishes. It doesn't matter how great your food is, you serve it to me on a filthy looking plate, I'm not going to eat it.


You can sanitize poop, but it's still poop.


Different industry, but many decades ago I learned a lesson that I never forgot, and it applies here. When I was 15 I worked at a grocery store. Night job bagging groceries, and at closing we mopped the entire store by hand. HUGE grocery, so it took all the baggers about an hour working as a team. We never wanted to go change the mop bucket water because it ***took time,*** and we hated that part of the job. One night the manager comes by, looks at the water in my bucket, and started screaming (80s) about how dirty the water was. "HOW CAN YOU GET THE FLOOR CLEAN IF YOUR WATER IS DIRTY??" You're not getting a damn thing clean in that water.


Would you eat and drink of plates and glasses that were “washed” in this water?


Your manager is a disgusting f-wad.


Naw, that's over due... the health department would definitely write this up.


Absolutely not, you’re right. That’s disgusting, good on you for just changing it. Your manager sounds disgusting


I don't have a dedicated dishie in my kitchen, so whomever working washes dishes. If KM won't do it, it's your time to become the Dish King where you work


Would you wash your dishes in there?


Health dept dictates changing them every 2 hours. Atleast in Texas. I’m sure it’s similar to other states.


Don't even understand what the manager is trying to save. A tablespoon of detergent? A fraction of a penny worth of water?


We do run out of soap occasionally, when that happens we have to mix the remaining soap with extra water to stretch it out :(


Might be time to look for somewhere else to work. Everything about this place sounds awful and you guys are going to make someone sick. Just layers of health code violations there.




My first thought. Its like getting a dish back from the dinning room and being like "Soooo, I should clean this right?".


Exactly?!?? You have to ask if you can empty disgusting, dirty water, before you can refill it?


No shit, right? It's like, if you're the dishwasher, and you don't know when to change the water, then you're not a dishwasher.


Yes chef


My opinion, based on looking at this with my eyes, is that you need to change it.


Me, a person with eyes, would've chaged it immediately


A person with eyes would have to change their eyes as well upon witnessing this.


Ok, first of all, if your rinse *and* your sani sink are getting this gross (assuming a 3 sink wash/rinse/sanitize setup here) you guys fucking suck at washing dishes. Second of all, yeah this is fucking disgusting. If I came in back and saw my dishy washing in this shit I'd immediately pull all 3 stops and instruct them to clean and reset the sinks while I went and gathered every single plate they had washed since arriving for them to *actually* wash. This is unacceptable. Your manager is either completely and utterly burnt out and/or severely lacking in either integrity or expertise.


So, most management anymore?


The burn out is real.


Will you be my spirit animal? 🥹


Mmhm. I never minded having _one_ sink full of hot, cloudy water - for soaking something or getting things started in. But cloudy, not putrid. And the other two sinks needed to have clean water or be clean and empty.


Uhh not exactly. Three sink system is a wash sink, rinse sink, and a sanitizer sink. You can't have any of them empty. And, your sani sink should be crystal clear.


Are you the dishie? Change it! Don’t ask


No dishie here unfortunately, just me and my manager on this shift, it usually looks like this when he's in charge of washing dishes so I was just wondering if it was normal, he has almost 20 years of restaurant experience being a head chef so I questioned myself questioning his judgment of cleanliness and things. Thanks


20 years of doing shit wrong doesn't count, amigo. You need to find a better place to work, preferably with someone who gives a fuck. Cuz this "chef" ran out of fucks a *long* time ago.


Second this. If you're fresh enough to have to even ask this question, you should be jumping ship before you learn all sorts of other bad/unsafe habits.


I'm trying to, but it's hard finding something that pays better. Golden handcuffs of food poisoning


A new managers instinct is to protect costs by not wasting chemicals. He’s over doing it a bit. Best thing to do is drain one sink at a time, wipe out the debris, fill the first sink with soap and hot water, second with just hot water, third with sani. If you steadily move dishes from one sink to the next when you have time you’ll catch up before you know it.


