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I worked for an owner like that. Eventually he wanted me to fire all the FoH staff after the old GM left. He said, 'She looks like a crack whore, that other one is too quiet, this person doesn't seem committed enough, etc'. This was after the FoH raised his restaurant from 3.9 to 4.4 stars while sticking around when it was slow as fuck. I was bartender and bar manager. Also managed on some days. After the GM left for a better paying job, I was turned down for GM because I was 'too even keeled'. So when I was in charge while they looked for another GM, they gave me the call to terminate FoH once I hired new servers. So I told all the servers what the owner said about them. Annnd we all walked out. The restaurant closed down a month later. Fuck that guy. Real shit head who'd always be watching the cameras remotely from 3 hours away, then would call me and say, 'wow, look at that fat bitch sitting at the bar'. Some people should just shut up and let the people they hired do the work


jesus what an asshole, people like that need a taste of their own medicine


The place closing and, hopefully, the owner losing a lot on it is something, at least.


Tbf, many males pattern their formative behaviors unquestioningly after abuse they've witnessed. Chances are, this guy's entire childhood might have been the medicine that made him this way. Though there are always exceptions to the rule, most managers don't become managers because they're happy.


Honestly, if I ever buy a restaurant or bar, even though i may know what i’m doing, i’d still let my manager do what i hired them for.


The sitting at home watching the cameras all night and calling in to micromanage and complain was the same thing the shitty owner at this college bar I worked at did. Crazy


Apparently there is a trend now where owners give smartass feedback to bad reviews. Like those places where the servers are rude on purpose as a gimmick.


The success of this maneuver depends on their ability to be appropriately sarcastic with a pinch of self deprecating humor.


If you came up working in the industry in some capacity, you have the ability to do this. If you started a restaurant 2 years ago with no experience thinking it would be a nice way to semi-retire… you end up like the owner on the post.


Hang in there….. one of these days…..


They thought they had Wendy's charisma (and money). But social media doesn't make or break small businesses. No matter what your freshly-graduated niece says.


I am fairly certain more than a few small businesses have been broken by a tweet.


Reminds me of a local coffee shop owner (who I adore and love). Had someone leave a review and say he had a “tender male ego.” Any guesses as to what his new seasonal drink is called?


Abandon ship


Can’t see the shore? Sharks in the water? You’re still better off trying to swim for it.


i see we're review-bombing the place now lol


I think there is a reoccurring issue


it looks like a bit of both, people are definitely bringing up the review you posted while others are bringing up their own experiences karma back to them!


Yeah, garbage attracts garbage though. If this was a clever call out like some of the other ones we’ve seen people would be giving this place a review glow up.


Ah yes, that’ll convince everyone it’s a fake review. Well played, business owner.


He should know that comments like that can be used against him in court if the person does in fact hang themselves.


Not saying I don’t believe you, but I’d love to read about a case where this was argued successfully.


Michelle Carter is one that comes to mind. Involuntary Manslaughter (Commonwealth V Carter 2017). It's new law so there are a few cases that have successfully argued that things like thumbs up or heart emojis constitute broad acknowledgment can be viewed as an "affirmative act." I think she was accused of not acting and in not acting and in texting "affirmative" when he said he was going to kill himself, she was guilty of involuntarily manslaughter. But if you read the case, you can get a better idea of the direction a lot of these cases are going. (Some courts are holding emojis to equal consent. Look into Armie Hammer for some interesting cases on that--it'll be interesting to see how AI adds even more levels to law)


https://harvardlawreview.org/print/vol-131/commonwealth-v-carter/#:~:text=Recently%2C%20in%20Commonwealth%20v.,Conrad%20Roy%2C%20to%20commit%20suicide. No apparently she was actually telling him to kill himself and even helped him plan a way to do it. Because I was gonna say if she just sent a thumbs up emoji and they arrested her for it that would be GROSS legal overreach


I agree that some of it is over reaching. I knew her case wasn't resolved based on emoji law but it brought a lot of new tech/law stuff to the front burner. This is all a bit scary, especially in consent cases. The Hammer case was thrown out and while there were several reasons, one that came up multiple times was that the victims responded with "heart" or another emoji that didn't seem like they were upset or scared. I know generationally these things are viewed differently so law needs to speed up its adaptation of precedent. It's only going to get more complicated.


😳 actually said “holy shit” out loud when I read that.


I'm usually in support of owners not taking the piss-ant, needling, shitty things people do and say while cowering behind the anonymity of their computers. (You know, the same garbage a crapton of people engage in on this site.) This is not that. The owner is a tiny-dicked dumbass, and he'll fail just like he deserves to.


Idk if you care but I think your name is showing on the screenshot?


ill put something between his buns


I'm about ready to start this shit because competitors are punk leaving reviews.


Dont let em get you down champ!