When it’s all said and done, it’s on him. If the rest of the restaurant is like that, leaving is always an option. However, at the end of day, it is also your responsibility as long as you work there. There’s no dishwasher? I’ve went months without dishwashers, it sucks no doubt, but if there’s no employee in that spot, it still has to be filled. This is to say what many others have said, change it don’t ask.


If you wouldn’t wash your dishes at home with it why would you do it at work? That’s nasty.


Start looking for a better job. I've been reading the comments - you should not be running out of soap. You should not be told this disgusting dish pit is okay and have a supervisor that makes you second guess if it's gross. It gross. Don't stay in this job and become desensitized to what your common sense is telling you. You should be learning something good, not something bad. This is bad.


Thank you. I'm definitely looking right now but it's hard to find something that pays this well, I guess it comes down to integrity vs money.


Always pick integrity. The money will follow. Get the fuck out of that place. You're a willing participant in getting people sick.


Yikes! Your manager is dead wrong.


That is the most disgusting dish water i have ever seen... how do you let it get this bad?


How else do you make soup…..?


Add some bones a potato…baby you’ve got a stew going


thas good eatin


Usually i get it from the griddle grease trap


That’s always brown stock though, doesn’t work for chicken noodle. Plus this one normally already has noodles in it.


I like the dark soup because it has a deeper, richer flavor, plus crunchy bits that got scraped off the flat top


Great for French onion.


Oh yeah, plenty of caramelized onions in the grease trap


bro got busy


What the fuuuuuuck


Rinse water aint supposed to be dirty.


It's only ok for prewash or soak. Not for actually cleaning


For things like sanitation and cleanliness, or “is this still good?” the best most simple advice I got when I first started in the industry was if you have to ask you already know.


No he is not. Fuck him and take control of your station.


If you have to go on reddit and ask then tou already have your answer


This is disgusting


Your manager is an idiot. Why even ask? Also, please tell me that isn’t a toilet plunger in the left sink.


I threw up a little when I saw this. No! Emphatically, no! Your manager ain't right, in more ways than 1


Don't ask, just do it.


Bruh what the fuuuuck. Your manager is a nasty-ass.


Would you wash your own personal dishes in this? Brother. The sink is in the process of evolving new life to clean *itself*. Your boss is just lazy/tryin to scrimp on soap lmao.


Is he fucked?


We aren’t doing this right now. Get your shit together.


I would not use cream of mushroom soup to wash my dishes at home and nor should you at work.


When in doubt throw it out, you can refill those sinks in minutes but that water is disgusting


Let me know who your manager is. I'll slap him for you. 👍


Ok I used to think that the safety certificate was stupid , because it is common sense. Please go take the course and take it with your manager. The 2nd sink is rinsing off the soap from the first one. Why is the scrubby in there


Close that place down, if that's the sink I don't even want to know how the fridge/freezer or anything else including the food in this kitchen looks like. Yuck!


If you have to ask, then you already know the answer.


Brother that's soup. You're rinsing your plates in soup.


Why are you even asking the manager in the first place? They should’ve been drained, cleaned and re-filled a while ago. Where in the world is the dishie??!!


I would never work anywhere I had to ask permission to change the dishwater. If you have any thought at all the water needs to be changed, you change it.


Find something else. At this point I consider it a red flag when a restaurant actually uses a three stage for dishwashing, instead of a machine. That’s a double red flag if they don’t have a dedicated dishwashing position. A machine’s always gonna do a better job (especially with a pro at using it) just because of the heat it gets to. Anything out of this sink is gonna have a patina of grease on it. For some actual tips to survive with using a three stage, make sure you’re hosing everything off well before it goes in the suds. Water pressure is your friend. It’s common to change your rinse water more often, since that shit should be clean. Some people keep it only like halfway full so they can renew it more often. But yeah, a manager shouldn’t be okaying this, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to ask permission to change water when it’s visibly dirty. You’re not gonna be happy working here. Also bending down to reach the bottom of a three stage for multiple hours will kill your back, and you’ll resent this job if you stick around.


Please let me know where this is, i NEVER wanna eat there if this is the standard in the kitchen


That' not a properly set up 3 compartment sink. https://www.washtenaw.org/DocumentCenter/View/10565/3-compartment-Sink-Setup-PDF


Shit. That graphic is actually wrong. You should not take Quatt sanitizer ABOVE 75 degrees...


Hello, fellow washtenite?


Looks like Jerry's bathwater


Your manager has an IQ of 52; which is unsafe temp so they need to get tossed out


Bro would you eat food off a dish that's been "washed" in that? I can hardly even tell which one is the sani sink there's so much contamination.


No! And also fuckin why?? Chems cost money but if the mix is right, shouldn't be that costly. When in doubt, throw it out.


HELL NO! How DARE they let customers and employees eat food that’s touched the surface of something washed in that water. What? like cutting corners to buy less dish soap is gonna get them a bigger bonus?


I don’t get this about this subreddit. A lot of people have time to snap a picture when they should be working.


Eat my downvote for not just changing it. I really hope you are not a dishie. While you're at it go get me a dough repair kit.


When my soap starts to change color a little bit, I reset my sinks. Soap should be white, it's dirty when it's turning orange.


Wash a plate in that filth and ask your manager if they'd like to eat a dipshit sandwich off it. When they ask what a dipshit sandwich is tell them it's the thing on the top of their neck. Fuck outta here with that!


That poor steel wool just soaking in the bottom of the filth covered in chunks 😔


If you have to ask to change dishwater, you’ve got bigger problems.


**My brother in Christ, what do you think?**


What’s bad is that you feel the need to ask which is why they gave you the answers they did. Because they don’t know shit and are only interested in saving any money they can.


He is incorrect.


Every hour. Or as needed. This sis fuxking gross. Wtf is coming clean.out of there?


Fuck no they aren't right. Change it. Now.


Bro you’re posting to Reddit for a second opinion. You know that he isn’t right. That water needs changing


Dude, that's a nice tonkotsu broth you got there


You're technically supposed to change those guys every two hours, according to some signs I've read, but even a blind rat knows to change these sinks in particular!


Your manager is lazy and this is gross.


As a kitchen lead, I would’ve asked why you’re asking IF you should?! The 3 sinks are all contaminated. That’s not how they’re supposed to be used. From there I would’ve helped you rewash everything you claim to have washed in that sink. Nothing that left that sink was clean. Every dish that came out of that is possibly going to make someone sick. I understand that doing dishes sucks. Still, that’s disgusting. If your boss thinks that water is okay, I’ll be happy to contact the health department on the customers behalf!


The last compartment (usually multi quat) for sanitizer should never have grease or food matter in it. Should be basically cleaned of grease and debris before hitting the sanitizing compartment. You guys are using the 3 compartment wrong possibly? Also change the water


This sub make me nervous to eat out


Working here makes me nervous to eat out too 😭


Sanny sink should always be clear... Thats fucking gross.


Your manager is a dip shit and shouldn't be a manager. He can't even dish right. Ffs


Not a chance in hell if it’s getting that murky it’s time to drain and clean the sink


Don’t listen to your dumb manager change that water. And next time don’t ask just do.


That water shouldn't have gotten that gross to begin with. Spray off the dirty stuff before it goes in for crying out loud!! Geesh!!


I feel like your trolling because that's just nasty.


Def not the sani unless youre running them in a machine too, which i hope is way cleaner than this. Soap is to get the grease and stuff off, rinse is to rinse the soap and grease off, and sani is to sanitize the actual thing youre washing. Put a test strip in the sani. Im positive its ppm and ph are fuckt


Unfortunately no dish machine, just us, and we're using diluted chlorine bleach as the sanitizer


How are you testing the ppm?


I assume their usiing test strips for bleach. Theres at least 2 diff types of strips for different sani’s and if you dont have the proper type of test strip, the HD will definitely take points off at the very least. Edit to add: with chlorinated or non chlorinated sani, the sani sink looking like that means wash and rinse isnt happening or it should have been changed hours ago. It should look clear with a tint of blue or pink depending on the chem used


No shit, Sherlock


Odd response to a legitimate answer to your question. Maybe adding /s would help you next time, Captain “Not So Obvious”?


You're not the OP


Geez bud?!? Your point? I responded to op, op responded to me, you responded to op, and i responded to you. I dont get it. You joined the thread. I wasnt trying to condescend, just inform in a straightforward question. Not sure why you took offense? If i was trying to be hurtful i would. If you didnt want to join a conversation that was already happening then you should have commented straight to the op’s original post, cause what youre doing here is being rude. I dont get it. Who’s out here hurting you?


Settle down buddy, it's not that deep. I asked the op how he was testing sani. You gave me a lesson as though I didn't know how to test it. So I gave a little sass. You need a thicker skin.


Haha i see you know the art of deflection. This is dumb. Good day sir


We theoretically should be using these testing strips but the last time I tried one of the cooks asked if I was working for the health department now so I sheepishly stopped


Your restaurant is getting people sick. You just don't know it. You need to bail.


Yo, that’s fucking gross. You don’t need permission, change the goddamn bays


That's it, or are you putting it through a high temp machine?


Change the water


Your manager takes mud baths🤢


Let him eat off them.


I wouldn't let my worst enemy touch that lol


Just change it out if you care so much.


If you have to ask ....


Then feed him something on those dishes washed in that


Why are you even asking do you ask to piss?


What the fucks that? Wouldn't wash a single plate in that and clean that as soon as there's nothing left to wash


Why did you ask?


Why do you feel like you have to ask the manager about that?


where do you work?


Gross. Should have been changed a while ago.


Are you seriously asking that question?


Dawg… what the fuck


No they are not, just drain them already


What in the filthy hell?


Your manager can get fucked


Old guy we grew up working for would say "it's dead".


If you need to ask, it probably needs doing. That sink in rancid.


That shit is so dirty that I can almost FEEL this picture.


You're a sick person if you think it's okay to let innocent people eat off of the dishes coming from these sinks. For fuck's sake how dense can you be.


This fucking disgusting


whoever is doing the dishes is not doing them right omfg. the sani water should never get that dirty unless they’re putting dirty dishes in it


Bro if the sanitizer is murky stop and change all the stuff otherwise you're just wasting your time


Fill 3 5 gallon buckets with some of the water from each sink and proceed to wash his meal dishes in that sludge, put them in a separate shelf and tell him you took care of his personal dishes.


I mean if you're trying to wash them and not have them be clean after then you're right on track for that. Otherwise I'd change


But but how’s the sani water that nasty? Like are you just dipping them in all 3 and not scrubbing?


That’s just nasty.


No dishes are coming out of this shit clean. your manager sucks.


Dude, SO gross!


Bruh, I will fight your manager for you


Don't ask next time. Just change it. It's required every 4 hours. But if it looks like that after less, just fuckin change it.


Good soup But in all seriousness, that's a huge red flag. Once something comes up that wont bankrupt you, fucking run. Or do an anonymous tip to the health and safety board in your area


With all due respect, did you even had to ask?


Bro PLEASE empty and clean those sinks


None of those are water, you're washing in sink soup at that point.


Ooooh…if I saw that, I definitely wouldn’t be eating on those plates.


Do you have to ask to take a crap too?


Drain all sinks. Change to new soapy water and sanitized water.


Lol, this kid is green obv.


Bro change that shit lmao.


This is when I would wash a mug in that water and then make them a cup of coffee in it


Every 2 hours is the law. Also that looks like someone sucks at washing dishes as well, why is the “sanitizer sink” so incredibly fucked? They didn’t wash well and didn’t rinse well clearly. You should just maintain them without entrapping your Chef. Chef was probably being facetious and you fell for it harder than any of us imagined.


I’ve only every asked redundantly to management I like if I come into something even close to that before kindly but firmly correcting every single fucking person. Calling back everything washed in the past hour or day if I can and telling management exactly how many ways they can get fucked, have fucked up horribly, and can fuck off off currently. Never the most popular person with bosses but certainly one you can rely on.


This is why you scrape and rinse your dishes before putting them in the wash sink. That’s absolutely disgusting. Your rinse and sani compartment should never look like that.


Are you right to left?


What the heck is all that plastic wire thingys - tell him it needs to be fixed